"Oh? What do you say?" Shaofang looked at Zongyuan suspiciously.

Zongyuan zhengse said: "The establishment of a reserve is not a trivial matter, especially for the ministers in the court. It is not only related to their future career, but also related to their family name and life. If Dong Sheng is really as his highness said, he will not benefit no matter who will be king Mo in the future. I think since Dong Sheng can be the right phase, he is by no means a mediocre person who is short-sighted and only greedy for small profits."

"Oh..." Shao Fang nodded thoughtfully when he heard the speech and said in secret that Zongyuan was right. Isn't what Zongyuan said unreasonable? Is he wrong? Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked, "Mr. Zongyuan, in your opinion, what is the reason why Dong Sheng does not express his position?"

"There may be two reasons. One is that Dong Sheng is not optimistic about the candidate for the crown prince. The other is that he may be waiting for a prince to take the initiative to win over him. You should know that taking the initiative to seek refuge is completely different from being seduced, and the latter can be reused." Zongyuan said methodically.

Shao Fang pondered Zong Yuan's words carefully. After thinking for a long time, he shook his head and said, "the first point seems unlikely. Now so many ministers are optimistic about Shaobo, and there will be other candidates for Dong Sheng? So who is he waiting for?"

Tang Yin casually said, "maybe it's your highness who's waiting for you."

Shao Fang smiled and said, "there is no contact or friendship between Dong Sheng and me. Now that I am not in power, how can he support me?"

Tang Yin shrugged and said, "no matter how much we say, it's all speculation. Why don't your highness visit Dong Sheng in person? He can not only make some friends, but also explore Dong Sheng's style of speaking. Anyway, there's no harm in any way."

"Yes!" Shao Fang nodded and said, "brother Tang is right. Tomorrow, I'll go to the right prime minister's house!"

Tang Yin said, "I'll go with your highness."

Shao Fang was stunned and asked, "what's brother Tang doing with me?"

Tang Yin said with a smile: "Your Highness wants to explore Dong Sheng's style of speaking. I'm also interested in it. Let's see whether the right Minister of your country supports Ningguo or Fengguo!"

Shao Fang thought for a moment and said, "it's OK! However, I have to advise brother Tang not to rashly report your identity when you see Dong Sheng!"

Tang Yin said, "don't worry, your highness. I know what to do."

This night, Tang Yin, Shao Fang and Zongyuan basically didn't sleep much and had been talking about the Three Kingdoms of Feng, Ning and mo. As Shao Fang himself said, he is a frustrated Prince and has no confidants. He has many things in his heart and doesn't know who to talk to. Now it's rare to meet Tang Yin who supports him. Shao Fang opens the chatterbox and has a long talk with Tang Yin and Zongyuan.

At present, Shao Fang and Tang Yin have no interest impulse. In addition, they have the same surname and feelings, and there are many places that need to cooperate together. Therefore, Shao Fang can also regard Tang Yin as his confidant, open his heart and talk about everything. What also excited Shaofang was that Tang Yin promised to give him financial support.

To win over ministers, status alone is not enough. Money is also needed. Shao Bo was able to win over the support of so many ministers not only because Ningguo was powerful. Ningguo provided him with a large number of gold, silver and jewelry, which made Shaobo have the capital to win over the centrists. Shaofang had seen this clearly for a long time, but had no capital. Now Tang Yin is willing to provide him with gold and silver, which just makes up for his shortcomings. How could Shao Fang be unhappy and not grateful?

It's easier for Tang Yin to win over Shao Fang than expected. Now they have their own difficulties and can find their own needs in each other. It's like dry firewood meets a fire. It can be said to hit it off.

When it was early in the morning, the three were a little tired, but they didn't go back to their rooms to rest. Instead, they lay on the hard couch in the study and slept in harmony.

From that day to noon, the three people woke up from their sleep. Shao Fang stood up, walked to the window and stretched a big waist. Then he turned back and saw Tang Yin looking at him with a smile. Shao Fang sighed: "don't hide from brother Tang, I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time!"

Naturally, the hard collapse of the study can not be compared with the soft bed in his bedroom, but this sleep really makes Shaofang feel very comfortable. The key is that the haze in his heart is cleared away and he sees his hope of becoming the crown prince.

Shao Fanggui is a prince and moody. In the eyes of others, he is an inaccessible person, but Tang Yin's eyes are different from those of normal people. At this time, looking at Shaofang with a smiling face, he suddenly felt a sense of heartache. As a prince, he seems to be superior, but how many people can understand the difficulties and sadness?

Tang Yin stood up and walked to Shaofang. Instead of looking at him, he looked up at the garden outside the window and said, "you will become king mo. no matter how much resistance there is and how powerful your opponent is, I will help you become king Mo!"

His words moved Shao Fang. The latter's smile froze, clenched his fist, like a promise, and said word by word: "I will help you become the king of the wind first!"

Tang Yin turned her head, looked at Shaofang, raised her mouth and smiled.

Shao Fang also smiled and said softly, "last night, you and I were brothers of blood alliance!"

Tang Yin didn't answer. She looked up at the clear blue sky and was stunned. Today's brother, who knows if he will be tomorrow's enemy? He has experienced and seen too many such things.

After lunch, Shao Fang took Tang Yin, Zong Yuan and his personal armor guards and many guards out of the childe's residence and went straight to the right prime minister's residence.

Originally, the Shangguan brothers wanted to go with them, but Tang Yin thought that this trip was mainly to explore Dong Sheng's tone, and Shaofang was present. There was no danger, so he didn't take them with him.

Although the scale of the right prime minister's residence is far from that of the childe's residence, it can also be called a luxury house with solemn style and full pomp.

According to the report from your highness, your second highness came to visit. Dong Sheng personally greeted Shaofang outside the house. When he saw Shaofang, he bowed to the ground and said, "I don't know your Highness's coming. I hope your highness will forgive me!" As a courtier, no matter how big the official position is, he is a courtier after all. When he sees the prince, he still has to abide by the etiquette.

"You're welcome. Get flat!" Shao Fang was very polite to Dong Sheng and reached out to help him.

Tang Yin looked at Dong Sheng and whispered in his heart that this was the right Prime Minister of the state of Mo, one of the two most powerful people in the state of Mo in Qiu Zhen's mouth.

Dong Sheng is almost in his early fifties. He is tall and burly. His hair is gray. He has a beard under his cheeks. He combs neatly and cleanly. At this time, he does not wear official clothes. He is wearing clean and simple blue casual clothes. His clothes may be old. Many places have been washed white. From the appearance alone, the boss is almost the same as the ordinary people, but look carefully, Dong Sheng raised his hands and feet, naturally showing a dignified spirit, which makes people naturally avoid his bright and sharp eyes.

This person is difficult to deal with! This is Tang Yin's first impression of Dong Sheng.

Dong Sheng invited Shaofang into the house. Tang Yin and Zongyuan followed his bodyguards in, while the bodyguards guarded the door.

Entering the main hall of the prime minister's residence, Dong Sheng gave Shaofang the right place. He sat at his hand and looked up at Tang Yin and Zongyuan, the servants behind Shaofang. Although they felt that they were extraordinary, they were not interested in asking.

He ordered people to prepare tea and snacks to entertain Shaofang.

After the tea and snacks were delivered, without Shao Fang's signal, Jiawei on the side stepped forward quickly to check whether the tea and snacks were poisonous with a silver needle. If someone else makes such a move, it is undoubtedly very impolite. It is like slapping the master in the face, but Shaofang is a prince. This is routine.

After confirming that the tea and snacks were all right, Jiawei gave a gift to Shaofang and Dong Sheng and withdrew.

Shao Fang looked at the snacks on the table and smiled, but his heart was extremely depressed. These snacks are very ordinary. You can buy them at any stall in the street. Dong Sheng only used this to entertain himself, which is simply taking himself as a prince too lightly.

He didn't even move the dessert on the table. He picked up the teacup and took a casual sip. The tea is bitter in the mouth, but soon, the fragrance comes out, which can make people feel refreshed and have endless aftertaste. Even if the tea flows into the stomach, the fragrance can be seen from the throat. Shaofang couldn't help praising: "good tea!"

"Ha ha!" Dong Sheng smiled, picked up the teacup in front of his desk and said, "this tea is only produced in snow mountains. It's extremely precious. It's hard to buy for thousands of gold. My Lord said I wouldn't like to drink it. When your highness came here today, my Lord will have a chance to eat."

Shao Fang is a little confused now. Dong Sheng takes the worst dessert but treats himself with the best tea. What's the purpose?

Seeing Shao Fang's doubts, Dong Sheng sighed and explained with a smile: "the lower officer is not picky about what to eat, so there is no delicious and rare food in the house. If there is any place to neglect your highness, please don't be surprised!"

i see. Shaofang hissed. He misunderstood Dong Sheng just now. Thinking, he smiled, raised his eyes and looked at the furnishings of the hall. The hall of the prime minister's residence is the same as Dong Sheng's clothes. It is ordinary, clear and light. There is no luxurious and rich decoration, but the tables used are made of precious wood and carefully carved by skilled craftsmen. It can be called the top grade of the top grade.

Shao fangyue couldn't understand Dong Sheng's personality more and more. Tang Yin was the same. I'm afraid only Zongyuan could really understand Dong Sheng among these people present.

Through the diet and furnishings of the prime minister's residence, Zong Yuan judged that Dong Sheng should be a very incorruptible person. As the prime minister, of course, his salary is a lot, but it can't be compared with those princes and nobles. It seems that in ordinary times, Dong Sheng is only willing to spend a lot of money on what he is interested in, and invest little in what he doesn't care about or doesn't care about, I don't care if I don't pay attention to appearance.

Of course, such a prime minister is a good prime minister. Unfortunately, he is a Mozambican and the right Prime Minister of Mozambican state. Zong Yuan lowered his eyes and turned his eyes, thinking silently in his heart.

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