
Lin Xuan had been gone for a long time, and he didn’t know what was going on inside.

Innocence was a little worried, but was stopped by the third uncle.

“The little brother is so good, there will be no accident, so don’t add to the chaos.”

Listening to this, Naive gave up going in to find someone.

And everyone was sitting in place.

On the one hand, he was waiting for Lin Xuan to return, and on the other hand, he was also thinking about whether there was any other way to get out.

After all, this tree is too tall to climb, and the maze is in all directions, it is good that Lin Xuan leads the way, and no one leads the way, they are completely blind.

During this period, the fat man talked about Aning’s ingratitude.

The third uncle was the first to stop it.

“Forget it, Anning has no killing intent on me, just scaring and scaring and saving his companions.”

On the other hand, naivety also blamed the fat man.

The fat man was speechless.

“Co-author, I have the most left?”

“You two are worthy of not entering a family door, why are you so naïve?”

And just like that, stayed for a while.

The fat man felt that it was impossible to go on like this, and finally volunteered, the first to climb up the tree to see if he could get out.

And below, as the third uncle brought out some of the things that were passed on the mercenaries from his backpack and returned them to Aning,

This move, even if it was cold, made Aning open his heart and talk about his own affairs when he was desperate.

When it was said that they did not go to the grave for the cultural relics, it attracted a sneer from the fat man.

“Just kidding, you guys are so well-equipped, you didn’t come to rob the tomb, could it be that you are as archeological as the fat master and me?”

Anin didn’t reply again.

For her, she has already said, as for believe it or not, that’s someone else’s business.

However, the third uncle listened to this, thoughtful, obviously, it was a high probability that he understood Aning’s intentions.

It’s just that this old fox is too able to hide himself, and they don’t even notice it.

Anin’s words were naïve and believed.

But he is purely innocent, and whatever people say, he believes.

Piles of firearms were placed in front of him, and out of boredom, naively picked up a gun and played with it.

And just as he scanned the surroundings through the scope, on the pedestal where King Lu’s body was placed, a triangular vertical strip-shaped thing suddenly caught his attention.

“That was…”

He looked up and looked around, at this moment Panzi and Aning were both closing their eyes and resting, while the third uncle was observing the situation from a distance, and as for the fat man, he was crawling on the tree.

No one noticed.

He silently put down the gun.

Then he walked towards the pedestal.

The triangular vertical bar, just in the lower right corner of the pedestal, looks like a decoration, with the corpse on the platform, naturally not conspicuous at all.

But instinct tells naïve that this thing is most likely an organ.

He just wanted to touch.

At this time, the fat man also noticed his movement.

“Hey, hey, little naïve, don’t move, be careful to trigger the mechanism.”

Innocence looked up and grinned and stopped.

The fat man said casually and did not pay much attention.

However, what they couldn’t see was that at this moment, the big tree stretched out its horizontal strips and leaned towards everyone.

“Groove, what is that!”

“This… It can’t be! ”

“No, is this thing going to be perfect?”

They can’t see it, but it doesn’t mean that the audience in the live broadcast room can’t see it.

For a while, one by one, the audience couldn’t help but exclaim.

That’s a tree!

As we all know, trees do not move.

So, at the moment it moves.

Show live.

Li Yun pointed to the tree strip and opened his mouth wide.

“It… It… It…”

He is admired, the shock of this life is estimated to be used up in one lump sum here, right?

Oh, my God!

Who can tell him what that thing is?

Li Yun’s appearance is very unsightly, but at this moment, no one pays attention at all, even if someone notices, they think that it is so natural.


Gu Lao and Zi Lao also had this expression.

“This can’t be!”

Gu Lao said resolutely.

“That’s a tree!”

Elder Zi’s eyes widened.

Only Yang Duo stared at this scene seriously, and the brilliance in his eyes became brighter.

She said lightly.

“Nothing is impossible, just like we haven’t seen a tree that has lived for thousands of years, after many years, it should be normal to have some magical abilities, right?”

Listening to these words, the audience in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

What is called is normal.

Is this normal?

Served, really convinced.

The five-body throwing kind.

But on second thought, it seems… So reasonable… One viewer sighed.

“Forget about the hell in the broad daylight, this tree is also alive, is there anything impossible in this world?”

“Eyes opened, eyes opened, eyes opened.”

“Mom, can anyone tell me what I’m watching, this is a real three-life past, how can it be more cinematic than a movie?”

“This tells us a truth, don’t go to the woods in the middle of the night, because at a certain moment, you may be killed by the tree.”


Of course, in addition to the shock, the audience gradually calmed down.

Because they found one thing, something very important.

“You say, this tree can’t really eat people, right?”

“Naive, they haven’t found it yet, and when those branches are completely close, they can’t hide…”

“It’s over, I feel like the whole army is going to be destroyed, and the little brother is not here.”

However, it was just when everyone was worried.


With a crisp sound sounded.

The innocence who was pressing his hand on the triangular horizontal bar suddenly raised his head.

The horizontal bar was pressed down.

At the same time, the entire ground also began to shake violently.

“Earth, earthquake?”

The fat man firmly grasped the trunk of the tree, looking confused.

The third uncle and the others were also directly awakened by this position shaking the mountain, they scanned the surroundings, and finally found that the source was under the ancient tree.

Boom, boom!

The huge iron chain is slowly turning.

One iron chain after another with a thousand pounds of stone was lifted from the ground by the operation of the mechanism.

At the same time, the things pulled on the chains were also slowly revealed in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Look, the twig is gone.”

An audience member pointed to the Qiu Zhi behind the innocence and hurriedly said.

“No, it’s not gone, it’s retracted.”

“If you look closely, it was when the vertical bar was naïve just pressed that the twig was retracted.”

“Fortunately, I escaped a disaster!”

“In other words, was that really a tree just now? Wouldn’t it be magic! ”

An audience member looked at the tree that is now very normal, and couldn’t help but think of the illusion in the naïve ones before.

“It’s possible.”

The sound of the ground crashing became louder and louder.

The shaking amplitude of the ground is also getting bigger and bigger.

And right at this moment.

With a loud bang.

All……… Calmed down.

But at this moment, no one exited.

Their eyes were all under the ancient tree, and they saw that there, a tree hole suddenly appeared.

And what came out of the tree hole was torn out by the chain.

Be… A huge sarcophagus!

At the same time.

The screen turns.

The familiar figure of the black hood was revealed in front of everyone’s eyes.

It was Lin Xuan.

Looking at his environment, at this time, he had already arrived near the entrance of the maze, and in his hand, one left and one right, he was pulling two mercenary corpses.

Obviously, he found Anin’s companion.

Nothing more than dead people.

But in order to keep his promise, he still chose to take it.

At this time, I don’t know if it was induction, obviously from such a long distance, he actually stopped and looked towards the place where Innocence and the others were.


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