The general Peng, who was called General Li, glanced at the captain of the soldiers, nodded, smiled slightly and said, "it's hard for you, brother Liu! However, there is a serious shortage of manpower at the north gate, and the Tianyuan army's attack is very fierce. It's useless to increase only dozens of people!"

The captain of the first soldier smiled helplessly and said, "General Li, now the people in the city are very cunning. They hide during the day and only go out in the early morning. I got up early today to find these people. General Li should be more considerate of his subordinates!"

He is Geng Qiang's personal captain and is not under the jurisdiction of the general guarding the gate. General Peng naturally has no way to take him. He nodded, forced a smile and said, "of course, I understand the hardships of brother Liu. I have to rely on brother Liu to help with the increase of manpower!"

"It's easy to say, easy to say! As long as General Li can remember the benefits of his brother and give him more help when he plans to expand his ambitions in the future, I'll certainly make my breast-feeding strength come out!"

"Ha ha! I'll thank brother Liu first!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome! I've sent the people, General Li. My subordinates leave!"


After the captain of the first soldier left with a cadre of his men, the Peng surnamed Li spit and said angrily, "full of villains!" As he spoke, he waved and called a group of soldiers. Then he pointed to Tang Yin and others and said, "give them weapons and take them to the city!"

"Yes, general!" The soldiers promised to pick out some from the piles of weapons and distribute them to Tang Yin and others. The north side of the city is the focus of the Tianyuan army's attack. The ordnance reserve is still sufficient, and the weapons are not enough like the other three walls.

Tang Yin was assigned a spear. He looked down and saw that the spear was stained with blood. He didn't know how many times it had been used and how many people had passed by. When they were led up to the wall, General Li was watching. When Tang Yin passed in front of him, he shouted, "stop!"

Tang Yin was shocked. Did he see the flaw by the other party? That would be terrible. You should know that Tang Yin has divided into shadow parts. He doesn't have spiritual cultivation. Once the enemy sees his identity, the situation will be very critical. General Li looked at him up and down and asked, "what's your name?"

"Early Tang Dynasty!" Tang Yin continued to make up his fake name in the newspaper.

"Early Tang Dynasty?" The general surnamed Li recited it silently, then stared at Tang Yin without blinking, and youyou said, "I think you look so familiar?"

In fact, he has not seen Tang Yin, nor has he seen the portrait of Tang Yin, but he has heard too much about Tang Yin. At this time, when he sees himself, he naturally has a sense of familiarity. Tang Yin's ability to adapt to changes is very strong, and his happiness and anger are not in color. Even if he is nervous, he can't see anything on the surface.

He smiled and said, "maybe the general has met villains in the city before!"

General Li nodded and thought it was possible. After all, he had worked in xibaicheng for a long time, and the young man was handsome and smiling. If he had met him before, it was not impossible to make an impression in his heart. He stretched out his fist, gently hit Tang Yin on the shoulder and said with a smile: "yes, the young man is very strong, but he hasn't repaired Lingwu. It's a pity!"

After Tang Yin became separated, he was no different from ordinary people. Even if the other party used the art of insight, it was difficult to see that he was a spiritual cultivator. The general surnamed Li waved to the soldiers around him and asked them to take a sabre and hand it over to Tang Yin. He said, "in the future, you will be the captain of these people. They all belong to you. If there are fewer people one day, I'll ask you!"

Oh, this Peng will really arrange people! Tang Yin smiled in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface. He nodded repeatedly, pretended to be flattered and said, "thank you, general, thank you!"



"Ah, by the way, you'll ask someone to move the rolling wood and stone to the city later. It's estimated that the Tianyuan army will attack the city today. Those on the head of the city may not be able to use!"

"I see, general!"

"Do a good job! Well done, I'll integrate you into the regular corps!"

"Thank you, general!"

The appearance is equivalent to a person's business card. It can leave the most intuitive first impression to others. Tang Yin was born with a smiling face. Coupled with his handsome and delicate appearance, he was very pleasant. This Peng will easily notice his existence from the crowd and arrange him as the leader of these more than 30 people. It can be said that he was a flying blessing.

Being in charge of more than 30 people can also provide a lot of convenience for his future actions.

On the other hand, Tang Yin's shadow split is not free to do nothing. He wandered around the city and soon found that a small group of soldiers appeared in the street. They spread their shadow drift and flashed directly in front of the soldiers. They quickly killed several soldiers with the fire of darkness, found Jun's address from his memory, and then changed into the appearance of soldiers, He swaggered straight to Yu Jun's residence in the street.

As Geng Qiang's confidant, Yu Jun's house in xibaicheng is not small. Although Geng Qiang is now an official, the house is still there, but it seems deserted in front of the door. The people who were attached to the dragon and the Phoenix have disappeared.

Tang Yin looked at the plaque on the door of the house and confirmed that it was Yu's house. Only then did he change from a soldier to his original appearance.

He went to the front of the house and slapped the copper ring on the door. After a short time, the house door opened and a young servant came out of it. He looked up and down at Tang Yin and felt very angry. However, seeing Tang Yin's extraordinary demeanor, he politely asked, "excuse me, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for your adult, Mr. Yu Jun!" Tang Yin replied with a smile.

"You are..." in the impression of the servant, the master has neither such relatives nor such friends.

Tang Yin said, "I'm an old friend of your family. My surname is Tang."

"Sorry, my master doesn't see any guests now!"

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin smiled and said, "but he must see me! I have a very important matter to discuss with your family. It may involve the life and death of tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of people in the west city. Go in and report it!"

The servant was startled by Tang Yin's tone. He looked at him again. He didn't dare to delay. He left a sentence, sir. Wait a minute, and then hurried back to the house. Tang Yin didn't wait long. The young housekeeper ran out again, bowed to Tang Yin and said, "my Lord, please! Your Excellency, please follow me!"

Tang Yin nodded with a smile and followed the servant into the mansion.

He was taken to the main hall of the mansion by his servant. Looking up, he saw that the hall was square, the decoration was simple, the smell of books was full, and the walls were covered with calligraphy and paintings. In the center of the hall sat a middle-aged man in his thirties and under 40, with white face, black beard, thin eyes and high nose, and ordinary appearance.

Tang Yin is looking at the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man is also looking at him.

After reading Tang Yin up and down several times, the middle-aged man frowned and said, "I don't know you, but you claim to be my old friend. What's the purpose? What's your intention?"

Tang Yin smiled but didn't answer. Instead, he asked, "you must be Mr. Yu Jun!"

"Yes, it's me!"

"I have something to discuss with my husband!" As he spoke, Tang Yin glanced to the left and right, looked at the attendants on both sides, and said emphatically, "it's a very important thing!"

Yu Jun was born as a counselor. He was so smart that he immediately understood Tang Yin's meaning. However, he still didn't know Tang Yin's exact identity and why he came to find himself. Of course, he wouldn't hastily send away the attendants on both sides. He said slowly, "these are my confidants. If you have anything to say, you can't help it."

Tang Yin suddenly took a few steps forward and went directly to Yu Jun, who was startled, stared at him in surprise. Tang Yin bent down, close to Jun's ear and whispered, "my surname is Tang Yin. Now, does Mr. Yu Jun think it's necessary to send them out?"

Upon hearing this, Yu Jun's head buzzed, his face suddenly changed, and the man subconsciously stood up, stared at Tang Yin close at him, and stammered, "you... You say you are..."

Tang Yin waved his hand, interrupted him and said with a smile, "yes, I am! I didn't say wrong, and Mr. Yu Jun didn't hear wrong!"

Tang Yin? It's incredible that Tang Yin, the commander of Tianyuan army, should appear in his own city! Equal to Jun woke up, his first reaction was to step back in shock and horror and knock down the chair behind him. Seeing this, the attendants around didn't understand what had happened, so they came forward one after another. Tang Yin took the lead and went to Yu Jun's side. He said with a smile: "Mr. Yu Jun, don't be afraid. I'm not here to kill you, but to save you. However, if my identity is exposed, I may have to kill people! You're a smart man, and you must not do anything irrational!"

Under the threat of Tang Yin's soft and hard work, Yu Jun reacted completely from the shock. He looked at Tang Yin directly for a long time. Finally, he sighed secretly, waved to the left and right attendants and said, "you all go out first!"


The attendants glanced uneasily at Tang Yin, all looking like they wanted to talk and stop.

"Don't be wordy, get out!" Yu Jun emphasized.

The attendants had no choice but to slowly withdraw from the hall and close the doors and windows of the hall under the sign of Jun.

Yu Jun is not a fool. He knows very well that if Tang Yin really wants to take his surname, he can't stop it just by his servants. Tang Yin is a dark spiritual cultivator with profound cultivation. He can come and go freely in front of the two armies, not to mention his small mansion? Moreover, it's scary enough that Tang Yin can sneak into Xibai City, which also shows his strength.

After all the attendants withdrew, Yu Jun also calmed down. At this time, he was not afraid. Facing Tang Yin in front of him, he asked word by word: "I don't know the purpose of Lord Tang's sudden visit?"

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