Fan min lives in Tang Yin's house for a long time. Usually Tang Yin won't find fan min, and the latter won't come to him. They are also in peace.

A few days later, Lotte and Aijia, who secretly lurked in the city of besa to inquire about the news of the beast king town, both returned.

Tang Yin was overjoyed to learn that they were back and immediately summoned them.

After the meeting, before Lotte and Aijia were saluted, Tang Yin couldn't wait to ask, "have you explored the situation of beast king town?"

Lotte and Aijia were summoned by Tang Yin as soon as they returned to Hengcheng. They didn't even have time to change their clothes. They were dusty and covered with dirt. He nodded together and said, "Sir, I understand!"

"Oh, what's the situation?"

Aijia took a sheepskin map from her arms and handed it to Tang Yin. Zhengse said, "Sir, this is the map of beast king town."

Tang Yin hurriedly took over and looked carefully. It was obvious that the map was painted by AI Jia temporarily. Although the painter was rough and simple, it could still be seen clearly.

The beast king town is really not far from the border of the wind country. It's only more than 100 miles away. If you ride a fast horse, you can get there in half a day. Because it is an important town for storing Besar army materials, the area of beast king town is not small, and there are simple walls and urban defense facilities on the periphery, but there are relatively few defenders inside. It may be due to the disastrous defeat of Besar army in the first World War of border city, and the number of defenders in beast king town has also been affected. At present, there are only more than 3000 people. Most importantly, the wind army has never entered the territory of besa, so the wariness of beast king town is very weak, and the discipline of the army is also very loose.

Let's make a detailed explanation of Tang yinbian and his two people.

Although he didn't speak, he remembered the situations described by them one by one in his brain, and his brain was also running at high speed.

When Lotte and Aijia fell behind, Tang Yin asked, "are there any barbarian strongholds near the beast king town?" This problem is very critical. The garrison of beast king town is only more than 3000 people, which is easy to deal with. However, if there are barbarian strongholds nearby, it will be troublesome if they can rush to reinforce them at the first time.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yin would suddenly ask questions outside the beast king town. Aijia was not prepared. She frowned and said, "this... My subordinates haven't checked yet..."

Before his voice fell, Lotte took a step forward and said, "there is a town fifty miles away in the northwest of beast king town. The specific situation is unknown, but the scale of the town is very large. I think there should be a lot of barbarians in it."

Aijia looked at Lotte in surprise. Unexpectedly, Lotte sent his men fifty miles away? She whispered discontentedly, "so you knew that adults would ask, why didn't you remind me?"

Lotte smiled bitterly. He was not a worm in Tang Yin's stomach. How could he know that Tang Yin would ask. He said: "although we have got a map of the city of besa, it is too general, and I don't know if there is any error in it without checking. Therefore, I intend to draw a map myself. Just taking the opportunity of sneaking into the city of besa, I assigned my subordinates to explore the terrain and didn't deliberately check whether there are barbarian fortresses around the beast king town."

Aijia was unconvinced and wanted to speak again. Tang Yin waved her hand with a smile, interrupted her next words and said to Lotte, "Lotte did a good job and was very careful this time. It should be rewarded!" As he spoke, he said to Aijia, who didn't look well, "I hope you can do as well as general Le next time."

The implication is that Edgar is not as good as Lotte this time.

Listening to Tang Yin's words, even if Aijia is not satisfied, she can't say anything more. Moreover, the fact is in front of her, Lotte's investigation is indeed better than her. She secretly stared at Lotte, then bowed her head and remained silent, but she had made up her mind that she would have to compare Lotte next time.

In terms of ability, Aijia is indeed inferior to Lotte, but the former has the spirit of never admitting defeat and works very hard, which Tang Yin appreciates very much. It is precisely because of this that he has retained Aijia as an intelligence organization and did not eliminate it because of saving expenses.

Tang Yin looked at the map of the beast king town and thought for a while. Then he raised his head and said to the following attendants: "immediately summon all the generals to come to our office to discuss military affairs!"

"Yes!" The attendant stepped in and promised and ran out quickly.

After a short time, Qiu Zhen, the heads of the regiments, Cheng Jin, Xiao MuQing and others arrived one after another.

Now there are more and more capable people under Tang Yin's command. Since the meeting, the hall is also overcrowded.

Tang Yin ordered his servant to remove all the chairs in the hall, and then put two tables in the center. Everyone stood around, including himself. In Tang Yin's view, the military affairs meeting is not a tea tasting meeting. There is no need to sit in a chair and chat slowly. If you want to discuss, you should cut to the point and be simple and clear.

He put the map drawn by Aijia in the center of the table, looked around the people and said, "general le and general AI have just returned from the barbarian state. Hundreds of miles away from the border city, there is the military important town of the barbarian state - beast king town. Every time the barbarian soldiers invade our territory, they are supplied first. What do you think?"

Gu Yue clenched his fist and said, "Sir, since this town is so important to manbang, we should eradicate it as soon as possible to eliminate future problems."

"Did the ancient general mean to ask our plain army to invade the barbarian territory and attack the beast king town?" Zhang Zhou asked.

"That's right."

"Wrong!" Zhang Zhou shook his head again and again and said, "it's too risky. Our wind army has never invaded manbang. It's too dangerous to go deep into manbang territory this time. If one is not good, the whole army will be destroyed." Zhang Zhou is an old man of the plain army, and his thoughts are relatively conservative. In his opinion, invading the barbarian state is tantamount to seeking death.

Guyue is a typical radical. He said solemnly: "when we defeated barbarians in the border city last time, our adults led us to chase the enemy for tens of miles without incident. It can be seen that barbarians are just like this. Our army can come and go freely in the territory of barbarians. Why did general Zhang grow the enemy's spirit and destroy our own prestige?"

"That's different!"

"Nothing different."

Tang Yin had a headache when they quarreled with each other. He supported Guyue and secretly attacked the beast king town. However, he also understood that there were not a few people with old ideas like Zhang Zhou in the plain army. If he could not be persuaded, he was afraid that differences would arise in the army.

He winked at the angel of music.

The latter understands, say: "There are more than three thousand Orc soldiers who can attack the fortress. Even if there are only about three thousand Orc soldiers on the road, they can't take the initiative to attack the fortress. However, there are no Orc soldiers on the other side of the fortress, and there is no way for us to attack the fortress Our tactics can certainly kill barbarians by surprise and wipe out the defenders of the beast king city! "

Zhang Zhou grinned at the speech, say: "However, when our army marches towards the beast king town, what should we do if it is spied by the enemy? Even if it is not spied, even if it succeeds in sneaking into the beast king town and completely annihilating the barbarians there, how can we come back? In two days, it is enough for the barbarians to assemble a large number of troops to chase and intercept our army. Once they fall into the siege of the enemy, our soldiers will never return …”

"This will not happen!" Before Zhang Zhou finished his boasting, Tang Yin interrupted: "we will sneak into the beast king town with cavalry riding the war horse of Mo country. It won't take a day to go once!"

"Ah?" Zhang Zhou opened his eyes in surprise. Is the war horse of Mo state? Where is the war horse of Mozambique in your hand?

Tang Yin smiled and said, "I have ordered 4000 war horses from the horse merchants of Mo country. Within three days, these war horses can be transported to Hengcheng. At that time, our army will send 4000 cavalry to sneak attack the beast king town, not to mention that they will not be discovered by the scouts of barbarians. Even if they do, they will not be as fast as our horses. General Zhang, what do you say?"

"This..." Zhang Zhou rubbed his chin and murmured, "if there are war horses of the state of Mo, this war is feasible. However, if we only attack more than 3000 barbarians with 4000 cavalry, even if we win, our army will lose a lot!"

"That's right!" Tang Yin nodded, followed his words and said, "so I'll go to this war myself."

Go! Zhang Zhou almost vomited blood when he heard the speech. Previous county guards could not hide from barbarians, but Tang Yin's County code was just the opposite. He liked to gather in places with many barbarians. The more dangerous it was, the more he wanted to do it himself.

"My Lord!" Zhang Zhou zhengse said: "with the war horses of Mo state available, our army can consider sneaking attack on the beast king town of barbarian States, but adults have to go in person, which... It's too dangerous, and adults don't have to go in person!"

Tang Yin shook his head and said, "with me, the soldiers below will not be afraid of barbarians and can fight bravely. Only in this way can we minimize our losses. It is not easy to get the war horses of Mo country, and the surname and life of our wind Army soldiers are more precious. If any general is confident that he can be superior to me, I can make a good man this time!"

After hearing this, Zhang Zhou immediately shut up and stopped talking. Tang Yin's words are certainly moving, but they are also putting pressure on others. He is a county guard. As a subordinate, who has the courage to speak in public and has better ability than him?

There was only a slight pause of three seconds. While everyone was silent, Tang Yin said, "since everyone has no objection, then it's so decided. I'll take 3000 cavalry to attack the beast king town. In addition, Xiao joined the army and led a thousand cavalry to go ten miles away from the northwest of the beast king town and set up an ambush here. Once the Barbarians flee to you, they must not be merciful and kill them all!"

Xiao MuQing didn't understand why Tang Yin set up an ambush in the northwest of the beast king town. He was so smart and experienced that he turned his eyes and asked, "is there a barbarian fortress in the northwest of the beast king town?"

Tang Yin smiled and whispered cleverly. He nodded and replied, "there is no fortress, but there are barbarian towns!"

Are there any barbarian towns near beast king town? When they heard the speech, their faces changed at the same time.

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