Tang Yin withdrew from Mrs. Hua Rong's bedroom and walked outside the palace. From time to time, his mind still came up with Mrs. Hua Rong's flawless and charming body.

In fact, when you think about it carefully, it's not so difficult to choose Mrs. Huarong as a wife. After all, what she wants is not the position of Queen. Even if she gets tired of her in the future, ignore her or find an excuse to drive her away. Maybe Tang Yin didn't even realize it. Now he has begun to find various reasons for accepting Mrs. Hua Rong.

Before leaving the palace, Tang Yin carefully looked himself from top to bottom and confirmed that his official clothes were neat. Then he went out of the palace. At this time, he is still a foreign minister. If the news of his relationship with Princess bin comes out, how can it be?

Qiu Zhen, who had been waiting outside the palace for a long time, and others saw that Tang Yin finally came out, gathered around him and asked, "Sir, how's it going?"

Tang Yin smiled, waved to Qiu Zhen and others and said, "we'll wait outside the palace for a while." As he spoke, he walked slowly back to the carriage with his hands on his back and four steps.

When he came, he was preoccupied. Now when he came out of the palace, his complexion has calmed down a lot. Although Qiu Zhen and others don't know the specific situation, they still have a lot of heart hanging high in their throat. Qiu Zhen quickly caught up with Tang Yin and sat in the carriage. Looking at Tang Yin with narrowed eyes and a smile, he couldn't help asking, "Sir, why did you enter the palace..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Yin suddenly remembered something and asked, "Qiu Zhen, I remember you said you wanted to investigate Mrs. Hua Rong. What was the result?"

Unexpectedly, he would suddenly ask about this. Qiu Zhen was stunned and said, "I sent someone to investigate. Mrs. Hua Rong should be the new imperial concubine of the former king. Many palace maids didn't know she was such a person at all, but the concubines knew she was there, but Mrs. Hua Rong was not favored, and the concubines didn't know much about her."

Not spoiled? Tang Yin almost laughed. If a woman like Mrs. Hua Rong can't be spoiled, what kind of woman can get Zhan Hua's favor? Compared with the other ladies, Mrs. Hua Rong is much better than them in terms of appearance, figure and plan.

It's hard to understand. Tang Yin smiled lightly, shook her head, and then asked, "did Zhong Tian ever point to her?" During the questioning, Tang Yin unconsciously came up with the picture of Zhong Tian doing whatever he wanted on Mrs. Hua Rong, and felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Go! After hearing his question, Qiu Zhen almost choked on his own saliva.

In fact, since Zhong Tian usurped the throne, no one knows whether he has disturbed the back palace or had a relationship with those concubines of Zhan Hua. It's just a guess in people's hearts to say that he has touched Zhan Hua's concubines. There is no real evidence. Otherwise, as an anti thief, no matter which concubine has an affair with him, he will be executed. How can he stay in the palace well?

Qiu Zhen shook his head like a rattle and said repeatedly, "my subordinates don't know."

Tang Yin waved his hand casually and stopped questioning.

Mrs. Hua Rong's bedroom.

After Tang Yin left, Mrs. Hua Rong immediately put on her clothes and called her maid in waiting. Perhaps, as Qiu Zhen inquired, she was not spoiled. There were only four maids serving her.

Mrs. Hua Rong asked the maid of honor to tidy up her palace clothes and said coldly, "later, you will invite all the ladies. I have something to discuss with them."

"Madam, are you really going to help Tang Yin win the throne?" A palace maid asked in a low voice.

Mrs. Hua Rong's eyes flashed coldly and asked, "what? Are you insisting on my decision?"

"Subordinates dare not!" The maid in waiting quickly lowered her head and said, "but the holy king didn't say that the king of the wind country must be Tang Yin."

"I'll make my own decision on this matter. You don't have to say more." Mrs. Hua Rong said with a cold face.

The maid in waiting said no more.

At this time, another maid in waiting took out a red pill from the gap in her belt, handed it to Mrs. Hua Rong and whispered, "madam, take this first in case of accident."

Mrs. Hua Rong wanted to refuse, but on second thought, she took the pill and stuffed it into her mouth. After swallowing the pill for a short time, a layer of white fog suddenly appeared around her body. In a twinkling of an eye, the fog dispersed invisibly.

The palace clothes have been sorted out. Mrs. Hua Rong's hand came. She didn't see her so hard. The smooth and delicate catkin suddenly produced white fog. In the blink of an eye, the fog condensed into white scales with metallic luster and covered her palm. Her wrists shook again, and the spirit armor on her hand dispersed into spirit fog and gradually disappeared. She turned her head to the four palace maids and said, "go!"


The four maids agreed and walked out quickly.

After about a column of incense, the guests and concubines of Zhanhua came one after another.

When all the others arrived, Mrs. Hua Rong smiled and said in a sweet drowning voice, "sisters, little sister, I have another request this time!"

Now there is no outsider present. All the imperial concubines treat her coldly, and none of them give a good face. One of the concubines said coldly, "Hua Rong, what do you want to do this time? The palace tells you not to go too far. Our sisters have covered up your identity, so don't bother us again..."

Before she finished speaking, Mrs. Hua Rong giggled and said, "hide your identity for me. That's our exchange condition. You don't want to let the mess between yourself and Zhong Tian get out!"

"You..." her words made the concubines angry and afraid. The princess bin who spoke just now had distorted facial features and lost her color. She quickly walked up to Mrs. Hua Rong, reached out her hand and grabbed her face. At the same time, she screamed, "bitch!"

She was fast, but Mrs. Hua Rong's speed was faster. She raised her hand in no hurry. With a bang, she clasped the princess's wrist. Then she raised her other hand. First, the white fog was released from her palm, and then the fog condensed into a white needle half a foot long on her fingertips.

This sharp needle is completely condensed by Reiki, which is higher than the reification of soldiers. Those who can do this can also complete the advanced level of reification of soldiers - the reification of soldiers.

The spirit needle at the tip of Mrs. Hua Rong's finger pointed at the eyebrow of the princess bin. It was so close that its edge touched the sweat in the eyebrow. The concubine's body was shocked, and the whole person was stunned. She stared at the spirit needle in front of her and couldn't react for a long time.

"Only once! No matter who dares to be rude to the palace again, I will take her surname!" The smile on Mrs. Hua Rong's face disappeared, and her deep eyes were so cold that she could almost freeze an elephant to death. When she scanned her eyes, all the guests and concubines fought a cold war one after another, and their bodies trembled in their chairs.

"Go back and sit down!" With a fierce wave of her arm, Mrs. Hua Rong pushed the princess out. Then she slowly looked around the people and paused for a few seconds. With a puff, she laughed again. Between the flicks of her fingers, the spirit needle on her fingertip disappeared. Then she went to the table and poured tea for the guests herself, And said softly, "now, my sisters and I are in the same boat. We should unite more. How can we have a dispute? It was my sister's impolite just now. Don't be surprised!"

She turned her face like turning a book and bluffed the guests and concubines.

After a while, an old, half old concubine bin asked, "Hua Rong, what's the matter with you when you find us all?"

"My sister said the longest when she entered the palace. Have you ever heard of Zhan Ling?"

"Exhibition spirit?" The concubine looked dazed.

"Is the illegitimate daughter born to Zhan Xiong and the servant girls below."

After such a reminder, the princess suddenly realized, nodded and said, "yes, there is Zhanling. Why did you suddenly ask her? Isn't she missing?"

Mrs. Hua Rong smiled and said, "that's why I asked my sisters to come. My sisters should help me anyway." After a pause, she said with a smile: "my sister won't let your sisters help in vain this time. As long as things are done, I'll go to Lord Tang and let him set your sisters free, and give him money and land, so that your sisters can be rich and noble for a lifetime."

Hearing this, all the imperial concubines were heartened. The fate of concubine bin is sad. When the king is around, they can still rely on them. Once the king is gone, they will lose their backing. They will either be abandoned in the deep palace and no one cares about them, or they will be driven out of the palace by their own king. It was unthinkable for them to get bounties and fiefs.

"Lord Tang will listen to you?" The concubines responded and asked in unison.

"Of course!" Mrs. Hua Rong youyou said, "because you are helping me and Lord Tang!"

"What do you want us to do?"


Mrs. Hua Rong lowered her voice and told all the things she wanted the concubines to help. At the end, she said confidently, "you just need to say what I taught you. As for the later things, Lord Tang will naturally deal with them."

After hearing her words, the concubines secretly grinned and remained silent for a long time. For a long time, the older concubine Fang said, "if this matter is exposed, but... It will be beheaded..."

"No!" Mrs. Hua Rong said with a smile, "as long as you do what I say and don't let go, you'll be fine. Sisters, now is the time to change your destiny. The rest of your life is rich and hard, but it's up to you."

Ah? The imperial concubines frowned and mused. After a short time, a concubine finally made up her mind, raised her head and said, "Hua Rong, I'll help you! I hope you can keep your word!"

"Good sister, sister, I always keep my word."

Some people took their heads, and the other concubines nodded their heads without hesitation.

Outside the palace gate.

Tang Yin was still sitting in the carriage waiting for news with his surname. He felt as if a century had passed. Suddenly, he heard a noise coming from the Palace door. He poked his head out of the window and looked forward. He saw a maid under Mrs. Hua Rong standing behind the Palace door, blocked by many soldiers guarding the Palace door.

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