The battle is approaching the evening. The casualties of the Tianying army and the Ning army are very heavy, and the soldiers are also extremely tired. However, the generals of both sides have not issued an order to retreat, so people can only bite their teeth and continue to fight.

Just as the two sides were about to run out of oil and the lights were dry, and the sky was getting dark, Zhan Wushuang realized that the opportunity had come. He said to the invincible soldiers around him, "invincible, you go to take the lead and break through the enemy's Square!"

"Give it to me! Big brother!" Zhan Wudi simply promised, took the order and rushed to the front of the array.

After Zhan Wushuang left, Zhan Wushuang immediately ordered the herald to beat the drum and change the formation. Ning army training is fast, especially the army under the command of Zhan Wushuang Institute. I don't know how many times I have practiced the evolution of array. According to the different rhythm of the drum, the soldiers of each Corps can immediately hear what kind of formation to change.

The drums of the Chinese army were pounding like a blast. The camp of Ning army, which was fighting with the Tianying army, immediately changed. The soldiers on the left and right wings retreated one after another, leaving only the soldiers in the central area standing in front. In the blink of an eye, the formation of Ning army changed from square to triangular cone.

Ziying, who was sitting in the rear of the Tianying army to watch the battle, took a breath. Others may not see Ning Jun's formation, but he can see that it is a forward arrow array with more attack power than the fish scale array. Like the fish scale array, the front vector array is an attacking square array, and it also adopts the principle of central breakthrough. However, it is also more extreme than the fish scale array. The formation of this array is like an awl, and all the attack power is focused on the point in front. Once the attack point in front is frustrated, it is easy to be covered by the two wings of the other party and be destroyed by the whole army.

Ziying responded quickly and immediately handed down a military order to change his battle array from fish scale array to Crane Wing array. The Crane Wing array is an array with both attack and defense. The Chinese army is mainly responsible for defense and withstanding the impact of the enemy, while the left and right armies are open, just like the wings of the crane wing, advancing and adding the enemy.

His response is not wrong. The choice of Crane Wing array can indeed target the front and arrow array of Ning army, but he ignores one point, the attack pole of Ning army's front and arrow array.

Zhan Wudi took his elder brother's order and rushed to the front of Ning army as the arrow of the front arrow array. Behind it, there was Ning army with a long and dense platoon.

Zhan Wudi rushed to the front of the Tianying army with a purple light knife. Due to the main defense of the central army of the Crane Wing array, the soldiers in the front row set up high and thick shields. These shields are made of pure iron, up to about one meter high. They are weighed on a scale, and the weight is close to hundreds of kilograms.

The soldiers stood against the shield, shrank behind and looked up. They could only see the airtight steel wall, and could not find a human figure at all. This is also a common means of infantry cavalry.

The shield array may be able to be an ordinary cavalry, but it can't stop the invincible war. He urged his horse to rush to the front of the wind army array. He only heard the sound of sand and stabbed countless long halberds and spears from the gap between the shields. Long halberds stab people and long spears stab horses. The division of labor is clear. Zhan Wudi snorted coldly, waved the spirit knife and swept down. The crisp sound of clicking was heard all the time.

Then look at the long halberd and spear stabbed at him, all of which broke in response to the sound, and the halberd head and spear head were scattered on the ground.

"Ah --"

There was a sound of breathing from behind the wind army shield. Before the soldiers took back the broken weapons, Zhan invincible pointed at the shield in front of him with a knife in both hands and cut down horizontally.

Click! Those shields weighing up to 100 Jin were not strong, but they were cut in two by the purple light sabre. Together, the screams of the wind army hiding behind the shield became one. The five soldiers didn't even see what was going on, so they were cut off by the spirit wave released by the spirit Sabre.

In an instant, the Chinese army of the wind army was hard cut into a big gap by the invincible. Without thinking about it, he urged the horse to rush in.

The wind army has a large number of troops, and the dark and dense people are people. After Zhan Wudi rushed in, the spirit knife swung and attacked left and right. Sometimes the light of the knife flashed and sometimes the spirit wave burst. The surrounding wind soldiers fell to the ground one after another. In an instant, more than 100 wind soldiers died under Zhan Wudi's knife.

Zhan Wudi, with his own strength, rushed away from the middle army of the wind army. The soldiers and generals behind him were also rising, shouting to follow Zhan Wudi to rush and kill recently.

Seeing that the enemy soldiers and the enemy general were unstoppable, a regiment on the side of the wind army roared, shouted away the soldiers in front, led more than 20 horses and rushed to the invincible.

Several cavalry soldiers were the fastest. They rushed to Zhan invincible in one step. The person in charge held a long gun and stabbed him at Zhan invincible's chest.

Zhan Wudi leaned slightly on his horse and let go of his edge. Before the other party rubbed past him, he took his hand like electricity, grabbed the other party's gun barrel, pulled it back fiercely, and shouted, "come down!"

The knight was obedient. He was pulled by the invincible force and screamed and planted his horse.

Plop! With a dull noise, the knight fell heavily to the ground. Before he got up, Ning Bing behind Zhan invincible rushed up and stabbed him to death. The other knights were not much better. Their spears were blocked by the invincible one after another. Then the latter waved his big knife and a half moon spirit wave swept out. Poor Knights even had the consciousness of dodging in the future, so they were cut straight by the spirit wave.


Several people were cut in two at the waist. Their upper body fell off the horse and their lower body was still hanging on the horse's back.

Watching several of his bodyguards die at the hands of the enemy general, the soldier commander was sad and angry, and his eyes were full of blood. He howled, and the flying horse came close to Zhan invincible. Without saying a word, he swung a knife. This man's spiritual cultivation is not bad. He goes up in the spiritual realm, but compared with the war invincible, his cultivation and skills are much worse.

The latter didn't pay attention to his heavy knife at all. The purple light knife picked it up and easily blocked the spirit knife of Feng Jiang. When the two horses crossed, Feng Jiang closed the knife and swept back and took the back of his brain from behind Zhan invincible. Zhan Wudi bowed down and let the other side's blade pass. When the wind was closing his knife, he suddenly rushed out the knife in his hand.


This move was so sudden that his knife was centered on the chest of fengjiang. Although Dao Zhuan has no edge, the purple light sabre in Zhan Wudi's hand is a treasure sabre. After being Linghua, Dao Zhuan is no different from gun head. This blow directly smashed the spirit armor in front of the chest and the goggles inside. Even so, the strength of this stab was not removed. The knife was stabbed into the chest from the front, poked out from the back and directly pierced the body.

"Hey --"

The regimental commander screamed, fell off his horse sideways, twitched a few times, and there was no movement. A dignified regiment commander was stabbed to death without even a move in his hand, which seemed incredible and terrible to the surrounding wind forces.

People were frightened by the invincible power of the war, and the camp that lost its command also became more chaotic. How can Zhan Wudi miss this good opportunity that is difficult to sew for thousands of years? He held his strength and wielded a knife to show spiritual chaos? At the same time, the wind shouted, "those who block me die!"


Psychic disorder? The power of the wind shook people's hearts and souls. I saw that invisible and colorless Spirit blades shot out and flew into the wind army camp. The soldiers in the front row were affected by it and were immediately crushed, followed by the second row and the third row... Even if the spirit blades had gradually weakened in the end, many wind troops were still scratched with blood, screamed and fell to the ground and died.

With one move, the camp of the wind army seemed to be pulled by a huge spoon, revealing a huge semicircular gap. At least more than 200 wind sergeants died in Lingluan? Under the attack of the wind, he died.

Zhan Wudi didn't stop for a moment. Without waiting for the wind army to respond, he drove his horse into the gap and continued to use it to release the spiritual chaos? Wind.

Compared with the war invincible, Sergeant Feng is like grass mustard, falling down in pieces. He releases spiritual chaos three times in a row? The death and injury of sergeant Feng has exceeded 500 or 600 people, and Zhan invincible has fully advanced more than 20 meters.

The Lord general is so brave and invincible that the morale of the soldiers below can not be depressed. Many Ning soldiers will follow behind the war invincible, or fight, or pick up leaks, and kill the surrounding wind troops.

At this time, no one in the wind army can compete with the war invincible. The latter is like an unstoppable bulldozer. It keeps moving forward in the wind army camp, and no one can stop it. Row after row of wind soldiers died miserably under his knife edge and skills.

At this time, even the generals around Ziying were foolish. When they came back to their senses, they suddenly found that Zhan invincible was almost on their side. Several generals wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads and said to Ziying, "general, the war is invincible. Let's... Let's avoid its edge first!"

Hearing this, Ziying suddenly showed a cold light in her eyes and stared coldly at several generals. The latter quickly lowered their heads and arched their hands at the same time.

Alas! Soon, Ziying also calmed down from his anger. He raised his eyes and looked at the invincible war in his own camp. He sighed secretly. He can't blame his ministers for their cowardice. The ferocity of invincible war can't be resisted by manpower at all. If he insists on staying, he can only be a ghost under his knife.

After a short pause, Ziying nodded slowly and waved, "in your opinion, let's... Avoid it for the time being!"

Hearing the speech, several generals were relieved and hurried to lead their carriage elsewhere to avoid the invincible war.

When the battle reached Xu Shi, the Ning army had basically broken through the Feng army camp. A large number of Ning soldiers escaped to the direction of closing the city through the obstruction of the Feng army. Even Zhong Tian escaped smoothly in the Ning army.

Of course, the reason why the Ning army can successfully break through the wind army with a large number of troops is almost entirely dependent on the invincible war. It can also be said that the invincible war saved the whole army on its own. This is what the generals can do when the two armies meet on a narrow road.

Although Ning Jun and Peng Jun broke through the obstruction of the Sky Hawk army, their forces were further reduced in the fierce fighting. At this time, the number of people was counted. The combined strength of Ning Jun and Peng Jun was less than 20000.

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