Although the two doormen are Zhong Tian's people, it does not mean that they can agree with what Zhong Tian has done, nor that they can accept the arrogance and behavior of the Zhong family flying to the branches as a Phoenix.

Perhaps the bell as like as two peas, which is made by Tang Yin, are alike. They are both bored and tired of seeing. They are not aware of the two passengers. If the two people can use the insight in a short time, they will be able to see that the bell smulin is actually fake. It's a pity that they were also bluffed by this out and out Zhong sang.

Except for Wu Mei's accident, things went well. Zhong sang asked people to take away Ziyang's family and dancers before finally walking to Liang's cell.

No matter how domineering and narrow-minded Liang Xing is, the Liang family is indeed a large number of talents among the four dignitaries. The abilities of several of Liang Xing's sons are not simple, including the famous Liang Qi later. He is known as a military genius and a general of long victory. He came to prominence when he solved the danger of Tongmen.

Tang Yin hated and thanked the Liang family. When he had just been reused by the dancers, it was Liang Xing who advised Zhan Hua to transfer him directly from Yancheng to the remote Pingyuan county. However, if he had not gone to Pingyuan County, Tang Yin would not be today. It was because of his misfortune, not Liang Xing's kindness.

Looking at the way Lao Jian Juhua's Liang Xing was in his cell, Tang Yin was angry and funny. If he didn't spend all his energy on fighting for power and power, pay a little attention to the Zhong family, with his mind and resourcefulness, how could he not see the Zhong family's plot, and how could he have the disaster of prison today?

"Liang Xing, Liang Xiang, don't pretend to be dead inside. Now it's your turn to go on the road." Tang Yin deliberately frightened him.

Liang Xing's body was obviously shocked, his eyes and bones were rolling, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After the jailer opened the cell, Liang Xing broke out first. When he came near Zhong sang, he asked in a low voice, "Zhong... General Zhong, do you... Your uncle really want to execute us?"

"Hum!" Zhong sang rolled his eyes secretly and answered with a smile.

Liang Xing's heart trembled and he had a premonition that he was in great danger. He whispered, "general Zhong, can you tell Uncle Ling that... Just say that Liang Xing is willing to respect him as king and ask him to let my family go." While talking, Liang Xing's eyes flickered and floated to the left and right from time to time, as if he was afraid of being heard by others.

This old fox! If it's Zhong sang, he may be fooled by his words, but this Zhong sang is changed by Tang Yin. How can you believe his nonsense? If Ge, with Liang Xing's surname, can willingly live under Zhong Tian, it's strange. The reason why he says so is only a plan to stabilize the army. He secretly doesn't know what to calculate!

He thought so in his heart, but he couldn't say so. He nodded with a smile and said, "Liang Xiangming is reasonable and knows how to steer in the wind, which is much better than the other two old stubborn. Don't worry, I'll bring your words to you."

"Thank you, general Zhong!" Liang Xing was hurt by his continuous digging. His face turned red and white, but he didn't dare to offend him at all. Instead, he had to thank him.

"Stop talking and go!" Zhong Sang was even more unkind to him, but he didn't go up and kick him.

More than 600 people, including Liang family, dancer family and Ziyang family, were taken out of the dungeon, to the back door of the Zhong house, and pushed into the carriage by groups of soldiers.

In the land of right and wrong, Tang Yin didn't dare to stay more. He went out the back door, got on the horse, waved to the soldiers below and shouted, "go back, remember, don't take it lightly, and look after the other ministers to me. In case of an accident, I want your head."

"Yes, general!" Yu Kuan hurried forward and asked flatteringly, "do you want me to take some brothers with the general?"

Zhong sang raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "what's the matter with you? Go back!"

Yu Kuan, who was patting on the horse's leg, shrunk his neck and retreated with a dry smile. Zhong sangduan sat on the horse, waved his big hand and shouted, "go!"

Clattering, clattering - the motorcade moved forward slowly. When it got out of the alley and onto the avenue, the speed accelerated. Naturally, it didn't go to the palace, but went straight to Yue Zijie's house.

With Zhong Sang's trump card, he returned to yuezhai without any obstruction and investigation.

When they got to the gate, they didn't have to load any more. They got off the carriage one after another, opened the back door, and hurried the people in the car to get off as soon as possible.

Liang, Wu and Ziyang all thought they had more or less misfortunes and were going to be secretly executed by Zhong Tian. Now they must be on the execution ground, but when they came out, they saw that it was not a Dharma ground at all, but in front of a civilian house.

Ziyang HaoChun was the first to lose his breath. At this time, the cloth strip on his mouth had been torn off. He tore his neck and shouted, "Zhong sang, what do you mean by bringing us here? If you want to kill or cut, you have a good time. Don't play tricks with me."

At this time, Zhong sang came to Ziyang HaoChun's near. The light and crazy color on his face had lost, but his face was full of positive color. He arched his hand and said, "Ziyang general, just let you be wronged."

His attitude suddenly changed a hundred and eighty degrees. On the contrary, Ziyang HaoChun was stunned. He didn't know what the hell Zhong Sang was doing and was courteous. Was he secretly making a more vicious idea?

He stared at Zhong sang with full vigilance and asked in a frozen voice, "what are you doing?"

Zhong sang didn't answer, but turned his back to Ziyang HaoChun. After waiting for a moment, he turned back and said with a smile, "general, look who I am?"

Ziyang HaoChun looked at his face when he heard the speech. He was stunned. Zhong sang or Zhong sang, his clothes and body shape had not changed, but his face had changed into a handsome smiling face.

"You... Are you Tang... Tang Yin?"

Ziyang HaoChun was stunned and surprised.

"That's right!" Tang Yin smiled and nodded, then said: "just now I was disrespectful to the general in prison, just to play a trick to make Zhong Tian's running dog sure of my identity. If I offend, I hope the general Haihan."

The sudden change was so amazing that Ziyang HaoChun couldn't react for a long time. He stood where he was, but bowed his head numbly and didn't say a word.

Tang Yin didn't have time to spend with him. He called Shangguan yuanrang to cut off Ziyang HaoChun's chains with lingbing. At this time, the dark arrows also took back the shadow part one after another, took out their sabers, displayed the spirit of the soldiers, and cut off the iron cables binding the hands and feet of the three families one after another.

Don't mention that Ziyang HaoChun can't return to God with surprise, and so do others.

Tang Yin stepped into the crowd, increased his voice and said, "I'm Tang Yin, the prefect of Tianyuan county. I'm lurking in Yancheng this time and dressed up as Zhong sang, just to save you out. If you want to follow me, don't mess or shout. There's a secret way to get out of the city!"

His words woke everyone up like a dream. Others may not know Tang Yin, but most of the dancers know him. At this time, they saw that Zhong Sang was changed by Tang Yin in disguise. The dancers were all surprised and happy, especially Wu Yu. The old man almost breathed out on his back, walked quickly to him and grabbed his hand, His voice trembled and said, "nephew Tang Xian, it's really you!"

In the past, Wuyu was far less polite to Tang Yin, and would not match him with a virtuous nephew. But now the situation is different. Tang Yin is already a dignified sheriff, with an army of 200000 under his command, and is the only one who can save them. No matter whether Wuyu did it out of sincerity or intention, now he can only please and rely on Tang Yin.

"Dance phase!" Tang Yin didn't have any unnecessary nonsense. He just arched his hand slightly. It was a greeting. He said, "time is pressing. You must go now!" As he spoke, he turned his head to Cheng Jin and said, "send you a gathering elixir, and then lead you to the tunnel!"

"What about you, my lord?" According to Tang Yin, it seems that he doesn't intend to go with everyone.

Tang Yin smiled and said, "I have to stay and save another person!"

At this time, Wu Yu suddenly remembered that Wu Mei was still in Zhong Tian's hand and said in a hurry: "nephew Tang Xian, Xiao Mei, she..."

Before he finished, Tang Yin waved her hand and interrupted, "I already know. There's no need to worry about dancing. I'll find a way to save Wu Mei."

Wu Yu nodded and wanted to talk, but finally swallowed it back. Now he has more than enough heart but less strength. Tang Yin can only count on whether he can successfully rescue Wu Mei.

In fact, there are not many spiritual practitioners in Liang, Wu and Ziyang. Although they have eaten julingdan now, after all, they have taken sanlingdan for too long and still can't recover in a short time.

"My Lord!" Cheng Jin zhengse said, "we'll stay and help you!"

Tang Yin wanted to refuse, but on second thought, he nodded and agreed, and said, "leave the real body and stay separately!"

Cheng Jin takes a breath. They are not as high as Tang Yin's accomplishments. The distance between the shadow and the real body can't be maintained as far as Tang Yin. They stay in the city separately, and the real body leaves. I'm afraid it won't last long. He said anxiously, "my Lord, I'm afraid our separation will disappear soon."

Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "it doesn't matter! You just need to do your best."

"The real body of that adult..."

"I'll stay outside the city! By the way, don't expose my true body and mix with you."

Hearing the speech, Cheng Jin and Shangguan brothers nodded and agreed. At the same time, they were more or less relieved. As long as the real body was not in the city, it would be much less dangerous.

At this time, Wu Ying came over, looked at Tang Yin suspiciously and asked, "are you really Tang Yin?"

Tang Yin smiled at her and asked, "who else would it be?"

"Then you just treated me in the cell..."

Knowing what she was going to say, Tang Yin whispered, "in order to win trust, it's just a play!"

Wu Ying nodded understandingly. The Tang Yin she knew was by no means a villain greedy for women. She bit her lip and said, "just now... I'm sorry!" After a pause, she said anxiously, "please be sure to find a way to save your sister!"

"Yes!" Tang Yin replied, "I will do my best!"

Seeing Wu Ying off with the crowd to the secret Road, Tang Yin stopped staying, took the part of the hidden arrow personnel, stepped on the war horse and went straight to the palace.

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