Counselor Zhang Zhe nodded his head and thought Qiu Zhen's words were reasonable, which was exactly what he wanted to say. However, his qualification in Tianyuan army was still shallow, and he was embarrassed to speak if he wanted to. Zong Yuan shook his head secretly. Qiu Zhen's calmness is calmness and intelligence is intelligence, but people are too direct and have no skills in speaking. Although it's good, it will become bad if it's not spoken at the right time and place.

Tang Yin couldn't laugh at this time. Qiu Zhen belittled other generals and mocked him. He sneaked into Xibai city and the chance to break the city was not due to his ability, but just luck. Tang Yin pressed his unhappiness, smiled and said, "Lord Qiu... Lord Qiu..."

He even said it twice. Lord Qiu didn't think what to say. After a while, Fang squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "what Lord Qiu said is very true!"

Qiu Zhen glanced at Tang Yin and sighed. He and Tang Yin had known each other for so long and were together almost every day. How could he not be familiar with his surname? Just looking at his appearance at this time, he knew that Tang Yin was angry in his heart. Qiu zhenzhengse said, "when we beat down Xibai City, we are not finished by eliminating Zhong Tian's minions. We also need to consider how to manage the city well, so as to continuously deliver troops, food and materials for our army."

Tang Yin said expressionless, "this will be handled by Yuanji."

"Lord Shangguan is busy enough to deal with the affairs of the three counties. I'm afraid he doesn't have enough skills to deal with Lehu county again. He may not be able to do everything. If we can deal with it now, we should try our best to deal with it ourselves, for example, to win the hearts of the people!" Qiu zhengse said.

Tang Yin blinked and didn't answer.

Qiu Zhen continued: "now our army has already entered the city and the fighting has long stopped, but there is no people on the streets of such a large West hundred city. It can be seen that the people in the city are deeply afraid of our army. Adults should find ways to eliminate the people's fear of the Tianyuan army. Only in this way can Lehu county have long-term stability under adults' banner, otherwise, there will be trouble sooner or later."

"Oh..." Tang Yin was angry, but he had to admit that Qiu Zhen was right. He asked, "Lord Qiu, in your opinion, how can we eliminate the people's fear of our army?"

"This will not happen overnight!" Qiu Zhen said: "adults should now set up a celebration banquet in the county capital and invite the respected families and people in the city to treat each other with courtesy. First eliminate the hostility of these people to our army and draw them to our side. It is much easier for them to correct their names for our army than for our army."

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded his head and said repeatedly, "what Lord Qiu said is reasonable!" Then he looked around and asked, "what do you mean?"

All the generals poured cold water on Qiu Zhen in the dark air. They didn't speak. All the counselors responded one after another and praised Qiu Zhen's good idea.

The audience and counselors all supported it. Tang Yin no longer hesitated and immediately said, "Lord Qiu, you can do it. Tonight, I'll give a banquet in the county capital!"

"Yes, my Lord!"

"If you don't know anything about Xibai City, you can ask Mr. Yu Jun!" Tang Yin added. After all, Yu Jun was an important counselor around Geng Qiang and was familiar with the situation in the city.

As soon as his voice fell, a bodyguard ran quickly from the outside, fell down, Tang Yin approached, stepped in to salute and said, "Sir, there is a man named Yu Jun outside the door asking for a meeting!"

Oh! Really, Cao * is coming. He just mentioned Yu Jun when he came. Tang Yin smiled leisurely, nodded and said, "please!" In fact, as Qiu Zhen said, Tang Yin was lucky to seize the opportunity to break the city in the city. It would not be easy to break the city without Yu Jun's help.

Soon, Yu Jun stepped into the hall under the guidance of the bodyguard.

Seeing him, Tang Yin owed her figure and said with a smile: "Mr. Yu Jun..."

He just called out of Jun's name, and suddenly felt that Yu Jun was not right. The latter was angry, his eyebrows stood upright and his eyes stared round. After entering the hall, he neither saluted nor spoke to Tang Yin, so he stood straight in the center of the hall staring at Tang Yin.

Tang Yin was very strange and asked, "Mr. Yu Jun, what's the matter?"

"Tang Yin, I ask you, why did you kill Du Qing? Why did Du Qing break the city for you? Why did you kill him?" Yu Jun asked angrily.

Tang Yin also knew that Du Qing was killed by arrows of the Tianyuan army. Although it was a pity, he didn't take it to heart. After all, Du Qing is a general and will die when he dies. There is no need to investigate this matter further and punish the soldiers who fought bloody battles below.

He sighed softly and said, "I think Mr. Yu Jun misunderstood. I didn't mean to harm general Du Qing. On the contrary, I'm also very sad about his unfortunate death!"

"But he was shot alive by the Tianyuan army!" Yu Jun gritted his teeth and said.

Tang Yin explained with surname Zi: "the battlefield was chaotic at that time, and the soldiers below didn't recognize whether he was an enemy or a friend. It was a pure manslaughter."

Yu Jun took a deep breath and asked, "how is that adult going to deal with the murderer?"

How to deal with the murderer? Tang Yin didn't want to investigate the matter at all. He smiled and said, "now that things have happened, even if those soldiers who killed general Du Qing by mistake can't let general Du Qing come back from the dead. Forget it!"

"Forget it?" Yu Jun was furious when he heard the speech and said angrily, "why? As long as the people of your Tianyuan army are human, others are not human? Besides, general Du Qing has personally promised to obey you, but you treat him like this. How can you be worthy of general Du Qing's spirit?" While talking, Yu Jun's eyes were almost open, his fingers trembled, pointed to Tang Yin, gritted his teeth and said: "Tang Yin, you mean person, I really shouldn't have listened to your rhetoric. General laduqing took refuge in you. I killed Du Qing..."

Hearing this, don't mention Tang Yin's face sank, and the faces of all the generals around him changed greatly. Several of them stepped forward, raised their hands, held their swords and glared at Jun.

Tang Yin's eyes flashed cold light, but soon disappeared. He said with a smile: "Mr. Yu Jun is serious. Come and send Mr. Yu Jun back to his house!"

With his voice, two soldiers came in quickly from the outside. They were separated by Jun's left and right. They stretched out their hands and said, "Mr. Yu Jun, please!"

Du Qing's death is not clear. Yu Jun is not willing to give up. He has no intention of leaving. He continues to point to Tang Yin's nose and scold: "villain! Villain --"

Tang Yin frowned and shook his head at the two guards. The two bodyguards were no longer polite. They put Yu Jun's arms on a hard frame and dragged him out of the hall.

Until Yu Jun was pulled out of the hall, he could still be heard shouting and swearing intermittently.

"Damn it!" Shangguan yuanbiao drank coldly and said, "my Lord, this Yu Jun is lawless. He dares to abuse adults. We must not let him go!"

"No!" Qiu Zhen came out to stop him and said, "Yu Jun has made great contributions to our army's destruction of the city. If he is executed only for this matter, it will be difficult to convince the public, and it will give adults a reputation for being ruthless."

Shangguan yuanbiao scratched his hair and asked suspiciously, "what should I do?"

Yeah, so what? Tang Yin asked the same question in her heart. If yu Jun is left behind, he will publicize everywhere that he killed Du Qing. If he kills him directly, it will fall to the real population. After thinking for a moment, he narrowed his eyes, looked up at Jiang Mo, one of the generals, and said, "Jiang Mo!"

"My subordinates are here!"

"Yu Jun's family will move away from Xibai City, and then disappear. There is no one in the world. Jiang Mo, do you know what to do?" Tang Yin asked slowly.

Jiang Mo was stunned, then nodded and said, "my subordinates will arrange this!"

"Yes!" Tang Yin said, "don't let the wind out!"

"Don't worry, my Lord. My subordinates know what to do!" Jiang Mo finishes, salutes Tang Yin deeply, and then quickly steps out of the hall.

Although Tang Yin didn't make his words clear, everyone knew what he meant. He asked the hidden arrow strong * Yu Jun to move away and kill his family outside the city. The method is not vicious, but it is indeed the best way to seal people's mouth. In this regard, Qiu Zhen did not show any objection. Instead, he nodded his head and secretly praised Tang Yin for his quick response and fierce style.

Qiu Zhen knows very well, but those who take care of small benevolence and righteousness are difficult to achieve great things. Those who can achieve great deeds must be ruthless heroes. Tang Yin is just such a person.

Du Qing and Yu Jun, the two greatest heroes who helped Tang Yin capture Xibai City, ended up in no good end. One died in the chaos on the battlefield and the other died under the assassination of a hidden arrow. If Du Qing's death is a manslaughter, Yu Jun's death is entirely his own fault.

He mistook Tang Yin for a person of benevolence and righteousness, and also miscalculated Tang Yin's measurement.

That evening, a banquet was held in the county capital of Xibai city to entertain the invited dignitaries in the city.

These well-known families and well-known people who were invited had to come. When the Tianyuan army invited them, they sent a large number of soldiers, as if they could rush into the house at any time and divide them into corpses at random if they didn't accept the invitation.

People thought that Tang Yin had no good wine and no good banquet. When they came, they almost all had the determination to die.

But when they arrived at the banquet in the county capital, they immediately felt a relaxed atmosphere. There was no sense of killing when the sword was scabbard and the arrow was stringed. There were only lights and decorations and the scenes of soldiers shuttling back and forth to serve wine and vegetables at the banquet.

Tang Yin, dressed in casual clothes, greeted every guest with a smile. No matter what he thought, at least he was polite on the surface and looked like a good gentleman. He was just like the frightening dark spiritual cultivator wearing a spiritual armor and holding a sickle on the battlefield.

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