Qin Bao and Qu Jing led 20000 troops directly under their command to fight with Peng army. The two sides fought fiercely.

Among the Peng army, the near army of Zhong Tian can really compete with the Tianyuan army. After all, the number of near army is limited. How can the force of thousands of people defeat the 20000 Tianyuan army.

Less than half an hour after the two sides fought, thousands of close troops were scattered by the Tianyuan army and divided into several pieces. They lost their care and fought their own battles.

On the other side, the battle between the tiger and the invincible continues. Zhan Hu's cultivation is not as deep as that of Zhan Wudi, but he has great strength. Under the hard work, Zhan Wudi can't take any advantage, but it's not easy for Zhan Wudi to overwhelm Zhan Hu with Lingwu skills.

Zhan Hu's body method is sensitive and his skills are proficient. As long as Zhan Wudi releases his domineering Lingwu skills, he will avoid his edge at the first time, make way for the center where the opponent attacks the most densely, and then use his skills to offset his winger. Zhan Wudi released his skills several times, but he didn't hurt Zhan Hu. Instead, his tired forehead was sweating. In the end, he didn't dare to use his skills and consume Reiki.

The two of them fought inextricably, and the fighting of the soldiers below was very tragic. The Ningjun army has a large number of people, but it is not good at close combat. Moreover, it is not well prepared. It is in a hurry to meet the battle. The formation is very chaotic. It has a melee melee with only 30000 Tianyuan Army soldiers. Instead of taking advantage of the scene, the situation is still in jeopardy.

On the battlefield, Ning Bing dragged his heavy armor, which seemed clumsy and slow. If the formation was neat, the heavy armor could indeed play a perfect defensive role, but now it was a scuffle, and the armor on Ning Jun became a heavy burden for soldiers.

Due to the limitation of their armor, Ning soldiers often can only notice their front and have no feeling for the side and rear. In the staggered scuffle between the two sides, the enemy can not only appear from the front. Countless Ning troops are cut down by the wind troops suddenly killed on their side or behind before they know what's going on.

There were more Ning soldiers who clearly saw the enemy killing themselves, but they could not even use their offensive moves in the future, so they were rushed to the abyss and fell to the ground.

When both sides fell to the ground, the wind army wearing leather armor got up much faster than Ning Bing. After getting up, the agile wind army held a knife in both hands and cut and stabbed at the fallen Ning soldier. In the continuous impact sound, the weapon in the wind soldier's hand rolled the blade, and the steel armor on Ning Bing became full of holes, and Ning Bing was covered with holes, Blood gurgled through the gaps in the armor.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. In the whole battlefield, Ning Bing, who died miserably under the sword of the wind army, looked up and saw that the broken bodies wrapped in steel armor could be seen everywhere. The blood would soon dye the long official path into blood red, and the screams and "Shen Yin" sounded all over every corner of the battlefield, The smell of blood in the air and the stench of internal organs are disgusting.

The troops of Ning army and Peng army, which were several miles long, were in a mess at this time. Fierce fighting was taking place everywhere. There were panic stricken and scattered people everywhere. The horses carrying luggage were also affected by the fighting between the two sides from time to time. They were frightened and fled, pulling carriages and crashing into each other, making the battle field more busy.

In such a fierce battle, the Peng army was the first one who couldn't hold on. With the falling flowers and flowing water of Zhong Tianjin army killed by Tianyuan army, the rest of the ordinary Peng army didn't dare to fight and fled back in batches.

Although Peng Jun can't help Ning Jun much on the battlefield, they run away, which also has a great impact on the morale of Ning Jun. Ning Jun is not an enemy of Tianyuan Jun. under the influence of Peng Jun, the momentum is completely suppressed by Tianyuan Jun, and the overall camp is gradually retreated.

The brave man in the battle between the two armies won. Nearly 150000 Ning army and Peng army were defeated by the red eyed Tianyuan army, and the soldiers killed and killed by the Tianyuan army. In addition, there were more than 10000 soldiers trampled on each other. Can the scene be described as a tragic word?

At this time, even Zhan Wushuang, who was so good at commanding on the battlefield, was helpless. Looking at the situation on the battlefield, he felt that if he continued to fight, all his troops would be destroyed. However, he stamped his feet ruthlessly and issued the order of the withdrawal of the whole army.

This order relieved the hard-working soldiers of Ning army. Tens of thousands of Ning army gave up entanglement with Tianyuan army under the command of all army generals and all fled to the south. As soon as the Ning army withdrew, the Peng army, which was still fighting with the Tianyuan army, became completely unprepared for war. They ran faster than the Peng army and lost the battle like a plate of loose sand.

It's easy to give the order of retreat, but how can retreat in a scuffle be so simple? Ning Jun and Peng Jun ran in front. The Tianyuan army didn't follow and beat hard at the back and killed them with their hips. Countless Ning Jun and Peng Sergeant soldiers were chopped to the ground by the Tianyuan army and died.

This can be called a great defeat. The Ning army and Peng army retreated in a hurry. Let alone a large number of luggage, even the grain and grass were all discarded. More than 100000 people in the whole army took almost nothing else except the weapons in their hands.

If Wu Guang had not been seriously injured, the Tianyuan army would have pursued and killed Ning Jun and Peng Jun all the way, but after only two miles, Wu Guang could not hold on any longer. He shook his body left and right on the horse, then turned his eyes up and fell off the horse.

Wu Guang fell into a coma after falling from his horse, which frightened the soldiers of the Tianyuan army around him. Zhan Hu also returned for the first time to check Wu Guang's injury.

Although Zhan Hu hasn't studied medicine, he is a military general after all. He knows a little about trauma. After watching Wu Guang's injury, he immediately realized that it was serious. He issued an order, gave up chasing and killing the enemy soldiers, took the luggage and food left by the enemy, and returned to Wancheng at full speed to meet with his main force.

The carriage left by Ning Jun and Peng Jun came in handy. Zhan Hu took Wu Guang into a carriage and went to Wancheng at full speed.

Let's say that the Ning army and Peng army, who were defeated in the direction of closing the city, didn't stop until they escaped more than ten miles. At this time, when the number of people was counted, the commanders of the two armies almost cried.

There are only 60000 or 70000 soldiers left in the Ning army, which used to be 12000 or 30000. The soldiers' helmets are crooked. Many soldiers throw away their helmets and upper body armor in order to speed up the speed, and only wear middle clothes. The Peng army is even worse. The 30000 Peng army now has only more than 3000 people. More importantly, these more than 3000 people are a mob. The most elite near army has been sold out in the first world war just now.

When the whole army stopped temporarily, Zhong Tian, dressed in civilian clothes, accompanied by several ministers and generals, went out of the team to find Zhan Wushuang and Zhan invincible brothers. On the battlefield just now, the luxury carriage Wu Guang saw was indeed Zhong Tian's ride, but he cunningly didn't sit on the ground, but gave it to one of his ministers.

He didn't have a premonition that he would be attacked by the Tianyuan army on the way to Fengcheng, but he knew that there were too many people in the wind Kingdom who hated him. When he left the heavily guarded palace, he would feel unsafe for fear of meeting assassins on the way, so he only wore civilian clothes and mixed with the Peng army, and arranged a minister to sit in the car.

It was precisely because of his caution that he escaped and did not die under Wu Guang's knife.

In the camp of Ning army, Zhong Tian saw Zhan Wushuang and Zhan invincible, who were dejected and silent. He wiped the sweat on his head, rushed forward and asked in a hurry: "invincible general, invincible general, where should we go now?"

Looking at Zhong Tian, the two brothers of the Zhan family were angry, angry and resentful. It can be said that they have five flavors. In the eyes of the two, Zhong Tian is just a feeble spirit. Since he helped himself, the two brothers have been defeated. At the beginning, there were 400000 troops, but now there are only tens of thousands left, which makes them have the face to return to Ningguo again?

"Hey!" Zhan Wudi stamped his feet and sighed.

Zhan Wushuang smiled bitterly and said to Zhong Tiangong, "Sir, we have no way to turn back now. We can only... Continue to retreat to the closed city!"

"But..." Zhong Tian spat and said, "isn't the city being sealed by the Tianyuan army? With our current strength, if we go to seal the city, I'm afraid we'll......" he didn't finish his words, but looked at Zhan matchless with worry.

Alas! Zhan Wushuang sighed and youyou said, "even if there is a sea of sword and fire in the closed city, we have to break through, otherwise we will be trapped here alive!"

Zhong Tian grinned and asked in a low voice, "unparalleled general, we might as well kill back. Maybe the enemy who attacked our army has not withdrawn..."

Before he finished, the distracted Zhan invincible couldn't stand it. He roared angrily and said, "it's not easy for us to get rid of the enemy's pursuit. Now we're going to kill ourselves. Do we want to die?"

"But... But..." Zhong Tian stammered for a long time without saying the following. He didn't notice when he ran away just now. Now that he was safe, he found that the luggage such as gold, silver and jewelry he carried had not been taken away. Now it must have fallen into the hands of the Tianyuan army. These wealth are his lifeblood. Whether he can make a comeback in the future depends on these money. How can he not be in a hurry at this time? It's just that it's hard to say this, and he also knows that if Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi go back to fight the Tianyuan army for their own money, they will definitely not agree.

"Don't be!" Zhan Wudi said angrily, "if you want to go back, you can go back by yourself. Elder brother and I have decided to go all the way south, withdraw to Mo country first, and then turn back to Ning country. If you want to live, go with my brother. If you think your life is long, go back to the Tianyuan army for revenge!"

"What? Back to Ningguo?" When Zhong Tian heard the speech, he was surprised. He quickly turned his head to Zhan Wushuang and asked indefinitely, "what the invincible general said is... Is it true?"

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