Tang Yin's trip to Mozambique came quickly and walked faster. He has been in Mozambique for less than ten days, but the impact on Mozambique is incalculable.

There was nothing to say on the way. Tang Yin and others followed Zhao Ju's caravan, went out of the border of Mozambique, entered BAGUAN, and then returned to the west of the county city of Lehu county from the original road of BAGUAN.

Tang Yin spent almost two months going back and forth. In these two months, a lot of things happened. The first is the counter attack of Ningguo on Tongmen.

The news of Tongmen's fall shocked the whole country of Ning. It can be said that the whole country was in an uproar. After learning this, King Yan Chu of Ning did not delay for a moment. He immediately ordered Kong Jie, the top general of Ning, to send 200000 troops to Tongmen and issued a death order. Regardless of any cost, he must recapture Tongmen.

Kong Jie accepted your order and led 200000 Ning troops from Liangzhou, Ningdu. They hurried all the way and arrived at Tongmen in only half a month. After the troops came to the city, Ning Bing didn't take a rest and immediately launched a large-scale attack on the city. The west gate of Tongmen is solid, with high walls and thick walls. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Kong Jie came in a hurry. The army didn't carry enough large siege equipment. Launching a siege in a hurry is tantamount to employing people to pave the way. The 200000 Ning army was hit head-on by more than 80000 Sanshui army, with countless deaths and injuries. It can be said that there are mountains of corpses and rivers of blood outside Tongmen city.

The 200000 Ning army attacked the city for three days in a row. Instead of killing the city, they lost their troops and defeated their generals. The soldiers and soldiers were miserable.

On the fourth day, when the Ning army was still attacking on a large scale, Liang Qi saw that the morale of the Ning army was low and the personnel were tired, so he ordered shangguanyuan to command all the 5000 cavalry in the city and kill them out of the city to meet the Ning army.

Shangguan yuanrang led 5000 cavalry soldiers to suddenly kill out of Tongmen, which was like a knife directly inserted into the siege team of Ning army. The camp of Ning army was in chaos, the former army was defeated one after another, and the soldiers trampled on each other, killing and wounding countless people.

The five thousand cavalry soldiers pursued and killed by the former army of Ning army and entered the camp of Ning army. They were unstoppable. Ning army couldn't resist, abandoned the camp and fled. The five thousand cavalry soldiers chased the enemy for ten miles. Only then did they win and return under the command of Liang Qi.

After the war, more than half of the 200000 Ning troops were injured and unable to attack the city. Kong Jie led the disabled soldiers to defeat the general and returned to Liangzhou.

After learning of Kong Jie's tragic defeat, Yan Chu not only removed his title as general, but also demoted him to the end of his official position and title. Then he ordered another general of the state of Ning, Ming Xiaotian, to head the 200000 elite central army of the state of Ning to Tongmen.

Ming Xiaotian is a veteran of the state of Ning. He is very good at using troops and has won the trust of King Yan Chu of Ning. Although he led the central army of Ningguo to Tongmen in a hurry, he did not immediately order the siege. Instead, he set out to inquire about the news in Tongmen while ordering the whole army to camp and rest. At the same time, he also waited for the luggage from the rear to be transported to the army.

Ming Xiaotian was like a great enemy against the Tianyuan army this time. He was cautious and did not dare to neglect. His son Mingxuan was once a prisoner of the Tianyuan army. He was also deeply impressed by the cunning of the Tianyuan army. Due to the strict security of the Sanshui army stationed in Tongmen, although Ming Xiaotian sent a large number of spies, he did not hear valuable information.

He stayed outside Tongmen gate for ten days. After all the rear supplies arrived, he made a tentative attack on the city. The elite of the central army of Ningguo is indeed incomparable with other legions, and it is assisted by large siege equipment. Although it is only a tentative attack, it is still very sharp.

The Sanshui Army defends the city and defends it tenaciously. When the Ning army comes up, its counterattack is still fierce. The arrows on the head of the city are like rain, and there is no interruption in rolling wood and stone. The stone throwers in the city launch boulders from time to time and smash them into the Siege array of the Ning army, causing great lethality. In addition, the broken city crossbow and broken army crossbow carried by the Sanshui army also pose a lot of threat and trouble to the Ning army, In particular, the broken city crossbow, which was originally used to break the city, is now used to defend the city. It is a powerful shot from a commanding position. Its range is amazing. It can even cross the head of the Nanjing Army square array and shoot directly at the catapult behind the Nanjing Army. The catapult was fragile and could not stand the violent collision of wooden piles. After two catapults were damaged by the broken city crossbow, mingxiaotian immediately ordered the catapult to withdraw. However, as soon as the catapult withdrew, its range could not touch the city head of Tongmen city wall and lost its function.

After a round of attack, Ming Xiaotian immediately realized that there were a large number of enemy troops in Tongmen, and they were well prepared. It was impossible for his 200000 people to storm down, let alone win Tongmen in a short time.

Then, Ming Xiao ordered the whole army to retreat, stationed outside the west city of Tongmen, neither attacking nor retreating, stood still and confronted the Sanshui army occupying Tongmen. At the same time, Ming Xiaotian hurried back to Liangzhou to see the king Yan Chu. Yan Chu gave orders to the two brothers of zhanwushuang and zhanwudi in Feng's country. They commanded Ning Jun to attack Tongmen from the inside of Fengdi. With the cooperation of his 200000 central army, they could launch a double attack, attacking Tongmen from both East and West, without worrying that Tongmen would not be broken.

After receiving mingxiaotian's Shangshu, Yan Chu immediately adopted it, and then ordered Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi to retreat quickly in the way of flying pigeons to help mingxiaotian attack Tongmen.

At this time, the brothers of Zhan family already knew the news of Tongmen's fall. After Zhang Xiaoting, the former guard of Tongmen, fled, he went to Zhan Wushuang brothers and asked them to command the army to rescue Tongmen immediately. Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi both know the important surname of Tongmen to their own side and want to rescue them. However, the Tianyuan army has fully occupied Lehu county and may attack Yancheng south at any time. Without the will of King Ning, how dare they mobilize the army without permission?

After receiving Yan Chu's message from the flying pigeon, the Zhan family brothers breathed a sigh. Without hesitation, they immediately waved their troops West to attack Tongmen.

The 200000 Ning army commanded by the Zhan family brothers is like the last trump card in Zhong Tian's hand. The two brothers led the 200000 Ning army to evacuate Yancheng and want to go back to attack Tongmen. Zhong Tian immediately panicked and went out of the palace to see the Zhan family brothers in person and asked them to stay in Yancheng.

Now Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi feel upset when they see Zhong Tian, and they don't have a good face for him. Moreover, now they have King Ning's life in hand. They ignore Zhong Tian at all. They just leave camp overnight and lead the whole army to Tongmen.

Ning army withdrew, not to mention Zhong tianmeng. Even the civil servants and military generals in his hands were frightened and didn't know what to do. With Ning army nearby to help defend Yancheng, they are still confident that they can resist the Tianyuan army. Now only they are left to defend the city. How can they resist the Tianyuan army of nearly 500000 people?

The panic first spread from Wang Ting and soon spread to the whole army and even the whole city. The 200000 soldiers of the central government who were organized by Zhong Tian were terrified and had no fighting spirit. All the soldiers and soldiers felt that a great disaster was imminent.

In addition, Zhan Wushuang and Zhan invincible led 200000 Ning troops all the way to the east city of Tongmen and formed a double attack with mingxiaotian outside the west city. Now, the Sanshui army stationed in Tongmen will face 400000 Ning troops, and they will still be attacked before and after.

With only 80000 people defending an isolated city against 400000 enemy troops, any commander would panic, but Liang Qi was able to calm down. He divided more than 80000 soldiers under his command into 50000, led by Shangguan yuanrang, stationed in the east city to resist the 200000 Ning army of his brothers, while he led only more than 30000 people in the west city, 200000 central troops to resist Ming Xiaotian.

Because of Tongmen's obstruction, mingxiaotian and Zhan matchless and Zhan invincible couldn't see each other. They could only send messages through flying pigeons. Soon, both sides agreed on a time and were ready to attack the city together.

On the appointed day, 400000 Ning troops launched a fierce attack on Tongmen from the East and West. According to the meaning of Ming Xiaotian, the first battle is the decisive battle. He and his brothers have invested all their troops.

This fierce battle can no longer be described as bloody and cruel. Tongmen has become a huge meat grinder, constantly swallowing the lives of soldiers on both sides.

The battle lasted from early morning to late night. Under the desperate resistance of Sanshui army, 400000 Ning army was blocked outside Tongmen city and did not enter Tongmen half a step.

Seeing that the Ning army had the posture of attacking the city all night, Shangguan yuanrang was very excited for the first time. Without any discussion with Liang Qi, he handed over the command to a military commander. He repeated his old skill, led the cavalry out of Tongmen suddenly again and burst into the array camp of the Ning army at night.

When our 400000 troops attacked the city together, the enemy didn't defend in the city, but killed out. This was indeed the expectation of the Ning army. The shangguanyuan who was suddenly killed by the soldiers under Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi caught the crowd unprepared. The former soldiers threw down their armor and retreated back in pieces.

Because it was too dark, the Ning army in the rear could not see the situation in front, and still pushed forward desperately. This retreat and approach collided with each other, causing chaos in the whole camp of the Ning army. Soldiers pushed and trampled on each other without the enemy, causing great casualties.

Zhan Wudi saw that a cavalry from Tongmen was unstoppable, and his own siege camp was in chaos. He immediately met and killed it. As soon as he came up, he just met with shangguanyuan rang who rushed to the first place. The two are old acquaintances. After meeting, they don't have to say hello and immediately tear them together.

Zhan Wudi is a brave general who is good at fighting. His accomplishments and spiritual skills rank among the top three in the whole country of Ning, but they are still a little worse than the brave and invincible Shangguan yuanrang. They fought for more than 30 rounds. Zhan Wudi gradually had only parry attack and had no ability to fight back. He fought for more than 10 rounds. Zhan Wudi has been a big man with three pointed and two edged knives * sent by Shangguan yuanrang, Panting, no longer dare to fight, turn around and run.

Shangguanyuan let him know that Zhan Wudi was one of the commanders of the 200000 Ning army. He was not willing to let him escape easily. He urged his horse to chase him.

The two men ran and chased one by one, launching a chase war among the huge Ning army camp.

Zhan Wudi fought and resisted shangguanyuanrang for a short time, but Ning Jun, who trained quickly, calmed down through this gap. When shangguanyuanrang chased Zhan Wudi, Ning Jun's soldiers had prepared dozens of stumbling horse locks to meet shangguanyuanrang.

Shangguanyuan rang's riding skill is so high that he can avoid one or two horse trip locks, but he can't escape all of them. After a short time, shangguanyuan rang's war horse was tripped by a horse trip lock, and even people and horses fell to the ground. Ning Jun around thought there was an opportunity to take advantage and rushed forward, but they went up quickly and fell down faster. With several cold lights flashing, The soldiers of sergeant Ning who rushed to kill the past were all cut off by Lingbo, and the stumps and broken arms were scattered all over the ground.

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