Everyone breathed in, and Tang Yin changed his face at the same time.

The two spirit soldiers suddenly roared and both rushed to Tang Yin.

Two spirit knives, one left and one right, cut Tang Yin's head.

People are different, and their actions can be divided into fast and slow.

Tang Yin turned sideways. First, he avoided the knife that first attacked him. Then, the knife of another spirit warrior also arrived. While lowering his head to avoid his edge, he leaned forward with his arm. Flashing stone fire generally clasped the other party's wrist holding the knife, and then pulled back fiercely. With a scream, the spirit warrior flew over Tang Yin's head and hit the wall behind him.


The body of the spirit warrior was huge. Coupled with the full impact force, it made an incomparably loud sound, and even the wall was hit into a big pit.

The spirit warrior bounced to the ground and was hit dizzy. Before he got up from the ground, Tang Yin didn't know when he was standing in front of him. His blood red eyes looked down like a devil.

"Ah?" The spirit soldier was startled, instinctively screamed, grabbed the spirit knife and seemed to start again. Tang Yin's sickle had been waved first, and the tip of the knife was stabbing the spirit soldier's chest. The latter didn't even shout this time, and his body had turned into a ethereal spirit fog.

With a strange cry, another spirit warrior rushed over from behind Tang Yin and rushed straight to Tang Yin's back with a knife.

He came suddenly, and his speed was incomparably fast. Unfortunately, compared with the instantaneous movement of the shadow drift, it was still too slow. He didn't hit Tang Yin, but only a mass of air. When his body was still in mid air, Tang Yin appeared on his side, grabbed the back of his neck, and then threw himself on his head. The huge body of the spirit warrior was held high by him with one hand, I didn't see how hard he exerted himself. There was only a click in his earrings. Tang Yin's five fingers were like pliers and forcibly crushed the spirit armor at the neck of the spirit soldier together with the neck bone.

The spirit warrior was like being shocked, the struggle stopped, and the spirit knife in his hand also fell to the ground.

Tang Yin threw the spirit warrior to the ground. At this time, the latter was still breathing, lying on the ground, his limbs were still twitching, and his eyes showed desperate ashes. Tang Yin squatted down slowly and looked directly at the king besa on the throne. From his curved eyes hidden behind the spirit armor, he could see that he was laughing at this time.

A proud and sarcastic smile.

His two fingers bent like an iron hook, clasped the eyes of the spirit soldier on the ground, and both fingers didn't enter each other's eyes, so he lifted them up again. With the dark fire flashed on his hand, the spirit soldier was finally free from pain, his body turned into an invisible spirit fog, and Tang Yin had only an empty iron helmet left on his hand.

Killing people may be a forced and helpless act for others, but for Tang Yin, it is more like fun. His coldness and cruelty are not deliberately expressed, but naturally revealed from his bones. It is precisely because of this that he makes others feel fear from his bones.

The two spirit warriors all died in Tang Yin's dark fire in the blink of an eye. All the ministers of besa present were surprised and scared. They instinctively retreated. Looking at Tang Yin's eyes was like looking at a murderous demon.

In fact, there are not so few spiritual soldiers in the city of besa, and they are so poor that they are vulnerable to Tang Yin. The powerful spiritual soldiers in the city of besa have gone on an expedition to the wind country with the army. Even if these two people were killed by Tang Yin, they lost not in cultivation and spiritual weapons, but in psychology.

Tang Yin and his group came suddenly, and the number was unknown, and the momentum was like breaking bamboo. They directly entered the palace. The momentum was so fierce that no one could stop them. Besa city seemed to be destroyed under the other party's iron horse. Before the fight, the hearts of the two spirit soldiers were confused and lost to each other in momentum. How can they be Tang Yin's opponent.

With a sickle in one hand, he walked slowly to King Bessa. The sickle rustled across the marble floor.

He didn't walk fast, but none of the ministers around dared to stop him. At this time, another spirit warrior stood on the side of King besa.

Just looking at the high bulge on her chest, Tang Yin knew that she was a woman. Tang Yin just glanced at her, kept pace, and still walked to King Bessa.

Seeing Tang Yin getting closer and closer, the spirit soldier lifted up the spirit gun in his hand and pointed the tip of the gun at Tang Yin.

Before Tang Yin reacted, King besa moved first. His eyebrows wrinkled and his arms raised slightly, as if to stop the spirit warrior, but he didn't say anything after all.

When Tang Yin was nearly three meters away from King besa, the spirit warrior suddenly gave a roar, the spirit gun in his hand was shining, and the spirit waves shot at Tang Yin like arrow rain.

This is the soul chasing skill of Lingwu.

Blood soul chasing is very powerful and specializes in breaking the spirit armor. Tang Yin didn't dare to reach his edge. When his body shook, he showed shadow drift and flashed close to King besa three meters away.

They are so close that they almost stick together.

In the city of besa, and even the whole Federation of Morpheus, the spiritual practitioners of the dark system have been eradicated as evil and disappeared hundreds of years ago. Therefore, they are also very unfamiliar with the spiritual skills of the dark system. Tang Yin showed shadow drift and flashed his attack in an instant. When he came near the king, the spiritual warrior was startled and screamed subconsciously.

Tang Yin didn't even pay attention to her. With one hand, he grabbed the collar of King Bessa and raised the sickle with the other hand.

"Ah --"

Seeing this, Bessa's ministers issued a burst of exclamation.

Tang Yin's knife was lifted up, but it didn't fall down.

When the life and death of the greatest enemy were in his own hands, his floating mood became surprisingly calm.

To kill King Bessa, it's very simple. You can only wave the knife in your hand, but what will you do after killing him? If the king knew that he would not be killed by his own army, he would not be more determined to avenge his own country. On the contrary, if he knew that he had been killed by his own army, he would not be killed by his own army.

This old man really can't be killed!

Tang Yin raised the sickle and slowly put it down again. At the same time, the spirit armor on his face was scattered, his handsome facial features were exposed, and his blood red eyes were directly on the king's eyes.

King besa thought he was dead. It can be seen that Tang Yin suddenly stopped and removed the spirit armor on his face. He was very surprised and looked at Tang Yin blankly.

"My name is Tang Yin. I'm the county warden of Pingyuan County of Fengguo! (MO)"

King besa didn't know what the wind kingdom was or what the county guard was. He just knew that he was the general of Haotian empire. He didn't answer, but looked at Tang Yin silently.

Tang Yin proudly raised her head and looked down at King besa, He continued: "it's as easy to kill you as to find out what's in your pocket. If you're smart enough, let your army withdraw immediately. If you insist on walking alone again, you're joking about your last name and life. Even if you can break the city of Pingyuan County, I can make you sleep with your head and don't get up! If you don't believe it, you can try again.", He released his hand, straightened his body, slowly put down the sickle, took a step back, and said coldly, "let your head stay on your body today. If I see that Bessa's soldiers have not withdrawn, I'll get it back! (MO)"

With that, Tang Yin turned back and walked directly outside the hall.

The knife had been put on King besa's neck, and Tang Yin stopped temporarily, which was beyond everyone's expectation, including King besa himself.

Tang Yin came quickly and walked faster. His figure had disappeared outside the hall for a long time. The people in the hall came back to God. What had just happened seemed like a nightmare. They all had the feeling of wandering outside the ghost gate and returning to the world again.

At this time, King Bessa bent straight, gasped heavily, and wiped the sweat from his forehead. At the critical moment of life and death, it is absolutely deceptive to say that he is not afraid, but the dignity of the monarch supports him not to show timidity and guilt in front of the enemy. Now that Tang Yin is gone, he doesn't have to pretend any more.

I feel chilly all over my body. When I touch it with my hand, my clothes have been soaked with cold sweat.

Alas! King Bessa sighed secretly. Before, he just heard the soldiers in front say that Tang Yin was terrible. Today, it can be seen. If so, it's still human. It's a devil in human skin. Although Tang Yin has left, he can't help but be afraid as long as he thinks of his bloodshot eyes.

Facing an enemy like Tang Yin, it's a nightmare!

A minister came out of the crowd trembling and asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, listen to the voice of the enemy... It seems that the enemy soldiers have withdrawn... (MO)"

Quit? King Bessa smiled bitterly. Now it's time to withdraw, but who can guarantee that the other party's sneak attack will not happen again? At this time, King besa sat in the palace and felt cold behind his back, and a strong sense of uneasiness enveloped his whole body.

Will our 200000 troops withdraw or not? If you don't withdraw, what if Tang Yin attacks again? Is it impossible to move the capital just to attack several border cities of Haotian Empire?

King Bessa clenched his fist and remained silent for a long time. He sighed again, looked up and said to the ministers below: "call the herald! (MO)"

Tang Yin took people to withdraw, but they were thieves. When they withdrew from BESA City, they also looted a large number of gold and silver treasures, some from the palace and some from the people's homes. Everyone was full of bowls.

When they came, they were 4000 people. Hundreds of soldiers were killed and hundreds of others were injured in the battle in besa city. Tang Yin did not leave the wounded and wounded army, took the injured and dead, and embarked on a long way home.

They have achieved great success on one side, while Pingyuan County on the other side does not know the news. Now 200000 barbarians have entered the territory of Fengguo, and the whole Pingyuan county is extremely nervous.

Bessa's army did not attack the border city, but went around and took Hengcheng directly.

Obviously, besa's tanma has proved the move of Pingyuan county and plans to launch a decisive battle in Hengcheng between you and me.

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