"You … You want to kill me? " Yu Shang's face was pale white, he looked at Wu Mei in fear.

Wu Mei smiled charmingly, extended her hand to touch his face, and said softly: "Your Highness, don't worry. Even if I kill you, you will die happily."

"Ah — —" As if he had been bitten by a snake, Yu Shang began to shriek continuously, his arms and legs danced chaotically, and he struggled violently. Unintentionally, his elbow struck the wound below Tang Yin's ribs, and the latter frowned.

Following the clear and melodious sound, Yu Shang immediately quietened down, his head was buzzing from the hit, golden stars appeared in front of his eyes, his eyes were unfocused, and his head drooped down powerlessly.

Tong Gate's geographical location could be said to be unique. This place was a crevice between two mountains, and Tong Gate was in that crevice right now, so the intersection was completely sealed up. If one wanted to pass, they would have to go through Tong Gate.

At this time, an army filled with Ning Country had already gathered outside of the Tong Gate.

From afar, they could see the company camp, with the tents close to the tents, and the banners erected high up in the sky were scattered like stars, densely packed like a forest, forming a half ring formation, outside of the Tong Gate, which stretched out for tens of kilometers, and stretched out as far as the eye could see.

When they reached a high ground and looked out at the Tong Gate, what they saw was exactly this scene.

After reading, Wu Mei and Wu Ying were dumbfounded. The Soldiers And Generals of Feng Army s were stunned, Tang Yin was also dumbfounded.

Actually, Wu Mei had already received the news long ago that the Ning Country army was already at the gates of the city. It was just that she never thought that the Ning Country would gather so many people.

Qiu Zhen, who was behind Tang Yin, looked around hastily and involuntarily gasped. He muttered in a daze: "This … "There should be at least four armies, with over 400,000 soldiers here, right?"

Wu Yi, who was following closely behind, forced a laugh and said, "Even if there isn't any, it's about time!"

"With so many enemies, how can we get past them?" After Qiu Zhen finished speaking, his gaze naturally fell on Yu Shang who was lying on his horse.

He had originally thought that with Yu Shang in his hands, it would be enough to guarantee their successful return to the Tong Gate, but now that he saw such a large army with such a huge Ning Country, Qiu Zhen was more or less unsure of what to do.

"Whether or not we can smoothly pass through the enemy lines will depend on the weight of His Royal Highness." Tang Yin said with a deep look in his eyes.

Wu Mei's expression was complex, she remained silent in thought. She had the same thoughts as Qiu Zhen. Although she had Yu Shang as a hostage, facing hundreds of thousands of enemies, it would be a lie to say that she wasn't worried.

Seeing her standing still and not saying a word, Tang Yin frowned and reminded her in a low voice: "General Wu, shouldn't we leave now?"

"Leave?" Wu Mei didn't react for a moment, looked at him blankly, and asked: "Go where?"

Tang Yin rolled his eyes and said: "Naturally, I'm going towards the Tong Gate."

Wu Mei secretly shivered, she waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I'll think about it."

A woman is a woman. No matter what her background is, she is always indecisive in the face of trouble. Tang Yin curled his lips in dissatisfaction and said in a deep voice, "Staying here will only be disadvantageous to us." As he said that, he turned around and pointed behind him, and said: "Behind us, Yuan Kui's group of pursuers will arrive very soon, if nothing unexpected happens, the enemies in front should have discovered us. If we stay here, we would only let them see our guilt and give them an opportunity to attack us, and rather than waiting for them to come find us, why not take the initiative and find them?

These words caused Wu Mei to be extremely shocked, and made everyone look at Tang Yin in a different light, especially Qiu Zhen, who nodded continuously at the side, praised Tang Yin for not only having guts, but also that she was not a simple person.

After pondering for a moment, Wu Ying replied, "What General Tang says is true. If the other party were to disregard Yu Shang's life and death and insist on killing us, even if we stay here, we would only be facing a dead end. We might as well take the initiative and face him.

Hearing Wu Ying's words, Wu Mei did not hesitate anymore. She took a deep breath and slowly raised her hand, stopping in mid air for a moment.

With her order, the hundreds of soldiers under her unfurled and hung up the banners and ribbons of Feng Country that had been kept long ago. For a time, the top of the troops had turned into a black ocean.

When they were still about two hundred meters away from the Ning Country army camp, the Barracks Gate in the camp opened up, and immediately following that, a large troop of cavalry, at least five thousand of them, rushed out. Immediately, all of the knights wore silver helmets and armor, with white tassels on their heads and silver spears in their hands.

What a dazzling cavalry team! Tang Yin held onto the reins of the horse he was riding and squinted his eyes, quietly sizing up the enemy cavalry.

To the cavalrymen, a distance of two hundred meters could be covered in the blink of an eye.

Not long later, the five thousand Ning Country Cavalry arrived in front of Tang Yin and the rest.

Without any orders, the Ning Country Troops all stood in formation. Then, the cavalrymen at the front split into two, left and right, giving way to a three-meter-wide path in the middle, and then a line of Knights walked out.

The leader was a young man dressed in embroidered robes, not even reaching thirty years of age. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, looked dignified, and the knights protecting him on his left and right were all burly and sturdy, each of them was brimming with vitality and had bright eyes. It was obvious that these Knights were Spiritual Martial Expert with profound cultivations.

The young man did not immediately walk out of the square formation. Instead, he stood within the camp, stopped his horse, and looked at Tang Yin and the others with a torch-like gaze. After looking for a moment, his gaze darkened, and he asked: "Which one of you is the one in charge?"

His voice wasn't loud, but it was filled with confidence. His tone naturally exuded a sense of majesty.

Wu Mei and Wu Ying looked at each other, and then galloped their horses forward at the same time. After walking a few steps, Wu Mei asked: "Who are you?"

"Yu Jia!" When the young man saw Wu Mei, the light in his eyes shone brighter, like two daggers, stabbing straight into Wu Mei's face.

Ah!" So this was the second prince of Peace Country, Yu Jia!

Wu Mei was secretly surprised, she could not help but look at Yu Shang who was riding his horse. The two were his brothers, their looks, bodies and clothes were extremely similar, but their temperament was completely different.

On the other hand, Yu Jia was completely different. The expression in his eyes was clear and sharp, and between his brows, a heroic aura surged. He had a temperament that made people submit to him, which was, of course, not born of him, but something that he had slowly tempered over a long period of time.

This person was different from Yu Shang, and could not be underestimated. Wu Mei became vigilant, and her face revealed a charming smile. Sha Rou spoke in a tender voice, "I have heard a lot about Your Highness the Second Prince. "We were just passing by. Second Prince Hero personally came to welcome us. Really …"

Yu Jia didn't have the mood to keep Wu Mei in suspense. His entire mind was focused on his younger brother's safety. He interrupted Wu Mei and said: "You do not need to continue acting, I just want to know, where is my younger brother."

He and Yu Shang were of the same race, and both were of the same father and mother. There were many sons of the King Ning and his relationship with Yu Shang was the deepest.

He did not know where he got the strength from, but he raised his head with all his might. When he saw Yu Jia, who was riding in the middle of the Ning Country cavalry army, his eyes reddened and beads of tears started to roll down his face. He shouted in a trembling voice, "Second Brother, save me!"

Yu Jia's body trembled as he anxiously looked in the direction of the voice, just in time to meet Yu Shang's pitiful begging eyes.

Almost instinctively, he clamped his legs around the horse's belly and tried to push it forward, but soon he calmed down again and pulled the reins and reined the horse in.

His gaze landed on Yu Shang for a long while before he slowly moved his gaze up. Looking at Tang Yin who was sitting in the saddle, he shouted with a gloomy tone: "Let him go!"

His gaze was ice-cold, enough to freeze an elephant to death. However, Tang Yin did not move, and sat in the saddle, not making a sound. He did not even spare Yu Jia a glance, as if the other party was not speaking to him.

Seeing that, Yu Jia was enraged, as the second prince of Ning Country, he was King Ning's most dependant son. Usually when he was revered and treated indifferently, he gritted his teeth and his face flushed red.

Seeing him like this, Wu Mei snickered in her heart. Tang Yin seemed to be a natural born traitor, never putting others in her eyes.

She chuckled and said: "Why would Your Highness Yu Jia be angry?! If you want us to release your little brother, of course we can, but the condition is that you have to let us go through first. Once we safely enter the Tong Gate, we will return Yu Shang to you. "

"Second Brother, don't listen to her! This... This woman just said that she would kill me when they returned to Tong Gate, and she wanted to bring my head to see Feng King … " All this while, she had been in trouble only for Yu Jia to help him clean up his mess. With Yu Jia around, it was equivalent to him finding her backbone, so he wasn't afraid of anything anymore.

"Shut up!"

Tang Yin scolded him in a bad mood, and at the same time, gave him another slap on the face.

Yu Shang screamed miserably as he was beaten up, his snot and tears flowing out.

Yu Jia's eyes suddenly widened, and the eyes he looked at Tang Yin with were seemingly about to spew fire.

After taking a few deep breaths consecutively, he finally managed to calm himself down a little. Although he wished to tear Tang Yin's corpse into pieces in his heart, he did not dare to act rashly when his brothers were in his hands.

He looked at Yu Shang and bellowed, "Speak less now!" After he finished speaking, he looked at Wu Mei again, and said: "Only if you release the people first, can I let them go. This is the only condition I have to accept!"

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