When Su Yelei treated Tang Yin's wound, they were very close. Looking at Su Yelei close at hand and smelling her unique medicine fragrance, Tang Yin was confused and confused. He unconsciously stretched out his hand and touched her waist.

Su Yelei saw his hand reach out to herself, but she didn't move. She just put a sudden force on her hand, and the curved needle also deeply pierced Tang Yin's skin and flesh.

She drugged Tang Yin, but the dosage was not large, and the anesthetic effect of the anesthetic at that time was also very limited. Tang Yin felt a sudden tingling sensation on his back, and his mind suddenly woke up. His outstretched hand also stopped in the air. He raised his eyes to Su Yelei and found that her face was cold and looking at himself with disdainful eyes. Tang Yin's old face was red and smiled awkwardly. Without words, he said, "the clothes that Su medical officer is wearing today are very beautiful." As he spoke, his hand stopped in the air hurriedly retracted.

Su Yelei almost laughed. Her dress today is no different from that of usual. She rarely sees Tang Yin when she is embarrassed. She feels very interesting. With an innocent expression on her face, she said slowly as if nothing had happened: "I was careless just now, and the needle was a little heavier."

"Oh, nothing. Just pay attention later." Tang Yin swallowed and spit, casually responded, turned her head to the other side, closed her eyes and fell asleep unconsciously.

Tang Yin is very defensive and won't easily put down his guard in front of outsiders. He knows that Su Yelei doesn't like her, and even has a lot of disgust. However, from his heart, he trusts Su Yelei and feels that she won't harm herself.

He slept so deeply that he didn't wake up until the afternoon. When he got up, Su Yelei was already out of defense, and the wound on his body had been sewn up, medicated and bandaged. He looked down at the bandage on his body. It was tight and dense. He could feel it. Su Yelei did it very seriously.

With a wise smile, he put on his clothes and walked out of the room.

At present, Tang Yin's residence is very lively, with people coming and going, including soldiers of the Tianyuan army and many rich and dignitaries who come to visit. Early this morning, Qiu Zhen made people post all the placards to appease the people. While counting the crimes of Zhong Tian, he praised the public morality of Tang Yin and Tianyuan army, and made it clear that his side is a wind minister, not a rebel, so that the people don't have to panic and fear.

The main force of Tianyuan army is not stationed in the city, but in the camp outside the city. Its purpose is to avoid panic among the people in the capital.

Since the Tianyuan army took over Yancheng, it did not disturb the residents or rob property. All the soldiers and soldiers were well behaved. Yancheng was no different from normal times, and even more stable than that when Zhong Tian was in power, which made the people gradually put down their vigilance and more pedestrians on the streets.

In less than a day, Yancheng returned to its former bustle, and the streets became busy and bustling. However, most of the focus of people's discussion was focused on the Tianyuan army. When they saw the Tianyuan Army soldiers in black helmets and black armor patrolling the streets, the people would subconsciously stay away and look around.

Qiu Zhen has been very satisfied with this result. After all, the people in the capital are not familiar with their own army. It is unrealistic to want people to accept their own army at once. After posting the notice, Qiu Zhen immediately drafted letters and sent them to the heads of the seven counties to enter the capital immediately.

Of course, Qiu Zhen wrote the letter in the name of Tang Yin in a very polite tone. Whether Tang Yin has the strength to be king or not, whether he is the capital and the head of the four counties, in name, he is only the head of the county, which is on the same level with the other seven heads of the county.

With Qiu Zhen, there is a lot of trouble left for Tang Yin. As long as the big and small affairs are agreed, Qiu Zhen can be fully responsible for the implementation.

After the Tianyuan army successfully captured the capital, its ambition also began to multiply. While taking a rest, it continued to actively expand its troops and training. In particular, the Tianying army, due to its low combat effectiveness, is difficult to use on the battlefield. Tang Yin ordered Ziying to train the Tianying army into an elite division in the shortest time. If there are soldiers who withdraw halfway, there is no need to stop them. The soldiers are more valuable than more.

Ziying is a steady man and a strong man. Besides, he was born in the Ministry of Zhong Tian. He was worried that the soldiers of other legions would look down on him. After receiving Tang Yin's order, he held back his strength and began a devil like hard training for the soldiers under the eagle army.

Although the training is hard, the Tianying army can't stand the hardships, but there are few soldiers who want to quit. This is all due to Ziying's personal charm. He is also good at mobilizing the morale and competitive psychology of the soldiers. The Tianying army is very united and can be called one mind. Even if the soldiers are hard and tired, they are unwilling to leave.

Many recruits of the Tianyuan army were collected and distributed among the various armies, which not only filled the vacancies caused by casualties of the various armies, but also had many surplus troops, and the manpower of the chief officers of the various armies was increased.

In addition, the amount of materials seized from Yancheng is amazing. Zhong Tian's army is difficult to recruit people, but there has always been no lack of military funds and salaries. Zhong Tian has been in power for nearly a year, and countless people's fat and ointment have been collected. Now all of them fall into the hands of Tianyuan army.

Another is to find a large number of gold, silver and jewelry, rare and different products from the palace. These are the treasures left by Zhong Tian. According to Tang Yin, these treasures continue to be stored in the palace. After all, now the palace has been firmly controlled by the Tianyuan army, so there is no need to worry about the loss of treasures.

In the next few days, the Tianyuan army began to stabilize the situation in Yancheng, began to repair the city walls, and repaired the buildings damaged in the siege. At this time, Wu Guang's wisdom of attacking the palace without using large sharp weapons was reflected, which left a lot of trouble for the Tianyuan army.

Qiu Zhen sent out all the letters to the heads of the seven counties, but the stone sank into the sea. Let alone the heads of the counties, they didn't even reply.

Tang Yin was angry when he heard about it, so he was going to send troops to fight. However, Qiu Zhen stopped him. The latter felt that it was too early to crusade, and there was no suitable excuse. He needed to wait a little longer. After Liang, Wu and Ziyang returned to the capital, they would form a new imperial court, and send letters in the name of the imperial court. If the head of the seven counties didn't enter the capital at that time, it would be convenient to crusade in a decent way.

After hearing Qiu Zhen's opinion, Tang Yin secretly said that it was reasonable. His anger was temporarily suppressed until Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun returned to the capital.

Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun all live in Tianyuan county now. They are naturally overjoyed to hear that Tang Yin asked them to return to the capital and form a court. No matter what Tang Yin's intentions, it's better to be in the capital than in Tianyuan County, a frontier place.

However, the three of them came back with their families and their families. The road was slow. It took nearly a month to get to Yancheng from shunzhou, the county city of Tianyuan county.

As Liang, Wu and Ziyang returned to their capital, they immediately caused a sensation in Yancheng. As Qiu Zhen said at the beginning, no matter how brave and skilled the Tianyuan army is, no matter how much credit it has made to eliminate the traitor Zhong Tian, in the eyes of the people, their weight is still less than that of the three dignitaries Liang, Wu and Ziyang.

In the eyes of the people, Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun are the important ministers and pillars of the wind country. They are the people who can really save the country from danger and the people from water and fire. As for Tang Yin, he can only be regarded as an ordinary courtier loyal to the wind country.

When the Tianyuan army entered Yancheng, the people hid and dared to come out of the house until they saw that the soldiers of the Tianyuan army did not make excessive moves, but their fear was still strong. Now Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun enter the city without anyone to organize. The people went out of the house and gathered on both sides of the main street of Yancheng to welcome them.

The people's attitudes towards the three dignitaries and the Tianyuan army are very different.

In order to show his attention to Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun, Tang Yin also came out to meet them in person. Seeing the popularity of the people, he couldn't help but frown.

The faces of the generals and advisers of the Tianyuan army were not much better. People secretly clenched their teeth, their own side bled and sweated, how many soldiers they sacrificed and how much risk they took to fight all the way from Tianyuan county to the capital to scare away Zhong Tian. It was unfair that Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun could win the support and support of the people without any strength.

Qiu Zhen looked at Tang Yin's indifferent and gloomy face. He sighed and whispered, "the people's ideas have long been deeply rooted. It's difficult to change for a time, and adults don't have to care too much."


Tang Yin answered with a deep voice. Looking forward, the motorcade of Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun was approaching. The gloom on his face was swept away and replaced by a charming and kind smile.

When the motorcade arrived near Tang Yin and others, it stopped slowly. Then Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun got down from their carriages and walked to Tang Yin. I wonder if the people's welcome to them made them full of confidence, and their waist was straight, especially Ziyang HaoChun, whose face was full of disdain for Tang Yin, The tone said coldly: "Lord Tang, long time no see!"

Tang Yin secretly clenched his teeth, but there was no expression on his face. He bowed his hands to the three and politely said, "Liang Xiang, Wu Xiang and Ziyang general, you are polite!"

In terms of official positions, Tang Yin is the head of the county, while Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun are either prime ministers or generals, which are all a bit higher than him.

When Ziyang HaoChun saw Tang Yin salute, he completely looked like he should. He stood up with his hands on his back and didn't move. He just answered quietly.

Liang Xing was not as domineering as Liang Ziyang HaoChun, but he didn't have much enthusiasm for Tang Yin. He said lightly, "Lord Tang is polite."

Among the three, only Wu Yu came forward, reached out his hand to help Tang Yin up, smiled and praised: "I haven't seen you for many days, but nephew Tang is still elegant and heroic. He led me to expel the national thieves and recapture the capital. It's really admirable. He is the first hero of my strong wind!"

"Ah! I'm flattered!" Because of the relationship between Wu Mei and Tang Yin, Tang Yin is still very close to Wu Yu.

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