The moment he entered the water, Lu Yu noticed a difference.

In "Tomb Robbery Notes", this water robbery cave, the water flow is not deep, you can also see the white sand under the water, and there are no fish, shrimp and aquatic plants.


Lu Yu came down this time, and as soon as the mine lamp illuminated, he found that the situation was completely different!

The bottom of the water is full of white bones!

The boatman who had turned into noodles before and fell into the water all of a sudden was wrapped around Wu Xie's body at this time.

Two people twisted together, like a cannabis flower!

Pan Zi was on the side, wanting to save Wu Xie, but was entangled in a huge corpse turtle, and the pair of big pincers kept clamping!

Pan Zi already had several more wounds on his hands, and a trace of blood flowed!


The wound on Lu Yu's palm was also oozing blood.

He aimed his bloody hand at the corpse turtle!

However, the weird big corpse turtle turned out to be... Not afraid of Lu Yu's unicorn blood!

Moreover, after discovering that Lu Yu also came down, he actually abandoned Panzi, and his body flicked, and he pounced on Lu Yu!

At this time, Lu Yu finally found that what was in front of him was not a corpse turtle!

At least it wasn't exactly the same as the corpse turtle he saw in the Exquisite Ancient City!

This weird big insect is gray-black throughout, with two front legs like pincers, and four legs that look thick and powerful!

Moreover, this bug is covered with slender red fluff!

It's too late, it's fast!

At the moment when the corpse turtle approached Lu Yu, Lu Yu stretched out his hand, grabbed the corpse turtle with his left hand, and put it horizontally in the air, and the golden finger of his right hand directly pointed at the junction of the strange corpse turtle's head and back armor.

With a finger down, Lu Yu pulled hard, and Baihuahua's central nervous system was directly pulled out by it.

The corpse turtle that has not yet been powerful to Lu Yu is directly abolished....

At the same time, Pan Zi finally took the dagger and stabbed the boatman's body a few times, freeing Wu Xie from it.

After being underwater for a long time, Pan Zi did not dare to delay, and quickly pulled Wu Xie to float!

Lu Yu fought the turtle breath skill, his breath was long, and he looked at the boatman not far away under the water.

The boatman was also staring at Lu Yu.

At this time, the boatman's pupils have become vertical, and they don't look like normal people.

Immediately afterwards, the boatman's body swayed again.

Watching underwater is like a water weed!

Lu Yu hesitated slightly, threw his right hand hard, and the corpse turtle corpse in his hand was thrown directly to the boatman!

The boatman caught it with both hands, and did nothing else, just underwater, holding the body of the corpse turtle, eating it happily, and eating it bite by bite.

This scene... Extremely disgusting!

Lu Yu felt sick to his stomach, kicked his feet hard, took out the black gold ancient knife from the ghost cave demon wood, and directly pounced on the boatman who was still eating.

The boatman also reacted at this time, threw the corpse turtle that had not yet been eaten in his hand, twisted his body and was about to run!

Lu Yu didn't give it a chance to escape at all, and the black gold ancient knife threw it hard, pierced directly into the boatman's waist, and directly pierced it!

The boatman suddenly seemed to be fixed, motionless.

But the next moment, the boatman's body changed little by little!

The flesh and blood on its body disappeared little by little....

Strands of black and red, much like the short legs of a bug, stabbed out of its clothes!

Even Lu Yu, who was well-informed, couldn't help but be stunned at this time.

Turning around and looking again, its head was gone, replaced by a golden-red insect face!

Even, there are two long golden red whiskers.

This is...... What?

Wait a minute!


Is it a centipede?


Suddenly, Lu Yu remembered something.

In "Notes on Tomb Robbery", the first time Wu Xie went to the Seven Star Lu Palace, it was in this robbery cave that he found a corpse turtle, and found the symbiotic system of a corpse turtle and a centipede.

It was a strange bronze bell on the body of the corpse turtle, and the hollow part of the bell parasitized a cyan centipede.

According to the speculation of Wu San Province, the centipede entered the body of the corpse turtle through a tube to find food.

And. That bronze bell is closely related to the Tongtian Bronze Tree in Qinling.

Now the corpse turtle has appeared, the centipede has appeared, and what about the bell?

Also, why is this centipede not accompanied by a corpse turtle?

What exactly happened?

When Lu Yu hesitated, he suddenly heard a "pop" sound behind him.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Fatty Wang jumping down, gesturing at Lu Yu with a nervous face.

It seems that he is worried about him and asks him to hurry up.

Lu Yu stretched out his hand and gestured twice, signaling Fatty Wang to go up first, and then took out the rope from the ghost cave demon wood and tied up the strange centipede in front of him.

Then, he got back on board and pulled the centipede up with great difficulty.

A group of people, looking at the centipede in clothes, all widened their eyes and their faces were full of shock!

"What is it?"

"Little brother?"

"Third Uncle?"

"Third Master?"

"Old Hu?"

A group of people, looking at each other, were a little confused about the situation.

But they can be sure that this situation is very scary.

Panzi, who has always been bold, couldn't help but turn a little pale at this time, and suggested: "Or, let's find a way to go out first?" I really think this place is not a good place, and if I delay it any longer, I'm afraid there will be a real problem!

Lu Yu didn't speak, just carried the black gold ancient knife and made a few cuts on the humanoid centipede's body, completely cutting through the tattered clothes.

The next moment, he was surprised to find that there was a bronze bell on the centipede's body, which was embedded in its body.

This scene is very weird!

At the same time, a system prompt finally appeared in its mind....

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