Chapter 41 Temple Organization! Jade eyeballs! [New Book Seeking Collection of Flowers Evaluation Tickets] | Tomb Robbery: Mummy at the beginning, sign in for a hundred years and climb out of the Lu Palace | Tomb Robbery: Mummy at the beginning, sign in for a hundred years and climb out of the Lu palace

Hearing Ye Han’s words, Lao Hu thought for a moment, looked at the ancient city under his feet, and spoke slowly.

“This black mountain is a black dragon, but the black dragon is unlucky. The valley we entered should be cut off manually, and the black dragon was nailed to guard the queen’s mausoleum, making it an excellent treasure cave.”

“The black tower we are in is on the ground, and there should be two more floors underground!”

Old Hu said.

Ye Han and Professor Chen nodded when they heard the words.

The old nonsense is good, both of them think so too.

The black tower on the ground is equivalent to a castle. It is a relatively sacred place for sacrifice. There are statues on each floor, representing the order of the status of the entire Ghost Cave tribe.

The palace should be located on the first underground floor.

Further down is the tomb of Queen Jingjue.

So now the most important point is to find the entrance to the palace first.

Only by entering the palace can you find the entrance to the mausoleum.

Lao Hu’s eyes continued to look, and he continued to search the whole city.

There must be no entrance to the black tower, everyone can be sure.

Because they walked up layer by layer, they didn’t find any mechanism.

“If the entrance is not in this black tower, then it should be in the temple.”

“The black tower occupies the center of the city, which is uniquely endowed by nature, and the temple is an eye-catching eye of this longan treasure cave, and it is also an excellent location to hide the wind and gather qi!”

Lao Hu stretched out his hand and pointed to one point.

Everyone’s eyes looked at it, not far from the city, there was a building higher than ordinary housing, half of it was buried by yellow sand.

That’s where the temple is.

After Lao Hu finished speaking, he was a little nervous in his heart and looked at Ye Han.

Ye Han was very satisfied and nodded.

Lao Hu’s understanding is really good, and with his own guidance, his understanding of the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique has become more and more profound.

“Come on, go to the temple.”

Ye Han said.

Then, he led the way down and out of the black tower.

The group went straight to the location of the temple.

The stone gate of the temple is in the shape of a beast’s mouth, half buried by yellow sand, but you can still enter.

There is a wide hall inside, but there is not much sand in it, so it is very convenient to walk.

“The agency is just ahead.”

Ye Han pointed to the deepest part of the hall, where there is a jade eyeball, the workmanship is extremely exquisite!

“My darling, this thing is valuable!”

The fat man suddenly widened his eyes and looked at this eyeball.

Wang Kaixuan also took a breath.

I saw that this eyeball is made of a complete piece of jade, and there are naturally formed red threads in the jade, just like the blood threads in the human eye, and the pupil is blue, which can almost be faked.

Of course, the size of this eyeball is equivalent to the size of a normal person’s head, and the blue pupil seems to be staring at everyone, giving people a creepy feeling in their hearts.

In the silent hall, there is only such an eyeball, lying quietly.

“Boss, can this eyeball be taken away?”

The fat man was hot in his heart and asked.

However, before Ye Han could answer, Professor Chen glared at Fatty.

“This is a cultural relic, do you want to embezzle the cultural relic?”

In terms of protecting cultural relics, Professor Chen is unambiguous at all.

He has been an archaeologist all his life, and he has never touched any valuable cultural relics by himself. He is very clean.

“Fatty, what do you think?”

Ye Han glared at Fatty and told him to restrain himself, and then looked at Professor Chen.

“Professor Chen, this friend of mine is very poor, and when he sees valuable treasures, he will inevitably be moved.”

“Don’t say it’s him, even if it’s me, I feel that this thing is invaluable, and I can’t help wanting to have it in my pocket!”

Ye Han said with a smile.

Professor Chen also nodded.

“That’s right!”

“I was shaken when I was young, but as long as I hold back, I can’t take things that are not my own.”

Professor Chen said sternly.

At this time, Ye Han waved to Wang Kaixuan.

“Kai Xuan, take out the jade pendant you got from the bandits.Come. ”

“It’s also a coincidence. This jade pendant should be the key to open the entrance to the palace. I don’t know why it fell into the hands of the bandits, and you finally got it.”

Hearing Ye Han’s words, Wang Kaixuan’s eyes turned red on the spot!

His jade pendant is the key to unlock the mechanism?

The huge surprise made him stunned.

But soon, he woke up and looked at Xue Li Yang.

“Miss Yang, did you say $100,000 last time?”

Wang Kaixuan looked at Xue Li Yang and said.

Xue Li Yang is very helpless, this guy is desperate for money, she has already seen it.

If it wasn’t for the jade pendant in his hand, Xue Li Yang would not have brought him with him.

Now, Wang Kaixuan is obviously going to ask for a price.


Wang Kaixuan suddenly stretched out a hand and spread out five fingers, asking for $500,000!

“I don’t want any other money, you just give me half a million dollars, and I’ll give you this jade pendant immediately!”

Wang Kaixuan said with a flushed face.


Ye Han kicked directly, kicked Wang Kaixuan to the ground, pulled the jade pendant from his neck off, and threw it to Xue Li Yang.

“Leave him alone, turn on the mechanism, and we will refine the ancient city palace!”

Ye Han said.

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