Tang Yin did not dare to pursue and kill the barbarians for twenty miles. The territory of barbarians is too vast, and his side is very strange to the terrain of barbarians. If he continues to go deep, he will be in trouble in case of being surrounded by the enemy.

At this time, he stopped his steps and ordered the whole army to stop the pursuit and return the same way.

Hearing this order, the wind troops were all at sixes and sevens in their hearts. They all breathed out and secretly rejoiced that they could finally return to their own land.

Seeing that even if he wins, his soldiers are still afraid of barbarians and barbarian territories, Tang Yin stands back and looks around at his soldiers with a knife, Say loudly: "Tens of thousands of barbarians were killed by less than 20000 people. Do you still think that barbarians are terrible? In such a large barbarian territory, only 10000 people burst into it, and if there is no one within 20 miles, do you still think that barbarian territory is terrible? In the future, we should not only prevent barbarians from stepping into our windy territory, but also often invade them The territory of barbarian States, looting the money of barbarians, plundering the resources of barbarians, replenishing my military resources and strengthening my great power! "

Tang Yin's words, the straightforward wind troops were in high spirits, their morale was high, and their fear of barbarians was greatly reduced. Everyone's blood was boiling, raised their weapons, and shouted in unison: "gale! Gale! Gale --"

"Gather up the materials missed by the barbarians, change the rear team into the front team, and withdraw to the border city!"

Under the command of Tang Yin, Feng Jun returned to Fengdi by the same route.

"When the country is in trouble, I should go out and wrap my body in a vest to strengthen my strong wind! Strong wind! Strong wind! Strong wind!" On the way, Feng Jun sang military songs and returned home with a smile on his face.

It is very important for the plain and even the whole border city of Tangyin. Tang Yin thoroughly confirmed his strength in this war, established his unshakable position in Pingyuan County, established the prestige that he could not achieve in the past, and won the respect and worship of the broad masses of the people in the county.

As for Pingyuan County, this war not only breaks the myth that barbarians are invincible, but also greatly increases their confidence.

The barbarians lost miserably and left countless supplies and baggage. The wind army picked up all the way back to the border city and loaded more than ten cars. After returning to the border city, the barbarians left more materials here. In such a large military camp, the barbarians took almost nothing away and left it all to the wind army, including countless weapons, armor and food and grass, In addition, there are hundreds of papumas that haven't been taken away in time.

At Tang Yin's command, he packed all the seized materials in packaging trucks, including pabma, and transported them back to Hengcheng for storage. Next, he began to count the prisoners of barbarians and the bodies of personnel from both sides. In the battle of the border city, the wind army killed more than 3000 people, while the barbarians killed nearly 30000 people. More than 4000 barbarians were captured alive before they could escape.

The victory of the weak over the strong and the huge losses of the barbarians at a very small cost also set a precedent in Pingyuan county.

Leaving aside the battlefield cleaning, Tang Yin led the backbone of the army into the border city.

Until then, all the people scattered their spiritual armor and looked at them. They were as if they had been drenched with water. Their clothes had been soaked with sweat, including Tang Yin.

The people looked at each other. First they were stunned, and then they burst into laughter. Tang Yin also laughed. He shook his clothes and felt cool and refreshing.

"After this war, it is estimated that barbarians will not dare to invade our border again in a short time!" Shangguan yuanbiao said proudly with a smile.

"That's right!" Xiao MuQing said, "however, we should not take it lightly. Instead, we should seize the time to train and strengthen urban defense. It is estimated that when barbarians attack again, a larger army will be used."

With one word, he extinguished most of the people's joy.

However, Tang Yin nodded his head and praised: "what Xiao Shenjun said is reasonable. If you want to remain invincible, you must plan ahead!"

When Tang Yin said the same, they looked at each other and no one answered.

Just entering the city, I saw that the streets were crowded with the people of the wind country. The color of joy on people's faces was more prosperous than those soldiers who had just won the war. People crowded together, nodded their feet and stretched their necks to see Tang Yin and his soldiers first.

Most of these people moved into the border city from Yuanwang town. At first, they heard that the barbarians had been killed, and the number was more than 60000. These people felt that they were in great danger. They thought they were dead this time and there was no possibility of survival. However, they didn't expect that less than 20000 wind troops guarding the city had defeated the enemy soldiers and killed the barbarians who came to attack the city, The excitement in his heart can be imagined.

Zhong Wen, the mayor of the town, took the lead in coming out of the crowd to meet Tang Yin. Before he came near, he did not speak. First, he bent his knees and knelt down with a smile on his face, but he was full of old tears. He said in a trembling voice: "it is the blessing of my strong wind, the blessing of Pingyuan county and the blessing of the people of Pingyuan to have adults sitting in the town to resist barbarian countries!"

With Zhongwen's words, thousands of people around also knelt down and looked up, and the crowd fell down.

Tang Yin's heart is touched. If he just wanted to be loyal when he took office, now he is gradually integrating into it, into the wind country and into Pingyuan county. He looked around and looked at the people kneeling all over the street. He was stunned and didn't know what to say.

At this time, Qiu Zhen on his side gently pulled down his skirt. He didn't talk much, but whispered two words: "the hearts of the people."

Tang Yin's heart moved and immediately understood Qiu Zhen's meaning. He stepped forward and held Zhong Wen's arms. At the same time, he also knelt on one knee, Zhengse said: "in the past, barbarians repeatedly violated the border and repeated prohibitions. It was the fault of the government. The government was incompetent and affected the people in the county. Now I am the county guard. I will do my best to resist foreign enemies, ensure the peace of the border and the people in my county. If I can't do this, I swear so!" While talking, Tang Yin stood up and walked quickly to a horse stake on the side of the road. The black light flashed between his wrists. He didn't see how hard he tried, but there was a crack. The horse stake made of stone broke in response to the sound, and the incision was smooth like a mirror.

Wow - seeing this, the people on the street were in an uproar.

I don't know who shouted first: "Your Excellency is powerful --"

Then, thousands of people shouted: "Your Majesty, the wind force is powerful! Your majesty, the wind force is powerful" -- the cry continued.

Tang Yin saw the blood surging up, but also heard the surging emotion. The floating emotion could not be calmed down for a long time. He was not an impulsive person, but he really had the impulse to ride a horse and whip and enter the barbarian state at this time.

Looking at the elation on his face, Qiu Zhen secretly grinned and whispered, "Sir, you want to encourage the people, not by the people."

When he poured this basin of cold water in a hurry, the hot blood in Tang Yin's body was just about to start burning and was extinguished. Qiu Zhen, who was white and calm with an old God, smiled bitterly, shook his head and took people back to the city master's house.

The border town was no longer the master of the city, and the mansion was empty. Now it just became the place where Tang Yin stayed and discussed military aircraft affairs.

He sat in the middle of the main hall of the mansion, and the generals of the wind army sat on both sides.

Tang Yin smiled and looked around at Yigan's command and said, "you have made great contributions to this victory!"

"Your Excellency is flattered!" Everyone bowed and arched their hands.

Tang Yin looked at Qiu Zhen and Xiao MuQing with a smile and said, "the border city resists the enemy. Lord Qiu and Xiao have made the greatest contribution to joining the army!"

All the people nodded their heads in agreement. Only Xiao MuQing felt uncomfortable after hearing this. It can be said that he commanded the barbarians from beginning to end. If he hadn't taken over the command and let Qiu Zhen continue to command, the barbarians would have broken through the city.

Tang Yinduo was smart. He just looked at the disapproval expression on Xiao MuQing's face and immediately understood his mind. He smiled and said, "does Xiao Shenjun have any objection to my words?"

"No! Subordinates dare not!" No matter how ambitious and cheeky Xiao MuQing is, it's not easy to compete for merit in full view of the public.

Xiao MuQing took over the command of Qiu Zhen in the border city and commanded the garrison to resist the strong attack of barbarians. Tang Yin also heard about it.

He youyou said, "Xiao joined the army. If you, as the chief General of the army, were in a hostile war, talented subordinates suddenly asked you for command, would you let it go?"


Xiao MuQing hesitated.

Tang Yin smiled: "Not to mention you, even I can't do this, but Lord Qiu did it. At the most critical moment, I can trust you and delegate power to you. Lord Qiu is admirable for both breadth of mind and boldness of vision. It is precisely because of Lord Qiu's decisive decision and Xiao's ability and experience to keep the border city intact. Therefore, it should not be wrong to say that you two have made the greatest contribution Yes, Xiao joined the army. What do you say? "

Xiao MuQing excites the spirit, quickly stands up, bows and salutes, "Your Excellency taught you a very good lesson!" As he spoke, he looked at Qiu Zhen again and said, "Lord Qiu's demeanor really makes my subordinates admire him!"

This is called turning the wheel. The appearance of being convinced or not shows that Yueqing is at least convinced.

Tang Yin will no longer say more about this matter. Of course, he can see Xiao MuQing's ambition. Of course, he can feel Xiao MuQing's competitive spirit. However, he believes that this is a good thing. Without ambition, there is no competitive heart. Without competitive spirit, there is no effort. Without these two points, no matter how strong and talented, it is difficult to become a great weapon in the army.

At this time, Qiu Zhen smiled at Xiao MuQing and said, "it's polite for Xiao to join the army!" As he spoke, he turned to Tang Yin and said, "Sir, now you should immediately send good news to the king's court, saying that we have defeated barbarians and killed countless enemies in the border city, so as to invite credit to the king's court!"

Tang Yin's eyes turned and asked, "if Wang Ting learned about this, what reward will he give? Should he transfer me from Pingyuan county?"

Now, even if Wang Ting sent someone to ask Tang Yin to leave, he refused.

As a county guard in Pingyuan County, he is more and more comfortable. The most important thing is that he can cultivate his heart and abdomen recklessly here, and can go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and improve his cultivation from time to time. There is no place more suitable for him than Pingyuan County in the whole wind country and even the whole Haotian empire.

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