What an overbearing rush! Tang Yin carried his strength, broke his drink and twisted his waist. With a roar, he forcibly picked up the car weighing hundreds of kilograms with a sickle and turned it over to the ground, and the stones inside rolled all over the ground.

The soldiers directly under Tang Yin's command were almost dumbfounded. They used their manpower to withstand the car rushing down from the mountain, and then turned it over. How much strength did Tang Yin have?

Before the people came back, the second and third cars rushed again. This time, Zhan Hu came forward first. When a rushing car approached him, Zhan Hu's fierce wheel raised a huge hammer and aimed at the rushing car to sweep across.

Dong -- it was another earth shaking noise. The soldiers around felt a buzzing in their ears, and then they couldn't hear anything. Zhan Hu's hammer was hitting the side of the car. The huge car rolled horizontally several meters away and fell to the ground. The wheels were still rotating, and the car body had sunk into a big piece.

Zhan Hu knocked down a car and didn't stop for a moment. The hammer turned back. Dong! Another rushing car was hit by him and flew four or five meters away, scattering its shelves.

All the ten cars were stopped by Tang Yin and Zhan Hu. None of them rushed to the foot of the mountain. The soldiers directly under the surrounding army were shocked and stunned.

What happened on their side could not be seen clearly on the mountain, and only the violent impact sound from the hillside could be heard from time to time. Ten cars collided with each other for ten times, which means that each car didn't hit empty, so there must be a lot of enemies. Ziying did not hesitate at this time and immediately asked people to throw a large number of cars and stones down the mountain.

With the rumbling noise, countless rushing cars and huge stones rushed down from the top of the mountain. Tang Yin saw it clearly. Seeing that the enemy must have used his real strength this time, he dared not delay any more. He pulled the war tiger who was still standing in place and continued to block his edge, and said, "get out of the way!"

While talking, he took Zhan Hu and dodged aside. As soon as their front feet got out of the way, the car and stone came with them. There was a harsh wind, almost wiping their bodies. Tang Yin turned back and shouted to the Guyue in the rear: "shoot an arrow!"

Before his voice fell, the ancient Yue, who was already ready, loosened the bow string. With a sharp squeak, the rattling arrow was shot into the air.

Hearing the sound of warning from above, Xiao MuQing at the foot of the mountain immediately ordered to give up attacking the enemy's camp, and the whole army immediately retreated. The training of the plain army was fast. The commander gave an order and moved up and down together. 50000 officers and soldiers of the plain army withdrew around Peng camp like a tide, and retreated back together.

Seeing that the Tianyuan army suddenly retreated, the Peng army in the camp was overjoyed. Thinking that there was an opportunity at this time, they climbed to the wall of the camp and fired indiscriminately at the retreating plain army. The arrows they shot were not accurate at all, and the intensity was different. Although they posed a certain threat to the retreating plain army, they were not very lethal.

Just as many soldiers of the Pengjun Army stood on the stockade wall shouting and shouting at the retreating plain army, they suddenly heard the roaring sound like thunder on the hillside. People didn't know what was going on and looked around one after another, but it was too dark for them to see clearly. They only vaguely saw countless dark shadows rushing down the mountain.

Just when people's faces were still in a daze, the black shadow that rushed down had rolled close to the camp like lightning. At this time, people could really see what was coming. But after they saw it clearly, people's faces didn't change much. Someone couldn't help screaming: "it's a car! It's a stone! Our car and stone --"

Before the cry was over, the front car had hit the stockade wall. Peng Jun's camp at the foot of the mountain is really strong. The heavy rush car slides down unimpeded from the top of the mountain. Its customary surname is more than a thousand kilograms. However, after hitting the stronghold wall, the rush car overturned, and the stronghold wall just shook repeatedly and was not damaged.

Even so, the Peng army above couldn't stand it. Many people couldn't stand and fell on the wall one after another, while others fell directly from the walled wall to the outside. The dazed taxi pawn just got up from the ground, and the car full of sharp knives and heavy boulders also hit head-on.

"Ah --"

As soon as the scream came out, it suddenly stopped. People were crushed by the stone. How can the scream exist. The wall of Pengjun camp can withstand the impact of one or ten cars, but it can't withstand the impact of hundreds of cars. Moreover, it is a huge stone. The impact force is too strong. Many boulders press over the tottering wall and roll directly into the camp.

Leishi broke through the stronghold wall and rushed into the camp, which made pengyingdun time to fry the pot. All he heard was that the people in the camp shouted horses, screamed and screamed constantly. The panicked soldiers scurried and fled for their lives in a hurry to avoid Leishi and rushing cars. The huge camp was in a mess.

Ziying on the mountain listened to the chaos of the camp at the foot of the mountain. She kept shouting one after another. When she thought carefully, her body was shocked and screamed bad. She was deceived! The enemy must have deliberately lured himself into throwing a large number of cars and stones, and then took refuge, so that his cars and stones fell into the camp at the foot of the mountain.

Thinking of this, he made a cold war and immediately ordered to stop throwing cars and stones. It's just that it's too late to stop at this time. Seeing that there were no cars and stones rolling down the mountain, the soldiers directly under the army who hid on the two wings of the hillside rushed out one after another under the command of Tang Yin. Instead of rushing up the mountain, they returned the same way and rushed from the hillside to the enemy camp at the foot of the mountain.

The plain army, which had withdrawn from the battlefield, also stopped retreating at this time. The rear team changed to the front team and killed back the same way.

If the plain army just pretended to attack without exerting all its strength, the plain army used all its strength at this time. The soldiers with strong fighting spirit stared at their bloodshot scarlet eyes and rushed forward frantically. Many people felt that their armor was in the way, so they tore it off directly and charged with their upper body bare.

The 50000 plain army changed into 50000 murderous tigers, killing all the enemy troops in sight. Commander Tang Yin's 20000 troops directly under him rushed down the hillside and broke into the camp unimpeded along the camp wall hit by cars and stones. They cut down and kill everyone they met, There is no way to heaven and no door to the earth.

At this time, the Peng army could not resist the Tianyuan army inside and outside the camp. 30000 Peng soldiers were killed and defeated, and countless people were killed and wounded. After the plain army broke into the camp from the periphery, the attack on the Peng army was even more deadly. I saw flames everywhere in the Peng army camp, and countless soldiers in red armor were stopped by the Tianyuan army and divided into corpses, Finally, his head hung around the waist of sergeant Tianyuan.

Originally, this was a tough battle. After the walled wall of Peng camp was knocked away by his own car and stone, the battle turned into a unilateral massacre. The battle ended quickly. It took only more than half an hour for the Tianyuan army to withdraw from the Pengjun camp. At this time, when looking at the camp, there were basically no living people left, only corpses all over the ground and the flames rising to the sky. From a distance, the camp at the foot of the mountain had fallen into a sea of fire.

Ziying on the top of the mountain looked at it. The whole person was like a vented ball. He couldn't stand stably and shook his body a few times. Then he sat down on the ground and looked straight at the camp at the bottom of the mountain. He couldn't say a word.

"General... It seems that the camp at the foot of the mountain... Can't hold it anymore. Shall we... Should we go down to rescue?" The generals next to Ziying asked in a trembling voice.

After a long silence, Ziying returned to her senses, shook her head slowly, and whispered weakly, "without my general, anyone who dares to go down the mountain without permission will be killed by military law!"

The generals looked at each other and were scared to shrink their necks. They didn't dare to go down the mountain to rescue.

Ziying didn't expect that the Tianyuan army would use the tactics of using the other way to make the other body fall in an instant, and the camp at the foot of the mountain was set on fire and burned by the Tianyuan army. However, his mind was clear and did not lose his mind. He knew very well that going down the mountain to rescue at this time was tantamount to looking for his own death. With his own strength and combat effectiveness, he could not compete with the Tianyuan army.

The battle lasted a short time, but the Tianyuan army achieved fruitful results and wiped out the 30000 Peng army at the foot of Huya mountain with only a small loss. It not only avenged Chifeng army for losing troops here, but also greatly increased its morale. In addition, it burned the camp at the foot of the mountain, making it unable to take care of each other, and turning the 70000 Peng army on the mountain into an isolated army.

That night, the Tianyuan army did not launch an attack on the Pengjun camp on the top of the mountain. All the troops were stationed at the foot of Huya mountain and blocked the road down the mountain.

Back to the account of the Chinese army, Tang Yin only slightly bandaged the wound on his hand, and then continued to discuss the next tactics with his generals and advisers.

Peng haochu said, "it's the best policy for General Xiao to use feint to consume the enemy's tactics of rushing cars and beating stones. Our army can act according to this plan. It must take a few days to attack the top of the mountain and annihilate the enemy!"

Tang Yin nodded and felt that what Peng haochu said was reasonable. The hillside of Huya mountain is steep and only one side is broken. If it is hard to attack, it is very difficult to win and the loss is too great.

At this time, Zhang Zhe stepped forward and bowed his hand and said, "Sir, it's the best policy to subdue the soldiers without fighting, and Ziying is a rare talent. Adults can send someone up the mountain to see Ziying and try to persuade him to surrender. If he can surrender to our army and avoid the war, it's not better!"

If you can really persuade Ziying to surrender, it is naturally the best, but can this person surrender? Tang Yin felt little hope for this, but Zhang Zhe's opinion was indeed right. He said, "well, I'll send someone up the mountain to meet this Ziying early in the morning."

"My Lord, there is no need for this. Even if this person is willing to surrender, who knows if he will have ulterior motives?" Li Wei frowned and said, "in the view of his subordinates, this person can't stay, and the Peng army under his command should be killed to eliminate future troubles."

Li Wei is not an open-minded man. He once suffered a loss in Ziying's hand and hates it to the bone.

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