According to Qiu Zhen's idea, Tang Yin and the rest would hide in the bushes on both sides of the road and try to steal back the horses for their Tong Gate. However, things were not as smooth as they had expected.

The two hundred thousand man army of Feng Country had been defeated by the Ning Country, the entire army had been scattered, and were not well-organized yet, their personnel scattered everywhere, and the pursuit of Ning Country was also very scattered, the two sides were mixed up, and became one of them. With you in the middle, the situation of the battlefield could only be described as extremely chaotic.

Tang Yin and the rest had not hidden themselves for long before they noticed a group of soldiers running towards them from the road in front. Behind them, the flags were flying, and the names of the soldiers were Ning Country. Without needing to carefully look, one could tell that this was Ning Country's troops who were chasing and killing Feng Country's scattered troops.

Qiu Zhen watched for a moment, then grinned and spoke to Tang Yin beside him: "This group has quite a number of enemies, around a hundred of them right?"

Tang Yin's eyesight was astonishing, and he saw it much clearer than Qiu Zhen. He said with certainty: "There are about two hundred people."

"So many people!" Qiu Zhen took a deep breath, furrowed his brows, and warned, "It's best if we don't act blindly without thinking. Should we retreat first so that we won't be discovered by the enemy? " Although he was surrounded by dense grass, he still didn't feel safe.

Tang Yin did not have any objections. After getting along with him, he realized that Qiu Zhen's brain was indeed not simple, and was not just talking big, he was not truly talented. With him by his side giving advice, he was too lazy to think about it.

Just then, Zhang Bao, who was lying in ambush beside them, said: "The enemy is chasing after our brothers. If we do not help them, I'm afraid none of them will be able to escape."

Qiu Zhen laughed bitterly and said: "But there's nothing we can do about it, war will always kill people. Furthermore, we only have ten people, if we rush out we won't be able to save them.

His words were cold and merciless, but it was also the truth. Zhang Bao was dissatisfied in his heart, wanting to retort but refusing to do so. He took a deep breath, and remained silent while feeling depressed.

Some of them did not even have weapons, and when they were still ten meters away from Tang Yin and the rest, they were finally caught up by the Ning Country soldiers behind them.


A silver spear pierced the heart of a soldier of the Wind Nation. The owner of the spear was a burly man with no armor. His upper body was naked, his skin was dark, his appearance ferocious, and his figure burly. Among the soldiers of Ning Country, he was like a crane among a flock of chickens.

After stabbing one of them to death, the big sized man did not stop at all, he waved the spear in his hand and threw the corpse hanging on the spear tip into the air, following that, the long spear swept by, and another miserable scream came from the other Feng Country soldier who could not dodge in time.

This was not a battle at all, but a one-sided slaughter.

The soldiers lying in ambush in the grass could clearly see what was happening. They were sad and angry, but they didn't dare to make a sound. They could only watch as their compatriots were killed as if they were vegetables.

Not to mention Zhang Bao and the others, even the cold-hearted Qiu Zhen could not bear to watch any longer. He let out a light sigh, and did not dare to speak.

It was better that he did not pull Tang Yin, he had just pulled him for a bit, but not only did Tang Yin not retreat, he dashed out of the grass, and did not face the enemy's fear, but his eyes revealed uncontrollable excitement.

Tang Yin's way of thinking was hard for normal people to understand, and it was also because of this that most people who knew Tang Yin would take him to be a madman.

The burly man was in the middle of fighting when he suddenly realized that a soldier dressed in Feng Country robes was charging towards him instead of running like the rest. He laughed out loud, raised the silver spear in his hand, aimed at Tang Yin's head and smashed it downwards.

Tang Yin did not dodge. He deliberately wanted to test the other party's strength. He raised the Steel Sword in his hand and took the heavy blow from the other party.

"Clank, clank ~ ~ ~"

This ear-piercing sound of iron weapons colliding caused the Ning Country soldiers behind the big sized man to vibrate so hard that their eardrums hurt, and their chests felt stuffy.

The big sized man originally thought that his full strength attack would crush Tang Yin, but in reality, the latter had only taken two steps back. Not only did he not fall, he was even able to stand properly.

The big sized man was shocked, Tang Yin was also secretly shocked, he had followed the abnormal master ever since he was young to practice martial arts, his foundation was extremely good, although his body was thin, but his strength was astonishing, in his original world, if he met so many opponents, no one would be able to contend against him, and being forced to retreat by the enemy was a one-of-a-kind thing, he never thought that he would meet such a powerful character here.

Very quickly, the surprise in his eyes disappeared and was replaced with excitement and excitement. He held his sword with both hands, leapt high into the air, and slashed at the big man's head.

The big sized man did not take Tang Yin's attack seriously, he laughed coldly and held his spear with one hand. Suddenly, the hand holding the spear released a dense white mist, which wrapped around the spear as if it was alive, and quickly merged with the silver spear. The silver spear that had absorbed the white mist instantly grew by five feet, and at the same time, the spear became thicker as two more silver thorns appeared at the tip of the spear.

Although it seemed slow, it was actually extremely fast. The change in the silver spear only happened for an instant.

When Tang Yin's sword was less than five inches away from the big sized man's head, the latter fiercely swung the silver spear that had changed its form outwards, at the same time shouting out: "Go and die!"



First was the sound of a metallic ring, then the sound of a weapon breaking.

The sword in Tang Yin's hand was swept away by the silver spear, causing him to fly backwards in mid air.

"This... "This is …" When Zhang Bao, with his In Grass, saw the changed longspear in the opponent's hands, he was so shocked that he became dumbstruck, and stammered in speechlessness.

Qiu Zhen's expression was also very ugly as he muttered in a low voice, "This is the 'Spirit Materialization of Weapon', the opponent is the Spirit Cultivator!" He secretly cursed in his heart. It was fine that Tang Yin did not listen to him and rushed out, but he just had to run into a Spirit Cultivator, and a middle and high ranking Spirit Cultivator who could even complete the 'Spirit Materialization of Weapon'.

The Spirit Cultivator merged her spirit energy with the weapons she used, causing the nature and form of the weapons to change, becoming a powerful spirit weapon. That was the Spirit Materialization of Weapon. As for Spirit Cultivator s who were able to complete Spirit Materialization of Weapon, their spirit energy cultivation had at most reached the "Spirit Destruction" state, while Tang Yin's spirit energy cultivation had only barely reached the "Spirit Movement" stage. Compared to his opponent, he was at least two ranks below, and the difference in strength was too great, making it impossible for him to win.

He knew that it was impossible for him to become a leader, and he was more suited to be an assistant, giving advice and planning for others. It was just that all this time, the people he saw were people that held high status, and he was not one to be looked down upon as a commoner.'s appearance on the scene also made him feel that it was a ray of hope, and felt that maybe in the future, even supporting this man would allow him to achieve extraordinary results. It was a pity that Tang Yin would disappear very quickly, and based on the current situation, he would not be able to defeat his opponent, much less having the possibility of keeping his life.

"We're finished …" Qiu Zhen laid weakly on the ground, unwilling to watch the fight outside anymore. He never thought that he had some hope just now, but now, he had to draw water from a bamboo basket instead.

Spirit Materialization of Weapon! The cultivation of the person in front of him had already reached the 'Broken' realm! Tang Yin was struck by the big sized man's spear, but he did not fall to the ground, the sword in his hand was broken, the center of his palm was split open, blood flowed down his finger trickling onto the ground, but his eyes that was staring straight at the big sized man became brighter and brighter, without blinking, giving the big sized man the feeling that he was not looking at anyone, but rather looking at a big cake, at a table full of delicious food.

The big man hated this feeling.

At this time, the other Ning Country soldiers wanted to charge up and besiege Tang Yin. The big sized man stretched out his arm, and shouted coldly: "Don't go up, he's mine!" Saying that, he swung his silver spear towards Tang Yin and sneered: "Brat, see how I'll pierce you into a hornet's nest today!"

In response to the other party's underestimation, Tang Yin did not get angry, but laughed instead. He stuck out his tongue, weirdly licked his lips, and said slowly: "In my eyes, you are not a hornet's nest, but honey. While speaking, his figure flashed, and appeared in front of those Feng Country soldiers who were already frightened silly. He snatched a spear from one of their hands, and then rushed towards the big sized man.

"You are the one sweeping yourself to death!" The big sized man did not understand what Tang Yin meant by eating him, but he had never been looked down upon so much. Seeing that Tang Yin was rushing towards him recklessly, he roared, channeled his energy into his arm, and stabbed towards Tang Yin's chest with all his might.

Regardless of whether it was Tang Yin or Yan Lie who was only at the Spirit Qi state, it was impossible for him to defeat the burly man in front of him, but the combination of the two produced an appropriate usage, allowing Tang Yin to not only have outstanding martial arts skills, but also have the Spirit Qi foundation, making him even more nimble and nimble.

The big sized man thrusted the spear in his hand extremely quickly, while Tang Yin moved even faster. When the big sized man stabbed his spear into empty air, when he looked again, he could no longer see Tang Yin. But at this time, Tang Yin had already used the "Great Sliding Step" and moved behind him, his spear silently piercing towards the big sized man's back.

Relying on Spirit Cultivator's intuition, the big sized man felt the danger behind him. Without time to think about it, she moved her body to the side, and before the spear could pierce his back, a bloody wound appeared on her ribs.

"Aiya!" The big man was shocked and in pain. He couldn't help but howl out. At the same time, he was so scared that he slowly retreated. He had not clearly seen when Tang Yin had flashed behind him. This... What was going on? Even if he cracked his brain, he still couldn't understand. Could it be that this young man would have some sort of demonic technique?

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