Tang Yin was dressed in casual clothes, so the other party did not immediately recognize that he was an enemy.

His ability to adapt was also strong. Without even thinking, he casually said, "The enemy is strong, I'll hide here for a bit!"

"Hide?" Ning Bing's nose almost went crooked from anger. He said angrily, "You're cowering before a battle. In accordance with military law …"

How could Tang Yin have the mood to waste words with him? Not waiting for the other party to finish speaking, he coldly laughed: "I'm listening to your fart!" Before he finished speaking, the Steel Sword in his hands had already been swung out.

Unexpectedly, not only did the soldier block his sword, he even returned it with a heavy blade.

The blade broke through the wind, emitting an ear-piercing whistling sound.

Before the saber had arrived, it was swept by a strong wind, causing one's skin to feel a scorching pain.

The expert stretched out his hand and knew if he had it or not. When the opponent unleashed his blade, Tang Yin immediately knew that he was no ordinary soldier, but a spirit warrior.

If it was someone who understood the inner workings of the Ning Country, they could easily determine the soldier's identity just by looking at the emblem on the soldier's chest.

Ning Country was the first nation to establish the Spiritual Martial Academy, breaking the grudges between the various Spirit Martial Sects, and providing centralized, systematic training for the Spirit Cultivator s. This action could be considered as opening the door for the Empire, at the same time, it also helped to cultivate a large number of outstanding spirit martial talent, allowing the strength of the Ning Country to increase by the first mate.

The dark red pattern on the chest armor of the Ning Armament was the symbol of Spiritual Martial Academy.

It was just that Tang Yin did not understand all of this, and did not realize that the other party was a Spirit Cultivator.

The blade attack that used Ning Bing to counterattack was so fierce, that Tang Yin had no time to retract his sword to defend, and had no choice but to dodge.


The blade did not touch Tang Yin, but instead ripped a two feet long hole in the camp.

Before they could figure out what was going on, they suddenly heard a hissing sound, and then, Tang Yin scuttled out of the tent, but before he could stand steadily, the soldier also followed suit and shouted, "A spy is sneaking in!"

Damn it! Tang Yin cursed in his heart, he hated this Ning Armament that was trying to disrupt his movements like a bone in his bones. He held his sword behind his back, and suddenly stopped moving forward, at the same time thrusting the sword backwards, ruthlessly striking his opponent's chest.

Ning Bing reacted quickly, instinctively turning his body, just barely dodging Tang Yin's fatal strike, but he never thought that Tang Yin's sword was just a feint, and there was still a follow-up attack, just as he was dodging, Tang Yin flicked his wrist, causing the Steel Sword to fly out of the way.

Crap! Ning Bing realized that the situation wasn't good, but it was too late for him to dodge.

With a pfft sound, Tang Yin's sword cut across Ning Bing's waist. The strength of the slash was so ferocious that it almost cut his entire body apart. Ning Bing's body was still standing, but her abdomen was already flowing all over the floor.

Ahh!" Seeing the Ning soldier that died miserably under Tang Yin's sword, the surrounding soldiers all sucked in a breath of cold air. This was because of Tang Yin's ruthless technique, and also because that Ning soldier carried the emblem of the Spiritual Martial Academy.

They were stunned, but Tang Yin did not stay idle. After killing off the Ning soldiers who had exposed their presence, he immediately charged towards the other Ning soldiers.

Tang Yin's sword was fast and poisonous, the ordinary soldiers were not his match at all, the moment the two sides clashed, several Ning soldiers were struck, but there were too many Ning soldiers, and after one died, another ten soldiers immediately followed. Tang Yin held his breath, and rushed forward a few meters, and even he himself could not remember how many Ning soldiers he had killed, but the number of enemies in the surroundings did not decrease, instead, they continued to gather, and in the end, all he could see were Silver Flower's enemies, surrounding him so tightly that even water could not leak out.

In such a dense array of enemies, even the most nimble of movement skills could not be used. Gradually, Tang Yin made too few moves, faced too many attacks, and got more and more tired to deal with them.

At that moment, someone from the Ning Soldiers' camp suddenly shouted, "All of you, get out of the way!"

Following the shout, the Ning soldiers that were surrounding Tang Yin withdrew like the tides, leaving a circular open space, following that, a few General of Ning Country s walked out from the crowd.

The General of Ning Country were all dressed in thick and heavy armor, from her head to her legs, and her silver battle boots jingled as she walked. The leader of the group was a tall and sturdy man in his forties with a dignified appearance.

The beefy man looked at Tang Yin coldly, then looked down at the corpses that covered the ground, and said coldly: "You are Feng Zhenren?"

Taking advantage of the short time when the Ning Army was retreating, Tang Yin took big gulps of air, doing his best to recover as much as he could. After hearing the big man's question, he straightened his back and shrugged: "That's right."

The tall and sturdy man said, "Looking at your skills, you shouldn't be a nameless person. Register!"

"Tang Yin!"

"Tang Yin?" The burly man frowned and thought for a moment. He shook his head and said, "Never heard of it."

Tang Yin laughed, if the other party had heard of his name, then that would be weird. He intentionally delayed to buy time for him to recover his strength, and asked: "Who are you?"

The tall and sturdy man said with a resonating voice: "Yuan Kui."

Tang Yin copied the big sized man's actions from a moment ago, pretending to lower his head and think, in the end, he shook his head and laughed: "I have never heard of it either."

The moment he said this, the surroundings resounded with angry snorts. Especially the few generals behind Yuan Kui, they were all filled with righteous indignation, their eyes were round, as if they wanted to skin Tang Yin alive.

Yuan Kui was the Chief General with a famous Ning Country, he had a high position in the sect, he had an illustrious reputation. But since Tang Yin came from a different world and Yan Lie lived five hundred years ago, he had obviously never heard of the name Yuan Kui.

This time, the Ning Country concentrated its forces and resisted the attack of the Feng Country. With the battle of Hedong, it suffered a great defeat to the two hundred thousand strong Feng Country, causing the entire Ning Country to become abnormally excited. After obtaining victory, the entire did not immediately return to the capital, but took the opportunity to directly obtain the Tong Gate.

The Tong Gate was a heavy ground of Feng Country, and also the west gate of Feng Country. The east window of Ning Country, whether it was occupied by Feng or Ning, could be used to attack, retreat or defend, and was placed in an invincible position.

Ning Country paid great attention to this battle of Tong Gate. The four groups of nearly four hundred thousand soldiers gathered outside the Tong Gate, and two princes were personally present at the battlefield to supervise the battle.

Yu Jia, the other one is called Yu Shang, the third in line to inherit the Ning Country, but Yu Shang was far from being as bold as his brother. He was born with a weak and cowardly personality, and even if his Ning Country were to take the initiative, he would not dare to personally come to the Tong Gate Battlefield.

As the prince, Yu Shang was naturally protected by the Ning Army. Yuan Kui was one of the protectors, if not, with Yuan Kui's status and identity, he would definitely not be willing to become a general here without any achievements.

In the past few days, had not been obstructed by a large amount of Feng Army. On the contrary, it was the small group's Feng Country that had dispersed and killed quite a few people, which made Yuan Kui feel extremely ashamed. However, Yu Shang was happy in the midst of doing so.

Hearing Tang Yin's arrogant words, one of the General of Ning Country shouted angrily, "What a boastful brat, I'll take your head!" While speaking, he took out his sword and was about to fight with Tang Yin.

Yuan Kui waved his hand, stopping his subordinate generals. He smiled at Tang Yin and said: "Tang Yin, you go deep into our army, it will be hard to escape with your wings on the ground. If you surrender now, I can consider it."

Tang Yin laughed and interrupted him, saying, "If you want to fight, then fight.

Yuan Kui was not in a good mood in the first place, but after being agitated by Tang Yin, he started to get angry, and started to get angry. He stretched out his right hand, and said coldly: "I originally wanted to give you a chance to live, and since you are courting death, then don't blame me!"

At this moment, a soldier ran up to him and handed him a silver spear.

Yuan Kui held the spear in one hand, extended his arm forward and pointed the spear tip straight at Tang Yin's nose.

He did not make any movements, and did not make any moves either. In the eyes of the people around, Yuan Kui was just silently standing there, but the Tang Yin in front of him felt completely different.

When Yuan Kui's silver spear was pointed at him, an invisible pressure swept over, the surrounding air seemed to have suddenly become heavy, pressing down so hard that Tang Yin was unable to breathe, making him unable to breathe.

What a strong Spirit Pressure!

Tang Yin looked at Yuan Kui in disbelief. His opponent's Spiritual Qi cultivation had far exceeded his imagination, he never would have thought that such a powerful Spiritual Martial Expert was actually hidden in the Ning Country Entrance Level.

A few seconds of time, to Tang Yin, was as long as a few centuries.

Yuan Kui finally moved. With one hand holding his spear, he slowly walked towards Tang Yin.

This was definitely not an opponent that he could handle right now! Tang Yin was very clear in his heart that the difference in strength between him and Yuan Kui right now was just too great, so great that he did not have any hope of winning at all.

If he wanted to survive, he had no choice but to run!

For the first time in his life, Tang Yin had the thought of retreating without fighting. But now that he wanted to retreat, his body no longer followed his orders, and it was as if his body was bound by invisible shackles, unable to move at all.

If he could not even resist the opponent's Spirit Pressure, how could he talk about fighting? Tang Yin's hand that was holding onto the sword could not help but tremble slightly. He watched helplessly as Yuan Kui approached him and then watched as the other party slowly pulled out his spear, the spear tip piercing straight towards his chest.

Dodge! He had to dodge! Tang Yin could sense that although the other party's spear attack was slow, the hidden power was shockingly strong. At the very least, it could pierce through his armor and his body.

When the tip of the spear was about to pierce through Tang Yin's chest armor, the latter let out a loud roar, used a lot of strength in his waist and eyes, and his originally immovable body miraculously twisted away.


Unfortunately, his movements were still half a step too slow.

Although Yuan Kui's spear did not pierce into's chest, it still deeply stabbed into his left rib.

That ice-cold, lacerating pain that penetrated deep into his body made Tang Yin cry out in pain. He did not know where the strength in his body came from, but it forced him to break through Yuan Kui's Spirit Pressure and retreat a few steps.

Even without using his Insight, Yuan Kui could feel that Tang Yin's Spirit Qi cultivation level was not that high. Logically speaking, he would not be able to break through the Spirit Pressure that he had released, but in reality, not only had Tang Yin dodged his fatal attack at the critical moment, he had even successfully escaped from his Spirit Pressure.

The young man in front of him could be considered to be a person with extremely strong willpower, but even so, Yuan Kui was 100% confident that he would be able to kill him.

"Your Excellency is very tenacious, but you've chosen the wrong opponent!" Yuan Kui sneered, he raised the silver spear once again and pointed it at Tang Yin.

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