Ziyang HaoChun said in a deep voice: "Zhang song, Lord Zhang can't be Zhong Tian's confidant. I can guarantee this with my head. Lord Tang condemned Lord Zhang only by the confession of an enemy general. It's too hasty!"

"Hasty?" Tang Yin smiled and smiled with evil spirit. He gently tapped the blood book on the table with his fingers and said slowly, "in my opinion, this is hard evidence and there is no need to check it again. General Ziyang's guarantee should be left to others!" With that, he turned his head to the hospital and said calmly, "what are you waiting for? Execution!"

Executioners, whether you are guilty or not, they will execute as long as there is an order on it. Several executioners raised the ghost head knife in their hands, aimed at Zhang Song and his family's neck and cut it down fiercely.


With a burst of crisp noise, Zhang Song's cry for injustice and the cry of his family suddenly stopped, several heads fell to the ground, and the blood from his broken neck spewed out for a long time. The executioner didn't stop. He immediately went to the back of Zhang Song's other family and took a big knife to cut it down. In the blink of an eye, more than 20 men, women, young and old of Zhang Song's family died in a strange place.

"Ah --"

Sitting in the hall, Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun could see clearly, and all of them took a breath in their hearts. Anyway, Zhang song was also an official who could enter the court for discussion first. He was killed by Tang Yin, and the whole family was executed. Their hearts could not be surprised and shocked.

The soldiers of Tianyuan loaded the corpses and broken heads on the ground into carriages, and covered the blood on the ground with loess.

Tang Yin turned back with a smile, glanced at Liang Xing and said, "all officials captured by Zhong Tian and not executed are suspected of collaborating with the enemy. In order to ensure the safety and stability of the capital, such black sheep must be strictly investigated and no one can be spared."

Hearing this, Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun all trembled. Although Tang Yin's words didn't name names, they sounded as if they were alluding to themselves.

"Lord Tang..." at this time, Ziyang HaoChun's momentum softened. He looked at Tang Yin with tongue tied eyes and didn't know what to say.

Tang Yin smiled up and said, "don't get me wrong, my three adults. I'm not saying that they are suspected of collaborating with the enemy. They are my important and loyal ministers and the pillars of the imperial court. How can they have an affair with a national thief like Zhong Tian?"

"Yes... Yes." Ziyang HaoChun spat at his throat and couldn't help wiping a cold sweat.

"Come on, general Ziyang, drink and give you a toast!" As he spoke, Tang Yin took up the wine glass with Ziyang HaoChun.

Ziyang HaoChun didn't want to drink at this time, but the scene of Zhang song being executed by his family was still vivid. He couldn't help but fight a cold war, picked up his cup, forced out a smile and said, "Lord Tang, you're welcome! Please!"

It was written by Tang Yinsong. It was not written by Tang Yinsong.

He was afraid of bringing Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun back to the capital and reorganizing the imperial court, so he wrote, directed and performed the play himself. The purpose was to let Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun understand who was the master and who was the follower, and let them know who was the one who really held the power of life and death.

As for Zhang song, he was chosen by Tang Yin. Tang Yin has his own considerations when he can choose him. Zhang song is a loyal minister of Feng state and Zhan Hua. When Zhong Tian became king, Zhang song would rather die than oppose it. Tang Yin feels that if he becomes king in the future, Zhang song will not support it. Instead of leaving this person as a stumbling block, he might as well find a reason to get rid of it first, which can also kill chickens and monkeys, killing two birds with one stone.

Tang Yin's idea was appreciated by Qiu Zhen and supported by the generals of the Tianyuan army. It was in this case that Zhang Song foolishly became the ghost under the knife of the executioner and was branded as an adultery traitor to his death.

Tang Yin's self-made play really deterred Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun. In particular, Ziyang HaoChun disappeared just now. Instead of trembling chestnut, he was on pins and needles next to Tang Yin. Now he once again saw Tang Yin's means and the cruelty and ruthlessness from his bones.

Tang Yin and his generals and advisers enjoyed the meal, but Liang Xing and Zi Yang HaoChun didn't know what to eat. Both of them are looking forward to the early end of the party and their early return to the house.

With the return of Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun to the capital, the new imperial court of Fengguo was officially established. The old ministers of Fengguo who were originally dismissed by Zhong Tian were reinstated, and most of them were promoted. The generals and counselors of Tianyuan army were promoted the most.

Originally, the Tianyuan army belonged to the county army, and its generals and counselors could only be regarded as generals and officials of a county. Now, with the formation of the new imperial court, the Tianyuan army has changed from the county army to the central army of Xinfeng country. Naturally, the official positions of its generals and counselors have been upgraded several levels, and the title of chief mate has also been promoted.

However, Tang Yin, the head of Tianyuan County, remained the head of Tianyuan army as the commander-in-chief of Tianyuan army. In this way, his generals and advisers were higher than his official rank.

It's not that the new court doesn't want to promote Tang Yin, but can't find a suitable official position for him. Thanks to Tang Yin, he should rank first among the ministers. However, now the three main positions of Zuo Xiang, you Xiang and senior general have been occupied, so we can't promote Tang Yin and squeeze one of Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun. Of course, Tang Yin himself would not agree to do so.

Therefore, his promotion is put on hold for the time being. As for Tang Yin himself, he is not in a hurry. He wants to plot the throne. As for the official position, it doesn't matter. As long as he can firmly grasp the military power and control the overall situation, his false reputation is dispensable.

When the new court was founded, it sent letters to the counties of Taian, Shangqing, Gaoyang, Lingdong, Lingnan, Fuchuan and Pingxi, and called the heads of the seven counties to enter the capital immediately. Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun all made promises in the letter, promising that as long as the counties of each county agree to enter and express their loyalty, the past can be forgiven.

In the name of Tang Yin, the head of the seven counties was summoned. The seven County capitals didn't dare to come. Now, the new imperial court established by Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Zi Yang HaoChun sent a letter. If they don't enter the capital again, it is tantamount to not recognizing the current new imperial court and no longer recognizing the Feng state. This is what the head of seven counties can't afford.

Moreover, the reputation of Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun is much heavier than that of Tang Yin, and the head of the seven counties also trusts them more. After receiving the letter, the head of the seven counties immediately wrote back, saying that they would set off immediately and enter the capital immediately.

Half a month later, the seven counties rushed to Yancheng first. Before them, there were the heads of Tianyuan County, Guannan County, Lehu county and Jinguang county. Now, there are 15 counties in Fengguo. In addition to the four counties in the south of Yancheng, the other 11 counties have gathered in Yancheng.

Before officially entering the dynasty, Tang Yin invited 11 County heads to his house for a banquet in his private name the night before.

Now, the house he occupied was also renamed Tang mansion. Outside the gate, there were many soldiers and armours. Looking up, the dark wind army almost lined the streets. There was no relaxed and joyful atmosphere of banquet in the air, but only dignified and killing atmosphere.

When the county leaders came to the banquet, they saw such a scene. In addition to the heads of Tianyuan, Guannan, Jinguang and Lehu, the hearts of the other seven heads of counties were trembling.

There are already a lot of wind troops outside the mansion, but there are more in the mansion. In the courtyard, there is only the middle aisle without people standing. There are wind army square arrays on both sides. Moreover, the wind troops standing in the mansion are all elite, almost the same height, wearing black helmets and black armor, red tassels on their heads, red cloak on their backs, guns in their hands, knives on their waists and long bows on their backs, have plenty of fight in sb.

The seven county leaders kept wiping the cold sweat on their foreheads as they walked in. They felt that they didn't seem to be coming to dinner, but rather to die. They are all people who have seen great winds and waves, but at this time, they still have cramps in their legs and stomach, and their hearts mentioned their voices.

It was not easy to pass through the square array of many wind troops and came to the door of the lobby. Before entering, someone inside first laughed twice. Then, out of the hall came a young man in his late thirties, who was dressed in official clothes, thin and handsome. When he raised his hands and feet, he naturally showed a sense of elegance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please come inside. I'm Shangguan Yuanji!" The young man smiled and arched his hands to salute the crowd.

It turns out that this person is Shangguan Yuanji! All seven County chiefs have heard the name of Shangguan Yuanji. Although Shangguan Yuanji is not a general who can storm the front and attack the city and pull out the stronghold, his contribution to the Tianyuan army may not be comparable to that of several generals trapped together. Shangguan Yuanji is actually the head of the four counties of Tianyuan, Guannan, Jinguang and Lehu. He governs the four counties and continuously supplies troops, military funds and food for the Tianyuan army fighting in the front, His role cannot be replaced by others.

"It's Shangguan. Disrespect, disrespect!"

The head of the seven counties quickly bowed and saluted shangguanyuanji respectfully.

"Hehe! You're welcome, gentlemen. Please come inside. Adults have been waiting for you for a long time!" Shangguan Yuanji turned sideways and gave the head of the seven counties to the hall.

At this time, the banquet in the hall was ready. Tang Yin sat in the middle, with more than 20 tables and mattresses on both sides. In addition to the seats of seven County heads, others were already seated.

Seeing that the capital of the counties came in, Tang Yin sitting on the bedding didn't get up to greet each other, but waved his hand and said with a smile: "it's really brightening my humble house that your adults are willing to come to the banquet!"

Tang Yin's words were nothing but polite function words, but the seven County chiefs trembled after hearing them. Tang Yin used to write a letter to them asking them to enter the capital, but they didn't come at that time. Now when they see Tang Yin, the seven people are inevitably embarrassed, and they also feel that he has something to say.

After being stunned for a while, the seven people quickly bowed and saluted and said, "Lord Tang, it's too late to pay a visit. I hope Lord Tang will see more cool!"

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