War is invincible. People are just like their names. They are brave and good at fighting. Indeed, thousands of people are invincible. He rushed into the camp of the Tianying army and rushed left and right. It was like entering a no man's land. No one of the 30000 Tianying Army soldiers could stop his edge. It can also be said that only fighting the invincible one would disturb the camp of the Tianying army.

Liu Zhu is a famous general and the commander of 30000 soldiers, but even he doesn't dare to go up to resist Zhan invincible, but hides far away for fear that Zhan invincible will find himself and find his head. Now, his only hope is that Ziying or Tang Yin's reinforcements can come right away.

The flying pigeons of Tianyan and earthnet spies really spread the book quickly. The information was sent back to Jiancheng shortly after the battle began. At this time, Tang Yin and his generals were resting in the hall. Tang Yin had just fallen asleep. When he was sleeping soundly, there was a hurried knock on the door outside.

"Damn it!" Tang Yin opened his eyes, slowed down for a moment, turned over and sat up from the bed. At the same time, he cursed depressed. He picked up his coat and put it on his body, and then said in a bad tone, "recently!"

"My Lord!" As soon as his voice fell, Lotte and Aijia rushed in from the outside. After seeing Tang Yin, they didn't even lose their courtesy, so they said in a hurry: "Sir, the eagle army encountered an ambush by the main force of Ning army 20 miles south of the city, and has asked us for help!"

"What?" Tang Yin was shocked when he heard Yan's body, and his sleepiness disappeared. He doubted: "an ambush twenty miles away? Didn't Ziying say that Ning Jun would hide in Sansheng mountain?"

"It seems that general Ziying is wrong to expect this time. Sir, make a decision quickly!" Lotte said nervously.

"Yes!" Tang Yin stood up, waved and said, "gather other generals and follow me to reinforce them immediately!"

"Yes, my Lord!" Lotte and Aijia both promised and walked out quickly.

Tang Yin quickly put on his clothes. When he got out of the room, he came to the courtyard of the guild hall. Wu Mei, Shangguan yuanrang and others also came out of their rooms and gathered in the courtyard.

"My Lord, I heard that the eagle army met an enemy ambush twenty miles out of the city. Isn't Sansheng mountain forty miles away?" Shangguanyuan asked Tang Yin to stride to Tang Yin and asked puzzled.

Tang Yin smiled bitterly and said, "it seems that Ning Jun didn't hide in Sansheng mountain. I don't know where he hid." As he spoke, his eyes fell on Wu Mei and Wu Ying, walked forward and whispered, "this is to fight with the main force of Ning army. You two should stay in the city!"

"No!" Wu Mei and Wu Ying objected with one voice. Wu Mei said positively, "this time I have to personally cut off the head of the old thief Zhong Tian. Even if it's a sea of swords and fire, I'll go!"

"Yes!" Wu Ying points her head next to her.

Seeing this, Tang Yin smiled bitterly. He didn't dissuade the two sisters any more, and now he didn't have time to delay here. He turned over and mounted his horse, turned back and said to the people, "go!"

When Tang Yin and his party came to Nancheng, more than 10000 soldiers under Tang Yin also rushed over. The two sides met and went out of the city together and went straight to the battle point between Tianying army and Ning army.

Their cavalry is not an ordinary cavalry. The horses under them are all Mo horses. They are very fast. When they are at full speed, they are like the wind and lightning. More than 10000 people walk on the official road, which is really like a whirlwind.

Ziying and others were much closer to the battle site than the simple city, but Tang Yin led the crowd to come first. From this, we can also see the rapidity of the war horses of the state of mo.

When Tang Yin arrived at the battle site, the two sides had fought against each other and formed a regiment.

Now, not only are Ning Bing and Ning Jiang, led by Zhan invincible, on board, but even Zhong Wu, who is wounded, has stepped on his horse and rushed into the battlefield to participate in the killing. Zhong Tian didn't do it, but he was standing on the edge of the battlefield. The bodyguards and soldiers around him had joined the battle, leaving only three Shenchi experts to protect him.

Far away, Tang Yin didn't see anyone else. Instead, he saw that Zhan invincible was like entering a no man's land in his own camp. The wind of a tiger waving a purple light knife was like cutting vegetables. After watching it, Tang Yin was furious, hit his Qi and blood, drank heavily, and rushed to Zhan invincible.

In the process of rushing forward, he releases the spirit armor, draws out the double knives at the same time, and turns them into a long sickle. In the blink of an eye, Tang Yin arrived at the front of the battlefield. He shouted: "brothers of the wind army, get out of the way!"

Sergeant Tianying was startled by his voice. Out of instinctive reaction, Tang Yin retreated to both sides one after another. For a moment, Tang Yin directly drove his horse into the battlefield, saw the position of Zhan invincible, drove his horse close to him, and split the wheel knife without saying a word.

Zhan Wudi didn't see Tang Yin coming from the side. Instead, he felt that the evil wind on his side was not good. Out of the sensitivity of the spiritual cultivator, his body fell fiercely, Shua! The edge of the scythe almost brushed against the spirit armor on his head.

So fast! This is the first reaction of Zhan Wudi to this knife. Startled and frightened, he subconsciously drank and asked, "who is it?" As he spoke, he also stopped straightening his body and turned to Tang Yin.

Tang Yin didn't answer. When he missed, his wrist immediately turned, and the sickle that went out immediately cut back.

"Tang Yin?"

It's not the first time for Zhan Wudi and Tang Yin to fight. Although the latter is covered with spirit armor, he still recognizes him. Zhan Wudi secretly complains. If he is in his heyday, he naturally doesn't have to be afraid of Tang Yin, but now he has consumed most of his aura. How can he be Tang Yin's opponent?

Tang Yin's knife is too fast and strange. Zhan invincible has no time to think about it. When the knife is about to be erected forward, it is hard to connect with Tang Yin's cutting back.


The blade of the sickle is cutting back on the pole of the purple light saber, sparks are rising, and the collision sound of iron tools is harsh. After Zhan Wudi stopped the knife, he immediately crossed the purple light knife and stabbed Tang Yin in the chest with the knife. His moves may still work on others, but when used on Tang Yin, who is good at moves, it's like a child's play.

Tang Yin chuckled. He was just a little on one side and easily let the knife pass. At the moment when the other party was about to accept the move, his arm shrank back fiercely, and with a bang, he clamped Zhan invincible's purple light knife under his rib. Then, he shook his fist in his other hand, aimed it at Zhan invincible's cheek, and gave a hard blow.

Zhan Wudi didn't expect that he still had this hand. He was unprepared and dodged in a hurry. It's a pity that his head was half a step slow. Tang Yin's fist edge still scraped the spirit armor on his head. There was a crisp click in his earrings. The spirit armor on Zhan Wudi's head broke in response, and his hair scattered like a fierce ghost.

In fact, in terms of their real accomplishments, Tang Yin's fist may not be able to break Zhan Wudi's spirit armor, but now Zhan Wudi's body spirit consumption is serious, and the firmness of the spirit armor has been greatly reduced. Thanks to his quick reaction, otherwise half of his head would have to be broken by Tang Yin.

What a great Tang Yin! Zhan Wudi was frightened by Tang Yin's heavy fist and was in a cold sweat. It seemed that he didn't dare to fight with him anymore. He turned his horse's head and retreated to his own side.

Tang Yin hit him well, but he didn't want to let him escape. He patted his horse and chased him. The speed of Zhan Wudi's war horse is very different from that of Tang Yin's shadow, but in an instant, Tang Yin has caught up with Zhan Wudi's back, raised his sickle high, aimed at Zhan Wudi's back heart, and was ready to chop it down.

But just then, Zhan Wudi, who had been defeated and fled, suddenly turned back to his body. At the same time, the spirit knife in his hand also cut back. Before the knife arrived, the Lingbo came first. The Lingbo was thin and long, like a huge half moon machete, straight to Tang Yin's neck.

It's a horse returning knife!

Tang Yin sneered in her heart. She leaned back and made an iron bridge. She lay flat on the horse's back.


Lingbo passed Tang Yin's body. When Lingbo passed, Tang Yin immediately straightened up, waved a sickle, and fought invincibly. At the same time, he shouted, "invincible, see where you're going this time..."

Before his voice fell, he suddenly heard someone shouting behind him: "be careful, sir!"

Tang Yin's heart moved and he didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, he felt that the evil wind behind his head was not good and the air fluctuated. It seemed that a sharp weapon had attacked him.

If someone else were to change, he would not be able to dodge at this time, but Tang Yin is not an ordinary spiritual cultivator. He has his magic weapon to protect his life - Shadow drift.

Tang Yin, who was originally sitting on the horse, suddenly turned into a black fog and disappeared out of thin air. At the moment of his disappearance, the spirit wave released by Zhan Wudi just reflected back and cut the black smoke he emitted into two parts.

The sabre that Zhan Wudi cut back just now is not only a horse returning sabre, but also contains the Lingwu skill lingcut? Return. Originally, his return horse knife was unexpected enough. In addition, the spirit wave flying out could be cut back, which was even more difficult to prevent. If someone hadn't reminded him, Tang Yin would have been close to his way.

Tang Yin's invincible spirit cut with shadow drift flash? At this time, a war horse rushed up from behind. There was a big general with a white spirit armor sitting immediately. He carried a three pointed and two edged sword in his hand. He quickly rushed to Zhan invincible and shouted, "Zhan invincible, shangguanyuan let me come!"

With his voice, the three pointed two edged knife was picked out from the bottom to the top, and a vertical spiritual wave was emitted, marking a long crack on the ground and heading straight for the invincible.

Hearing the name of shangguanyuan, Zhan invincible's head buzzed. It can be said that in Fengguo, he was not afraid of heaven and earth. He was only afraid that shangguanyuan would let this one. Don't mention that he consumes too much Reiki now. Even in his heyday, he is not the opponent of Shangguan yuanrang.

Seeing that the spirit wave of Shangguan yuan rang was shooting at him, it made a brittle sound when crossing the ground. Its momentum was amazing and frightening. Such a fierce and arrogant war invincible did not dare to resist its edge. The frightened Lien Chan horse ignored it, screamed and jumped off the horse on his side.


Lingbo didn't fight invincibly, but he hit the horse's hip firmly. The spirit wave enters from the horse's hip and shoots out from the horse's head. A war horse of that size is cut by a spirit wave sent by shangguanyuan from the middle into two pieces.

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