After greeting Partridge Whistle,

Chen Wenxuan walked towards his brother Chen Yulou.

"Brother, I haven't seen you for a while."

"Did the trip to Heilanshan go smoothly?"

Chen Yulou nodded calmly and asked about Heilanshan with some concern in his tone.

""It's going well. We have already touched the periphery." Chen Wenxuan shrugged and said very easily.

He knew this arrogant and weird elder brother very well.

Because he could not get his father's recognition, he always secretly competed with him, the excellent second son in his father's eyes.

Even so, the relationship between the brothers was still very good.

"If it went smoothly, why did you only touch the periphery?"

Chen Yulou frowned slightly.

"Is it to stop me?"

"Wenxuan, Pingshan's actions were not for me alone, but for the countless hungry refugees. You don't need to say anything to dissuade me."

""I have to go down Pingshan!""

I have to go down Pingshan?

" I have to go down Pingshan now, but I can't just go down like this.

Chen Wenxuan's mind was turning quickly, and he soon came up with an explanation.

He pulled Chen Yulou aside and whispered:

"Brother, the reputation of this Pingshan Dazang has been passed down in Hunan for hundreds of years. Although it is dangerous, there is no shortage of experts in the world who are willing to risk their lives to get rich."

"When the old man was young, he was much more ruthless than us......"

"Have you ever thought about why Pingshan can survive until now?"

Chen Yulou was stunned and looked at Chen Wenxuan thoughtfully.

""Has the old man been to Pingshan before?"

Hey, he took the bait.

Chen Wenxuan smiled secretly in his heart, put on a solemn expression on his face, and nodded.

"Yes, the old man has been to Pingshan before."

"Actually, I had thought about Pingshan at the beginning, but when the old man found out, he scolded me. It was then that I learned about the situation of Pingshan."

"What is in Pingshan Mountain?"

At this time, Chen Yulou did not ask why the old man did not tell him, and his attention was completely focused on Pingshan Mountain.

He was born a few years earlier than Chen Wenxuan, and he knew very well what kind of person the old man was.

It can be said that he was greedy for money and had no taboos.

He is now twenty-eight years old and has seen many ruthless characters, but he has never seen anyone more ruthless than the old man.

Even the old man did not dare to take the idea of Pingshan Mountain, so how fierce is Pingshan Mountain?

After sorting out his thoughts, Chen Wenxuan said seriously:

"The rumors about the Corpse King in Bottle Mountain are true. There really is a Corpse King in Bottle Mountain."

"The corpse king was a general of the Yuan Dynasty. After absorbing enough earth energy, he became a warrior with a strong body that was invulnerable to swords and spears. Ordinary inkstone nets and black donkey hooves could not deal with him at all."

"But this corpse king is not the most ferocious thing in Pingshan!"

Hearing this, Chen Yulou's face finally changed.

The so-called corpse king is actually the old Zongzi with a noble status in front of him.

Although it is strong, it is no match for the large number of people in Xiangling. Once dozens of corpse-detecting poles are used, even the oldest Zongzi can't do anything.

But if there is something more ferocious than the corpse king.....That's hard to say.

As the leader of the Xialing, he naturally knew that there were many things in the tomb, and relying on more people alone was not enough.

Seeing Chen Yulou's solemn expression, Chen Wenxuan also knew that his goal had been achieved, so he struck while the iron was hot:

"The area around Pingshan is rich in cinnabar and has a unique mountain range. Before the Yuan army attacked, Pingshan had always been a secret place for emperors to make elixirs, storing countless medicinal herbs, gold and stones."

"Due to the long-term refining of elixirs, the mountain was filled with medicinal vapors. The medicinal herbs and stones that were not taken care of had seeped into the soil and rocks. In addition, the mountain had been abandoned for a long time, attracting countless poisonous insects."

"Those poisonous insects regarded Pingshan as their nest, ate dead people, devoured each other and passed on poison, and became extremely poisonous with the effect of the medicine stone."

"As long as the flesh and blood is bitten by them, it will be poisoned into a pool of pus in half a moment, and then sucked up by them."

"The corpses buried near Pingshan will soon be left with only clothes. This is not because the corpse king eats people, but because of the poison."

"The old man said that the poisonous creatures in Pingshan are centipedes, and there are countless of them. There is even a giant centipede that has become a spirit, and its body is over ten meters long!"

"It's like this....."

Chen Yulou murmured, his face turned very pale, without a trace of blood.

He was sure that his brother would not bluff him about such a big thing.

Countless poisonous creatures, corpse kings, centipede monsters.....

No wonder the old man lost his composure when he heard that he was going down the Bottle Mountain.

If that was the case, then he really couldn't go down the Bottle Mountain.

He definitely couldn't joke about the lives of two or three hundred brothers.

Seeing Chen Yulou's face changing, sometimes gritting his teeth and sometimes sighing, Chen Wenxuan continued to speak.

""Brother, although this Pingshan is dangerous, there are ways to deal with it."

He just didn't want his family to suffer, but he didn't want to persuade his brother to retreat.

He still counted on Pingshan to complete the mission.

"Is there any way?"

When he heard that there was a way, Chen Yulou's eyes suddenly lit up.

He had come this far, and he really didn't want to retreat so easily.

It would cost a lot of money to help the refugees, and he didn't want to borrow money from his grandfather or his younger brother.

Chen Wenxuan smiled faintly, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"We have always had a large number of people in Xiling. Our primary goal is to eliminate the countless small poisonous creatures. We can deal with the big ones slowly."

"No matter how poisonous a centipede is, it is still a centipede......Not difficult!"

Chen Yulou's face suddenly became clear, and his eyes fixed

"Fire, lime powder, dried chrysanthemum flowers, sulfur powder.....There are chickens!"

(Seeking flowers and ratings.)

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