Zhong Tian has four sons, namely Zhong Wu, Zhong Wen, Zhong Guang and Zhong Zheng. The eldest Zhong is brave and fierce, and his spiritual cultivation is also profound. The second Zhong is good at planning and is familiar with military books and war strategies. The third Zhong is broad and has the style of his father. He has great scheming and deep government. As for the fourth Zhong, he is the most incompetent of the four sons, a typical dandy.

In fact, when Zhong Wentong's troops set out to fight this time, he also saw that the combat power of the local army was too weak. If he took it with him, it would not help him or drag down the central army under his command. Therefore, it's better to let him take the lead. If he can consume Tang Yin's army, he can take advantage of the weakness and make it worse for the other party. It's not a pity if he was killed by Tang Yin's army, This has little impact on his overall combat effectiveness, and it has one advantage. It can make the opponent think that he is a foolish person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, so as to take it lightly.

The local army killed General Xiao Kui in Sanchi city and surrendered. Of course, Zhong Wen was surprised by the news. However, he was not surprised by the local army's imminent defection, but that Tang Yin's army could come to Sanchi City unconsciously. It can be seen that Guannan county had already had an affair with Tang Yin.

Now, the enemy he faces is not only Tianyuan County, but also Guannan county. Recognizing this, the central army under the command of Shuhai Pavilion did not continue to go north after arriving at the junction of Jinguang county and Guannan county. Instead, it set up a camp and made it very strong, making a posture of garrisoning here and fighting with Guannan County for a long time. Of course, there was no hurry to advance north. He had another idea, that is, waiting for the Ning army in the rear to come up.

Whether out of selfishness or the actual situation, Ning Jun of 400000 people should be the main force in the decisive battle with Tang Yin.

Therefore, when shangguanyuanrang observed, he found that there were both walls and horses on the periphery of Zhongwen camp, which was obviously prepared for positional warfare. However, shangguanyuanrang didn't understand this and didn't take it to heart after reading it.

Tang Yin almost bloodlessly recruited and demobilized 200000 local troops. Zhong Wen was also considering whether Tang Yin's regiment with high morale would take the opportunity to counter attack his own Chinese army. In order to prevent it, he took corresponding precautions in the camp, ambushed all 150000 central troops, and deliberately showed weakness, so that the camp looked careless and attracted the other party to sneak attack.

The war between the two armies is like this. The master will dig out the strategy of hollow thought. If the other party does not follow his original idea, the strategy will become useless and superfluous. Once the other party really follows his strategy, it can win by surprise, and the strategy used will also be recorded in the war strategy and widely spread.

Whether the war will be won or not and whether the master general will defeat the enemy have something to do with the master's foresight, but not all. There is also a very important point, which depends on luck.

Although Tang Yin recruited and surrendered the local army, there was not much joy and excitement in his heart. The vulnerability of the local army had long been expected by him, and he had no intention of entering Jinguang county to fight Zhong Wen. As for the hasty attack of Shangguan yuanrang, it was not expected by Tang Yin.

At this time, Shangguan yuanrang led only 3000 people to break into the depths of Zhongwen stronghold and was surrounded by 150000 central legions. At this time, anyone would be in a panic. However, Shangguan yuanrang didn't look panic at all. He pointed his knife at the central army near the central army account in front of him, He said, "what if you fall into the trap? Zhong Wen is right there. Let's kill him and cut off his head. Although the enemy soldiers are numerous, they will lose without fighting!"

After hearing this, the eyes of the two commanders grew long. There must be 40000 or 50000 enemy troops on the other side of the middle army tent. They rushed to cut off Zhong Wen's head? It's easy to say. It seems that the enemy won't move. Zhong Wen craned his neck and waited for you to chop. The two captains looked at each other and said in the same voice: "Shangguan general, let's... Break through first!"

"Hum!" Shangguanyuan gave Bai a look and said coldly, "I knew how you were afraid of life and death. I shouldn't have brought you here at the beginning!" As he spoke, he shouted, "brothers who are willing to go with me will rush with me!" As he spoke, he took his knife and ran to the middle army tent in the camp.

The two commanders and the three thousand soldiers below had no choice but to follow shangguanyuan and continue to rush forward. Now trapped in a tight encirclement, they have no other choice. Even if the front is a sea of swords and fire, they can only follow shangguanyuan and let them go hard.

Before Shangguan yuanrang rushed out far, he saw the soldiers of the enemy's phalanx in front flash on both sides, give way to a passage in the middle, and then a young man in Chinese robes and royal clothes riding a tall horse slowly walked out of the crowd under the protection of many generals.

The young man looked at the trapped 3000 Tianyuan army and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. He set up an ambush to attract a big fish, and the other party was too "proud" of himself. It was really annoying and funny to send only 3000 people to sneak camp. This young man is no one else, but Zhong Wen, the second son of Zhong Tian.

He raised his head and shouted at shangguanyuanrang, "who is the general of your army? Come out and talk!"

Because the distance was too far, shangguanyuan asked him to stop his steps and squint for a while before he could see the outline of the young man clearly. He stepped forward two steps and replied loudly, "it's me!"

Without asking his name, Zhong Wen said bluntly, "you have been surrounded by our regiment. If you resist, there is only one way to die. If you are wise, you can lay down your arms and lead the people to surrender in time. I can also consider sparing you from dying..."

"Fart!" Shangguan yuanrang said, "who are you? If you have the courage, report your name!"

"Zhong Wen!"

"Oh?" Shangguanyuan let his eyes shine, laughed on his back, lifted the three pointed and two edged knife and said, "so you are Zhong Wen, and I'm looking for you!" As he spoke, he took a deep breath, bowed first, and then shot straight at Zhong Wen like an arrow off the string.

Before Zhong Wen gave the order, one of the generals around him had urged his horse to rush out. He greeted Shangguan yuanrang, raised his gun and shouted, "come and pass the name!"

Shangguanyuan let the speed not decrease. When the two sides came into contact, the knife in his hand suddenly became spiritual, and his body was covered with a pure white spiritual armor. When his arm was waved, the knife turned into a white light in the air, picked the weakness of the military general from bottom to top, and said coldly: "ask for a name from the king of hell!"

The speed of his knife was so fast that the military general was surprised, his face changed, and quickly waved his gun to block it. However, his gun had just been waved, and shangguanyuan rang's knife had come close to him. All he heard was a flutter. The knife was solid and carried under the general's rib. The spirit armor was broken and the blood flowed. The general screamed and turned over and planted his horse. After he landed, he still wanted to struggle to get up from the ground. Shangguanyuan asked him to step close to him, and his hand got up and fell with the crisp sound of the crack, The head of the general, still covered with a spirit armor, broke at the sound and rolled out a long way on the ground.

The war horse that lost its master hissed and ran away.

Shangguan yuanrang killed a general with only two knives, which surprised everyone present, especially the central army led by Zhong Wen.

The officer asked Zhong Weiwen to continue to look at the body.

Seeing that the newcomer was brave, three generals sprang up under Zhong Wen's command. They were all covered in red spirit armor. Under them were jujube red horses. When they galloped, they looked like three red balls.

The three generals saw that each other's cultivation was profound and did not dare to be careless. When the two sides were about to contact each other, they slowed down their horse speed together and shouted loudly at the same time. The three blood red spirit guns glittered with glow, and the light turned into light arrows, covering the whole body of Guan yuan.

The three men came up and showed their unique skill of Lingwu - blood soul chasing. Blood soul chasing is originally a large-scale attack skill. It is used by three people at the same time. Its power is so terrible.

Shangguan yuanrang didn't panic. He waved the three pointed and two edged knife in his hand, and didn't see him gather aura, let alone listen to him yell. Between the waving of one arm, countless narrow spiritual waves burst out. The spiritual waves were like a knife, blowing a whirlwind on the ground. The technique was like the name. Spiritual chaos? Wind!

The blood souls of the three generals catch up with the spirit released by shangguanyuan? The wind collided with each other, and the air fluctuated and hissed continuously. The spirit waves from the collision splashed everywhere and scratched cracks on the ground.

What's more surprising is that the blood and soul chase exerted by the three generals can't resist the spiritual chaos that shangguanyuan asked one person to exert? The spirit stab chased by the wind and blood soul is disturbed by the spirit? The wind splashes everywhere, and instantly becomes invisible, but the spirit is chaotic? The wind castrated and continued to cover the three.

At this time, the three have just spent a lot of aura, and they are in a time when the front force is insufficient and the rear force is not continued. Where can they stop the spiritual chaos? Under the impact of the wind, the three screamed at the same time and wanted to move their horses to dodge, but it was too late. Was the spirit chaotic? The wind blew in front of them like a whirlwind. The aura turned into countless spirit knives cut on their spirit armor. In an instant, the spirit armor around them was torn to pieces, and then the knife entered the flesh.

Wait for spiritual chaos? After the wind blew over them, the three generals saw that their spirit armor and clothes were broken, and their flesh was cut off. It seemed as if they had just been subjected to lingchi capital punishment. Their flesh and blood were blurred, their white bones were exposed, and only human shapes were left. Even the war horses they stepped down were not spared.

This is insanity? The true power of the wind.

Plop! Hua La - the bodies of three people and horses go to the end together, because the skin and flesh outside the body have been disturbed by the spirit? The wind cut it alive, and immediately fell to the ground. The blood and bones of the three men and three horses were mixed into a ball.

Wow -- at this moment, the whole audience was in an uproar. Whether it was the central army under Zhong Wen or the Tianyuan army who came with Shangguan yuanrang, they were all shocked. There was still a person here. It was a devil and a god of death.

Originally, the 3000 Tianyuan troops were frightened and thought that they would die in this battle. But when they saw that shangguanyuan rang killed four other generals with one move in a row, their morale was immediately boosted. People stared round as if they were crazy, pulled their necks behind shangguanyuan rang and shouted loudly.

"The general is mighty and invincible! The general is mighty and invincible ―"

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