Tang Yin smiled, waved his hand and said, "No."

"Hey? Young man, take some more, or we'll be embarrassed to take so much gold from you." The two hunters handed the straw basket to Tang Yin. No matter how the latter delayed, they still asked him to choose more. Tang Yin had no choice but to take out a few more ginseng, shake the soil slightly, and then put it directly into his mouth and chew it.

The ginseng just dug out is sweet in bitterness and bitter in sweetness. It's not delicious. Tang Yin can get used to this taste. He's never picky about food, let alone when he's hungry.

After receiving so much gold from Tang Yin, the two hunters kindly advised him again not to go to the mountains. However, Tang Yin didn't take it to heart. Seeing his disapproval, the two hunters could only sigh heavily and pray silently in their hearts, hoping that he wouldn't have an accident.

It's almost time to stop. The two hunters say goodbye to Tang Yin. They have made so much gold this time. Both hunters are satisfied and don't plan to pick more. They want to go out of the mountain and go home.

Tang Yin watched them leave with a smile. He left two of the ginseng he bought and ate the rest. Then he stood up, rubbed his hands, stretched his muscles and bones, and began to climb quickly to the top of the mountain.

He is vigorous and does not need the assistance of equipment. He is like a monkey, sometimes crawling and sometimes jumping, and soon reaches the top of the bench.

At the top of the mountain, there were many strange stones and weeds. Inadvertently, Tang Yin found a writing on a huge stone engraved with the words "Yunzi arrives late for a visit". He touched the score with his hand, which was hard scratched by a spirit soldier. He shook his head and smiled. It seems that explorers have been here. Like modern people, people in this era seem to be used to leaving evidence where they pass.

He turned his mouth and walked to the other side of the mountain. According to two hunters, the bottom of the mountain here is the central hinterland of beast mountain. He stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down. The fog surrounded him. He couldn't see the bottom of the mountain at all. He picked up a big stone and threw it out from a distance.

During the falling of the boulder, he silently counted one, two, three, four... When he counted to ten, he vaguely heard the echo from the foot of the mountain.

It took ten seconds for such a large stone to fall to the ground. After a little calculation, it must be hundreds of meters deep below, which is much deeper than the other side. It can be seen that the center of beast mountain is also a low-lying Valley, and it is also a very deep valley.

If an ordinary person sees such a deep valley alone, he certainly doesn't dare to go down, but Tang Yin doesn't care. He exudes aura and covers his palms with a spirit armor, so that he can grasp it more firmly in the process of going down. Then, he shakes his body and quickly climbs from the top of the mountain to the valley.

At this time, the more slippery the iron armor on the side of the mountain is, and the more the light on the side of the mountain is, the more it is blocked by the moss on the side of the mountain. At this time, it is said that the light on the side of the mountain is not as good as that on the side of the mountain, Tightly clasp the cliff to support his body from falling halfway.

Even Tang Yin took a lot of effort to get from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley.

The valley is much larger than Tang Yin expected. The entrance above is narrow, while the bottom is very open. The whole is gourd shaped, but the light is too dark. If Tang Yin is not a dark spiritual cultivator, it is difficult for him to see things at the bottom of the valley.

It may be that the relationship between light and Japan has not been seen for many years. Many of the plants growing here are unprecedented and unheard of by Tang Yin. It even makes him feel like he has gone to another world, and everything seems so novel.

He slowly explored forward. There was no grass on the ground, but there were huge mushrooms. Some mushrooms were even the size of Chengren's hands. Tang Yin had never seen such a big mushroom before. He couldn't help walking up to a huge mushroom and breaking off a piece to taste it.

But at the moment when he broke off the mushroom, the dense black beetles suddenly burst out from the fracture and climbed onto his palm. Tang Yin reacted very quickly. For the first time, he emitted aura and covered his whole body with spirit armor. At the same time, those black beetles climbed all over his body along his palms and feet and gnawed madly.

When the beetle bites the spirit armor, it makes a creak, creak, subtle and harsh friction sound.

What kind of bug is this?! Tang Yin shook off the bug on one palm, and then returned to protect his eyes. While muttering in his heart, the dark fire arose. He only heard a cry. His whole body was covered by the dark fire. With the hissing sound, the beetles that climbed onto him turned into spiritual fog in an instant.

Beetles are tiny and thousands of, but the aura is very thick. It floats in the air and condenses into a ball. Tang Yin looks up and slowly enters the body with his breath. He closes his eyes and aftertastes. After a long time, he mumbles two words: "pure!"

The aura of these beetles is not only pure and pure, but even more pure than that of human beings.

I didn't expect these disgusting insects to have such pure aura. Tang Yin was overjoyed and completely broke the mushroom that he had broken off. After a while, more beetles came out. Although there were many beetles, they climbed onto Tang Yin like moths to put out the fire. They never came back. After a short time, the beetles climbed out of the giant mushroom were burned by the dark fire.

Tang Yin took a long breath and looked around. There were giant mushrooms everywhere at the bottom of the valley. I don't know how many of these black beetles. If he ate them all, he estimated that his cultivation could be directly improved from Lingyuan realm to Lingtian realm.

Thinking of this, he grinned. It was just the so-called unintentional inserting willows into yin. He entered the beast mountain just to practice the fire of darkness. Unexpectedly, he came across such a treasure land of growing cultivation.

It's good to practice the dark fire to the state of soul burning, but it's better to improve the cultivation to the state of spirit and heaven.

Tang Yin couldn't restrain his joy. He immediately broke another giant mushroom beside him. But after breaking it, he only looked at the white meat of the mushroom and didn't find a beetle. Tang Yin was unwilling. He even put his hands and feet on it. He trampled the mushroom into thin pieces and didn't see the shadow of the beetle.

"Shit, what's going on?" Tang Yin changed from full of joy to full of loss. Is it true that there are so many mushrooms in the whole valley, and there are only beetles in that mushroom just now? I happened to catch up with that one? There is no such coincidence in the world.

He was unwilling and didn't believe that he would be so lucky. He simply pulled out the machete, waved it and cut off several mushrooms at once, but like the mushroom just now, there was still no beetle in it. When he walked out a few meters and cut off more than 20 mushrooms in a row, he finally saw a large number of beetles drilling out of the mushrooms. This time, he was very precious. He tried not to let the beetles run away and ate them all with the fire of darkness.

After trying several times, Tang Yin found that not every mushroom has beetles, but this kind of beetle seems to regard the mushroom as its own nest, eat all the meat and live in it. There will only be one or two mushrooms in each mushroom group.

i see! He smiled bitterly and shook his head. Although the aura of beetles was pure, the number was relatively small. Now he didn't have so much time to check these mushrooms one by one, which had only beetles and which had no beetles.

He didn't dare to scatter the spirit armor. Instead, he closed his double swords, turned them into sickles, and continued to go deep into the valley. In this unknown Valley, crises can be found everywhere, and he dare not be careless.

There are many plants and animals in the valley, and they are all animals Tang Yin has never seen.

These animals are not big in size. Some are similar to lizards. Their scales are covered with barbs. They run very fast. Some are soft and have no bones. They wriggle on the ground like large maggots. Their bodies are sticky and full of venom. As soon as Tang Yingang approaches, maggots spit out venom and splash on the spirit armor, hissing and corroding black smoke.

It sprayed poisonous water on Tang Yin, who returned with the fire of darkness.

The animals in the valley have one thing in common, that is, no matter how strange and disgusting their appearance is, the aura formed by burning by the dark fire is very pure. Tang Yin benefits a lot from inhaling it into his body.

If he can't use dark fire, if he can't fill his body with dark fire, he will die when he meets those beetles.

Although spiritual practitioners can use the spirit armor to protect the body, they can't protect their eyes. When the beetle crawls all over the body, even if they can protect their eyes with their hands, the beetle can slowly chew off the spirit armor on its body a little bit, and finally it will end up in a state of no bones.

Tang Yin regards the creatures in the valley as treasures to improve his cultivation, while others are deadly demons if they are recent.

After walking for a long time, he came to the center of the valley. It was the only place where there was a little sunshine at noon. However, there was no grass here and the ground was bare. Looking at the center, there was a black hole more than three meters wide on the ground. The ground was dark and bottomless.

There are deep caves in the bottomless Valley, which makes people sigh the wonder of the creator.

Tang Yin walked slowly to the side of the cave and looked inside. He didn't see anything, but there was a faint Yin coming towards him.

He was brave enough, but he still couldn't help fighting a cold war, and people subconsciously took a step backward.

His reason told him not to go in, but his strong curiosity couldn't help but want to let himself in and find out.

After thinking about it, he turned his heart and decided to go in and have a look.

Now that I've come, I'm afraid I'll regret it all my life if I don't find out.

Without a rope, Tang Yin had to climb down little by little. He broke the sickle into two spirit knives, and then inserted the machete into the stone wall of the cave as a support to go down little by little.

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