After dealing with Shangguan yuanrang, Tang Yin returned to the big account and looked around at the people. Finally, his eyes fell on Peng haochu and asked, "general Peng, what do you think of Zhong Wen?"

Peng haochu pondered for a moment and said, "the enemy's stronghold is solid and set up on the mountain, which is vulnerable to attack. This time, Zhong Wen predicted that our army would go to sneak camp and ambush. Moreover, the central army under Zhong Wen is very brave and the command is very appropriate. It can be seen that this person should be very proficient in military skills."

Tang Yin was not good at the military way. It was OK for him to lead thousands of people to fight with a small-scale enemy, but he was not good at commanding hundreds of thousands of troops to fight Legion war with the enemy, and he didn't know how to fight. After hearing Peng haochu's analysis, he frowned, looked around at the commander of the plain army, Sanshui army, Chifeng army and the Fourth Army directly under him, and asked, "who has a good plan to break the enemy?"

At this time, Qiu Zhen said: "Sir, the first Department of Zhong Wen must be annihilated as soon as possible. Once dragged down, not only the enemy camp will be consolidated, but also the Ning army behind will catch up. At that time, Zhong Wen and Ning army will be more difficult for us to deal with."

Tang Yin also understood that the key question was how to defeat the enemy now.

All the generals bowed their heads and meditated for a long time. Tang Yin saw this, and his heart was burning. Usually these people can talk. How come they don't speak at the critical moment? He took a deep breath and said, "since you don't have a good plan, I think so. Let me go to Zhongwen camp and steal his camp again. During the scuffle, I sneak into the enemy camp and find a chance to kill Zhong Wen!"

Hearing the speech, everyone shook their heads again and again. Peng haochu said with a wry smile: "Sir, there are so many highly trained generals and bodyguards around Zhong Wen that even general yuanrang can't get close to him, not to mention..." he didn't go on, but the meaning was obvious. Shangguan yuanrang can't do it, not to mention Tang Yin?

Shadow separation is powerful and changeable, but it can't stand the skill of insight. Once someone sees the flaw, it's difficult to get out of the army. If the separation is broken up, the spirit and vitality of the real body will be greatly hurt, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Tang Yin's words are also angry. He has used the shadow to assassinate Zhong Tian. The other party must have been on guard for a long time. If he uses the shadow to assassinate, it will be difficult to succeed. He said in a deep voice, "this won't work, that won't work. Then tell me what to do?"

Peng haochu sighed lightly and said, "if the enemy soldiers stick to it, they will lead the snake out of the cave. If the enemy is not moved, they will cut off their food channels and surround and trap it. After a long time, they will be in chaos without fighting. Only 400000 Ning army is watching behind. If our army sieges Zhong Wen with all its strength, Ning army will suddenly kill out from behind, and our army will be attacked from both sides, which is extremely disadvantageous."

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded and murmured, "if you attack Zhong Wen, you must find a way to hold Ning Jun down." As he spoke, his eyes rolled around and swept around the generals. Finally, he turned back and looked at the map of Jinguang County hanging on the tent cloth.

At this time, Liang Qi looked around and saw no one talking. He smiled and said, "it's not difficult to hold Ning Jun down."

"Oh?" Tang Yin's spirit was boosted. He immediately turned back, looked at Liang Qi and asked, "what does general Liang say?"

"According to our information, Ning Jun has just entered Jinguang county. If you want to join Zhong Wen, you must go to Jinhua City. Otherwise, you need to detour, which will delay a lot of time. Adults can send a surprise soldier to seize Jinhua City first and keep the key points. In this way, the marching speed of Ning Jun will be reduced sharply, and adults can also fight Zhong Wen at ease!" Liang Qi said.

Peng haochu thought about Liang Qi's idea carefully, shook his head again and again, and said, "it's wrong! If Ning Jun didn't make a detour after capturing Jinhua City, but chose to siege, what would he do? Wouldn't our brothers who went to capture Jinguang city die in the city?"

Liang qiyouyou said, "it's a feasible plan to exchange a small price for a large victory. If Ning Jun really chooses to besiege the city, the brothers in the city have to stick to the road to the end, either beat back the enemy, or stick to until our main force destroys Zhong Wenyi, and then turn back to rescue them."

Peng haochu's head shook like a rattle. If Ning army chose to attack the city, it would never retreat easily. When would it have to wait until its main force eliminated Zhong Wen and then rush to reinforce it? How could the brothers in the city last so long? He said faintly, "adventure! It's too risky!"

Listening to their discussion, Tang Yin knocked on his forehead and wondered whether Liang Qi's strategy was feasible. As Peng haochu said, it's really too risky to do so, and how many brothers should be sent? There are no more troops available in Jinguang county. It's OK for your side to drive straight in. However, if there are too few troops sent, I'm afraid they can't withstand a round of attack by the 40th army. However, if there are too many troops sent, they can't hold on until their reinforcements arrive. Won't the whole army be destroyed? Even if Zhong Wenyi and others are finally successfully eliminated, their vitality will be greatly damaged. How can they compete with Ning Jun next?

Tang Yin, who was so adventurous, felt very embarrassed at this time. He was indecisive and uncertain. Just then, someone suddenly said loudly, "Sir, I think General Liang's plan is feasible. My subordinates are willing to take 20000 brothers to resist Ning army!"

Tang Yin and the people around him are looking for prestige. Shangguan yuan, who has just been hit by the ten army staff, asked him to come from the outside. It seems that he has never been punished at all. Of course, the ten army staff is only a trifle to him, and Tang Yin is not strict with military discipline, and the soldiers who execute the sentence will not really hit him hard.

Looking at Shangguan yuanrang, Tang Yin was silent.

Shangguan yuanrang was anxious to make up for his mistakes. He said in a hurry: "Sir, just give me 20000 brothers. With me in Jinhua City, I can guarantee that it is difficult for Ning Jun to cross the thunder pool half a step!"

The above official yuan rang's bravery is naturally suitable for him to attack and occupy Jinhua City, but the problem is that after the war in the early morning, his aura has been consumed greatly. Can people stand going to war again and again? Tang Yin also has such concerns. Looking at Shangguan yuanrang, he looked down and thought again. Suddenly, he laughed and said, "if you have yuanrang to attack, you can be sure of this plan, but you can't go alone. You have to add another person."

"Who?" Shangguan yuanrang asked in unison with all the people who were full of accounts.

"Me!" Tang Yin pointed back to his nose and answered simply.

"Ah --" everyone heard the speech and there was an uproar. No one expected that Tang Yin would take risks himself at this time. Qiu Zhen was the first to stand up against him, but he knew Tang Yin's surname very well and knew that hard persuasion would not work. He had to find a sufficient reason to stop him.

Qiu Zhen said with a wry smile: "My Lord is the commander-in-chief of our army. Naturally, I want to stay in the army and command the overall situation. Only when my Lord is here, the morale of our soldiers will rise. I can wipe out Zhong Wenyi as soon as possible and turn around to reinforce Jinhua City. However, if my lord leaves, the fighting spirit of the soldiers will be weakened and the war time will be prolonged, which is very unfavorable to the brothers on the other side of Jinhua City. I hope you will think twice."

After listening to his words, everyone nodded in agreement.

However, Shangguan yuanrang likes to fight with Tang Yin and naturally hopes that he can go with him. He didn't think so much. Seeing that everyone stopped him, he grumbled discontentedly: "I went out with adults. If you don't tell me, how can the brothers outside know that adults have left? If adults are there, you will have high fighting spirit, and if adults are not there, you will have no fighting spirit. What kind of general is this? What's the use of you? I think it's better to find someone to replace you!"

Shangguan yuanrang was not polite at all, and he spoke straight and straight. Everyone blushed at what they said, but they couldn't do anything about him. First, Shangguan yuanrang was too brave and indispensable in the army. Second, Tang Yinxi fell in love with Guanyuan rang, which everyone can see. Moreover, Shangguan family had too much power under Tang Yin's command, Each of the four brothers holds a pivotal position.

Tang Yin was not angry when he heard the speech. Instead, he laughed on his back, looked around the crowd and said, "you have heard? Yuan rang has said everything I want to say. What else do you think?"

It seems that Tang Yin is determined to go to Jinhua City. They look at each other and stop talking. Qiu Zhen frowned and asked suspiciously, "how many troops are you going to take?"

Tang Yin thought silently for a moment and said, "twenty thousand brothers are too few to deal with if the enemy is besieged. Yuan rang and I will take fifty thousand soldiers there. If there is enough food and grass, it should not be a problem to stick to you for help!"

Since we can't stop it, we can only do it according to what Tang Yin said. Qiu Zhen nodded and said, "these 50000 soldiers must be selected from the whole army!"

"No need." Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "just divide 50000 brothers from the army directly under him."

"My lord..."

Tang Yin interrupted Qiu Zhen's words and said positively, "to stick to the war, it's more about fighting will than combat power. The directly subordinate army has always been with me. I'm very familiar with it. I can take the brothers of the directly subordinate army and command easily."

"My Lord!" As the commander-in-chief of the directly subordinate army, Guyue stepped in and said, "I will go with adults!"

Tang Yin pondered for a moment and said, "no, you have to stay and continue to command the rest of the direct troops with general Peng."

His tone was firm and could not be refused. Gu Yue bit his lips and retreated again.

Qiu Zhen asked again, "so... Who should be in charge of the overall situation during the period when your excellency leaves?"

Tang Yin smiled and said, "of course it's you, Lord Qiu. However, you should ask general Xiao, General Liang and general Peng more about Unifying the army. If they all think it's a feasible tactic, there must be no mistake."

Of course, Qiu Zhen knew what he was good at and what he was not good at. He bowed his hand and said, "subordinates understand."

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded and then straightened his waist. He said, "in the early morning, our troops besieged the camp of Chung Wen. At the same time, yuan and I let fifty thousand of the direct troops go to Jinhua city. The matter must be tightly locked, and there must be no news. Also, general Le and general AI immediately sent out their eyeliner to explore the detailed information of Jinhua city."

"Yes, my Lord!" Everyone bowed down and received the order.

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