"Hum!" ManJiang didn't pay attention to Jiang Mo at all. He snorted coldly, turned his head sideways, glanced at him with the rest of his eyes, and swung a hammer with one hand, making a low hum.

Jiang Mo's weapon was only a sword. He didn't pull it out until he stood in front of the man general. Then he stretched his arm forward and pointed the tip of the sword directly at the man general's neck and throat.

He moves slowly, which is a humiliation to himself in the eyes of the pretty general. Man suddenly screamed out without warning, and the iron hammer he had swung hit Jiang Mo's chest.

The speed of the hammer is extremely fast and its strength is amazing, but Jiang Mo is not flustered. When the hammer flies close to him, he swings his sword outward and listens to the sting. The huge hammer head is forcibly blocked by his single sword.

oh dear! How powerful this man is! ManJiang is surprised and looks surprised. He stares at Jiang Mo with both eyes.

With a sword, he blocked the other party's hammer and looked relaxed, which made the momentum of the wind army on the city wall rise rapidly. The cry sounded on the city wall again. At the same time, the war drums thundered and almost connected.

"Drink!" This time, ManJiang put away his contempt. He drank deeply, and the hammer hit Jiang Mo again.

Jiang Mo was no longer beaten passively. At the moment when the hammer head flew towards him, his sword waved fiercely. At the same time, the aura fluctuated, and the spirit wave burst out. It was colliding with the hammer head of the chain hammer. Just listening to a clang, the hammer head bounced up more than three feet, and the spirit wave continued to sweep away at the chest of the ManJiang.

A loud cry! ManJiang used his real skills. He jumped high in the air and was able to avoid the spirit wave. The man was still in the middle of the air. The spirit spirit dispersed and the spirit armor was solidified. At the same time, the chain hammer in his hand hit Jiang Mo's head. The originally smooth hammer suddenly produced countless iron nails in the flight. The howling was harsh and the momentum was amazing.

Jiang Mo was not polite when the other party took out his real talent and learning. The Reiki armor was completed at the same time as the Reiki of the soldiers. The pure black Reiki armor emitted a misty black light under the insidious light of the sun, and the originally silvery white sword also turned into a thin and long black thorn. Looking at the hammer head flying, he stabbed the black thorn in his hand against the hammer head.


The sharp edge of the black thorn was stabbing in the center of the hammer head. The violent sound was like a flat thunder. Even the soldiers on both sides who were far away from the battlefield would still feel bursts of eardrum pain.

The two sides hit hard and scored high points.

Jiang Mo couldn't hold his strength. He stepped back three steps in a row, and the flying hammer head bounced back to ManJiang's chest by its reaction force, which was much more than the latter's expectation. He wasn't prepared enough and didn't have time to respond. The hammer head was close. With a dull sound, the hammer head hit ManJiang's chest heavily. Its strength was so strong that it almost broke the spirit armor in front of him, His body in mid air is also like a broken kite, falling sharply.


ManJiang's body is already huge. With his spirit armor, he dents the ground after landing.

"Roar!" The barbarian general is also a number one figure in the city of besa. He is used to being tyrannical. When he was beaten so embarrassed, he almost didn't stop for a moment after landing. He ran again fiercely. At the same time, he gave a wild animal like howl and jumped at Jiang Mo with open teeth and claws.

Jiang Mo's rhythm remains the same. When the enemy is not close, his action is very slow. Once the enemy approaches, his action becomes as fast as lightning.

He flashed aside and easily avoided the fierce general's edge. The latter was very angry, turned back and rushed at him again. Jiang Mo still doesn't fight back or block, but avoids repeatedly with his agile body method.

It was like this twice at a time, but it was still like this ten or twenty times. It seemed that he didn't pay attention to the other party at all. What he said was fighting, but in fact it was more like playing with his opponent. Man would be completely angered by him, his eyes congested, his eyes turned blood red, and the sound of shouting and scolding due to anger could be heard all the time.

At this time, the wind army on the city wall saw that Jiang Mo had the advantage, the cheering sound and the roaring war drum were more prosperous, the barbarians were unwilling to show weakness, and the shouts of more than 50000 people were no less than the wind army.

After more than 20 rounds of fighting, ManJiang's momentum weakened, and he was tired and began to gasp. Looking at Jiang Mo, from beginning to end, he hardly wasted much energy except dodging and jumping, and his physical strength and spirit are still abundant.

Seeing that the other party's action is far less fierce than at the beginning, Jiang Mo's mouth hidden under the spirit armor rises and whispers that the opportunity is coming! He again avoided the fierce attack of the barbarian general. When the other party just stopped, he sneered: "why? Do you have so many abilities?"

I didn't understand what he was saying, but I could hear the contempt in his words. He bumped his Qi and blood. Even his Qi had to slow down in the future. With a strange cry, he attacked Jiang Mo again.

This time, Jiang Mo didn't dodge, but watched ManJiang rush close to him and stab himself in the chest with the iron cone of the chain hammer.

You're looking for death! Seeing that Jiang Mo no longer dodged, ManJiang also used 20% of his strength that had been retained. He spared no reservation and put all his strength into this stab.


The iron cone breaks through the wind and sends out a sharp roar.

He was surprised that something pierced his chest, but he was not surprised at the moment.

Instinctively, he looked down and saw a long black thorn sticking out of his chest, as if a black thorn had grown out of thin air in his body.


ManJiang was tongue tied and stunned. He couldn't say a word. At this time, he also lost his strength to speak, and life was rapidly pulling away from his body.

Jiang Mo is standing behind him. Their bodies almost stick together. The black thorn penetrates the back of ManJiang's heart, runs through his heart and protrudes from his front heart. It was a fatal blow.

Until he died, the pretty general didn't know how Jiang Mo ran behind him. Of course, this is also the strangeness and horror of shadow drift.


ManJiang's body fell straight to the ground. Jiang Mo took advantage of the situation to pull out the black thorn. He shook the blood beads on the thorn, looked up at the barbarian camp and shouted, "who will come out to fight with me again!"

Wow - his cry woke up the soldiers on both sides, and there was an uproar on the battlefield. Naturally, the wind army cheered and drank hard, while a series of exclamations came from the barbarian.

As far as he knows, Tang Mo is the new soldier in the plain. As far as he knows, he is the master of the dark soldier in the plain.

At this time, the leader of the barbarian mistook Jiang Mo for Tang Yin. He gave up the idea that the continuation faction would fight alone with him. He waved his arm forward and shouted, "attack the city! No matter who it is, just take off this person's head. After breaking the city, all the booty will belong to him!"

This sentence is too tempting for the barbarian generals. With his words, the orders were spread one by one. More than 50000 barbarians issued earth shaking cries and rushed to the border city together.

Fifty thousand people can be described as a sea of people. Standing on the wall and watching the running barbarians, it's like the waves coming face to face.

Jiang Mo, who was still in front of the battle, frowned. Originally, he still wanted to block the enemy, but there were too many barbarians. It didn't matter from a distance. When he was close, there were barbarians and generals in his sight. Even the Lingwu experts couldn't bear the sense of pressure coming face-to-face.

Jiang Mo waved the black thorn in his hand and swept out three spiritual waves in a row. He cut down the barbarian who rushed in front. Then without further delay, he withdrew and ran to the city gate.

The barbarians were fast, but not as fast as Jiang mo. he left the barbarians far behind. When he ran to the gate, he didn't wait for him to shout. The gate had opened a gap. Jiang Mo didn't even stop. He directly flashed in sideways. As soon as he entered the city, the gate was closed, and there was a sound of rattling on the gate.

At the same time, the wind army on the city wall was ready to fight. The rolling wood and stones were placed in piles, and the fire oil was set up in rows. Looking at the soldiers, all the knives were drawn out of the scabbard and the arrows were stringed, waiting for the superior to give the order to attack.

Qiu Zhen silently calculated the distance of the enemy. When the leader of the barbarian army was only 50 meters away from the city wall, he picked up the command flag, waved it vigorously, and shouted, "release the arrow!"

"Shoot, shoot, shoot --"

The herald sounded one after another, continuously, followed by the ejection of bowstrings.


Thousands of arrows were fired at the wall, pouring down like raindrops.

The barbarians running in front bear the brunt. Hundreds of people are shot straight by arrows flying down. Many barbarians are more than ten arrows or even dozens of arrows in their bodies. They fall down in a pool of blood like hedgehogs and can no longer get up. While the barbarians behind seem not to see them, they continue to rush forward by stepping on the bodies of their companions.

The barbarians are fierce and strong. Many people can continue to charge and fight even if they have a few arrows, as long as they don't hurt the vital points. The arrow array can't stop their impact.

Soon, the barbarians rushed under the wall and set up ladder after ladder. The barbarians swarmed up like ants. At this time, the rolling stones on the wall came in handy. Large and small stones and rolling logs kept falling. The barbarians climbing the ladder were hit by them from time to time, screamed and fell down the ladder. After landing, it was too late to "Shen Yin" for help, He was trampled into meat mud by his companions who rushed up later.

On the battlefield, life seems so insignificant. The living man who was alive just now is likely to turn into a bloody corpse in the blink of an eye.

The madness of barbarians is stimulating the nerves of every wind army, including Qiu Zhen.

Seeing that the arrow array, rolling wood and stone can't stop the barbarians from killing, Qiu Zhen raises the flag again and is ready to order the pouring of fire oil.

Just then, Xiao MuQing, standing beside him, suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist holding the flag. At the same time, he said, "Lord Qiu, wait a minute!"

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