"Six-winged centipede!"

Looking at the huge and ferocious monster, Chen Wenxuan was shocked.

He already knew the size of the six-winged centipede. But what he saw in books and on TV was really far from what he saw with his own eyes.

He has been through many deep mountains and forests over the years, seen many wild animals of different species, and even killed ordinary monsters.

But this six-winged centipede is really outrageous. A lucky giant python species swallowed some thousand-year-old precious medicine and grew to ten meters, which is nothing, and it is still within the scope of understanding.

But a centipede grows to ten meters? Go to hell!

The head and body of this six-winged centipede are as big as a door panel, and the whole body is at least as big as four door panels connected together.

However, Chen Wenxuan is at least a man who has opened a cheat and has read the strategy. After just two glances, he recovered.

Big goblins, ghosts and monsters, blood corpses, old zongs, and immortal dreams.....

This world is extraordinarily wonderful!

Chen Wenxuan was able to hold his ground, but the others were different.

Except for Chen Yulou and Queqiao Shao, the two leaders of the group who were used to big scenes.

Everyone was frightened by the six-winged centipede, with a strong sense of fear on their faces, and they moved back with trembling steps.

"The boss...Can we hold this thing?"

Luo Laowai felt a chill in his heart, and resisted the urge to run for his life. He hid behind Chen Yulou, completely losing his previous tough look.


As if it had heard Luo Laowai's whisper, the six-winged centipede roared, suddenly turned around, and climbed towards the rock wall next to the roof of the temple.

""Hit me!"

Seeing the action of the six-winged centipede, Luo Laowai's face turned green, and he shouted repeatedly.

This centipede monster, it wants to crawl down and eat people!

Luo Laowai's shouting really woke up a group of frightened warriors and soldiers.

As the saying goes, it's hard for a dragon to hide.

Anything with flesh can't resist a bullet!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, gunshots rang out.

The whole cave was filled with deafening gunshots.

The cliff where the six-winged centipede was located was only twenty meters away from everyone, so not many people fired in vain, and basically every shot could hit the six-winged centipede.

But the six-winged centipede was not an ordinary insect, and it was almost impossible to escape. After a hundred years of cultivation, it had already made its back shell as good as fine armor.

Bullets could not penetrate its back shell at all, but instead caused sparks, just like hitting a stone.

Its claws, however, were not as hard as its back shell, so when hit by bullets, a blood hole would immediately appear, and a large amount of smelly green blood would spurt out.

However, the centipede has a hundred legs, so losing a few legs would not affect its movement at all.

Instead, this volley of bullets completely enraged the six-winged centipede.

The six-winged centipede roared, and its fist-sized eyes turned blood red. It suddenly jumped down from the cliff, opened its ferocious big mouth and rushed towards everyone.

"Good opportunity!"

Seeing the layers of soft meat in the six-winged centipede's mouth, Chen Wenxuan's eyes lit up and he shouted:

"Hit its mouth!"

If the six-winged centipede had fought a positional battle with them steadily, they would have had to dodge.

Unexpectedly, the six-winged centipede rushed straight up after getting angry.

The previous bullets were not in vain!

After hearing Chen Wenxuan's shout, the morale of the team stabilized.

The soldiers and strongmen who were originally ready to run away stood still and fired at the head of the six-winged centipede.

Countless bullets poured out from the muzzle and landed on the head of the six-winged centipede, bringing sparks and the sound of flesh piercing.

The back shell of the six-winged centipede is as hard as fine steel, but not every part is so hard.

The abdomen, centipede feet, and mouth are all its weaknesses.

The bullets bombarding those weaknesses can directly explode a small Blood hole.

But after all, it is a monster that has lived for hundreds of years and is extremely intelligent.

When the six-winged centipede felt the pain, it closed its mouth directly, and even turned its head away, not facing the crowd with its head.

The next moment, it swung its huge tail, with its back as its face, and swept towards everyone.

Seeing this scene, there was no need for Chen Wenxuan to remind them again.

Everyone subconsciously moved aside to avoid the six-winged centipede's slap.

But the six-winged centipede swung its tail very quickly, and the sweeping range was large.

Even though they dodged in advance, two soldiers were still blown away by the six-winged centipede. The two soldiers who were blown away hit the cliff directly, with their heads drooping, thick blood constantly gushing out of their mouths, and it seemed that they could not be saved.

"Grass, it's fierce enough"

"I missed a good opportunity."

Seeing the team lose two people in an instant, Chen Wenxuan's face was solemn.

Plans can't keep up with changes.

If he knew that the six-winged centipede was guarding here, he would bring more people down and kill the six-winged centipede directly in this open place.

But now, he can only retreat first.

The place is big, if the six-winged centipede wants to run, the current number of people can't stop it at all, and it's too late to set traps, and the number of people will decrease if they fight hard.


The six-winged centipede was even more ferocious after its first attack. It actually used the same trick again, swinging its tail towards everyone.

But no one present was a newbie, and it was impossible for them to suffer the same trick twice.

Some ran and jumped, and several even rolled over like donkeys.

Although they were a little embarrassed, they all successfully avoided the six-winged centipede's slap.

This scene seemed very long, but it actually happened in an instant, and the situation changed quickly.

After Chen Wenxuan leaned back to avoid the six-winged centipede's tail, he looked at the six-winged centipede's tail with shining eyes.

There were several blood holes on the six-winged centipede's tail, with blood flowing out.

The positions of those blood holes were the same, all at the fascia connection points between the six-winged centipede's back shells.

"Looks like I'm going to be a centipede knight....."

Chen Wenxuan murmured in his heart, turned around and jumped onto the cliff.

Then, he used the cliff as a foothold and jumped high. In the stunned eyes of the crowd, he raised the steel knife and flashed towards the six-winged centipede.

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