Hearing that, Tang Yin was secretly shocked, and asked: "How can you be so sure?"

Qiu Zhen laughed bitterly: "The gathering of four hundred thousand people, how much effort would it take to cause such a huge commotion? Just the initial preparation of the supplies and food, would have taken a few months. Isn't it strange that the Ning Country was completed in an instant? If my guess is not wrong, when Imperial Court was preparing to attack, Ning Country already received the exact information, and started to secretly gather the manpower, draw up a battle plan, and prepare accordingly. The other party knows all about us but we know nothing about them. For another two hundred thousand to go against four hundred thousand, how can we not lose?! "

Tang Yin listened and nodded. Even if he did not understand military affairs, he could still sense that Qiu Zhen's analysis was logical.

After thinking for a while, Tang Yin shook his head. Whether there was a spy within the Imperial Court, and if there were people colluding with the Ning Country, that was not something he could handle. He smiled faintly and said, "It's not our place to care about these things. We only have one thing to do right now."

"What?" Qiu Zhen asked curiously.

"Sleep!" Tang Yin laughed: "I only know that without sufficient rest and energy, nothing can be done well."

Qiu Zhen was startled, he looked at Tang Yin for a while before laughing out loud: "That's reasonable. "Seems like I've thought too much into this."

Tang Yin took off his outer clothes, pulled up his blanket and changed into a comfortable position. He said unclearly, "The door is over there, I won't send you off."

Qiu Zhen shook his head and laughed, then stood up and took his leave.

Tang Yin slept very peacefully, and it was also very sweet. He did not even eat dinner, and slept from the afternoon till the morning.

In a daze, he smelled an alluring fragrance and opened his eyes. He saw that there were already several dishes on the table and a big bowl of rice.

His stomach started to growl uncontrollably as Tang Yin swallowed his saliva and sat up.

"General Tang, you're awake!" A sweet voice came from the side of the bed.

He turned around and saw that there was a young girl standing at the end of the bed. She was only around sixteen to seventeen years old. She wore a cloth dress, and her jet-black hair was tied up high. Her wheat colored skin was shiny and healthy, and her delicate and pretty face, coupled with her pair of large intelligent eyes, gave people a fresh and clean feeling.

"You are …" He looked at the girl in confusion.

"I am a maid from Tavern." The young lady's voice was soft, looking at Tang Yin who was bare-chested, she answered shyly with a slightly flushed face.

Tang Yin acknowledged and then pointed to the dishes on the table and asked: "You brought this?"


"What's your name?"

"Everyone calls me Little Yu."

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Bi Yu, your appearance is quite close to yours." Tang Yin casually replied as he turned his head to look for his clothes. After looking around and not being able to find anything, he muttered with suspicion: "Where are my clothes?"

The servant Xiao Yu hurriedly said: "General Tang's clothes are torn and dirty. General Zongzheng has already prepared a new set of clothes for you." As she spoke, she turned around and took off his brand-new clothes from the clothes rack, and then respectfully placed them in front of Tang Yin.

He touched it with his hand. It felt soft and smooth, very different from the clothes he used to wear.

It was different from the leather armor worn by ordinary soldiers. Because it had a luster, it had to be made out of metal, and on the armor there were even fine carvings and patterns. He was not unfamiliar with this kind of armor, it was what the Wu Family sisters and Dancing Yi all wore.

"Then... It's also mine? " Tang Yin asked uncertainly.

Xiao Yu nodded and whispered, "Yes, General."

She was a maid of the Tavern and had served many people, but she felt that Tang Yin was different from the others. He spoke in a strange manner, yet did not put on airs, and on his handsome face hung a faint smile that was extremely enchanting.

Tang Yin did not care about the little maid who had such wild thoughts. Looking at the new armor, he laughed bitterly to himself, it seemed that Wu Mei did not just announce that sshe was the commander of Second Regiment, he was actually planning on giving him this position. But did he want to accept it? To be a general for the rest of her life?

Ever since he came to this world, he had been running for his life. He did not have the time to think about what kind of path he should take in the future.

In the modern society, he had never studied at all, and the skills he was most proficient in were the skills he had learnt since childhood. And now, in this world, he still had not been able to provide for his own skills, if he wanted to live, or live more comfortably, it seemed that the only way left was to join the army.

Since there was no choice, there was no longer any hesitation!

In addition, he would use force to fight on the battlefield and accomplish great things. He himself did not reject this kind of life.

In the modern world, he lived the life of a bloodthirsty killer, but that was against the law, and to live such a life now was to be legal, to kill in the open, which was more in line with the wildness in his blood.

Every man's bones held the desire to conquer others. Tang Yin was no exception.

In this strange world, in this chaotic world, he also wanted to become an expert that could conquer everything.

Since he could not return to his original world, he might as well put his all into this fight and accomplish a great deed. Even if he could not live in glory for a thousand years, he would at least be smeared for tens of thousands of years.

Thinking about that, the smile on Tang Yin's face gradually became wider, and the blood in his body also started to boil uncontrollably.

He was not a timid person, nor was he a person with no ambitions or a weak personality. When the opportunity presented itself in front of him, he could not find any reason to give it up.

After figuring out all these problems, Tang Yin seemed to have untied himself from a huge burden and let out a long breath. Suddenly, his body felt a lot more relaxed.

Seeing him looking at the armor on the shelves, her expression kept changing, and her expression kept changing. She kept smiling, but the servant Xiao Yu was a bit worried, and asked with concern: "General Tang, you …. What's the matter with you? "

Tang Yin regained his senses, smiled at her and said: "I'm fine!" As he said this, he picked up his clothes. Just as he was about to get up, he retracted his clothes and said to Xiao Yu, "Miss, I need to change." The meaning behind his words was that she could go out now.

Xiao Yu was a maid, and in other words, a Maidservant. This was the first time she was addressed as a Miss by someone, and he was so shocked that his mouth was wide open, and he was unable to say anything for a long time.

He frowned, feeling a headache coming on. He already understood what he meant, but she still wouldn't be able to tell? He feebly said, "I can do it myself. You can leave now."

"Xiao Yu... Did Xiao Yu do something wrong and offend the General Tang? " As she spoke, her eyes turned red.

In her mind, it was a normal thing for Maidservant to serve the master while she was changing, but she did not understand why Tang Yin rejected her request.

Tang Yin was not a person of this era, and he did not like being in close contact with people, no matter if they were men or women.

Seeing Xiao Yu's shameful and tearful appearance, he helplessly waved his hand, trying his best to be tactful. He said: "You did well, but I'm not used to it yet. If you don't mind, I'll have to ask you to leave first, we'll meet again soon …"

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Xiao Yu let out a cry and ran out.

Tang Yin 'dumbfoundedly' watched her figure disappear outside the door. After a while, he sighed lightly and muttered: "What's wrong?"

He quickly put on his clothes. Although he could not see how they worked without a mirror, they fit perfectly on his body.

Just then, Wu Mei walked in from outside.

Looking at Tang Yin who was dressed in new clothes made of brocade, his eyes lit up.

Tang Yin was tall and well-proportioned. Because of his tough training since he was a child, he didn't have a single ounce of fat on his body, but his physique could be considered perfect. His face was as white as jade, and his features were handsome.

Wu Mei stared straight at herself. She raised her eyebrows and asked: "General Wu, did I grow a flower on my nose?"

When she returned to her senses, her face was slightly red. She concealed her embarrassment with a charming smile, and casually said, "This set of clothes suits you very well."

Tang Yin lowered his head and looked, and said casually: "I think so too." Pausing, he asked: "Why is General Wu looking for me?"

"In private I allow you to call me by my name." Wu Mei cleared her throat and sat down on the table. It sounded as if she had done Tang Yin a huge favor.

Tang Yin did not take it to heart, he shrugged his shoulders and did not say much. Seeing that a water basin was already prepared in the corner, he simply washed his face, wiped himself, and sat down opposite of Wu Mei. He picked up the tableware, and started to eat.

Looking at Tang Yin who was eating without restraint, Wu Mei said in a serious tone: "Tong Gate isn't a place to stay for long, I plan to return to Yan City this afternoon."

Tang Yin swallowed the food in his mouth and said: "I have no objections."

"I didn't ask your opinion."

"Then why are you saying all this?"

"I'm just greeting you!"

"Oh!" "I understand."

"Is this how a subordinate should treat his superior?" Wu Mei felt that Tang Yin was just like a wild horse, unyielding and unstoppable, she couldn't control him at all. This feeling of helplessness made her feel uncomfortable.

Tang Yin put down his tableware and looked straight at Wu Mei.

"You … What are you looking at? " Under his bright and piercing gaze, Wu Mei asked with an insufficient confidence as her heart palpitated for no reason.

"I don't think Miss Wu lacks a subordinate."

"What's that?"


"Friends?" Wu Mei was startled. Perhaps it was out of anger, or out of guilt, she asked in a sharp voice: "Are you saying that you want to become my friend?"

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