Ziying led the crowd to march slowly. After only two days, she received a report. Ning Jun camped in Dingyuan city 20 miles away.

After receiving this news, the generals of the Tianying army came to find Ziying, including Juno.

Juno said positively to Ziying, "general, the enemy is strong and I am weak. It is difficult to win by confrontation. Our army can adopt the tactics of sneak attack. Tonight, our army will attack the camp of Ning army at night. If we are surprised and unprepared, we will achieve miraculous results."

Ziying smiled. He nodded first and then shook his head. I could tell that Juno was not a reckless man who could only fight and kill the enemy, but also a general who could unify the army and fight. He said: "the commander of Ning army is unparalleled in war. He is very good at using troops and is a rare general. It will not be so easy for our army to sneak attack on Ning army camp."

Juno frowned and asked suspiciously, "the general means..."

Ziying youyou said, "when you go to Yancheng from Dingyuan, you must pass through Qianshan valley. The terrain of Qianshan Valley is steep and it is very easy to set up ambushes. Moreover, it is less than ten miles away from our military camp. Our army should go to Qianshan Valley first and set an ambush until Ning army takes the initiative to get close!" Ziying is so familiar with the geography of the wind country that she can know it like the back of her hand even if she doesn't have to explore it in person.

After hearing this, they all nodded and said, "in the general's opinion!"

According to Ziying's plan, all 70000 Tianying troops lurk in Qianshan valley. As Ziying said, the terrain of qiangu Valley is steep and changeable, surrounded by mountains, and the road passes through the mountains. If you set an ambush in the mountains, it is both hidden and conducive to attack.

Ziying chose a place with cliffs on both sides of the road, then divided the Tianying army into two and ambushed on the mountains on both sides of the road. Then he asked people to use local materials and prepare more rocks for stone challenge.

He knew the weakness of his side very well. Most of the soldiers of the Tianying army were ordinary people and could not use bows and arrows. Even if they were ambushed, the lethality of throwing arrows was very small. It was better to use more challenge stones, a weapon that could pose a great threat as long as they had strength, and the official path was at the foot of the mountain. The effect of using challenge stones was good.

Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi knew nothing about the ambush of the eagle army in qiangu valley. The next day, they commanded the people under their command to continue to move towards Yancheng.

One hundred and fifty thousand of Ningjun is not without Eyeliner while marching. Before the main force of Ning army arrived, tanma entered Qianshan Valley first.

Seeing the Ning army horse team wearing silver helmets and armor enter their own ambush site, the sky Eagle army was nervous, and even the generals lying next to Ziying subconsciously touched the sword around their waist. At this time, Ziying couldn't speak. She winked to the left and right generals not to be nervous, let alone make a sound.

At this time, they were lying on the edge of the top of the mountain and watched the approaching team of Ning Jun's exploration horses swagger past under their own eyes.

Ning Jun's spy horse made a circle in Qianshan Valley and found no enemy information. Then he turned his horse's head and retreated the same way to report the situation to Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wuwei.

Although he received the reward of safety in front of the tanma, when Ning Jun came to the edge of Qianshan Valley, Zhan Wushuang still issued an order to stop the army first.

He and the invincible urged his horse to move forward, ran to the forefront of his own army, and looked up at the mountains and valleys. After reading it, Zhan Wushuang frowned and said in his heart that this place is really a dangerous place! It's not the first time for him to walk through thousands of valleys, but he will be very careful every time he passes here.

"Brother, what's good about this?" Zhan Wudi asked puzzled.

"Invincible, this place is very dangerous. If the enemy ambushes here, the consequences will be unimaginable." Zhan Wushuang said.

Zhan Wudi smiled and asked, "where are the enemy troops? The enemy troops are now stationed in the north of Yancheng. How can they appear here?"

Zhan Wushuang nodded. He also understood this truth, but looking at the Qianshan Valley in front of him, he felt very dangerous.

After a pause, Zhan Wushuang said, "let the former army pass first. After the former army passes smoothly, the Chinese army will continue to move forward."

It's no wonder that Zhan Wudi, the elder brother's cautious surname, has long been familiar with it. He grinned and didn't say much. He nodded and said, "OK! Boss, I'll listen to you."

At the instigation of Zhan Wushuang, the Ning army was divided into two parts. 50000 former troops took the lead and passed through Qianshan Valley first, while the remaining 100000 Ning troops stayed outside the valley.

Ziying didn't know about Zhan Wushuang's arrangement. Seeing a large number of Ning army coming down the mountain, the Tianying army ambushed on the mountain began to get nervous again. Their heart beat faster and their adrenal glands surged, as if their heart could jump out of their throat as soon as their mouth opened.

Boom, boom, boom - the Ning army not only has a neat formation, but also has almost the same pace, sending out bursts of rhythmic roars, and the dull echo lingers in the valley for a long time. Looking at the Ningjun camp, the white one, the steel armor is particularly dazzling under the reflection of the sun. The flags in the army are fluttering and the embroidery belt is flying. Tens of thousands of people walk in the narrow mountain path without disorder. The military appearance is neat and the military discipline is strict, which is amazing.

Seeing that Ning Jun's array had entered his own ambush site, Ziying slowly raised her hand and was ready to give the order of attack. At this time, even the herald behind him put up the rattling tail arrow, pulled open the bow string and aimed at the mid air. As long as Ziying gave the order, he could immediately release the signal of attack.

But Ziying's hand, which had been raised, was slowly put down again. His body was close to the ground, his head was stretched out, and he stared at Ning Jun passing at the foot of the mountain. His eyebrows gradually frowned, his face showed doubt, and his eyes showed a faint light.

Others may not see anything, but Ziying keenly noticed that there was no handsome flag in the Ning army. You should know that the discipline of the Ning army was very strict, even to the extent of dogma. Even if the sergeant Ning was careless, it was impossible not to fight the handsome flag, unless the army was not the main force of the Ning army.

Thinking of this, Ziying looked carefully and attentively. Soon, he found that the number of Ning army was wrong. At best, there were 50000 or 60000 people in this Ning army, which was far from the 150000 people returned from the investigation report. Presumably, the main force of Ning army did not enter the valley.

What a cunning war. I'm so cautious where there is no enemy! Ziying couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth and smile.

He knew what was going on, but the surrounding generals were still covered with clouds and mountains. Seeing that Ning army was going to pass through, Ziying didn't mean to order an attack at all. The two generals around him couldn't help but lower their voice and asked, "general, order to move quickly! If you don't do it again, Ning army will pass!"

"Ha ha!" Ziying smiled and said, "this is not the main force of the enemy. If I guess correctly, the main force of the enemy has not entered the valley yet!"

"Ah?" The generals on both sides were surprised when they heard the speech. Aren't these Ning soldiers the main force? What is the main force and formation of Ning army? Besides, how can the general judge that these Ning troops are not the main force? They didn't understand, but they didn't dare to ask any more. They bit their lips and watched this large number of Ning army go out of the valley.

After waiting for about half an hour, they heard the roar of the valley mouth. People couldn't help stretching their necks and looking at it.

In a short time, a phalanx came from the mountains. This Peng army was larger and more people, as if it were endless. At the front of the camp, there are two big flags. The front side is embroidered with the word "Ning" and the back side is embroidered with the word "war".

Seeing this, Ziying smiled. This is the main force of Ning army! Needless to say, zhanwushuang and zhanwudi are in this army.

The officer waved his hand and signaled him to the rear.

Soon, Ning Jun's main force went to the ambush site of the Tianying army. Ziying was also a little nervous at this time. After all, Ning Jun was not a mob, and Zhong Tianping soon respected Ning Jun as a God. He had been under Zhong Tian's command for so long, so he was inevitably affected by it. He would naturally have a fear of Ning Jun in his heart.

When more than half of the main force of Ning army passed the ambush site, Ziying suddenly raised her arm, waved it down and shouted, "kill!"

As soon as his voice fell, he heard a whoosh scream behind him, and the rattling arrow flew straight into the sky.

The scream was particularly harsh in the valley. Before Ning Jun at the foot of the mountain could react, he listened to the shouting and killing on the top of the mountain on both sides of the road. Then, stones the size of basin mouth were thrown down from the top of the mountain. The stones were dense like hail, with no gap and endless flow.

Just in an instant, the Ning army at the foot of the mountain was in disorder. Ning Bing's armor can resist arrows with insufficient strength, but it can't resist stones falling from the top of the mountain more than ten meters high. The huge block hit Ning Bing's armor and jingled. The bones and tendons of the light ones were broken, and the heads of the heavy ones cracked on the spot and died.

"There's an ambush! There's an enemy ambush..." a regimental commander of Ning army shouted on the horse, but before he shouted, a huge stone fell on his shoulder. He heard a click. Ning broke his shoulder blades and sternum, and even his waist was crushed when he stepped off the horse. Poor regimental commander, even the spirit armor, was released and killed on the spot.

In addition, many Ning generals with profound cultivation were smashed to pieces by huge stones falling from their heads even if they released the spirit armor. The middle army of Ning army in the ambush site was completely disordered. The neat square array had long disappeared. The soldiers fled in all directions screaming and crowded to the foot of the mountain to avoid stones.

At this time, more than 5000 veterans coming from Ziying played their role. These veterans separated the mountains on both sides, twisted their bows and arrows, and shot at Ning Bing at the foot of the opposite mountain. The veterans have received strict archery training. Now they are in a commanding position and give full play to the power of bows and arrows. In addition, there are too many and chaotic Ning troops at the foot of the mountain. There is no need to aim at an arrow. As long as they have enough strength, they can kill the enemy.

As more than 5000 veterans shot the carved plumes, the situation of Ning army became worse. There was almost no safe place in the whole valley. Either a stone came or an arrow came. Ning soldiers who died in an untimely way piled up and laid layers after layers in the valley.

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