Tang Yin escorts Liang, Wu and Ziyang back to Tianyuan County quietly, while Yancheng is in a mess at this time.

Zhong Tian was assassinated. Although her last name was saved, Wu Mei was robbed by the assassin. It was like cutting off a piece of his heart. The old man was crazy and ordered to block the whole city and search door to door. Even if she dug three feet, she would find the assassin and Wu Mei.

The soldiers tossed about all night and couldn't find anyone. All the generals came back to report the time to Zhong Tian. The latter was furious and immediately sent someone to Zhong Fu to interrogate the dancers, trying to find out the identity and hiding place of the assassin from them.

But when he sent someone to the Zhong house, he found that the dancers were gone. The garrison said that the dancers, together with the Liang family and Ziyang family, were carried away by Zhong sang and said they were brought into the palace. As soon as the visitor heard this, his face suddenly changed and he didn't dare to delay. He hurried back to the palace and told Zhong Tian about it.

Zhong Tian almost got angry when he heard the speech. When did Zhong sang arrive at the palace? When did you bring Liang, Wu and Ziyang's people to the palace?

He immediately sent people to Zhong Sang's home to find Zhong sang and ask him about it. Zhong Tian's people came to Zhong Sang's house and asked. Zhong Sang's family said that Zhong sang went to Deng Mingyang's house last night and didn't come back. Zhong Tian's people had no choice but to go to Deng Mingyang's house again, but where there were people in Deng's house, or where there were living people, there were more than a dozen bodies lying in the hospital, and in the main room, they saw Zhong sang who had been dead for a long time.

The nephew of the newly appointed king died in the home of a commander-in-chief, and the commander-in-chief and his family members disappeared out of thin air. The whole event has become inexplicable and confusing. No one can figure out the reason. If Zhong sang has already died, who is the Zhong sang who went to mention people in the evening? Is it his ghost?

Zhong Tian completely blocked Yancheng for three days. During these three days, they were only allowed to enter and not allowed to leave. The assassins and the Liang, Wu and Ziyang families were strictly investigated. If Zhong Tian wanted to come, the city had been sealed up long ago. They must still be in the city. Since there are so many people in the city, they must not hide for long.

However, there was no harvest in the whole three days, and no valuable clue was found. Until three days later, the officers searched the Yue's house. When the deserted Yue's house found a secret road out of the city, the rebels led by Zhong Tian suddenly realized that the person they wanted to track down was no longer in the city, but outside the city through the secret road.

The clock weather was badly damaged, and the order went on to let the whole country strictly investigate the fugitives.

But at this time, it was too late to convey the national wanted order. Tang Yinyi Zhongye had traveled all night for three days and nights, far away from Yancheng.

When Tang Yin and his party arrived at Guannan County, the pigeon biography of Yancheng had also reached the head of Guannan county. After reading the biography, Zhao Hui, the head of Guannan County, did not make a statement or circulate it to his officials, but privately suppressed Zhong Tian's wanted notice.

Zhao Hui, the head of Guannan County, is very shrewd. Although Liang, Wu and Ziyang are now wanted criminals, his strength is still there, and there are many confidants. How can he afford to offend him? If he conveys the wanted notice, and the three people really come to Guannan county and are caught by his subordinates, will he hand them over or not, I'm embarrassed on both sides. It's better to ignore it and pretend that I didn't receive the letter from the flying pigeon, and I don't know about it.

He pretended to be confused. The whole Guannan county was as calm as usual. There was still no martial law in all cities in the county, let alone set up any checkpoints on the road.

In this way, the return of Tang Yin and others to Tianyuan county will become more smooth.

Tang Yin's rescue operation was a great success. His two main goals were achieved. Rescuing the most important hostage in Zhong Tian's hands greatly weakened his overall strength. In addition, he also saw clearly that Zhong Tian was indeed unpopular, and even the people in the capital hated him, If you send troops to fight against Zhong Tian, it may not be as difficult as you think.

Three days later, Tang Yin and others passed through Guannan county and arrived at Tianguan safely.

After learning that Tang Yin had successfully returned to Tianyuan County safely, the civil servants and military generals led by Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji left the customs early to welcome him.

Along the way, all the soldiers they saw have been changed into red clothes. Until now, they can only see the traditional black clothes of the wind country and the white flag with strong wind on a black background. Liang Xing, Wu Yu, Ziyang HaoChun and others all have a feeling of shaking like an afterlife. They are not without excitement, and their old eyes also burst into tears.

In the past, Tianyuan county was just a remote edge in their eyes, but now they all feel at home.

I've been worried for days. Now I can finally relieve the tense nerves. Many people can't hold on and limp in the car.

At this time, Qiu Zhen, Shangguan Yuanji and others came forward one after another, ignoring others. Instead, they all came to Tang Yin, tidy up their clothes, kneel on one knee and salute loudly: "my subordinates welcome you back!"

Looking around, people fell down, and the scene was spectacular.

Tang Yin looked around at the crowd, got off his horse, smiled calmly, waved his hand and said, "you don't need to be polite!" As he spoke, he looked back at Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun, and said, "let's go and meet Wu Xiang, Liang Xiang and Ziyang general!"

Hearing this, all the talents got up one after another and walked to Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun. They didn't salute, but bowed down and said, "I've seen Wu Xiang, Liang Xiang and Ziyang general!"

Although the official positions of Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun are much higher than those of Tang Yin, people have not forgotten that Tang Yin is now their Lord, and Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun are no longer prime ministers and generals of the royal court. Zhong Tian, who usurped the throne, has long been removed.

Seeing that everyone favors one over the other, the three of them are naturally uncomfortable, but after all, they are on other people's land. No matter how uncomfortable they feel, they can only bear it. Fortunately, Tang Yin is still very polite to them. There is no arrogance of being kind to others, nor the supremacy of one overlord. He politely let the three into the pass.

There are a lot of wind troops outside the pass, but there are more wind troops entering the pass. Looking at it, there are soldiers. Barracks and tents are connected one by one, and the number can not be distinguished. Looking at those wind troops who stop to watch, they can be called strong soldiers, especially their energy and spirit.

In terms of military appearance and military style, the more than 200000 troops stationed in Tianguan are outstanding. Of course, this is not entirely due to Tang Yin. In fact, he is not very good at running the army, but fortunately Tang Yin has a special vision and can select the most suitable talents for those important positions.

Walking towards the main camp, Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun were also secretly frightened. Who would have thought that Tang Yin, who was only the head of the army in Yancheng at the beginning, could build such a large and numerous army in Tianyuan County, and it seemed that the military capital and food and salaries were sufficient.

Tang Yin ordered Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun's family members to be properly arranged, and then let the three into his account. When the guests and hosts were seated, he didn't be polite anymore. He sat directly in the middle of the main seat. Qiu Zhen, Shangguan Yuanji and others also followed recently, first reporting the important events that happened in the days when Tang Yin left.

The most important one is the letter from Zhao Hui, governor of Guannan county.

This letter contains a lot of contents, most of which are compliments and flatteries to Tang Yin. Only at the end did he write down his real intention and say that he would like to respect Zhong Tian as king. It was absolutely a last resort. Guannan's army had reinforced Yancheng at the beginning, but now he is trapped outside Yancheng. Guannan county has no army available to compete with Zhong Tian's forces, but his heart still tends to be windy, He still hopes to restore the country. If Tang Yin intends to send troops to fight against Zhong Tian, he will not obstruct it. He will not only release it, but also provide some military funds and wages.

After reading the letter from beginning to end, Tang Yin handed the letter to Wu Yu with a smile and said, "dance phase, please have a look."

Wu Yu took it over. After reading it, he snorted and said, "Zhao Hui knows the truth!" As he spoke, he faced Tang Yin squarely and said, "since Zhong Tian, the rebel usurped the throne, he has changed the country's name, harmed loyal and good people, and ceded territory to the state of Ning. The country he has ruined is not like the country. Nephew Tang Xian, you should send troops to attack the rebels as soon as possible!"

This is exactly what Tang Yin wants to say.

He looked puzzled and said, "although Tianyuan county supports 200000 troops, Zhong Tian has more troops and 400000 Ning troops to help. If I rush to send troops, I'm afraid it's difficult to compete with it!"

Hearing the speech, Wu Yu frowned and didn't speak. Ziyang HaoChun said anxiously, "when is Lord Tang going to wait?"

Tang Yin sighed deliberately and said, "even if we don't wait until we are sure, we have to wait until our troops are enough to confront Zhong Tian."

Ziyang HaoChun, surnamed Ji, went straight and straight. He couldn't listen to beat around the bush. He asked in a straight face, "how many troops can compare with Zhong Tian in the eyes of Lord Tang?"

"At least 400000!"

"How long will it take to recruit 400000 troops?"

"According to the current situation of Tianyuan County, three or five years is enough."

"Three or five years?" Ziyang HaoChun frowned when he heard the speech. Where can he wait for three or five years? Now he is under the fence of others in Tianyuan county and is nothing. As long as he returns to Yancheng and recovers the Fengguo, he can continue to be his original general.

Of course, Liang Xing and Wu Yu have the same idea as him, but it's hard to say.

Seeing this, Qiu Zhen immediately pretended to say, "Sir, if we wait for three or five years, our troops will be strengthened at that time, but Zhong Tian's power will also be consolidated, which will be more unfavorable to our crusade!"

"Right, right, right!" Liang, Wu and Ziyang echoed, pointing to Qiu Zhen and said, "this... What this adult said is very true!" They didn't know Qiu Zhen at all and couldn't call his name.

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