The difference between the shadow separation and the wind split separation of the light department is that the separated body is not an empty shadow, but an entity. The person who releases the skills transfers almost all his aura to the separated body, and there is no aura available in his body. Because of this, Tang Yin has no ability to protect himself, so he has never dared to show his head in the car, I didn't even explain the situation to my confidants below.

Tang Yin is connected with Fen Shen. He can see and hear what Fen Shen sees and hears.

In the car, he told Qiu Zhen what happened to him, and then Qiu Zhen came up with countermeasures, and then Tang Yin instructed him. Although Qiu Zhen didn't go to the city to discuss peace, in fact, he was in the king's court and knew the progress of peace.

In fact, Qiu Zhen's argument with the ministers of besa is actually the argument between Qiu Zhen and them. This is the wonder of shadow separation.

Among the people, only shangguanyuan could see the mystery at a glance. It is precisely because of this that he would simply abandon the "Tang Yin" in the city and leave the city alone. The separation is irrelevant. What really needs to be protected is Tang Yin's original statue outside the city, that is, his real body.

Cheng Jin's words revealed the secret of nature. Everyone suddenly realized it. Then they all laughed, picked up their thumbs and praised with one voice: "Your Excellency, smart!"

Tang Yin has no Aura now. He can't stand a blow compared with the spirit warrior only by his boxing and foot Kung Fu. He sat in the car without worrying. Instead, he smiled leisurely and said slowly, "now I'll give my last name to my brothers."

When Cheng Jin and Lu Fang heard the speech, their faces were the same. They cut the gold and cut the iron and said, "don't worry, adults. We will keep a collective vigil and never let adults have an accident."

Tang Yin nodded with a smile, then turned her eyes to Shangguan yuanrang and said, "yuanrang, you should rest early, go to the city early tomorrow morning and meet me again."

"Yes, my Lord!" Shangguanyuan promised. He was as like as two peas in the world. He had to sigh with deep emotion the magic of the Lingwu. The real body and the body were just the same. It was the two living people who could not tell the truth from the truth.

On the other side, in BESA City, Tang Yin's separation stayed in the guest room of the pavilion without worry.

The room is large and luxurious, beautifully decorated and decorated with all kinds of furnishings, either inlaid with gold or plated with silver. If it is moved to modern times, it can't even compare with the presidential suite.

Because she was only separated, even her clothes were transformed by aura. She was not a real person and didn't need to sleep. Tang Yin fell on the bed and just closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

At midnight, a slight sound suddenly came out of the door, which was the slight friction sound when the door was opened.

Tang Yin lay in bed without moving, but her eyes opened immediately.

At this time, the lights in the room were out and dark, but Tang Yin could still see things clearly because he was a spiritual cultivator.

The door was opened with a gap. Then, a dark figure quickly drilled through the gap. The figure was slim and tall. Tang Yin recognized her only once. He laughed in the heart. The princess's wife did not sleep in the palace at night. What did she do in her room?

Although separation is not a real person, it is Tang Yin's inheritance. It has its own consciousness and inherits Tang Yin's surname.

He narrowed his eyes and silently stared at the visitor to see what she was going to do.

After the shadow entered the room, he immediately squatted on the ground and did not move for a long time. First, he was adapting to the darkness in the room, and second, he was looking at the layout of the room.

After waiting for a long time, she stood up slowly, raised her legs high, dropped her feet gently, and walked carefully to the bed. At this time, Tang Yin saw more clearly and saw a cold shining steel sword in her hand.

She walked smoothly to the bed and looked at Tang Yin lying on it. The corner of her mouth was raised high. The sword in her hand fell down against Tang Yin's throat. Then she whispered, "Tang Yin!"

The princess is pretty good. At least she didn't attack the killer. Tang Yin secretly laughed and remained motionless.

"Fool!" The shadow whispered, "it's easy to kill you!" As she spoke, she patted Tang Yin on the cheek with her sword and said in a bad tone, "Tang Yin, get out of here!"

Tang Yin was also obedient. Before her voice fell, Tang Yin suddenly waved her arm and opened her sword. Then he rolled like a ball on the bed and sat up. His hand was like electricity. He clasped the visitor's wrist and took it back to his arms. The visitor screamed instinctively and couldn't stand. She fell on the bed. Tang Yin's action was also neat. She turned over and pressed directly on the person. One hand still clasped her wrist holding the sword, and the other hand covered her big mouth.

He smiled softly and whispered, "your hospitality is so considerate that you sent me a princess in the evening."

It's the princess besa whom Tang Yin has seen on both sides, Shawna? Feng? Poulos.

Bessa's folk customs are similar to those of the wind country. Although she is very open, the princess has never had such close contact with any man. At this time, she heard his ridicule and was pressed on her by him. Her face turned red and she didn't even think about it. The uncontrolled hand severely slapped him in the face.


The slap was strong, and it also showed the original surname of Tang Yin's evil madness.

He licked the corners of his mouth, and his eyes flashed a bright and amazing evil light. With a fierce grip of his palm, Xiao Na ate pain and took off her sword. Tang Yin did not stop, raised her wrist to her head, and buckled the bowl of her other hand, then released a hand, grabbed her collar and pulled it down. With a crash, Xiao Na's skirt was torn open, The snow-white skin suddenly appeared.


At this time, Xiao Na suddenly realized that her situation was bad. She wanted to shout, but Tang Yin first lowered her head and sealed her mouth with her own mouth. Her hands were not idle and kept tearing Beina's clothes.

Damn you... Xiao Na's hands were restrained and kissed by Tang Yin. She couldn't cry out. She was forced to release the spirit armor.

Just when she wanted to release the spirit armor, Tang Yin suddenly stopped, stopped pulling her clothes, raised her head and turned her ears, as if listening to something.

"Damn it, you let go of me..."


Tang Yin erected his index finger, put down her voice, stopped her voice, and asked in a low voice, "did your highness bring your hand down?"

Xiao Na was stunned by his sudden question, shook her head blankly and said, "no, why do you ask?" After a pause, she regained her consciousness and began to twist her body. She struggled violently and said angrily and shyly, "I'm just here to compete with you tonight, not for your enjoyment. Let me go!"

Tang Yin hissed again, narrowed her smiling eyes, and youyou said, "it's really lively tonight. There are more visitors!"

"Ah?" Xiao Na didn't understand what he meant and looked at him blankly with a frown.

Tang Yin looked out of the window and whispered, "you'll know later."

Xiao Na followed Tang Yin and looked out of the window. The moonlight is hazy. It's dark outside. You can't see anything clearly.

After waiting for a while, she was about to ask a question when Tang Yin whispered, "coming!"

Almost at the same time, Xiao Na suddenly saw a dark shadow running through the window. It was too fast. It flashed like a ghost.

Xiao Na was surprised and unconsciously opened her mouth. Who was the person outside the window? What's your intention?

Before she could understand, Tang Yin pulled back the quilt and covered them together.

Lying under the quilt with Tang Yin, Xiao Na suddenly realized that she was still pressed by him at this time, and her flawless jade face turned red again. She angrily said, "Tang Yin, don't go too far..."

"If you want to see a good play, don't talk now!" Tang Yin whispered to stop her.

Don't talk, just lie here and let you take advantage of it? Xiao Na glared at Tang Yin angrily, but it was a pity that Tang Yin's eyes twinkled with evil light could be seen in the darkness of the quilt, but she could not see the evil smile at the corner of his mouth.


At this time, a light noise from the room window attracted her attention. She took a deep breath, slowly picked up a corner of the quilt and peeped out.

I don't know when there was a man in black standing on the windowsill. His black spirit armor was different from the spirit armor of the dark spiritual cultivator. He was bright and bright. It was obvious that he had painted black paint on the spirit armor. Holding a long and narrow spirit knife, the man opened the lock through the gap in the window, then gently pushed open the window and jumped into the room like a stream of black smoke.

After him, another four shadows fished in through the window, some with spirit swords and some with spirit guns.

At this time, even fools can see that they planned to assassinate Tang Yin.

Xiao Na was secretly surprised. Who wanted to kill Tang Yin? One thing is certain that it was not their father who ordered them.

The border of Haotian Empire has now become a hard bone to chew. If she can't get any benefits, she often stabs the city-state of besa. Sanchez has planned to give up the plundering of Haotian Empire and make the two countries repair. Even Shawna proposed to have a competition with Tang Yin, but Sanchez refused, so she came privately.

If it wasn't my father, who would it be? The warlike uncle Shawna appeared immediately.

She was thinking that the five people who came in didn't stop. They slowly approached the bed in a fan. When they came to the bedside, they looked at each other, and then raised their weapons at the same time to fall together.

At this time, Tang Yin, who was lying in bed, suddenly gave a cold drink and threw the quilt away.

The five people beside the bed were startled and instinctively stepped back to dodge, while Tang Yin ran out of the bed like a cheetah. In an instant, he came close to an assassin, punched each other in the chest.

The assassin is dressed in a spirit armor, while Tang Yin only has a meat fist to hit. How can the assassin pay attention to it? You secretly say that you want to die yourself! Thinking that he didn't even hide, he returned with a knife and took Tang Yin's head instead.

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