Tianyan spy did send Tang Yin's advice to the simplified City, and it did fall into the hands of the city Lord Qiu Yue.

After reading this letter of advice, Qiu Yue brought all her officials and staff to discuss countermeasures.

Qiu Yue is a man without independent opinions. Now he knows that Zhong Tian and Ning Jun are near Jiancheng and that there are a large number of pursuers of Tianyuan army behind them. However, he doesn't know what kind of choice he should make now, whether to continue to be loyal to Zhong Tian or turn to Tang Yin.

When his officials and staff saw the letter of advice, their faces changed. Someone was surprised and said, "this... This is a letter written by Tang Yin... So Tang Yin has led the main force of the Tianyuan army to pursue and kill."

"It must be like this..." Qiu Yue answered weakly.

"According to my subordinates, Ning Jun can't resist the main force of Tianyuan army, King... No, Zhong Tian can't resist it, sir. Now we should close the city and never let Zhong Tian into the city. It's a fire to burn ourselves!"

"This..." Qiu Yue also had such a plan in her heart, but he was also worried about letting him reject the king Zhong Tian outside the city. He asked anxiously, "well... What if the other party forcibly attacked the city?"

"My subordinates don't think so. Although there are only more than a thousand defenders in our city, Zhong Tian and Ning Jun don't have many troops, and they come from a long journey. They are tired up and down. We wait for work with ease, and there are city walls as a barrier. It's not easy for the other party to forcibly attack recently. Now Tianyuan army is behind Zhong Tian and Ning Jun, and is under the command of Tang Yin. I don't think Zhong Tian and Ning Jun have that much courage Zi dares to attack our simple city easily. "

When the aide finished speaking, others nodded and thought he was right.

Qiu Yue took a breath and asked others for their opinions. The opinions of other officials and staff are basically the same as that of the person just now. They all think that in the current situation, they must break off their relationship with Zhong Tian anyway, or it will be tantamount to digging their own graves and pushing the simplified city into the fire pit.

If one or two people say so, Qiu Yue may still hesitate, but everyone says so. Qiu Yue is completely determined. He bowed his head heavily, looked around the crowd and said, "well, in your opinion, this time I bet on the family names of the whole family, young and old, and the people of the whole city. I hope God can open his eyes and keep my city safe."

"Your Excellency is wise!" The people didn't have as many concerns as Qiu Yue, and in their opinion, now is the best time to join the Tianyuan army.

Tang Yin's commander 10000 light cavalry and 60000 Tianying army set off for the South and came up again. Zhong Tian and Ning Jun also got the news. Although they had rested for most of the day, the whole army did not slow down at all, but even if they were tired, they did not dare to stop. 20000 disabled and defeated soldiers had to get up one after another and move towards the simplified city.

According to Zhan Wushuang's meaning, you can't stop even if you enter the simple city. After supplying food and grass, you can directly pass through the city. If you stop and are blocked in the city by the army of Tianyuan army, it's a big deal. Not far away, another report came from the rear. This time it was the report of Peng Jun.

After seeing Zhong Tian, the detective fell to his knees with a thump and said in a trembling voice: "king, it's bad..." the detective's father was beheaded by the Tianyuan army, and his head was hung on the handsome flag. He told the story of Zhong Tian's concubines being assigned to the Tianyuan army generals by Tang Yin.

After hearing the news, Zhong Tian's head buzzed, his eyes blackened and nearly fainted on the spot. Seeing Zhong Tian's body shaking again and again, the bodyguards around hurried forward, helped him and shouted, "king! King..."


Zhong Tian felt a heat flow between his chest and abdomen. Then his throat was sweet, and he opened his mouth and spewed out a stream of blood.

"Oh... Tang Yin bullied me too much..." these words were forced out of Zhong Tian's teeth.

"Calm down, king! Take care of your health!"

"Father --" at this time, Zhong Wu was also helped by the bodyguard. He clenched his fist, clenched his teeth and said, "let my son's ministers fight to the death with Tang Yin!" In the first battle between Zhong Wu and Wu Guang, both of them were defeated and injured. Zhong Wu's injury is not light now. Let alone fighting, even walking has to be supported by people.

After hearing this, Zhong Tian felt sad and burst into tears. For a moment, Zhong Tian seemed to be more than ten years old. His hands trembled, grabbed Zhong Wu's shoulders and said in a trembling voice: "now your father has only one family member left. If you have another weakness, how can you let your father live..."

After hearing this, Zhong Wu couldn't help but shed tears. He bent his legs and knelt down in front of Zhong Tian with tears on his face. He choked and said, "my son and minister are incompetent and can't share the worries and solve the difficulties for my father..."

Looking at Zhong Tian and Zhong Wu, who are crying together, Zhan matchless and Zhan invincible have no sympathy. They just feel bored to the extreme.

The two looked at each other, and Zhan Wushuang winked at his brother. Zhan Wudi understood. He quickly walked to Zhong Tian and Zhong Wu and said, "Your Highness, please forgive me. This is not the time to be sad. If we delay any longer, it will be difficult for us to get away when the Tianyuan army comes up."

Hearing the speech, Zhong Tian's body shook and didn't say much. Zhong Wu raised his head angrily and glared at Zhan invincible. The latter was startled by his fierce eyes, but he was not afraid of him. He mocked youyou and said, "if your highness feels that he can beat Tang Yin's thousands of troops, it doesn't matter if we delay here."

"You..." Zhong Wu had already endured the defiance of Zhan matchless and Zhan invincible to the limit. At this time, he burst out together. He stood up and held his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist. The two tiger eyes turned scarlet due to congestion.

Zhan Wudi didn't pay attention to his anger at all. He squinted at him and asked with a sneer, "what does your highness want to do?"

"Do what? I..." Zhong Wu was about to draw his sword. At this time, Zhong Tian calmed down first, took the first step, pressed Zhong Wu's wrist and shouted, "Wu er must not be rude." As he spoke, he looked at Zhan invincible again, didn't smile, and said, "Wu Er is young. I hope the general won't be surprised if he offends the general."

"Hum! Well, as long as you can move faster, don't waste our time." With that, Zhan Wudi glared at Zhong Wu and left.

Zhong Tian is now in a pitiful and pathetic situation. In front of Zhan Wushuang and Zhan invincible, he is not a king at all, not even a dog. The reason why Zhan brothers are willing to take him as a burden is entirely in accordance with King Ning's intention.

His father was killed, his head was different, and his wives and concubines were divided up and abused wantonly. This is a great humiliation for any man, not to mention Zhong Tian, who is still a dignified king. Unfortunately, now he was unable to take revenge, and he didn't even have time to be sad. In front of the domineering Zhan brothers, his heart was cold. At this time, he could also feel the treatment he could receive even if he fled to Ningguo.

Cooperate with Ning people and seriously seek for the tiger, but now it's too late for Zhong Tian to regret.

Ning Jun took Zhong Tian to rush to the simple city. The journey of only ten miles was really very difficult for Ning Jun at this time. It was also the most difficult march that Zhan matchless and Zhan invincible had experienced.

Looking up, the Ningjun team had already lost the square array, and the military flag was almost lost. The team was sparse, one group in the East and one cluster in the West. Some soldiers were wearing armor and some were wearing only military clothes. Many soldiers were tired and sore all over and couldn't get out of their strength. They were limping along with their companions.

It's hard to believe that the 400000 Ning army, which was fierce and arrogant at the beginning, has now landed in this field. It doesn't look like an army, but more like refugees fleeing famine.

The hardships on the road were no longer said. Twenty thousand exhausted Ning army finally arrived at the simplified city before dark. Looking up, the gate of the simplified city was closed, the suspension bridge was high, and there were many soldiers at the head of the city, looking like a great enemy.

Seeing this scene, Zhan Wushuang, Zhan invincible and Zhong Tian suddenly had a bad hunch.

Anyway, this is still Zhong Tian's territory. He must take out the king's driving son. He turned his head to a general behind him and said, "general Lu Ji!"

"The end is coming! What does the king have to say?"

"Go and call the city and say that the king will arrive and let the officials in the city go out of the city to meet him!"

"Yes, your majesty."

The general promised and hurried the horse out.

Because the suspension bridge had been suspended, Lu Ji ran to the moat to rein in the war horse, looked up at the head of the city, and shouted, "can Lord Qiu, the Lord of Jiancheng, be in the city?"

As soon as his voice fell, someone put his head out from behind the arrow pile of the city tower and asked, "I'm Qiu Yue. Who's the general outside the city?"

"Lu Ji!" Lu Ji answered with a drink and said, "the king has arrived outside the city. Will Lord Qiu go out of the city to meet him soon?"

"King? Which king?"

Lu Ji heard the speech and scolded angrily. He shouted, "bold, how many kings do you say there are in China?"

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "general Lu Ji, I think you misunderstood. As a minister of the wind, I only recognize the king of the wind country. As for the so-called Peng Jun, in my opinion, it is the national thief who stole the wind country, and I don't recognize it. General Lu Ji, please come back!"


Qiu Ji, who should have fought against the city like thunder, jumped back and said, "how dare you catch the traitor?"

Qiu Yue's face sank and said coldly, "the Tianyuan army is the orthodoxy of my strong wind, and you are the rebel! Lu Ji, go back quickly and don't show your tongue. Otherwise, I will shoot an arrow!"

"Pifu! Villain! Wipe out thieves!"

Lu Ji's eyes were red at this time, and all the words he could think of swearing were used.

Qiu Yue snorted coldly and shouted, "shoot the thief with an arrow!"

The officials around couldn't help it for a long time. After hearing Qiu Yue's order, everyone shouted: "shoot! Shoot!"

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