Xiao MuQing can't understand how brave Tang Yin is. Not to mention the capital of besa, Tang Yin has the courage to break into even the den of dragons and tigers.

Looking at Shangguan yuanrang with disapproval on his face, Xiao MuQing didn't continue to argue with him, but smiled and greeted him to the city.

Shangguan yuanrang is so powerful that he can see clearly in the city. Now if he wants to resist the besa army, he has to rely on him more. He doesn't dare to offend him.

The officials who welcome Xiaoyuan into the city are almost led by Xiaoyuan's army. The latter accepted the crowd's support with ease, sat on the horse, didn't even go down, raised his head, picked on the corners of his mouth, smiled rather than smiled, and was elated. In his opinion, the people should treat him like this. If he hadn't come in time, the Barbarian army would have killed into the city.

Walking forward, a group of people came quickly in front. The leader was not someone else, but Shangguan Yuanji.

Shangguanyuan let his eyes sharpen. Seeing the eldest brother coming from a distance, he was stunned for a while, and then his face suddenly lost its gratification. The first reaction was to come down from the horse, squeeze out a peaceful smile, and nod to the people around him from time to time. Xiao MuQing is very strange. I don't understand why he suddenly made a 180 degree turn in his attitude towards his people.

After waiting for a while, he also saw Shangguan Yuanji and others who came quickly. It was clear in his heart that Shangguan yuanrang was also in awe of his eldest brother!

Shangguan Yuanji hasn't trained in Lingwu, but his three brothers are all highly skilled in Lingwu, but the three brothers have a respectful and fearful attitude towards him. Of course, there is much more respect than fear. No matter how good they are, they are just younger brothers and younger generations in front of Shangguan Yuanji.

Without waiting for Shangguan Yuanji to come near, Shangguan Yuanji let him meet him first. In front of Shangguan Yuanji, he adjusted his clothes, then bent his knees and knelt down. Without waiting to speak, his eyes became red first. Shangguanyuan asked him to travel around and leave home for several years. It was several years since he met his eldest brother. At this time, his heart surged and slowed down for a moment. His voice trembled and said, "younger brother yuanrang, see your eldest brother!"

Looking at the brother who had been away from home for many years, Shangguan Yuanji's tears also fell down. He quickly reached out to help yuanrang up and looked at him carefully up and down. He felt that his brother was much darker than his impression and looked mature. He nodded excitedly and choked: "just come back, just come back!"

The two brothers haven't seen each other for many years. After a long separation and reunion, they naturally have a stomach of words and thousands of words to say, but Xiao MuQing didn't have time to wait for them to talk about family affairs. He came closer and said with a smile: "it's a blessing for the officials to have a brother like the general, and it's also a blessing for Pingyuan County!"

His words were very skillful, that is, he showed compliment and respect, and secretly gave shangguanyuanrang the title of general. The implication was to pull him into the plain army.

The two brothers of Shangguan couldn't hear the sound outside his words. Shangguan Yuanji didn't say much, but Shangguan yuanrang said discontentedly, "I'm just an idle man. When did I become a general? If I didn't know that Pingyuan county was in trouble this time and my eldest brother was trapped, I wouldn't come back thousands of miles."

He was telling the truth. Shangguan yuanrang didn't intend to join the army at this time. He came back to Pingyuan county only to understand the danger of Hengcheng and keep his eldest brother's surname.

Xiao Muqing, with a red face, rubbed his hands and laughed and looked at Kami Yuanyoshi with difficulty. Shangguanyuan makes this man too arrogant and unreasonable. If he wants to pull him into the plain army and help his own side retreat from the enemy, he can only start from his brother.

Shangguan Yuanji naturally understood what Xiao MuQing meant, but he was not an unreasonable elder brother, let alone forced his brother to make a choice. He was silent for a moment, Said: "yuanrang, Pingyuan county is our hometown, and the people in Pingyuan county are our villagers. At this critical juncture, 200000 troops from manbang invaded our county. We should do our best to protect our hometown and ensure the safety of the people!"

Shangguanyuan smiled and said proudly, "don't worry, brother. With me, the barbarians of the vassal state will never step into Hengcheng!"

Hearing what he said, Shangguan Yuanji was relieved. As long as his brother was willing to contribute, it didn't matter whether he joined the plain army or not.

Xiao MuQing moved her mouth and wanted to talk, but she finally held back. He hoped that shangguanyuanrang could join the plain army in his heart. Now Zhang Zhou was killed, and there was just a lack of a military commander. If shangguanyuanrang could take over this position, with his outstanding Lingwu, he could improve the combat effectiveness of the plain army to a higher level, and he could do more in the future, but shangguanyuan made this man arrogant and unreasonable, and if he was too nervous, I'm afraid it will backfire.

Shangguan yuan asked him to look around and didn't see his two brothers. He asked suspiciously, "elder brother, where are Yuanwu and yuanbiao?"

"The two of them have gone on an expedition with their adults to the capital of barbarian States!"

"Oh?" Xiao MuQing said that shangguanyuan didn't believe it, but his eldest brother also said that, so he couldn't help believing it. Does Tang Yin really dare to go deep alone and sneak into the capital of manbang? This is incredible. At this time, Shangguan yuanrang had a strong interest in Tang Yin and wanted to see what kind of person he was.

He thought so in his heart, but he didn't say so. He muttered, "it's just that the county guard wants to die. He also has to take my two brothers. If Yuanwu and yuanbiao have an accident, I'll never spare him!"

Xiao MuQing was shocked when he heard the speech, and secretly spit out his tongue. Shangguan Yuanji's face sank down and scolded in a low voice: "yuanrang, don't talk nonsense, let alone be rude to adults!"

Seeing that the eldest brother's face was not good, shangguanyuan asked him to bow his head in a hurry.

When they returned to the official residence in the city, they were divided into guests and guests. Shangguanyuan asked him to look East and West. He felt a lot of changes in his family. He thought that his eldest brother had become a deputy county guard and his family could become richer. Unexpectedly, on the contrary, there were not many valuable things in his family, and there were more bodyguards, but there were few servants left. Obviously, his life was far worse than before.

People become richer and richer as an official, and their eldest brother becomes poorer and poorer as an official. Shangguanyuan doesn't know whether he should cry or laugh. He walks around the hospital with his back to his hand, shaking his head and sighing from time to time.

It wasn't long for them to take their seats. Bai Yong, Juno, Guyue and Li Wei also came recently from the outside. At the same time, they also brought the casualty statistics of their own soldiers.

Every time they see the statistics of their own casualties, everyone feels a headache. Especially today, after a hard day of fighting, the outer city walls have been occupied by the enemy, and the casualties of the plain army are very large.

The five regiments, originally 80000 people, can now take up arms. There are less than 40000 soldiers who can fight, and most of the casualties. Even those who can fight are almost all injured and exhausted. Can their fighting power be reduced to this level, and can they resist the strong attack of the barbarian army?

Seeing that the people lowered their heads and were silent, Xiao MuQing said positively, "our army has suffered a lot of casualties, and the loss of the barbarian army is even greater. Besides, now we have yuanrang... Yuanrang's brother's assistance, so it's no problem to resist the enemy!"

Shangguan Yuanji said, "if the troops are really insufficient, I can organize the people in the city to help our army defend the city!"

Xiao MuQing quickly shook his head and said, "no! The people have not received formal training, let alone seen the blood on the battlefield. If the people are allowed to fight against barbarians on the battlefield, it will not only increase casualties, but also flee in large numbers, which will affect our army's morale and increase the arrogance of barbarians, and the war situation will be more unfavorable to our army!"

After listening to Xiao MuQing's analysis, Shangguan Yuanji nodded and thought what he said was very reasonable. It's OK to ask the people to help transport urban defense facilities, but it's really too risky to organize to go to the battlefield.

Juno snorted coldly and said, "if the county can send reinforcements, how can Hengcheng get into such a dilemma?"

His words immediately resonated with everyone. At this time, both sides were exhausted and at the end of a powerful crossbow. As long as the county sent even 10000 reinforcements, it was enough to reverse their passive situation.

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation. Only Qiu Zhenxin knew what was going on in tuming. He wouldn't miss the opportunity to arouse people's discontent. His eyes turned and echoed: "Yu he is a greedy villain. If we can send him a large number of gold, silver and jewelry, he may send reinforcements as soon as he is happy. Without money, he won't care about the life and death of our plain army and the plain people!"

"This dog official!" Juno shook his fist and hit the table hard.

All the people are also full of Qi and blood, with fire in their eyes.

Shangguanyuan asked him to enter the house at this time, looked around at the people, and youyou said, "as soon as the barbarian army retreats, I'll go to shunzhou to get his dog's head!"

Shangguan Yuanji frowned, but before he could speak, several military commanders answered one after another: "yes! Brother yuanrang, we'll go with you at that time. Don't kill Yu He, the dog officer. I'm sorry for the soldiers killed in the war, and I'm more sorry for general Zhang who died in his country!"

Provoked by Qiu Zhen's understatement, people's hatred for the barbarian army was immediately transferred to Yu He, who was still organizing troops in shunzhou to reinforce Yancheng. He didn't know that he had become the target of the soldiers of the plain army at this time.

Shangguanyuan asked him to take a chair and said, "the barbarians are not afraid, and we don't have to stay in the city. When the barbarians come back to attack the city tomorrow, I'll go out of the city to meet the enemy."

"This..." Xiao MuQing pondered for a moment and said anxiously, "brother yuan rang can't take it lightly. There are many barbarian troops. If you go out of the city to fight, I'm afraid..."

"Hum!" Shangguanyuan let out a sneer, grabbed his three pointed and two edged sword and said, "what are you afraid of? Kill an enemy, stab it with a knife, kill a group of enemies with a wave of a knife. Even if the enemy has millions, in my eyes, it's just a group of cattle and sheep to be slaughtered!"

This can be said to be crazy to the extreme, but Shangguan yuanrang also has enough arrogant capital. On the battlefield, he has the courage to defeat ten thousand people. In the future expedition, he did get the nickname of "ten thousand people enemy". He was named "invincible general" by Tang Yin. He used a three pointed and two edged knife to sweep * *.

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