Tang Yin also lost the interest of going on shopping after being made so much trouble by the three people. He was about to go home. A faint sound of music came from his ears.

He looked for fame. It turned out that there was a big tea house not far away, and the music came from there.

Tang Yin greeted Qiu Zhen and walked over at random.

The teahouse is divided into two floors. The space inside is very spacious and the cleaning is very clean. Looking inside, the innermost end is a stage more than half a person high. At this time, someone is performing on the stage, talking and singing, but it is not the type of Peking Opera, but it is somewhat similar to modern drama.

Tang Yin is the first time to see this kind of drama. He is full of interest. He finds a place at will and looks at it attentively.

The stage play was very civilian, and the costumes and props were very rough and crude, but it was very rare from the background at that time.

At this time, there is a scene in which the home is trampled by barbarians, which resonates with many guests under the stage, and many people cry when they look at it.

Just when the atmosphere in the venue was full of sadness, a man in black with a wooden knife suddenly appeared on the stage. He led the wind soldiers to kill the powerful barbarians one by one. At this time, there was a lot of applause and cheers under the stage, and the atmosphere of the teahouse quickly warmed up.

Qiu Zhen grinned and whispered to Tang Yin: "brother Tang, this is playing you!"

"Oh?" Tang Yin's spirit perked up and he looked more attentively. He didn't even hear the waiter ask for something.

Qiu Zhen asked for a pot of tea, two stacks of melon seeds and peanuts to accompany Tang Yin.

On the stage, the man in black beat away the barbarians and was respected by the people. He was surrounded by the wind army and left arrogantly. But before the people began to celebrate, a group of big men dressed in rough rushed onto the stage to bully the people, fight and rob, causing the people to cry and cry.

If Tang Yin didn't go to the night market and didn't see bullies bullying vendors, he would only think it was a play and had no practical significance. But when he looked at these again, he felt that in the hearts of the people, he hated bullies more than barbarians. If he couldn't rectify them in time, how would it be?

He made up his mind silently. When he went back, the first thing to do was to get rid of these bullies and their umbrellas.

He was thinking about it. At this time, he suddenly heard a loud noise from the gate of the teahouse. Then, dozens of wind troops rushed in with spears.

This is not acting. These are real wind troops, and the weapons in their hands are real guys.

"Stop! Stop acting! Stop acting!" A man with the appearance of a captain came out of the Feng army. He held the handle of his sword and swept around the teahouse with his eyes like electricity.

The guests of the teahouse even the people acting on the same stage were greatly surprised. They didn't understand what happened and why so many officers and soldiers suddenly appeared.

The shopkeeper of the teahouse was a middle-aged man in his early fifties. He bypassed the counter, hurried forward, forced a smile without smiling, nodded and bowed and asked, "Lord Jun, what happened? Why..."

"What happened?" The leader of the team reached out and grabbed the collar in charge and shouted, "what kind of play are you playing? Bewitch the public. Now I want to seal up the teahouse. Irrelevant people, etc. leave immediately!"

Wow - as soon as the voice of the captain of the officers and soldiers fell, the guests in the teahouse hurriedly stood up and rushed out. As the saying goes, the people do not fight with the officials. Even if the ordinary people are dissatisfied, they dare not challenge or even conflict with the officers and soldiers.

The manager of the teahouse couldn't see the extreme, but he had no choice but to watch the guests flee and have nothing to do.

Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen naturally didn't run away. They were wondering which regiment the Feng army belonged to and why they had so much authority to seal down the teahouse in the city at will.

"What's wrong with us? Why should we be sealed up?"

At this time, the voice of a charming woman came from behind the stage. With the voice, a young woman came out from behind the stage.

She looks only in her early twenties. Her delicate skin is pink and beautiful as flowers. Her beautiful facial features are carved and chiseled. Before people arrive, the charming musk has rushed towards her. Even Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen, who had seen the world, couldn't help but praise them: how beautiful!

Seeing such a beautiful woman, the captain of the officers and soldiers unconsciously froze, his eyes straight, his eyes almost flew out of the eye frame, and his hand grasping the shopkeeper's collar was subconsciously released.

"You..." I don't know how long it took. The captain of the officers and soldiers finally recovered from the shock. He greedily swam on the woman's exquisite body, swallowed and spit, pretending to be calm and asked, "who is Miss?"

The young woman approached him, ignored him, but held the master and asked, "Uncle Zhong, are you all right?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" The shopkeeper shook his head again and again, looked at the woman and the officer and soldier captain with a worried face and whispered, "Miss, you..."

The woman smiled at him and hinted that he didn't have to worry. Then she looked at the captain of the officers and soldiers and said softly, "I run this teahouse."

"Oh?" The captain of the officers and soldiers was worried that he couldn't find an excuse. As soon as he heard this, his eyes lit up immediately. Hehe sneered, "that's just right. Come with us!"


"In the name of acting, your teahouse bewitches the public, stirs up and incites people's emotions. This alone is enough to kill your head."

"Ha ha!" Instead of looking nervous and scared, the woman laughed and said, "my teahouse is open all over the country. Why is it safe elsewhere? It's just a lie to confuse the public here. I think it's true that you have a guilty heart and evil intentions!"

"Bold!" The captain of the officers and soldiers was furious at the speech, stretched out his hand and tried to catch the woman.

The woman's face was suddenly cold and said in a deep voice, "you are bold! If you want to seal down my fan's teahouse, first weigh your weight!"

Fan family? The captain of the officers and soldiers was stunned and asked, "which fan family?"

The young woman raised her pointed pink cheeks and asked, "which fan family is there in the wind country?"

"This..." hearing the speech, the captain's face changed slightly.

Tang Yin, who had been watching the excitement, was puzzled. He didn't know how the captain of the officers and soldiers immediately weakened after hearing the name of the fan family?

Originally, he was dissatisfied with Feng Jun and felt that they seized the teahouse at will with an unwarranted charge, bullying the weak and bullying the merchants. Now he began to lean towards Feng Jun and didn't want to see his subordinates eat in front of outsiders, especially when the other party was only a woman in her early twenties.

He looked at Qiu Zhen suspiciously and asked him to answer his doubts.

Qiu Zhen stuck out his tongue and whispered, "didn't brother Tang even tell the fan family?"

Seeing Tang Yin's dazed eyes, he sighed secretly. Sometimes he really doubted whether Tang Yin was a wind man. He whispered in Tang Yin's ear, "the fan family is the largest merchant in China!"

His words are no exaggeration. The fan family has done a great deal of business in Fengguo. They operate not only teahouses, but also restaurants, hotels, jewelry, antiques, pawnshops, silver farms and so on. However, all profitable businesses are involved. The goods tickets of the fan family are used all over the country. The silver tickets of the fan family are almost the same as those of the government. Although the fan family is not an aristocrat, they rely on their wealth and have close contacts with the four dignitaries of the king's court. Naturally, their strength and prestige are far from that of ordinary businesses.

Therefore, the young woman has the capital to be free from fear, so the officers and soldiers captain greatly reduced his arrogance after hearing the name of the fan family.

"If you're smart, you can leave now. I can act as if nothing has happened. Otherwise, not to mention you, your boss, your boss's boss, and even the county guard of Pingyuan county will be overwhelmed!" After saying that, the young woman's face was like frost. She shook her sleeves, ignored him and turned back to the backstage.

She left, but left the captain of the officers and soldiers here.

It's not to catch her or go away. It's difficult to ride a tiger for a time, and it's difficult to see the extreme in the face of the captain of the officers and soldiers.

His face was ugly, and Tang Yin, who was watching the excitement, couldn't look much better.

He doesn't know how big the fan family's business is, but the woman's attitude is really not flattering. She can be called arrogant to the extreme. Even she carried herself out and stepped on her feet. It's tolerable. Who can't bear it.

Just as Tang Yin wanted to stand up and stop the young woman from leaving, Qiu Zhen hurriedly grabbed him and whispered, "Sir, bear it. The fan family can't offend. Pingyuan county can't live without the fan family if it wants to recover its prosperity!"

Hearing the speech, Tang Yin immediately let out most of his anger. He shook his head angrily. At the same time, his lips wriggled. He didn't know what he was muttering. Not in the mood to continue to sit down, he stood up and walked directly out.

When passing by the captain of the officers and soldiers who stood in the same place, he secretly scolded something useless in his heart. It was humiliating and conspicuous, which simply ruined the prestige of the wind army. Without saying anything more, he stepped out of the teahouse.

As soon as he came out, he said to Qiu Zhen, who was behind him: "check! Check which regiment these officers and soldiers belong to and under whose direct command! The soldiers will be in full swing, and their regiment leader should be replaced!"

Qiu Zhen naturally understood that Tang Yin was angry now. He smiled and said calmly, "OK, I'll find out." After a pause, he looked at the still bustling night market and asked, "brother Tang, are we still going around?"

"No more shopping." Tang Yin waved impatiently and said, "go home!"

"Yes!" Qiu Zhen promised, but couldn't restrain the smile on his face.

Tang Yin's style is decisive and resolute, but he will also show childishness when he has time, which is not often seen.

On the way back to the county guard house, Tang Yin kept asking what business the fan family did and how big it was. Qiu Zhen knew everything and explained it one by one. Tang Yin spoke while listening. At the same time, he also had a general understanding of the size and strength of the fan family.

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