Not long after, the lady returned with a tray. She placed a bottle of Volga in front of Tang Yin, gave him a deep look, and then slowly walked away.

Opening the lid, Tang Yin poured a cup and raised his head, drinking all the wine in the cup.

The high concentration of alcohol in his stomach was like countless knives, slashing through his body. He closed his eyes, his fingers drumming on the table. After a long while, he slowly opened his eyes. At that moment, two rays of light seemed to shoot out from his eyes.

Tang Yin heaved a sigh of relief, pushed the bottle and cup forward, then took out his wallet and took out a few hundred bills. He placed the board on the table, stood up and walked towards the back door of the dance hall.

He knew he shouldn't be walking this way, but his legs were out of control.

The ballroom was brilliantly decorated, and the alley behind it was a different scene, dark, damp, dirty, and jumbled. A pavilion with only one wall was a paradise, a hell.

After exiting the back door, Tang Yin could not help but frown as the stench of rotten trash greeted him.

At this time, a very soft and weak voice came out from the depths of the alleyway. Ordinary people wouldn't be able to hear it, but it wouldn't escape Tang Yin's ears.

He turned around and walked straight into the depths of the alley.

The narrow alleyway was dark and gloomy, giving off an indescribably terrifying feeling in the middle of the night. The deeper one went into the alleyway, the closer it was to the mouth of a gigantic monster.

About ten meters away, he saw a group of people squatting at a corner of the alley. The four bald men had already stripped naked and placed the unconscious girls on the ground.

In the midst of their coldness, they heard footsteps behind them. The four of them were startled and hurriedly raised their heads to look behind them.

At first, they were quite a distance away, but they did not manage to see Tang Yin's appearance clearly. When he walked closer, the four bald old men saw it clearly.

The bald man who was leading them straightened up, and revealed a fierce look. His eyes shone with a fierce light as he glared at Tang Yin, like a wolf who had been robbed, and could pounce on Tang Yin at any time to bite him ruthlessly.

Tang Yin's heart was currently very conflicted. With his head lowered, he walked past the four bald people and girls. His footsteps did not stop as he slowly walked over.


Some of the bald men sneered, Tang Yin's coldness had turned into weakness in their eyes, they had also become catalyst for them to act unscrupulously, some of them coldly said: "I'll consider you smart, to dare cause trouble, I will f * cking kill you!"

"Haha!" "Ol 'Three, don't scare him like that. Judging from his appearance, he's still a student!"

"What student!" "Fuck, laozi sees him as a bastard …"

Several bald men were jeering and cursing at each other. Their voices were getting louder and louder and their words were getting more and more unpleasant to listen to.

Hearing the word 'bastard', Tang Yin who was walking over suddenly stopped. Bastard! He hadn't heard the word in years. He was an orphan and had been living in a remote mountain village in the northeast since he was adopted. When he was young, many people had scolded him with these words. But now, those people no longer existed.

He stood in the middle of the alley with his back facing the bald man. He half turned his head and asked with a smile, "What did you say just now?"

"Say what?" A bald man laughed angrily and cursed loudly, "Calling you a bastard, you bastard!"

Tang Yin exhaled. It looked like he wasn't angry, but more like he was relieved in his heart.

He slowly turned around and walked straight towards the four bald men.

The four of them were stunned at first, then they faced Tang Yin in a tit for a tat manner, forming a fan in front of him. The bald man in the lead sneered: "Kid, what are you doing? "Are you looking for trouble …"

Just as his voice fell, suddenly, a terrifyingly bright electrical light flashed out from the dark alley, and there was only a "kacha" sound coming from the earring. Looking at the bald man, the round bald head actually fell off from his neck and fell onto the ground, rolling for a long distance.


The other three bald men could not believe their eyes. They raised their hands and touched the blood drops on their faces, then looked at the headless body that was still lying on the ground, and let out hair-raising screams.

At some point, a crescent shaped saber had appeared in Tang Yin's hand. The blade was narrow and curved like a half moon. At a glance, it looked like a scythe. "However, it was a scythe that could draw a person's soul away.

How he had pulled out his blade, from which part of his body, and how he had attacked, the three bald men could not see clearly, even from the dead man. All they could see was the sudden flash of lightning.


A bald man's legs went soft as he kneeled on the ground. His face was pale and bloodless, and his body was trembling like a ball. Brother, I … "We …"

Tang Yin did not even give him a chance to speak, the crescent Scimitar in his hand slightly shook, and the sharp tip of the blade pierced deeply into the bald man's neck. It was still the same fatal blow. The baldy didn't even make a sound as he fell to the ground and died.

"Mother …"

At most, these hooligans would only participate in a brawl. When had they ever seen such a scene? When had they ever met such a powerful and vicious person? The other two bald men were scared out of their wits. They screamed as they turned around and ran.

The two of them kicked off their legs and used all their might to escape, but in Tang Yin's eyes, their speed was no slower than a tortoise's. His body swayed, and with one stride, he appeared behind the two of them. With two muffled sounds of "pu pu pu", the two of them had their hearts pierced. Their madly running bodies moved forward a few steps before falling to the ground, dead.

Fast! How could Tang Yin's blade be fast?

The person who had adopted him, his master, had once said that martial arts was about killing, and when one attacked, one must not show any mercy, and that was to kill one's opponent. If one wanted to do this, then one must have speed.

Strength determined speed. Therefore, when Tang Yin was only eight years old, even under the circumstances of ice and snow, he would have to take a large axe that was around his height and go into the deep mountains to cut down trees that were thicker than his body. If he couldn't meet his master's requirements, he would have no choice but to snatch food from his master's hound after returning.

When he was fifteen he no longer had to chop trees with a big axe, and his master gave him a machete; when he was eighteen, the machete was replaced with a kitchen knife; and when he was twenty, he killed his master by learning to kill him in a fair duel.

In his childhood, he had never understood what happiness was. During that time, he had already endured the hardships of several lifetimes for normal people, so no matter how difficult the situation was in the future, he would be able to persevere and grit his teeth.

This was Tang Yin.

A man that countless people would respect, worship, fear, and hate in the future.

When the woman came to, she was lying in the hospital. She asked the nurse why she was there, and the nurse told her that a man had brought him here. What kind of man? she asked. The nurse was dazed for a moment before she smiled and said, "It's a very handsome boy who likes to laugh!"

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