Outside the forest was an endless prairie. The blue sky, white clouds, and green grass were originally the beauty of an idyllic land, but now there was no beauty to speak of. There was only the tearing of blood and tears.

One of them was clad in black armor and helmet, and was dressed exactly the same as the one Tang Yin was wearing right now. On the other side was a set of silver and white iron armor, which shone under the reflection of the sun, dazzling everyone's eyes.

The fight between the two sides could no longer be described as fierce, but as a real fierce one. On the battlefield, people were waving their weapons, trying everything they could to kill the other side. Large numbers of people fell to the ground, and soon, more people rushed over.

Tang Yin had killed many people and participated in many large scale underworld fights, but he had never seen such a realistic and cruel battle scene, nor had he ever seen such people who were close to a wild beast. At this moment, he was stunned by the scene before him.


Just as he was in a daze, a horse rushed over from his right side. Immediately, a knight with silver armor sat on the horse and stared at Tang Yin's head with his blood red eyes opened wide. The spear in his hand extended forward and thrusted towards Tang Yin's neck.

The speed of the horse was too fast, it was so fast that it was like an arrow that had just left the bow. Tang Yin was in a state of extreme shock, he did not even realize that danger had already fallen on his head.

In that moment of life and death, a middle-aged man dressed in black armor suddenly pounced at Tang Yin. Following a dull thumping sound, Tang Yin and the middle-aged man fell into the bushes at the same time. At the same time, with a swoosh, the war horses passed by them. The lances of the riders swept past their scalps.

"* …" "% - $-"

The middle aged man sat up on the ground and panted heavily. At the same time, he grabbed Tang Yin by the neck and questioned him with a loud roar.

Tang Yin did understand him but he did not. He had been to many places in China and could distinguish the dialects of many places, but the middle-aged man's words did not sound like the dialect of any place. Although he didn't know what the other person was saying to him, he knew that this middle-aged man had just saved his life.

Tang Yin looked straight at the middle-aged man, and was about to speak, wanting to ask just what kind of place it was, and who these people were. But then, he thought of something and swallowed the words that were about to leave his mouth. He did not understand what the other party was saying, and what he was saying might not even be able to be understood by the other party because of his appearance. Obviously, the other party considered him to be one of their own, and if he did not understand what he was saying, then perhaps he would think of him as a spy. At this point in time, it would be very strange and dangerous for both the black and white side to treat him as their enemy.

Through his difficult and cruel childhood, Tang Yin developed a suspicious and cautious personality.

He did not speak, just opened his mouth and made a noise.

The middle-aged man was surprised and asked.

Tang Yin did not know what he was asking and only nodded his head.

The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed. Regret could be seen in his eyes. Tang Yin felt that the other party was treating him as a mute. When the middle-aged man still wanted to speak, the rider who had already rushed over turned his horse around and turned back, his face contorted in anger as he screamed repeatedly, as if he was extremely angry that he did not stab Tang Yin with his spear just now.

He waved his hand and pushed the middle aged man away. At the same time, he jumped out from the grass and stood on the flat ground with one hand holding onto his spear, helplessly watching the rider push his horse forward and ram into him.

The middle-aged man who saved Tang Yin just now turned pale with fright, and shouted at Tang Yin, telling him to get out of the way immediately. In his opinion, if an infantry soldier wanted to fight a single rider, he was courting death.

Tang Yin did not move. He had never understood the concept of retreat.

The Knight was getting closer and closer to him. Tang Yin could even see the other party's cold and cruel smile.

He was also smiling, and his smile was even more sinister and cold.

In an instant, the rider spurred his horse forward until he was right in front of Tang Yin. He thrust the spear in his hand forward, straight at Tang Yin's chest.

Tang Yin's originally straight body suddenly moved, without any warning, his body moved horizontally by half a meter like lightning, avoiding the opponent's sharp tip and the clashing of warhorses, at the same time, he raised the spear in his hand, with a 'puchi' sound, the spear tip pierced right into the rider's throat. Kacha!

The rider's neck was instantly pierced by the spear tip, and without even a scream, he fell off his horse, falling to the ground with a thud. His eyes were wide open, he remained motionless, and died on the spot.

With one thrust of his spear, one rider was killed. Tang Yin had displayed the three words' fast, accurate, and ruthless' to his extreme. The surrounding people from the two parties, who were still fighting, were also shocked as they looked at Tang Yin in shock. The middle-aged man suddenly came back to his senses, climbing out of the grass while dancing and shouting.

Hearing his shout, all the surrounding black-clothed members also shouted. Tang Yin didn't know what they were shouting, but he could feel that these waves of shouts were very heartening, making people's blood and sweat surge. It wasn't long before he realized that they were shouting 'wind', which was also the name of their country.

Tang Yin's shocking skills roused the fighting spirit of the surrounding black-cloaked men. At the same time, it attracted the hatred and anger of the white-armoured men.

Roar ~ ~

Seemingly at the same time, dozens of white armored warriors rushed towards Tang Yin, some holding longswords, some wielding battle blades, and some even wielding spears with both hands. This group of ferocious men were all rushing over, if it were anyone else, they would have been scared, but Tang Yin didn't care at all, he sneered and pulled out his spear from the corpse's neck, instead of retreating, he charged towards his opponent instead.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them clashed! As soon as they clashed, Tang Yin bellowed out, the spear in his hand became like a spirit serpent, and pierced straight into the chest of a man clad in white iron armor. Although his body was not sturdy, his strength was astonishing, and with one thrust of his spear, he pierced through the steel armour on the man's body, causing the blood dripping down the tip of the spear to pop out from his back.

Tang Yin held onto the spear with one hand and waved it hard, throwing the corpse on the spear away. Right then, another man with a white helmet fell in front of him, cutting him with his blade. Tang Yin dodged to the side, and then used his elbow to dodge the attack. This elbow heavily hit the opponent's face. The latter let out a miserable scream as blood sprayed out from his face, and he staggered back.

Without waiting for Tang Yin to retract his spear, the rest of the enemies had already rushed up to him, and were slashing and stabbing at his vitals.

Tang Yin could feel that although these people did not know any martial arts, they had definitely been trained in close combat battles. Their moves were fast and ruthless, every single move was aimed at their vital points. His weapon was the pair of crescent blades, which was extremely difficult to use. He drew back to dodge the attacks of several enemies, taking the opportunity to retract his spear.

He gripped the spear with both hands, held it firmly, and lowered it. Then, with a shout, he raised his leg and slammed it with his knee.

Crack! The wooden pole of the spear broke. Tang Yin twisted both of his arms forcefully and cut the spear in half.

His sudden action not only startled the white-armored men, but even the black-clothed men didn't understand what he meant. They suspected that there was something wrong with his head. He had actually destroyed his weapon on the battlefield!

How could they have known that Tang Yin was using a short weapon? Although the broken spear was not as good as the dual blades, it could at least unleash a greater amount of power.


Tang Yin suddenly roared out, and once again rushed forward. This time, he used his full strength, and like a mudfish, he moved through the enemy lines as he pleased. The half of the spear in his hand would rain out blood from time to time, accompanied by ear-piercing screams.

Not only were the dozens of silver-armoured soldiers unable to harm Tang Yin, they were all killed by him instead.

Seeing him so brave and unstoppable, the soldiers were scared out of their wits and retreated one by one while the soldiers roared and rushed forward.

In the entire battlefield, the white side was in the midst of pursuing and killing the enemy, and they held absolute advantage, but the black side was the one who lost, so they were at an absolute disadvantage. Only Tang Yin's corner was in a reversed situation, and the black side, under his lead, retaliated, forcing the white side to retreat.

Tang Yin was in the middle of a killing frenzy when he heard someone shout behind him. He was devouring blood like his life and could not even restrain his killing intent, and he did not understand what the people behind him were shouting about. He did not pay any attention to them and continued to chase after the white-armored soldier.

Tang Yin did not even think as he instinctively raised his spear to stab towards him. However, he could clearly see that the one who stabbed him was the middle-aged man wearing a black helmet, who had just saved his life. Tang Yin hurriedly retracted his spear and looked at his opponent in a daze.

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