"Oh, I see!" The soldiers of Tang Yin, who had not fled the country at the beginning, nodded their heads and finally lost more than 200000 troops. He sighed and said, "your brother is loyal to the country and sacrificed his life for the country. Life is a martyr of the wind country, and death is also a hero of the wind country."

Hearing Tang Yin's words, Zhao an was very moved. He said, "if you can say so, the eldest brother can smile under the nine springs."

Tang Yin and Zhao an talked and hurried forward, but he didn't feel bored. After walking for a long time, when Lotte, Aijia and Cheng Jin were quite impatient, Zhao an stopped, turned back and smiled at Tang Yin: "Sir, here we are!"

The crowd was in high spirits and looked around. This place can be called desolate. In front of it is the Panshui River, and behind it is the majestic Lishan. There are dense trees, overgrown weeds and piles of rubble on the ground. There are no people nearby, not even ghosts. It is a wild river bank.

Cheng Jin went to the riverside and looked inside. Without looking to the end, he picked up a piece of gravel and threw it into the river. He heard a dull plop. The gravel instantly sank to the bottom of the river. Cheng Jin didn't know how deep the river was, but he felt that it shouldn't be a problem if it didn't exceed people's head. He looked back at Zhao an and asked, "is this what you call the shoal?"

With a dry smile, Zhao an said, "the river here will become shallow only when the tide ebbs in August and September. Now it's only April, and the river is still very deep."

Tang Yin asked, "where is the rope you said connected to the other side?"

"Here!" Zhao an went to a boulder, squatted down, first pulled away the weeds on the ground, then moved a few stones, reached out and grabbed on the ground, grabbed a rope with two fingers and more thick, and pulled it up with force. With the sound of clattering, the rope was completely pulled down from the grass and gravel, one end was coiled around the bottom of the boulder, and the other end was straight into the river.

What this man said is true! Tang Yin stepped forward quickly, looked down at the thick rope carefully, then threw his head at Cheng Jin and said, "Cheng Jin, you can pull it down and try it!"

"Yes, my Lord!"

Cheng Jin quickly stepped forward and took over the rope. First, he covered his hands with a spirit armor, and then his palms were like pliers. He fastened the rope tightly, exhausted all his strength, and suddenly pulled it back. He only heard a slap. The rope originally hidden in the river popped out of the river. Although only a part of it was exposed, Cheng Jin could still feel it, The other end of the rope was indeed fixed on the other side. In order to make sure that he had made no mistake, he pulled back several times with all his strength. The rope stretched tightly and loomed on the river. Even he could vaguely see the shadow of the rope on the river on the other side. He hissed, scattered his two palm armor, put down the rope, nodded to Tang Yin and signaled that Zhao an was right.

Tang Yin's smile deepened, looked at Zhao an and asked, "Zhao an, you usually cross the river with this rope?"

"Yes, sir, with this rope, it's easy to swim to the other bank, that is, you don't have to worry about sinking into the bottom of the river and being washed away by the river." Zhao an said with a smile.

Tang Yin covered her lower abdomen with one hand, bent down slowly, looked at the rope carefully, and muttered, "yes, yes, you're very smart!"

"The villain just wanted to leave the money to cross the river, which made the adults laugh..." Zhao an rubbed his rough hands and said with a dry smile.

Tang Yin smiled and didn't speak. Her eyes turned around, wondering if she could cross the river through this rope. He doesn't know the surname of Shui and can't swim. However, he feels that if he has no injury on his body and uses this rope as an aid, he should have no problem crossing the river. At best, he is only filled with a few rivers. If he can do it, his soldiers should also be able to do it. Thinking, he looked at Lotte, Aijia and Cheng Jin and asked, "can you cross the river with this rope?"

Lotte and Aijia looked at each other and said, "yes."

Cheng Jin was more straightforward. He threw off his coat and said, "my Lord, I'll try!"

This is exactly what Tang Yin wanted. He nodded and said, "Cheng Jin, be careful."


Cheng Jin took off his clothes and shoes a few times. Wearing only shorts, he grabbed the rope with both hands and walked quickly to the river. After a short time, he walked out of the river for more than 20 meters. At this time, the river could not exceed his head. However, with the help of ropes, Cheng Jin did not sink, and only a small head appeared on the river.

Tang Yin, Lotte and Aijia are watching on the shore. As Cheng Jin goes deeper and deeper into the center of the river, their hearts gradually rise to their throat. After a short time, Cheng Jin has gone deep into the river for more than 100 meters, but the people still haven't sunk down. From a distance, there is only a small black spot floating on the river.

Seeing this, Tang Yin has basically relieved himself. Cheng Jin can enter the water for more than 100 meters. It's OK to cross the river smoothly. Zhao an really helped himself. It seems that God is also helping him. He was secretly excited when suddenly there was a movement on the other side of the river. A Peng army patrol composed of ten people came from the West.

The river was more than a hundred feet wide. At such a long distance, it was difficult for ordinary people to see the situation on the other side, but Tang Yin's eyesight was amazing. Coupled with the red armor on Peng Jun's body, he found the enemy's figure for the first time. Tang Yin said in a deep voice, "no, the patrol of Peng army is coming!" While talking, he first picked up a piece of gravel, then grabbed Zhao an beside him, grabbed him and flashed behind the nearby boulder. Although Lotte and Aijia didn't see where the enemy was, they reacted quickly, and immediately fell on the ground and hid their traces through the weeds on the ground.

Tang Yin saw the Pengjun patrol, but Cheng Jin, who was fighting with the river in the middle of the river, was still unclear. At this time, he didn't dare to shout to remind him. Tang Yin leaned out his head, looked at the direction of Cheng Jin, and his wrist shook violently. The stone he had just caught in his hand got out and flew straight to Cheng Jin.


Cheng Yin didn't understand how loud the stone fell into the water, but he didn't look back. He didn't know how much the stone fell into the water. However, at this time, where there were people on the shore was empty, as if Tang Yin had disappeared out of thin air.

What's going on? Adults, even if they want to go, they can't leave themselves alone! Cheng Jin was just a little stunned, but he quickly reacted. He quickly took back his eyes, grabbed the rope, stretched his neck and looked at the shore ahead. At this look, he just saw the Pengjun patrol coming.

Cheng Jin's head buzzed. If he was found, it would be great. This rope that can let his side cross the river will not be kept. Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, then sank down and disappeared into the river.

The speed of this Peng army patrol is not fast. It seems that it has been tired all day. The soldiers' faces are full of fatigue. When walking, there is no one to talk to. They are dead. They walked slowly along the shore and looked at the other side from time to time. When they found no abnormality, they took back their eyes and continued to walk forward and patrol mechanically.

They move slowly. Tang Yin's heart is anxious and is about to catch fire. Cheng Jinzheng holds his breath in the river. It may be all right for one or two minutes, but no one can stand it for a long time.

As time went by, the Pengjun patrol still walked slowly. In Tang Yin and others, it felt as if it had taken a century for the Pengjun patrol to go far. Tang Yin clasped a piece of gravel again and threw the stone into the river with the same technique and strength just now.

After waiting for a while, there was no response on the river. Cheng Jingen didn't show his head. Tang Yin saw it and shouted bad. He rushed out from behind the boulder and rushed forward. Even his clothes, shoes and socks could be taken off in the future. They were about to jump into the river. Lotte and Aijia, who were lying on the ground, were startled, jumped up from the ground and forcibly grabbed Tang Yin, "Sir, it's dangerous..."

Now Tang Yin has lost one of the pillars of Jiang Mo's hidden arrow, but he can no longer lose Cheng Jin's other pillar. At this time, his whole heart is tied to Cheng Jin, and he can't care so much. He didn't say anything. He pushed Lotte and Aijia away and wanted to continue jumping into the river. At this time, he heard the sound of the river and held his breath in the river for five After six minutes, Cheng Jin finally poked his head out, as if the oxygen in his body had been dried by slag. He tilted his head, opened his mouth, and sucked air. The sound was as loud as a pulled bellows. Even Tang Yin and others on the bank could vaguely hear it.

Seeing that Cheng Jin was all right, Tang Yin's body froze for a moment. Then, he laughed with relief, and his heart finally fell back when he mentioned his voice. He took two steps back and slowly sat down on the ground, a little panting.

Because an enemy patrol had just passed by, Cheng Jin didn't dare to go further to the other side. He grabbed the rope and quickly retreated back.

After he got ashore, Lotte and Aijia immediately brought his clothes and trousers forward and helped him put them on his body. Cheng Jin gasped and slowed down for a while as if he had just passed through a fierce battle. He walked up to Tang Yin and said with a grin: "Sir, it was so dangerous just now. He was almost found by the patrol of Peng army."

Aijia said, "just now, the adult saw you in the river and didn't come out for a long time. He had to go into the water to save you. Fortunately, he was stopped by Lotte and me."

Cheng Jin was stunned at first, and then his heart was full of emotion. He arched his hand to Tang Yin and said, "my lord..."

Tang Yin waved and interrupted him. Without mentioning more about the matter, he asked, "with the help of ropes, how do you feel after entering the water?"

"Not bad, but if you want to cross the river by rope, you still need a lot of strength." Cheng Jin answered truthfully.

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