The worry on Wu Tianzhen and Zhang Qilin's faces became stronger and stronger.

Xie Yuchen also said:

"There is a smell of blood, it won't be Fatty Wang's!"

After saying this, Xie Yuchen was also worried.

The faces of Kuroko and Panko also rose with worried looks.

Zhang Yiqian's eyebrows jumped, and he hurriedly chased the taste of blood and walked towards the front.

A corner.

The huge body of the eagle owl is tied inside the roots of the tree.

On the severed wings, blood flowed down like water.

Seven or eight red vines interspersed with the eagle owl's body kept sucking blood.

"It's the big eagle owl."

Pan Zi's face changed again after speaking, and he exclaimed:

"It's not good, this eagle owl is missing like this."

"Fatty Wang is fierce and young!"

The expressions of everyone changed, and they couldn't care about anything, so they walked inside with torches.

The stone chamber is relatively large.

But under a quick search by several people.

It didn't take long to find a huge object.

Wrapped in a cocoon by tree roots, it hangs in front.

Fatty Wang's eyes were revealed from here.

The eyes are full of innocence.

But it didn't hurt to look at his look.

There is also no red, meridian-like blood line on the body.

Seeing this, everyone was immediately relieved.

Panzi even stood in place admiring Fatty Wang's embarrassment.

Zhang Qilin walked up.

The black gold ancient knife cut horizontally, wanting to cut off the root of the tree hanging Fatty Wang.

"Little officer, wait a minute."

Seeing this, Zhang Yiqian hurriedly grabbed Zhang Qilin's hand and stopped him.

Zhang Qilin looked at the white palm on his hand.

He moved his gaze to Zhang Yigan's face again.

The eyes are full of questions.

"There is a problem with these vines."

"I don't think we have alarmed it at this point."

"If you cut this knife, we will definitely alarm it" "

Then we will all be in trouble."

Seeing this, Zhang Qilin looked at Fatty Wang, and his face was full of approval.

"Well, I'm right."

Although Fatty Wang was fine, he was also strangled with Venus.

Thinking that he could be saved, Zhang Yigan's words were delayed again.

He stared at Zhang Yiqian speechlessly.

Seeing this, Zhang Yiqian chuckled and said, "


don't look at me."

"These vines are amazing! The reason why you are okay should be that there are no wounds on your body.

"If you have a wound on your body, show blood."

"You'll have been sucked dry a long time ago."

"Such a powerful thing, don't we allow us to prepare it?"

Fatty Wang blinked when he heard this, and signaled Zhang Yiqian to hurry up.

Zhang Yiqian thought about it.

Take the torch from Panzi.

Slowly approached the vine that wrapped Fatty Wang.

These vines are mobile and can also prey on food.

There must be a sentient system.

Zhang Yiqian wanted to use this gentle method to let the vine automatically let go of Fatty Wang.

The torch gradually approached, and the vine moved like a snake.

But he didn't let go of Fatty Wang, and tightened up a little.

This thing also protects food!

However, if you can sense the temperature of the flame, it seems that there is indeed a perception system.

There is nothing wrong with his approach.

Seeing this, Zhang Yiqian frowned, and held the torch closer again.

Everyone watched Zhang Yiqian with full attention.

I didn't find that underground, a finger-thick blood line quietly approached everyone.

There are more than a dozen of these blood lines.

The other end of them is deeply dug into the soil.

Then it followed the soil layer to a blood coffin inside the giant tree.

The blood coffin was as red as blood, and inside lay a strangely dressed corpse.

At this time, the corpse had opened its eyes in the black hole and looked strange.

Dozens of densely packed blood lines were also wrapped around the outside of the blood coffin.

These blood lines keep crawling like snakes.

When a living creature is perceived, it will prey.

As Zhang Yigan's torch approached, the root moved again.

But he still didn't let go of Fatty Wang.

Wu Tianzhen saw Fatty Wang's livid face, and he was a little anxious.

He took another torch from Wu Si'er and leaned over.

He stood extremely close to Zhang Yiqian, and the torch in his hand was the same as scholar Zhang Yiqian.

Slowly approach the root.

The gentle breath on Wu Tianzhen's body penetrated into the tip of Zhang Yiqian's nose.

There is also blood in this breath.

Zhang Yiqian's face changed and looked at Wu Tianzhen.

I saw that on his shoulder, the wound scratched by the eagle owl had been bandaged.

However, it may be because he is too involved in finding Fatty Wang.

I don't know when this wound opened again.

Zhang Yiqian was a little speechless.

"Naive, why are you bleeding from your shoulder again?"

Wu Tianzhen found that his shoulder was bleeding.

His face changed, and he said with some panic:


Everyone's attention was on Zhang Yiqian.

At this time, hearing the conversation between the two, everyone's eyes moved to Wu Tianzhen together.

The faint blood stain stimulated everyone's eyes.

Pan Zi and Xie Yuchen turned around together.

Look around!

The sound of 'crackling' suddenly sounded all around.

At the same time, several gusts of wind suddenly came, attacking the lighting tools in the hands of several people.

Zhang Qilin stepped forward.

A knife cut at the root of the tree that bound Fatty Wang.


The roots of the tree tied up Fatty Wang and fell to the ground.

Fatty Wang struggled a few times and got up from the ground.

Wu Tianzhen hurriedly helped him.

It's dark all around!

Countless blood lines attacked, and in a blink of an eye, their lighting tools were extinguished a few times.

More bloodlines are still coming from the darkness.

The sound of "squirming" does not stop.

I don't know how much more there is in the dark.

At the same time, cutting off the root of the tree that hung Fatty Wang also began to move.

The thick roots of the tree are like strips, vigorous giant pythons.

Move slowly in search of prey.

Wu Tianzhen's bloody shoulders became the most obvious target for these tree roots.

Pan Zi, Wu Shui, and Wu Si stood around, and there was a tendency to resist.

Seeing this, Wu Tianzhen also wanted to join the battle with a knife.

At this moment, two red lines suddenly came down from the top of the head.

Hit Wu Tianzhen's face directly.

Pan Zi and the others kept guarding the surroundings.

I didn't expect that these blood lines would attack from the top of their heads.

Pan Zi, Wu Si, and Wu Shui were dumbfounded.

They simply didn't have time to save Wu Tianzhen.

Seeing this, Zhang Yiqian suddenly burst out of the white aya in his hand.

Wrapped around Wu Tianzhen's waist, he pulled back to his side.

That action is much faster than the blood line.

Seeing this, Zhang Qilin originally had a somewhat worried look, but turned into depression.

Wu Tianzhen didn't know how many times he lingered in the crisis of life and death.

At this time, there is no wave in the heart.

Instead, he thought as

if saving him was the exclusive job of the Zhang family.

In the past, he was saved by a stuffy oil bottle every day, but now he is saved by Zhang Yiqian.

It is estimated that if you don't learn your skills, this is the benefit!

Others didn't understand Wu's thoughts.

At this time, those blood lines had been completely alarmed.

Attack faster and faster.

More and more fierce!

Except for Zhang Qilin and Zhang Yiqian, everyone struggled.

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