"My lord..." Shangguan yuanbiao was worried and said, "you can't easily believe his words..."

Tang Yin smiled calmly, looked at Liu Zichao squarely, and youyou said, "I believe brother Liu won't hurt me, and I don't know that all the people in the troupe are assassins. I'm sorry to smash a lot of things in brother Liu's house this time. I'll compensate brother Liu for the loss!"

Hearing this, both Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao doubt whether Tang Yin took the wrong medicine. Why did he suddenly become so easygoing and kind today.

Liu Zichao couldn't believe his ears. Tang Yin was assassinated in his home. He didn't blame himself, apologized to himself, and even paid compensation. It's incredible.

"Da... You are wise, you are wise, you are insightful, you are... You are..." Liu Zichao was so excited that he didn't know what to say. He was incoherent and fell to his knees with a thump and kowtowed repeatedly.

Tang Yin is a good man. He quickly reaches out his hand to help Liu Zichao up and says, "what's brother Liu doing? Please get up quickly!"

Being picked up by Tang Yin, Liu Zichao burst into tears and said in a trembling voice, "Your Excellency is really the Ming Lord that is hard to find in the world..."

Tang Yin was stunned when he heard the speech, then narrowed his eyes and smiled.

None of the twelve members of the fake troupe ran away. Eight of them died in battle and four of them were captured alive. After the noise of the assassin, the banquet could not go on. The guests were neither leaving nor staying. All of them looked panic and looked ugly.

It's more difficult to take Liu Yin's soldiers and other assassins back to the Tang Palace, since Liu Yin's soldiers and other assassins won't be captured.

When he left Liu Zichao's house and went outside, Tang Yin's face immediately became gloomy and his fist clucked. Seeing this, Wu Guangli came forward and asked in a low voice, "Sir, do you want to block the whole city and strictly investigate the assassins?"

Tang Yin thought for a moment, waved his hand and said, "no, there must be no other assassins in the city. Even if there were, they would have run away!"

"Oh!" Wu Guang answered and said no more.

Shangguan yuanbiao asked curiously, "my Lord, why not treat Liu Zichao? How can it have nothing to do with him?"

Tang Yin smiled and said, "the assassin told me!"

Shangguan yuanbiao didn't react for a moment and blinked blankly.

Tang Yin didn't explain much either. He said casually, "that's it. Don't make a noise. It's all over the city."

"Yes, my Lord!" The surrounding generals arched their hands in response.

When they returned to the county capital, Qiu Zhen and others immediately greeted Tang Yin. Seeing that Tang Yin's clothes were damaged in many places and stained with blood, they were shocked and asked, "Sir, are you hurt?" As they spoke, the crowd gathered around to check Tang Yin's injury.

Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "it's all right, it's all right!"

Seeing that he was full of confidence when he spoke and his face was gloomy, they were relieved. Tang Yin was sent to his bedroom for a short time. Su Yelei, his exclusive military doctor, also arrived to apply medicine to Tang Yin and bandage his wound. Three wounds on his body have been cured by him with dark aura. Although they are not all well, they have also recovered seven or eight. At this time, apply the special trauma medicine made by the Su family, and they can all heal in a few days.

Seeing Tang Yin take off her clothes and Su Yelei bandage her wound, everyone plans to go out.

At this time, Tang Yin narrowed her eyes and youyou said, "wait a minute."

"What else can I do for you, my lord?"

Tang Yin said thoughtfully, "I suddenly feel that this is an opportunity!"

The people were stunned by his words and looked at Tang Yin suspiciously. Tang Yin explained: "assassination is a despicable and shameless villain. I think we should make a big fuss about Zhong Tian's behavior and tell the world what Zhong Tian has done. In addition, I can use the excuse of recuperation to hide people's eyes and ears and sneak to Mo country!"

After listening to his words, everyone was surprised. Qiu Zhen and others were surprised that Tang Yin reacted quickly. It was originally a bad thing. After what he said, it turned into a good thing. The generals were surprised that Tang Yin was going to Mo country. Why didn't they hear the wind at all?

Xiao MuQing frowned and asked uncertainly, "are you going to Mo country?"

Tang Yin suddenly remembered that he had not mentioned to the generals that he was going to the state of Mo, and then told them about Qiu Zhen's analysis and the results of the negotiation. Finally, he youyou said: "no matter in the present or in the future, I should go to Mozambique, deal with the dignitaries of Mozambique, and strive to bring Mozambique to our side. At last, I should keep Mozambique in a neutral position!"

That's right, but in the current form, it's still too dangerous for Tang Yin to go to Mo country in person. The generals looked at each other and looked like they wanted to talk and stop. Of course, Tang Yin can understand their thoughts. He youyou said, "if you want to achieve a great cause, risks are inevitable. If you look forward and backward and miss a good opportunity because you are worried about your own safety, you will regret later!"

When the generals heard the speech, they were still worried, but they couldn't help nodding and saying in unison: "what your excellency said is very true!"

Seeing that the people were still worried, Tang Yin was also very grateful to them for their attention, but he didn't show it on his face. He smiled on his back, Proudly said: "how is Mozambique better than besa? At first, I only served as the county guard, and I dared to break into the palace of besa. Now that I am the head of the county and control four counties, can I still be afraid that it will not become Mozambique? You brothers don't have to worry about me."

His words made everyone laugh bitterly. Besa's strength is no less than that of Mozambique, but the situation was different from that at that time! Seeing Tang Yin's elated appearance when he spoke, the generals could not speak out even if they wanted to persuade him. They separated the two sides in silence.

Su Yelei, who treated Tang Yin's wound, couldn't help looking at him more at this time. The closer she was to Tang Yin, the more confused she would be by his multifaceted surname. Sometimes he was gloomy and evil, chilling, sometimes gentle and easy-going, sometimes cruel and cruel *, sometimes affectionate and righteous. He always showed different sides to different people.

Although the assassination of Tang Yin was not publicized, the news spread like wildfire and spread all over the city. In particular, Tang Yin not only did not punish Liu Zichao, but also treated him with kindness, which greatly improved Tang Yin's image in the eyes of the people, and completely became a representative of profound reason, calm and wise.

If in the past Tang Yin was just a good general in the eyes of the people who could unify the army and fight and love the people, now people are beginning to affirm him as the head of the four counties.

Soon, Tang Yin was assassinated and injured, and the aggravation of his injury came out again. The people of Xibai City spontaneously came to the county capital to visit. Although Tang Yin himself could not be seen, people gathered outside the gate of the county capital and refused to leave. The next day, the Tianyuan army announced the results of the interrogation of the assassin and confirmed that it was ordered by Zhong Tian.

In fact, people are not surprised at this result. Even if the Tianyuan army doesn't tell the outside world, people can guess who sent the assassin. Everyone hates Zhong Tian's actions. Not only in Xibai City, but also in all parts of Fengguo, there are voices openly opposing Zhong Tian, supporting Tang Yin and Tianyuan army.

The public opinion of Fengguo also tilted to Tang Yin again.

Tang Yin, who was said to be "seriously injured", was no longer in the county capital at this time. Instead, he mixed with the Mozambican caravan headed by Zhao Ju, left Xibai City, bypassed Yancheng, and went all the way south to BAGUAN.

Tang Yin was accompanied by Zongyuan and Shangguan brothers, as well as hidden arrows led by Cheng Jin and Jiang mo. Cheng Jin's injury hasn't completely healed, but when he heard that Tang Yin was going to Mo country, he insisted on following him. Tang Yin had no choice but to nod and agree.

Mixed in the caravan, Tang Yin and others also changed into the clothes of ordinary people. They were all dressed in coarse clothes and linen pants, dressed up sloppily, and walked with Zhao Ju's servants. They really didn't see any difference.

The route they took was to take a big turn and bypass Yancheng. Now Yancheng is facing the Tianyuan army gathered in Lehu county. The city is closed to martial law every day, and they can't get in if they want to. After Yancheng, Wancheng is to the south. Although it is close to Yancheng, the tense atmosphere should be reduced a lot. During the day, the city gate is wide open and the flow of people is constant.

Tang Yin and others followed the flow of people into the city. They didn't dare to delay in the city. They passed through the city directly and continued to go south.

After leaving Wancheng, everyone became angry. Only then did people feel that they were in a safer situation. Wancheng, after all, is a near city of Yancheng and is completely controlled by Zhong Tian's forces. If Zhong Tian's running dog sees the flaw and finds out the identity of Tang Yin and others, things will be bad.

Walking south, Zhao Ju smiled at Tang Yin and said, "Lord Tang, if there is no accident, we can seal the city at night!"

Tang Yin smiled and said, "thanks to brother Zhao's help this time."

"Hey?" Zhao Ju waved his hand again and again and said, "Lord Tang's business is a villain's business, not to mention it's just a little effort!" Zhao Ju and Tang Yin made a lot of real money from their war horse business, and the strength of their caravan was several times larger than before. He was determined to pay close attention to Tang Yin as a cash cow. As for whether Tang Yin would become a threat to Mo in the future if he bought so many war horses, he didn't think about it at all. As an out and out businessman, His eyes are not only interests but also interests.

Tang Yin said with a smile, "if brother Zhao is willing to help me in this way, I will not let brother Zhao help in vain. If I succeed in the future, I will thank brother Zhao again!"

"Ha ha! Lord Tang, you're welcome!" Zhao Jule's mouth couldn't close.

In the evening of that day, the caravan successfully arrived in Fengcheng.

It can be seen that Zhao Ju is very familiar with the soldiers and leaders guarding the city gate, and the soldiers basically didn't check his carriage. They just let him go as soon as they walked and looked at it. Of course, this is closely related to Zhao Ju's more management at ordinary times.

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