While talking, the black fire in Tang Yin's palm lit up. The man didn't even see what was going on. The man was completely burned by the fire of darkness, and his body turned into a trace of spiritual fog, floating in the air.

Tang Yin raised his head and opened his mouth. The spirit fog was sucked into his body without leakage along his mouth and nose.

In an instant, the spirit armor on his body seemed to be injected into life. All the cracks were growing and closing rapidly, and finally became intact. Seeing this, the surrounding barbarians retreated faster.

In fact, Tang Yin just now is just the end of a bluff. Can we say that the spirit is chaotic? The damage caused by the wind to him is unprecedented. Being able to stand and fight depends entirely on his strong willpower and survival * *. He knows very well that if he can't stand up, the surrounding barbarians will soon break his body. Fortunately, his bluff has an effect, deterring many barbarians, allowing him to absorb the barbarians smoothly and restore his vitality.

Of course, a pretty general is not enough to completely recover from the damage he has suffered. He needs more Reiki. At this time, the barbarians around him were no longer a threat to him, but food, energy and something that could fill his void.

Tang Yin will not be merciful because of their retreat just now. His eyes are shining greedy and cold. Like a wolf seeing a lamb, he swings his knife into the crowd of barbarians. The fire of darkness is used to the extreme by him. Not only the blade is attached to the flame, but also the spirit armor on his body starts to ignite a black fire, enveloping his whole person in the misty black fire.

As he walked through the crowd, the surrounding barbarians were affected by the dark fire, and all their faces began to burn. Then the black fire spread to the whole body, and the sound of screams continued. Wisps of spirit fog rose from the crowd, condensed in the air, and finally sucked into his body.

Tang Yin can't remember how many people he smoked. There is only one idea left in his mind. The knife in his hand is burning, and he is burning as a whole, as if he wants to burn all life in the world.

When he regained consciousness, there was no barbarian soldier in the middle of the whole town. Some were scattered with armor and weapons everywhere.

Hoo! Tang Yin slowly breathed out his breath. Under the spirit armor, his body was full of sweat and soaked his clothes. Just when he wanted to sit down and take a breath, he suddenly heard a sound in the row of houses on the left. Tang Yin's nerve that had just relaxed immediately stretched again. He inhaled deeply, took a sickle and walked to the row of houses.

In front of the door, Tang Yin kicked the wooden door of the house open. Then, people also rushed into the house.

The house was empty, and there was nothing but a long floor. At this time, hundreds of barbarians dressed in civilian clothes huddled at the inner end of the house, including men and women, old and young. I think they should be workers, traders or families of barbarians in the beast king town.

Tang Yin suddenly came in, and the crowd screamed. People gathered together and huddled together, staring at him with terrified eyes.

He was stunned, then tilted his head, smiled and asked, "who are you?" He has just learned Bessa, is not very proficient, and his voice is very strange.

"I... we are civilians, not soldiers. We have never been to the wind country or killed wind people..." a young man explained flustered.

Tang Yin is not familiar with Bessa language, and the other party speaks fast. Because the nervous tone has also changed, Tang Yin does not understand it. He said coldly, "shut up!"

Listening to his cold tone, the young man became more nervous and stammered and explained.

His noise upset Tang Yin without warning. The latter raised his hand and swept out the sickle.


The knife was stabbing the young man's temple. The tip of the knife went in from the left side and protruded from the right side, directly through the young man's head. When the knife went down, the young man's voice suddenly stopped, and the room finally became clean. Tang Yin sighed comfortably and returned to his arm to take back the knife.

Plop! The body fell straight, and the blood and brains splashed all over the faces of the people around. The silence in the house lasted only a few seconds. Then, there were screams everywhere. People howled, screamed and begged like crazy

Tang Yin tilted his head, and the killing machine that had not subsided on the battlefield rose again. He raised his arm and swung it down fiercely. The spirit wave swept out, followed by a scream.

Ordinary civilians can't resist the killing of Lingbo. Tang Yin released only three Lingbo, and there was no sound in the room. Mutilated bodies and broken limbs were scattered all over the ground, and the blood dyed the walls and ground dark red.

Looking around, Tang Yin confirmed that there was no living mouth. The corner of her mouth moved, threw down her sickle, turned and walked out.

Tang Yinsheng's surname is blood eating, and in his eyes, besa's civilians are no different from barbarians. They are all his own enemies.

When he came out of the house, a group of cavalry rushed to his face. Tang Yin was about to raise his sword to fight. When he looked at it, it turned out that it was his own soldier. The person headed by him was not someone else, but Shangguan Yuanwu, one of his guards.

"My Lord, here you are!" Shangguan Yuanwu rushed to Tang Yin with his horse, then turned over and dismounted. He looked at Tang Yin with concern. He saw that he was covered with blood, but the spirit armor was intact. He was relieved. He said excitedly: "Sir, the barbarians in the town have been defeated by us. Except for a small part of escaping, most of them have become ghosts under our knife, and some have been captured by us!"

While talking, he was also looking around and looking at the weapons, armor and clothes everywhere. He was secretly surprised. After following Tang Yin for so long, he didn't need to ask. These were left by the barbarians killed by the dark fire. With so many weapons and armor, I don't know how many people Tang Yin killed here. From the corner of his eye, he glanced into the room behind Tang Yin and saw the flesh and blood blurred corpses wearing civilian clothes on the ground. He was surprised and asked, "Sir, they are..."

"Barbarians! Civilians of barbarians." Tang Yin youyou said, "barbarians are also enemies. There is no amnesty for killing them!"

Shangguan Yuanwu nodded first, then shook his head and said, "it's a pity to kill them, sir. It's better to take them back to Hengcheng."

Tang Yin frowned and asked, "what's the use of taking them back?"

"You can sell it as a slave!" Shangguan Yuanwu said: "barbarians catch our countrymen as slaves, and we should also catch their people as slaves. They are strong and very rare. Selling them will certainly be worth a good price!"

After hearing Shangguan Yuanwu's words, Tang Yin stamped his feet. He blamed himself for being too impulsive. Why didn't he think of this? He knew he wouldn't kill those people. He nodded and said, "just take all the barbarians here back to Hengcheng according to your meaning. As for the barbarian prisoners, solve them on the spot!"

"Yes, my Lord!" Shangguan Yuanwu promised and called several soldiers to convey Tang Yin's orders.

Tang Yin's words decided the life and death of hundreds of captured barbarians.

After receiving Tang Yin's order, the Feng army pulled the captured barbarians to the open space in the middle of the town. First, they knelt down, and then the Feng army took out their sabres and mercilessly cut off the barbarians' heads.

For a moment, the town of the beast king town was full of blood and corpses everywhere. It was like hell on earth.

Another wind army is responsible for loading the severed heads of barbarians. The heads of barbarians are also useful. They can be transported back to Yancheng to ask for merit from the king's court. At the same time, it can also show that Tang Yin, the county guard, has made brilliant achievements.

The battle in the beast king town ended after only half an hour. Three thousand barbarians were caught off guard. The Lord general was killed by Tang Yin. Except for more than 500 barbarians who escaped, the rest were all dead in the town.

On the other hand, there were more than 400 casualties on the side of the wind army in the battle, but the loss was much smaller than that of the barbarians.

While Tang Yin was patrolling the battlefield, Cheng Jin and others who stayed outside the city to stop the killing of barbarians returned. These dozen secret arrow members were covered with blood and obviously gained a lot outside the city.

Seeing Tang Yin, Cheng Jin came forward to salute and said, "Sir, the hidden arrow killed more than 200 barbarian deserters outside the town, and more than 300 fled to the northwest. Sir, do we need to catch up?"

Tang Yin heard the speech and smiled leisurely. The barbarians really fled to the northwest. Fortunately, he had arranged that Xiao MuQing's 1000 cavalry were enough to eat the 300 deserters.

He nodded and said, "don't chase, general Cheng is working hard!"

"You're welcome, my Lord!"

The victorious wind army kept searching for the materials of barbarians in the whole town. Soon, several military Treasury in beast king town were found by the wind army. The materials stored in it were complex. In addition to the armor and weapons of a large number of barbarians, there were also siege weapons such as ladder and thunderbolt car, as well as a huge amount of food and grass and silver and copper coins of besa city state.

Tang Yin was delighted with so many booties. He immediately ordered that all the armor, weapons, grain, silver and copper coins in the barbarian army warehouse be packed and taken away. As for the large items such as ladder and thunderbolt car, they were burned on the spot.

The armor of barbarians is made of pig iron, rough and heavy. Although the wind army can't wear it, it can be used to make steel and weapons. As for silver and copper coins, although the wind country is not in circulation, silver is silver and copper is copper. After melting, it can still be made into silver ingots and copper coins of the wind country.

The military funds accumulated in the beast king town are much more than Tang Yin expected. All the horses are loaded. It is estimated that 8000 horses can't be pulled. Tang Yin can only order to abandon the heavy things such as grain, grass and armor. Looking at the bags of grain thrown all over the ground, Tang Yin is heartbroken. If he knew this, he might as well take less 500 brothers and more 500 empty horses.

The materials of the barbarian army have overwhelmed the war horses. As for the hundreds of Bessa civilians captured in the beast king town, they can't take them with them.

Tang Yin was very straightforward. He ordered them to be executed.

The wind army has been lazy to cut and kill one by one, lock all these civilians into the warehouse, pile up straw outside, sprinkle fire oil, and then set fire.

The wind army led by Tang Yin is more terrible than barbarians. It not only kills all people and loots all things, but also doesn't leave cities and towns. It sets fire everywhere. If it is a big beast king town, it will fall into a sea of fire in an instant.

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