Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen wanted to leave, but how could Yu Jia let them leave? Especially Tang Yin, he had ripped off one of his ears, so Yu Jia had turned him into a bone, and seeing that he was trying to escape, Yu Jia bellowed, instigating his war horse, holding onto his silver spear, he chased after them.

Wu Mei, who was already standing on top of the Tong Gate wall, seemed to have already expected such an outcome. You talk about your honor and don't kill Yu Shang, but the other party won't talk about your trust!

She was angry at Tang Yin, but could not ignore him. Wu Mei tilted her head and shouted: "Release the arrows, cover General Tang and return to the city!"

Although Wu Mei was not a General Guard, she had a high official rank. All the soldiers did not dare disobey her orders.

Following her words, hundreds of archers stood up on top of the city walls and shot out random arrows at Yu Jia, who was chasing and killing Tang Yin.

Sou, sou, sou — Arrows rained down from the city walls. Although their target was not Tang Yin or Qiu Zhen, the two of them still instinctively lowered their heads and subconsciously dodged.

Yu Jia was unperturbed by the arrows. He brandished the silver spear in his hand and suddenly released layers upon layers of white mist that enveloped his entire body and instantly congealed into a layer of white armor, covering his entire body and leaving only his eyes outside.

Although it seemed slow, it was actually extremely fast. Yu Jia completed the Spirit Armored Materialization in an instant.

His spirit armor had just been completed, and the messy arrows were nearing him, all he could hear were crisp dinging sounds. He then looked at Yu Jia, whose entire body was covered with sparks, the arrows were sharp, and from top to bottom, they had a huge inertia, but could not penetrate through his spirit armor at all, and were all reflected onto the ground.

In the blink of an eye, a circle of broken arrows had been formed around him. However, the impact of the arrows still managed to block his forward charge.

"Second brother …"

Just as Yu Jia was brandishing his silver spear to shoot the arrows flying at him, he suddenly heard Yu Shang's voice from behind him.

Without looking back, he asked, "What is it?"

"Second brother, don't chase anymore …"

Yu Jia was not willing to give up, but at the same time, the number of Feng Country archers on the city wall increased by a lot, and the arrows whistling by his side became even more concentrated and sharp. Looking back, Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen who were at the foot of the city wall, they started to climb along the ropes.

At this time, Tang Yin had already been pulled along the rope. He turned around and looked at Yu Jia who was flustered and exasperated, he snorted coldly, seemingly mumbling to himself: "Remember my name well, when we meet next time, who knows who will take whose life!"

Yu Jia turned his horse and retreated out of the Feng Country Arrows' range.

He walked into Yu Shang and saw that the wound on his ear had been simply bandaged. His face was frighteningly pale, he took a deep breath and asked: "How do you feel? Apart from ear injuries, what other injuries are there? "

Yu Shang slowly shook his head and said, "Second Brother … Although Tang Yin hurt me, he still saved me just now! "

"What?" Yu Jia raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Originally, Wu Mei wanted to kill me, but he stepped forward to stop me, which is why she saved my life." Yu Shang said weakly.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Yu Jia was confused. He couldn't figure out why Tang Yin wanted to protect Yu Shang, but the name Tang Yin was deeply engraved in his mind.

On top of the wall where Tang Yin and Tang Yin were being pulled onto, before they could untie the ropes around their waists, Wu Mei had already walked over quickly as she said with a cold smile: "See this? You talk about your reputation, and the enemy doesn't know about your reputation, so don't do such foolish things in the future!"

As he shook off the hemp rope on his body, Tang Yin said indifferently: "I only seek to clear my own conscience. As for what others want to do, that is their business."

Wu Mei raised her eyebrows, and just as she was about to speak, the middle aged general walked over. He sized Tang Yin up and asked: "This young brother is …"

"His name is Tang Yin!" Wu Mei helped him to make the introductions, and added: "My second squadron leader."

With this said, everyone present was stunned.

Those who didn't know the inside story were naturally amazed by Tang Yin. The Regiment Commander wasn't just a small position, he also had over ten thousand people under his command. Tang Yin seemed to be in his twenties, so he became the Regiment Commander at such a young age. Those who were aware of the situation were even more astonished. Wu Yin originally gave Tang Yin the position of Captain, but now he became the Regiment Commander? Isn't the promotion too fast?

Qiu Zhen was the first to react, and he was both surprised and happy at the same time. He secretly pulled on Tang Yin's sleeves and said softly: "Quickly thank General Wu!"

Tang Yin did not say anything, he only looked at Wu Mei in puzzlement. He had clearly contradicted her earlier, why was Wu Mei not angry, but instead promoted her position?

Actually, Wu Mei had her own way of thinking too.

In this battle against the Ning Country, her subordinates had suffered heavy losses, and she had been in dire need of people. Through her interactions with Tang Yin, it was not hard to see that he was a genius with courage and scheming, and naturally, she needed to rope him in. Furthermore, she was extremely interested in Tang Yin, and wanted to keep him by her side.

"This time, you took the initiative to capture the Ning Country Prince Yu Shang, saved me and saved everyone. It is only natural for you to receive the appropriate rewards, this is not surprising at all." Wu Mei explained lightly. She was saying this to Tang Yin and to others.

When the guards of Tong Gate heard this, all of them sucked in a cold breath, and started to size up Tang Yin once again. This youth was actually able to capture a prince of Ning Country, this was too inconceivable!

Just now, he had already noticed the captive that Tang Yin was escorting, but did not expect that it was a prince from the Ning Country.

It was no wonder that Wu Mei and the others were able to pass through the Ning Army Camp unhindered. No wonder Ning Jun only dared to follow them from afar and did not dare to come close.

He no longer dared to belittle Tang Yin, and immediately replied him with a stern expression: "My name is Zongzheng Guangxiao, and I am a general guarding Tong Gate. For the disciples of the Brother Tang to be able to capture the enemy and generals within the midst of tens of thousands of troops, it is truly a young hero coming out of nowhere.

Tang Yin was secretly amused, for him to be able to catch Yu Shang, it could be said that he had three points of luck, Yu Shang's carelessness could take six, and his own martial strength could only take one point.

He shook his head and said sincerely, "It's just that the other party was too careless and my luck is too good."

"Brother Tang disciple is too modest!" Zongzheng looked at Wu Mei and Wu Ying, then bowed and said: "The two generals have worked hard all this time, you can rest at Tavern now."

The two sisters Wu Family were both physically and mentally exhausted. Now that they had safely returned to Tong Gate, even their hearts that had been raised in their throats for several days had finally returned to their original places. Wu Mei and Wu Ying truly felt tired and tired.

Wu Mei nodded and agreed, "Alright." After pausing for a moment, she continued, "My soldiers are also exhausted. General Zongzheng wants to help me settle them down."

"Of course, rest assured General Wu!" Zongzheng said yes.

"General Zongzheng, accompany me for a trip. I would like to know more about the situation of the Tong Gate." With that, Wu Mei turned and winked at Tang Yin, and laughed: "Tang Yin, you come with me too."

Tang Yin had no objections and followed Wu Mei. Qiu Zhen was unwilling to stay alone, he bravely followed beside Tang Yin, but seeing that Wu Mei did not forbid him from doing so, he felt at ease.

The Tong Gate was not a town, but a military fortress. There were not many residents in the city, only a few tens of thousands of people, most of them construction workers and their accompanying families, and some of them were merchants.

They walked down the stairs and headed into the city.

On the way.

Wu Mei asked with a serious expression: "General Zongzheng, how many people are currently defending Tong Gate?"

"Less than 20,000!" Zongzheng revealed a bitter expression as he said, "When we went to the Ning Country, all of the defending troops had been called out. If not for the fact that a portion of our soldiers had fled, I'm afraid we wouldn't even be able to gather ten thousand people!"

"Where is General Ziyang?" The General Zi Yang that Wu Mei was talking about was called Ziyang Haochun, and their Ziyang Family were the same. They were both part of the Four Major Clans in the Feng Country.

Ziyang Haochun was the commander of the Ning Country this time, and was also the main fighting faction of the Feng Country. It was because he strongly requested for a battle in front of the Feng King, that was why his Feng Country sent out troops this time.

"General Ziyang has long since returned to the Yan City. Allegedly, "Zongzheng looked around, lowered his voice and said:" It is said that once Hedong is lost, the Emperor is enraged, and is furious. I am afraid that General Zi Yang's future will be ruined, and that will affect the entire Ziyang Family. At this point, he did not continue.

Although Zongzheng and Wu Family had a deep relationship, there were some things that could not be said directly.

Wu Mei understood what he meant, sighed, and said: "Wu Family can't stay out of this, right?"

Ziyang Haochun took the initiative to request for a battle, and there was strong support for him in his Wu Family as well.

"It's a good thing that the Sovereign King is born with such a simple and honest personality. I presume that it wouldn't be too hard for the Wu Family." Zongzheng comforted his.

Wu Mei chuckled, and waved her hand: "Don't talk about Wu Family, let's talk about you. Just with the twenty thousand people you have, do you think you can really defend Tong Gate? From what I can see, there are more than four hundred thousand soldiers in there, and even if the defenses of the Tong Gate are impenetrable, it would be hard to protect them. " After thinking for a moment, she asked again, "Oh right, did not Yan City send any reinforcements?"

"His Majesty naturally sent reinforcements."

"Who's the leader?"

"Liang Qi!"

"It's him?" Wu Mei blinked her eyes, then shook her head.

Liang Family was also one of the four great nobles with authority within the Feng Country, and Liang Qi was a Eldest Young Master of the Liang Family.

It was not because they were living in peace between the Four Great Imperial Clans. For their own benefits, they fought and plotted against each other. With many contradictions between them, the greatest enmity that the Wu Family had with the other three Great Clans was none other than their Liang Family. This time, Liang Family was strongly opposed to this expedition. Out of the ten divisions under his command, not a single one was sent. Instead, this allowed Liang Family's strength to be preserved.

There were also many XDJMs that said they saw Scoundrel 3 outside. With Liu Dao's declaration, he only wrote Scoundrel 1 and Scoundrel 2, and the rest were not written by Liu Dao! Liu Dao did not authorize for anyone to write either! Everyone wanted Liu Dao to continue writing about Scoundrel 3, Scoundrel 3, Liu Dao would write about it, but not now, it had been 7 years since had started writing about Scoundrel 1, and he was indeed tired. He needed to change his way of thinking to write about new things, and after Tang Yin finished writing, he would continue writing about Scoundrel! Thank you!

"Dafeng Song" was precisely "Tang Yin in a foreign world"!

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