Chapter 80 Is this the underground palace? (The third update! Please customize!)|Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars|Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Reading-Sikushuwu

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Everyone was horrified, no one had ever seen such a strange scene!

According to common sense, the underground tombs must be completely dark. The tombs of the Western Zhou Dynasty are three thousand years ago. Could it be that the light inside has been on for three thousand years?

Everyone just felt that the hairs stood on their heads for a while!

Even Zhang Chen was shocked when he saw the white light behind the bronze door.

He had to admit that this was the weirdest tomb he had ever seen!

Although the gap became bigger, the bronze door finally opened completely!

Dazzling white light engulfed the entire bronze door and tomb passage.

Even the sky eye camera can’t capture any pictures.

The more than 50 million viewers who are watching the live broadcast are all stunned!

At the moment when the bronze door opened, Zhang Chen suddenly stepped into the white light.

After a long time, the white light gradually faded, and everyone looked inside the bronze door in horror, only to see an ancient palace inside!

The bluestone road extends from the bronze gate to the gate of the palace!

The stone railings and cornices outside the palaceAbove, there are hundreds of night pearls!

The dazzling white light just now came from these luminous pearls!

21 People have been in the dark for a long time. If they suddenly see strong light, their eyes will not adapt. Therefore, when the bronze door is opened, everyone will feel that the white light is so dazzling!

“I thought that the ancient imperial mausoleum, the most luxurious and magnificent mausoleum of the first emperor of Qin, was the most luxurious and magnificent mausoleum, but now I know that it turned out to be this mausoleum!”

Huang Bo’s expression is almost crazy, who can experience the feeling of seeing a palace-like mausoleum in the underground world!

Dreams and reality are intertwined and conflicted, making people doubt whether what their eyes see is real!

“It’s incredible, this mausoleum is even more shocking than the Egyptian pyramids! According to Zhang Chen’s speculation, this mausoleum was built in the Cishan Mountain!”

“It is even more difficult to build than the Egyptian pyramids! Not to mention the cultural and artistic value!”

Lin Yu couldn’t help shaking his head, his face was full of disbelief. In all the documents recorded in history, this mausoleum is unique!

Huang Lei and Sun Honglei were speechless in shock and just stared at it in stunned silence.

As the line of sight gradually became clear, everyone saw a tall and straight figure walking towards the palace in the mausoleum!

And that figure is very familiar to everyone!

“Is that Zhang Chen?”

Huang Lei was stunned, he didn’t know when Zhang Chen entered.

After a brief shock, everyone calmed down and hurriedly followed Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen walked to the center of the stone road leading to the palace, looked up, but saw the sun, moon, and stars inlaid with luminous pearls on top of the tomb dome.

Unlike the sun, moon and stars in the tomb of General Baojia, the scene in front of you can even be called a star map!

Zhang Chen can even find the existence of the Big Dipper among the densely packed stars!

This is completely a reduced version of the star map!

He turned his head to look at the palace in the center, and sighed inwardly, is it really an ordinary emperor buried here?

“Fuck! Why are there so many bones here, is it a burial pit?”

Sun Honglei’s surprised voice broke the silence.

Everyone turned their heads when they heard the sound, and they saw that the graves on both sides of the bluestone road were full of white bones!

The burial pit on the right is very large, and the bones inside are relatively thick, which should be the bones of animals such as cattle, sheep and horses.

The sacrificial burial on the left is smaller, and the bones inside are relatively slender, and should be human bones.

Lin Yu roughly counted them, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes: “The Western Zhou tombs still use the system of human sacrifice, as few as one person, as many as seven!”

“Judging from the tombs of the Western Zhou Dynasty that we have excavated now, they all conform to this rule!”

“But there are at least thirty human bones in this tomb!”

“Too hateful! If you die, you will kill others and be buried!”

Yaya showed a look of hatred.

“You should be lucky to live in a civilized society now, otherwise someone as beautiful as you will definitely be chosen by the king to enter the palace. Once the king dies, the fate of concubines and concubines will be the same as these people!”

Huang Lei Road.

“Yeah! It’s still modern!”

Huang Bo also said with emotion.

“There may be other people in the bones here, don’t look at the advanced hall!”

Zhang Chen turned his head and glanced at the burial pit, said something meaningful, turned and walked towards the palace.

Everyone looked surprised and didn’t understand what the other people in Zhang Chen’s mouth meant!

But seeing that Zhang Chen didn’t mean to explain, everyone didn’t dare to ask more, and standing next to the corpse felt gloomy, so they hurriedly followed in Zhang Chen’s footsteps.

Climbing up the stone steps of the palace, there is a feeling of walking into the Forbidden City.

If it weren’t for the burial pits on both sides, it would really give people a feeling of stepping into the palace.

The only thing that makes people uncomfortable is that the overall color of this magnificent palace is black!

If it is matched with the night pearl, it will give people a feeling of the Hades of the Underworld!

On both sides of the stone platform in front of the palace, there is a row of tripods!

Sun Honglei stretched out his fingers and counted silently…

“Don’t count, this is the Son of Heaven Jiuding!”

Zhang Chen said slightly, the specifications of the Western Zhou mausoleum are nine tripods for the emperor and seven tripods for princes!

This is a symbol of the identity of the owner of the tomb!

“It’s still nine!”

Sun Honglei nodded slightly: “It seems that the person lying here is really the king of the Western Zhou Dynasty!”

Everyone nodded in agreement, such a magnificent tomb, if not the king of the world, who else could lie in it.

However, Zhang Chen’s eyes showed some suspicion. Since it is the tomb of the emperor and there is a burial pit, why is there no military presence on both sides of the palace?

“I feel that there may be a mechanism here, let’s be steady, don’t rush into the palace!”

Sun Honglei looked around and found that there didn’t seem to be anything strange, but insteadI feel a little uneasy.

Lin Yu pointed to the stone slab 960 in front of the palace gate and said, “Look, the shape of the stone slab here seems to be different from the surrounding area!”

Everyone looked carefully and found that the stone bricks here are square, and the stone bricks on both sides and the stone road behind them are rectangular.

“Could this be a mechanism? If you step on it wrongly, it’s like burping?”

Huang Bo asked in surprise.

Everyone nodded slightly, but they couldn’t make up their minds for a while, so they turned their attention to Zhang Chen.

“Yes, it’s an agency!”

Zhang Chen glanced at Huang Bodao.

“Then do you know how to get there?”

Huang Bo was taken aback and asked.

Zhang Chen pointed to the starry sky map on the dome and said: “Find the position of the Big Dipper on it, and then correspond to the Qiankun Bagua position on the stone platform!”


‘Forget it, I’ll go with you! ’

Huang Bo showed a little embarrassment, how did he know the gossip about the universe, the Big Dipper.

“In fact, there is another easiest way!”

Zhang Chen glanced at everyone and saw everyone looking at him suspiciously, he pointed to a thin scratch on the ground and said, “I don’t know if you have noticed that this white mark extends from the bronze door, and All the way into the palace!”

“We only need to walk along the white mark left by our predecessors, and we can enter safely!”

After everyone heard it, they showed a stunned look, but they felt that something was wrong, and looked at Zhang Chen with shock: “You mean that someone has been here?”.

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