Zhang Bao withdrew his horse and sheathed his blade, while the other Feng Soldier followed suit. The Ning Country Protector originally wanted to get close to Tang Yin, but in the end, not only did he not get to his side, he was even snatched away by the opponent's blade.

When Subordinate brought the warhorse back, Tang Yin grabbed Yu Shang's neck and carried him on his back as he mounted a war horse.

Without him saying anything, Zhang Bao and the rest all mounted their horses as well, and as they all looked towards Tang Yin, they waited for his next order.

After getting on the horse, Tang Yin placed Yu Shang horizontally on the saddle, and then shouted at Yuan Kui: "Get your Subordinate out of the way, I want to pass."

"Then, Your Highness …"

"After we pass and are certain of our safety, I will naturally let him come back!" Tang Yin said.

Yuan Kui roared: Why should I believe your words?! If Tang Yin passed the trial and let Yu Shang go, or even killed him, who would he find to justify his actions?

Tang Yin shrugged and said: "If you don't believe me, I have no other choice. Then, I can only die together with him." Saying that, he whipped Yu Shang's back twice with the reins in his hand.

His strength was not great, but Yu Shang could not help but let out a miserable scream like a pig being butchered. His four limbs danced as he wailed, "Don't kill me! "Don't kill me!"

The pampered Yu Shang, who usually lived in the palace and was being protected by others, had never seen such a scene before. He roared: "Yuan Kui, do as he says, quickly do as he says!"

Yuan Kui's head started to ache, Yu Shang's shout at the top of his lungs was also making his head hurt, he could not think of a way to deal with it.

In the end, he sighed to himself. Now, he could only take things one step at a time! He waved his hand and shouted, "Let them pass."

The military order was like a landslide.

Following Yuan Kui's command, the surrounding crowd of Ning Country soldiers moved to the sides like tidewaters, opening up a two meter wide path.

Without hesitation, Tang Yin shook his head at Subordinate: "Let's go!"

With Yu Shang's trump card in their hands, Tang Yin and the rest walked out of the encirclement unhindered, and rushed towards the exit.

Yu Shang was still in the enemy's hands, how could Yuan Kui dare to let them go like this? Leading a group of soldiers and generals, he quickly chased after them.

Right now, Tang Yin and the other few dozen people were in front, while Yuan Kui and the other few thousand soldiers of the General of Ning Country were behind, maintaining a distance of only a dozen metres between the two sides.

After exiting the checkpoint, seeing that the other party was still not giving up, Tang Yin pulled his horse's reins and stopped, turning his head to shout: "All of you stop, don't chase anymore!"

"Release His Highness first!" Yuan Kui replied.

"Impossible." Tang Yin rejected his bluntly.

"Then I won't just let you leave either!" Yuan Kui said.

Tang Yin slightly narrowed his eyes. He met Yuan Kui's gaze and saw Yuan Kui's determination in the other party's eyes. He knew that this should be the other party's bottom line.

Just as he was thinking about how to get rid of the other party, he heard a faint sound of fighting coming from the south. Due to the distance, he wasn't able to hear it clearly.

He frowned. Could it be that someone was still trying to break through the Ning Country barrier? After pondering for a moment, he suddenly thought of Wu Mei, Wu Ying and the rest.

It seemed that even if he managed to attract the main force of the Ning people, Wu Mei's side wouldn't be progressing smoothly.

Tang Yin had originally planned to head east to the Tong Gate, but he changed his mind.

Zhang Bao was puzzled, he anxiously chased after Tang Yin and asked: "Big Brother Tang, don't we need to go back to Tong Gate? Where are we going now? "

Tang Yin said: "Looking for Wu Mei, without their assistance, even if we only relied on a few dozen of us, it would probably be difficult for us to return to Tong Gate."

"General Wu?" Zhang Bao said suspiciously, "The General Wu should have already passed the test!"

"Not necessarily!"

Tang Yin's six senses were extremely strong and he was able to hear the sounds of fighting coming from afar, but he did not hear anything.

Sixteen of them, thirty war horses, galloped towards the southern part of the checkpoint.

Yuan Kui and the rest did not give up, following closely behind.

After running frantically for around ten minutes, he looked at the Ning Country barrier in front of him. Dust was flying, swords were flashing, and the sounds of battle shook the skies.

From afar, one could see the occasional spurt of blood into the air.

After Tang Yin saw this, he sped up his horse and rushed forward with all his might.

Not long after, he approached the edge of the battlefield, tightened the reins of his horse, and shouted, "All of you, stop!"

This shout was like a thunderclap, instantly calming down the originally chaotic and tragic battlefield.

Without waiting for Tang Yin to take a closer look, someone from the crowd exclaimed, "Tang Yin!"

Tang Yin looked over the source of the sound and saw a golden-armored general looking at him with a pair of bright eyes. The general's entire body was covered by the golden armor and he wore a golden mask on his face, leaving only his eyes outside. Although he could not see the general's appearance, through those eyes, Tang Yin could still determine who he was.

After all, there weren't many people who could have such charming eyes.

Wu Mei!

She was originally wearing the black helmet and armor from Feng Country, but the golden armor she was wearing was the spirit armor she was releasing.

Spirit Cultivator released his spirit energy outside her body and condensed it into a solid armor. This was the 'Spirit Armored Materialization'. As for the color of the spirit armor, it depended on the user's own attributes. There were five human attributes: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The spirit armor was also roughly gold, white, blue, red, and black.

The 'Spirit Armored Materialization' was the basic technique of the Spirit Cultivator, and was much easier to execute than the 'Spirit Materialization of Weapon'. Even Spirit Cultivators at the elementary level could release a portion of either the Spirit Armored Materialization or half of the Spirit Armored Materialization, but to complete the entire Spirit Armored Materialization of the body like Wu Mei and maintain it during battle for a long time, it required a high level of spirit energy.

Tang Yin glanced to the side and saw that Wu Mei was holding a transformed blade in her hand. The blade was over four feet long, the blade was wide and thin, one side was a blade, the other side was a tooth, this kind of strange weapon was obviously a Spirit Materialization of Weapon spirit weapon.

To be able to complete both Spirit Armored Materialization s, Wu Mei's spiritual energy cultivation must have reached the Spirit Transformation realm.

Tang Yin was surprised, he never thought that this young miss Wu who was born with a charming temperament and could not control herself, would actually be a spirit warrior with a profound Spirit Qi.

One of the Black Spirit Armor generals fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with Wu Mei also couldn't see his face, but her ice-cold eyes allowed Tang Yin to tell that it was Wu Ying just by looking at him.

What a pair of powerful and extraordinary sisters, it seems that the name of the Wealthy Class with the ability to become Feng Country was not just for show.

Tang Yin did not immediately speak, his gaze swept across the two Wu Family sisters and sized up the other Soldiers And Generals of Feng Army, hoping to find the Qiu Zhen he was most worried about. In the end, he did not even see Qiu Zhen around.

Just as he was thinking that an accident had happened to Qiu Zhen in the chaos of battle, he squeezed out a small head from the Feng Soldier crowd. When his shifty eyes saw Tang Yin, his face immediately revealed a look of ecstasy and he shouted, "Big Brother Tang, you … "You're not dead?!"

Tang Yin looked carefully, the one who spoke was none other than Qiu Zhen.

Seeing that he was still alive and unharmed, Tang Yin's cold expression finally changed. The corner of his mouth naturally raised upwards.

He secretly laughed in his heart. He seemed to have underestimated Qiu Zhen's ability to protect himself.

"Who are you?"

Without waiting for Tang Yin to speak, a General of Ning Country riding a black warhorse asked angrily as she pointed at's nose with her Steel Sword.

Tang Yin was dressed in normal clothes, the General of Ning Country thought that he was one of their kind, but seeing that the enemies recognized them, he realized something was wrong.

Without further ado, Tang Yin lifted Yu Shang who was in the saddle and shouted: "Disperse your men, immediately release them!"


The leader of the General of Ning Country's rank wasn't high, she didn't know Yu Shang, and she didn't know that he was the third prince either. Hearing Tang Yin's shameless boasting, she became so angry that her nose almost went crooked, and she shouted: "Surround him!"

"Wait a minute!"

The one who spoke was not Tang Yin, but Yuan Kui who had caught up.

The General of Ning Country did not recognize Yu Shang, but she recognized Yuan Kui. Upon seeing her superior, she immediately dismounted and bowed: General Yuan, you … "Why are you here?"

Yuan Kui did not bother with him, as he raised his head to look at the battlefield. There were over a hundred corpses lying on the ground, and the majority of them were human beings.

Seeing that Yuan Kui's face was growing colder and colder, the General of Ning Country shivered and immediately said: "General Yuan, there are Spiritual Martial Expert among the enemies. Although we have suffered heavy casualties, we have already surrounded them …."

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Yuan Kui cut him off: "Let them go!"

"Yes …"

General of Ning Country answered instinctively, but then his body trembled, his face filled with surprise. He stuttered in disbelief: "Release … Let them go? General Yuan, they … They are people of the wind, enemies! "

"I know, I don't need you to talk anymore!" Yuan Kui berated, then looked towards Tang Yin, trying to soften his tone as he said, "Tang … "General, I can release all your men, but only on one condition. Leave your hostages behind."

Tang Yin smiled indifferently and said: "If I return him to you, will you let us go?"

"Of course!"

"But I don't believe you."

"How can you believe that?"

"I'll have to wait until I safely return to the Tong Gate."

"You … You want to bring your highness to the Tong Gate? "

"That's right!"

"This... "Wishful thinking."

"You don't believe me, and I don't believe you either. If the deadlock continues like this, I can guarantee that the first person to die will be him!" Tang Yin sneered as he pinched Yu Shang's tender cheeks.

The two conversed extremely quickly, at the same time, it had also attracted the attention of Wu Mei and Wu Ying.

The two sisters looked at Yu Shang who was being held hostage by Tang Yin. Just by looking at his clothes, the two were able to determine that his status in the Ning Country was definitely extremely noble, especially the hydrological belt tied around his waist, which only the people in the Ning Country Palace could wear. Furthermore, Yuan Kui had addressed him as Your Highness.

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