Shangguan yuanrang looked at Tang Yin and said, "the other party has only ten officers and soldiers. If adults want to save people, they just raise their hands."

Ten ordinary officers and soldiers, more than 30 of them will take their surnames and orders as easily as they can. They won't even say anything.

Tang Yin put down his chopsticks, looked at Shangguan yuanrang and asked, "we can really save these two people now, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands of wronged people like them. Can we all save them?"

"It's just that you can't see. Since you see..."

Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "saving people is only a temporary cure, not a permanent cure. If you want this kind of thing not to happen again, you have to get rid of Zhong Tian. Now if you only expose our identity in order to save two people, it's not saving people, but harming people, harming more innocent people."

Shangguan yuan asked Wen Yan to drop his head thoughtfully and remain silent.

Tang Yin took a deep look at him and didn't say much. He continued to eat.

When the people had finished their meal, Shangguan yuan asked them to say, "what adults say is reasonable."

Tang Yin almost laughed. Shangguan yuanrang is a genius, but he is stubborn and rigid. It's easy to understand. He has to ponder for a long time before he can figure it out. This kind of person doesn't have many friends in modern or ancient times. In fact, Shangguan yuanrang doesn't have many friends, but Tang Yin likes Shangguan yuanrang's surname very much. The more rigid he is, After being tamed, he will be more loyal and will not betray even to death.

Two days later, Tang Yin and others entered Yancheng territory without danger.

Yancheng is peaceful compared with Lehu County, but there are too many garrisons outside the city. The flags are waving and the camp is endless. It is unclear where the camp of Fengjun and Ningjun are. Walking on the official road, I saw a group of people standing on the roadside in front of me from a distance. The first one was Lu Fang, not someone else.

Standing beside Lu Fang was a big man in his early thirties, with a beard and beard. He was tall and strong. People knew it was Lian Jiazi at a glance. As for others, most of them are dressed up as servants, including Lotte and Aijia's subordinates.

When Tang Yin and others were close to Lu Fang, the latter recognized them. His face suddenly showed a happy look and hurried forward. After seeing Tang Yin, he gave a deep salute and whispered, "Sir, why are you here?" Through the spy of Tianyan and geonet, he already knew the news of Tang Yin's coming, but he felt that Tang Yin, as a sheriff, was too dangerous to go to Yancheng in person.

Tang Yin immediately smiled at him and said, "because of me, this action can only succeed, not fail."

"Yes, sir!" Lu Fang nodded, then waved to the fierce looking man behind him and introduced Tang Yin: "Sir, this is my friend, Yue Zijie!"

Tang Yin looked at the big man with a smile. The latter saluted first and said respectfully, "I've seen Lord Tang." As he spoke, he cautiously looked around and said, "this is not a place to talk. Adults can come to my house for a break."


Yue Zijie's home is not a home in Yancheng, but a house outside Yancheng. Led by him and Lu Fang, Tang Yin and others came to Yue Zijie's house outside the city. It can be seen that this man has a lot of money. When he was a bandit, he didn't make a lot of money. Even the houses that don't often live outside the city were built very imposing.

Invite Tang Yin into the main hall, and then let him sit in the main seat. Yue Zijie sat at the next hand and said to Tang Yin, "I've heard a lot about the name of Lord Tang. Brother Lu wrote me a letter before and asked me to go. However, my family is Yancheng, so I can't leave!"

Lu Fang snorted again angrily and said, "it's not that you can't leave, it's just that you don't want to give up your property!"

Yue Zijie blushed and rubbed his hands and smiled.

Tang Yin can see that he has a good relationship with Lu Fang.

He asked suspiciously, "how did brother Yue and brother Lu know each other?"

Speaking of this, Yue Zijie blushed more and said shyly, "I think adults also know what I used to do. Once I met a hard guy when I was doing business. If brother Lu hadn't happened to pass by and saved my life, I'm afraid I wouldn't live now."

"So it is." Tang Yin nodded, then turned the subject and asked, "you have a tunnel that can lead into Yancheng!" As he spoke, he looked directly at Yue Zijie, and his eyes twinkled with a faint light.

Yue Zihan is not an ordinary person with sharp eyes! He swallowed and spit, nodded and said, "yes, sir, the villain dug a tunnel outside the city in his own house."

"Where is the exit?"

"Right here." Yue Zijie answered truthfully.

"This?" Tang Yin was stunned.

Yue Zijie explained, "a large part of the reason why villains build houses here is that villains' tunnels are dug right here to build houses in order to hide people's ears and eyes."

Tang Yin Oh, and then he was happy. Yue Zijie was also very smart.

He picked up the teacup, sniffed it casually, then drank it slowly, and asked casually, "aren't you afraid to be found out by Zhong Tian and treated for your crime this time?"

Of course, Tang Yin's words are not just asking casually, but testing Yue Zijie.

Yue Zijie was born as a bandit. He is very clever. How can he not hear Tang Yin's words, He said in a hurry: "since the villain dares to promise brother Lu to help, he has been psychologically prepared. Moreover, when it is done, the villain is not ready to stay in Yancheng. He will go to Tianyuan county with the adults. By the way, the villain's family is on the way to Tianyuan county and is escorted by the adults' subordinates." What he said about Tang Yin's subordinates refers to the spies of Tianyan and earthnet.

Hearing the speech, Tang Yin quietly looked at Lotte and Aijia's subordinates. When he saw the latter, he nodded and motioned that Yue Zijie's words were true. He was relieved.

Yue Zijie is smart enough to send his family to Tianyuan county first. First, he can avoid the evil, and second, he can dispel Tang Yin's wariness. He is equivalent to sending his family to Tang Yin's hostages first, so as to prove that he has no evil thoughts. Otherwise, after he tells Tang Yin the tunnel, the latter is likely to kill him and even his family in order to eliminate future troubles.

His caution is not unreasonable, and Tang Yin can do such a thing.

After being confirmed by his subordinates, Tang Yin looked up and smiled and said, "well, I don't know what will happen in Yancheng in the future. Send my family to Tianyuan county to hide first, at least I'll have no worries about my family's life. If this can succeed, I'll reward you a lot. I'll fight back to Yancheng in the future, and I won't forget your credit."

"Oh, thank you, my Lord!" Yue Zijie quickly stood up and bowed to the ground.

Tang Yin looked at Yue Zijie, who was rough on the surface but actually as thin as silk, and nodded with a smile.

Yue Zijie's tunnel is very hidden. The exit outside the city is located under the stove of the house kitchen. It is difficult to find it even if the officers and soldiers search it.

Led by Yue Zijie, Tang Yin and others entered the tunnel one after another.

The tunnel is narrow and narrow. Only one person can walk in the corridor. It is dark and there is no light. Fortunately, everyone is ready for torches.

"My Lord, the tunnel is wet. Pay attention to your feet and be careful of slipping." Yue Zijie walked in front, leading the way and reminding Tang Yin behind.

When he looked back at Tang Yin, he was startled. Due to the darkness, he didn't see Tang Yin's facial features clearly. He saw his pair of green and faint night eyes with strange light. If he didn't confirm that he was a human, he would almost suspect that he had seen a ghost.

Excite Lingling to fight a cold war. Yue Zijie quickly turned his head back and spit out his tongue secretly.

When the journey is over half way, the tunnel is even wetter, and the water on it begins to seep. It drips all over your face and body, making you feel uncomfortable. Yue Zijie explained, "it's a moat, so there will be water seepage. It's good after this section."

Tang Yin didn't answer, but he was secretly surprised. Although the tunnel was dug rudely, it could cross the moat. It can be seen that it was a big project. However, no one found such a big project. I don't know whether Yue Zijie's ability is strong or his luck.

After walking in the tunnel for more than half an hour, I finally reached the exit.

When people came out of the tunnel, there was a bright light in front of them. Here was Yue Zijie's bedroom in the house in the city, and the tunnel entrance was under the bed.

Yue Zijie looked at Tang Yin with a smile and said, "Sir, this is my house in the city!"

The tunnel is so wonderful. They were just outside the city, and all entered the city in a twinkling of an eye, as if they were crossing time and space.

Yue Zijie's family has left, and his servants have dispersed. There are no other people except his confidants. The huge house seems empty.

The crowd gathered in Yue Zijie's bedroom. Tang Yin asked, "are the people of Liang, Wu and Ziyang still detained in Zhong Tianfu?"

"Yes, my Lord!" Lotte's eyes should be nodded.

"Is there a map of Zhong Fu?"

"Only draw the periphery, because the defense is too tight, we can't get into it, and we can't explore the structure inside." Aijia's subordinates took out the sketch from their arms and submitted it to Tang Yin respectfully.

Tang Yin took over, looked at it and shook his head immediately. The map was too general, only the general structure, and the details were not drawn. He said thoughtfully: "before we start, we must master the detailed terrain of Zhong Fu. Otherwise, we don't even know where to save people, and how can we make corresponding arrangements?"

"Sir, let's inquire again!" The spies of the sky eye and the earth net speak in the same voice.

If you go to inquire again, you may not be able to find out any important information. Tang Yin turned her eyes, waved her hand and said, "no, I'll find someone to help after dark."

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