After that, he took stock of the harvest of herbs.

On the wall of herbs, he picked seven Nine Ghost Plates and more than 20 other hundred-year-old herbs such as Purple Ginseng and Polygonatum.

The value of the Nine Ghost Plate is unquestionable. Although the other herbs are only two or three hundred years old, they are fresh and full of medicinal properties, not much worse than the five-hundred-year-old dried herbs.

When he saw the"hundred-year-old red ganoderma", he cursed himself for being blind.

There is no such thing as ten years, a hundred years, or a thousand years for this thing.

Ganoderma lucidum matures once a year. If it is not picked in time, the ganoderma powder on it will be blown away by the wind and rain, and the remaining ganoderma body will also age. In just three to five years, only an empty wooden shell will be left.

Even wild boars are unwilling to eat this kind of Ganoderma lucidum.

When picking herbs at that time, he only thought about speed. Now he thinks it's funny. Not all herbs are better the older they are.

After cleaning the dirt and gravel on these herbs, Chen Wenxuan put them away.

Then, he took out nine jade boxes.

These nine jade boxes were taken from the Medicine King Iron Tower. He checked the largest jade box, which contained the thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum. He had not had time to look at the rest.

After playing with it for a while, Chen Wenxuan reluctantly put away the thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum and looked at the other eight wooden boxes.

As the second wooden box was opened, a bitter medicinal fragrance came out.

""Ginseng King!"

What caught his eyes was a wild ginseng.

But this wild ginseng was extremely large, with three heads and nine arms, and countless roots on the arms, all coiled together.

After carefully lifting up the ginseng and spreading out all the arms and roots, Chen Wenxuan was sure that this was definitely a ginseng king, and its medicinal age was even longer than the previous Polygonum multiflorum.

Although this ginseng king was a dry product, it weighed nearly three taels. The longest part of the body and roots was almost as tall as him!

It was estimated that if he swallowed a root, he would be unable to sleep for a day and a night.

He had never seen or even heard of this kind of ginseng king before.

"Is this the life of an emperor?....."

Chen Wenxuan complained.

It's true that if you compare yourself to others, you will die; if you compare goods, you will throw them away.

The treasures in his eyes might be ordinary medicinal foods that make the emperors who ruled the world in ancient times want to vomit at the sight of them.

Put away the Queen of Ginseng.

Chen Wenxuan checked the remaining jade boxes again, but after opening only five or six jade boxes, he did not see any precious medicines that were more than a thousand years old.

Seeing this, Chen Wenxuan did not regret it.

Anyway, the harvest of this trip was enough, and he could pick another batch after returning to the manor.

Thinking of this, he opened the last jade box.

This jade box was the smallest of the nine jade boxes, probably a little bigger than a fist


After opening the lid, Chen Wenxuan's heart suddenly trembled.

There were two black cakes inside, one finger thick and three fingers wide, each with a mythical beast engraved on it, a unicorn and a dragon. They exuded a strange smell, which was a bit bitter and pungent.

Could it be that.....

After seeing the mythical beasts carved on the two black cakes, he already had the answer in his mind.

This thing was found in the Medicine King Building, so it must be something from the medicine store. Moreover, it can be placed on the same shelf as the thousand-year-old Medicine King, so its importance is obvious.

Almost subconsciously, he thought of Qilin Jie and Longxue Jie!

Qilin Jie and Longxue Jie are made by solidifying the liquid of two kinds of medicinal vines. The medicinal vines are called Qilin Xue Teng and Longxue Teng, which can be found everywhere in the deep mountains in the southern part of the Central Plains. Xue Jie is very similar to medicinal materials such as dried tangerine peel and Pinellia tuber. The longer it is placed, the better its effect.

In the early days, it only had some ordinary functions and some insect repellent effects. Most people used it as medicine to invigorate blood and dispel wind.

In ancient times, there were still a few areas where people used Xue Jie to fumigate corpses.

Pressing the solidified blood Jie on the navel of the corpse can remove the Yin Qi in the corpse. Even if the corpse rots, it will not attract maggots and rot insects.

If the blood can be properly preserved, it will change from bright red to dark red, and then from dark red to black as time goes by. The darker the color, the better. After a certain period of time, the nature of the blood will change.

It will melt in the mouth. After people eat it, the medicinal properties of the blood can be integrated into the blood and flesh of the whole body, making the blood so inhospitable that evil insects will not come near.

"It is indeed Qilin Jie and Dragon Blood Jie!"

"It's so black that there's not a single drop of it left. How many years must it have been here!"

Picking up a piece of black cake and smelling it, Chen Wenxuan immediately became excited.

Because taking aged blood clotting can give people precious blood that evil insects cannot get close to, he had long ago started buying all kinds of aged blood clotting. He had eaten blood clotting for at least eight or ten yuan.

However, the blood clotting in the current pharmacy is all inferior new goods, with a few drops of cuttlefish juice and chicken blood added to it and said that it has been stored for hundreds or thousands of years, causing his dream of precious blood to never come true.

Now, he actually got two pieces of pure black blood clotting directly, how could he not be excited.

The alchemy hall in Pingshan has been in existence since the Qin Dynasty and the Song Dynasty until now.

So these Qilin blood clotting and dragon blood clotting are at least from the Song Dynasty, and have been stored for at least six hundred years. If they are from the Qin Dynasty, they may be as old as two thousand and one hundred years at most!

(Seeking flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets.)

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