The North of City camp was about five kilometers away from the Yan City.

The main camp took up more than a dozen miles of land and had many living quarters. Just the military arena itself was the size of five or six football fields.

Tang Yin was not in the mood to choose his soldiers. With a regiment that had tens of thousands of people, how could he go through the soldiers one by one?

The four legions of Wu Family were to be rebuilt, and the thousand-man commander's nominees had gathered up number fifty. At this moment, they were all standing in unison within the wide Central Army Tent.

When Tang Yin and the rest arrived, everyone bowed and saluted Wu Mei.

She smiled and nodded, then looked at Tang Yin, waiting to see how he would choose.

Tang Yin's eyes were sharp like a torch, he slowly looked at the people, all of them were dressed in the traditional black helmet and armor, with red tassels on top of their heads and swords at their ribs, they were all valiant and valiant, filled with vitality.

After he finished reading, he said with a loud voice, "I am the captain of the second squadron, Tang Yin. Today, I will choose the several thousand-man commanders from among you."

Upon hearing his simple introduction, everyone was taken aback. Tang Yin was young, around twenty years old, and was dressed in casual clothes. No one thought that he would actually be a Regiment Commander, and furthermore, a Regiment Commander of the Second Regiment.

There were strong and weak groups in Feng Country as well, and the higher one's rank was, the stronger one would be. For example, the first division was the royal family's direct division, and they had extremely strong combat capabilities.

The Company Leaders had over ten thousand people, they were all important generals in the army. Generally speaking, those who could become the Company Leaders were either outstanding and experienced generals, such as Tang Yin, who were not known to many youths, were rarely seen.

Seeing the crowd's surprised expressions, Tang Yin was not surprised. In the past few days, he had seen many of these expressions.

The corner of his mouth lifted into a smile as he asked, "Those among you who have cultivated spiritual energy, please raise your hands."

Everyone looked at each other and raised their hands. A Captain was not a civilian position. People who could become a Captain were all cultivators with decent spiritual energy.

Tang Yin then said: "Those who have reached the Spirit Realm, raise your hands."

The fifty men all raised their hands.

"Raise your hand when you reach the Spirit Realm."

Everyone still raised their hands in unison.

Tang Yin secretly nodded, seeing that the candidates were all pretty strong. He continued, "Those who have reached the Spirit Destruction realm, raise your hands."

This time, about thirty of the fifty raised their hands.

Tang Yin was shocked, he never thought that there would be so many people among them who had reached Spirit Destruction realm. He continued, "Raise your hand at the Spirit Transformation realm."

This time, only three of the fifty people raised their hands.

He stopped talking and studied the three of them.

The three of them looked to be in their thirties or forties, and their eyes were very bright. Just one look was enough to tell that they were spiritual energy experts.

But Tang Yin secretly shook his head after reading it, and casually asked: "Among the three of you, have any of you reached the Spirit Origin realm?"

The three men frowned and shook their heads.

To be able to reach the Spirit Transformation realm from the Spirit Transformation realm to another level was already an achievement for Spirit Cultivator. To reach the Spirit Origin realm was simply too difficult, and there were not many Spirit Cultivator in the Feng Country that were able to reach the Spirit Origin realm. As for the Spirit Sky, Spiritual God, and Spirit Space Stage, all of them existed in legends.

Tang Yin nodded, as though he understood the situation. He then ignored the three people, extended his finger, and continuously pointed at ten people in the crowd, saying, "All of you stand out."

The ten were stunned at first, but then they slowly walked out of the crowd with blank expressions on their faces. They were not the ones with the highest cultivations, and did not understand why Tang Yin had pointed it out for them.

The characteristic of these ten was that they were all young, all of them under twenty-five years old, and their cultivations were all at the Spirit Destruction realm.

Tang Yin chuckled as he looked at them, and asked with a calm tone: "How long have you guys cultivated the Spirit Force for?"

Of the ten people, some answered 10 years old, some answered 5 years old, while the others answered 3 years old, 4 years old.

Tang Yin was quiet for a moment, then quickly pointed at four of the ten people, and smiled at Wu Mei: "I want these four."

Once he said that, everyone present was shocked, including Wu Mei and the four people he pointed out.

No one would have thought that Tang Yin would abandon the three most powerful Spirit Cultivators and choose four youths with decent cultivations.

Wu Mei frowned, walked up to Tang Yin and whispered: "Tang Yin, are you kidding?"

Tang Yin said in a low voice as he found this funny, "How could I joke around? I want these four people, adding Gu Yue and Le Tian, there are already six thousand man captains chosen. As for the other four places, I will be troubling you, General Wu, with your recommendation, I can trust you. "

"But …" The four people you have chosen are all very ordinary and too young! " Wu Mei had to remind Tang Yin that what he had chosen was not the best choice, or it could even be said to be the worst choice.

In Wu Mei's opinion, for a thousand-man commander, not only did they have to have a high cultivation, they also needed experience. A young person was not suitable for this position.

But Tang Yin's thinking was completely the opposite.

The four people that he had chosen, although they had only reached the Spirit Destruction realm and their cultivation was not outstanding, their time in the Spirit realm was the shortest. Being able to reach the Spirit Destruction realm in a short period of time showed that they were all talented and had great potential.

Furthermore, they were all very young, and it would be easier for Tang Yin to control them, as well as cultivate them to be his trusted aides. He had always firmly believed that whether or not his own position in the Feng Army could be maintained, would depend on whether or not he could form a core force that was loyal to him.

More importantly, the four of them had no experience in the military, so it was easy for them to accept the idea that he had instigated. He had never learned how to lead his men to war, but to him, fighting was no different from hunting. He had lived in the mountains and forests in the northeast since a young age, and he had even become a killer.

He smiled as he looked at the worried Wu Mei. With a tone that did not allow rejection, he said, "I only want the four of them."

Wu Mei had a deep understanding of his stubborn temper, since she could not persuade him, she could only let him be. She said, "Up to you! However, I must remind you of one thing. The Second Infantry Regiment is the strongest legion in the whole army apart from the First Infantry Regiment.

Tang Yin smiled as he extended three of his fingers, waving them in front of Wu Mei.

She looked at him strangely and asked, "What?"

"Give me three months, and I will return the Second Infantry Regiment to its original state." Tang Yin said confidently.

Wu Mei looked straight at Tang Yin for a long while, before faintly sighing.

Tang Yin was the most confident person she had ever seen, and also the most poverty-stricken person who had no foundation at all. She often could not understand where his confidence came from, but in the end, Tang Yin just so happened to be able to do what he said.

The corner of her mouth curled as she grumbled in dissatisfaction, "Everyone knows how to talk."

Tang Yin smiled but did not say a word.

He was currently brimming with confidence, and thinking about how to reform his Second Regiment in such a straightforward manner, he estimated that three months should be more or less enough time, but he never would have thought that his position of Second Regiment would be removed before it had even been three months. Of course, this was something that he would have to discuss later, so he didn't mention it at all.

After leaving the North of City camp and returning to the Yan City, Tang Yin bid farewell to Wu Mei, then led the four youths he had carefully selected back.

The house that Wu Mei had borrowed from him was not small in size, but it was very formal. There was a complete lack of people in the main house, side rooms, inner house, and outer court.

The group entered the main house and sat down. The servants in the mansion immediately served them tea.

Tang Yin originally lived in a modern age, but he was not unaccustomed to this kind of ancient life. This was at least a lot more comfortable than his childhood.

He picked up the cup of tea and blew on it. Raising his head, he gulped it down with a gulping sound. Then, he shook the empty cup and smiled at the servant. "Please, have another cup."

He had no idea of being a servant, and he was also very polite when he spoke. At first, the servants were both surprised and somewhat uncomfortable with his attitude. However, after interacting with him for a few days, the servants had gradually gotten used to it.

"General, please use it!" Not long after, a servant filled another cup of tea and respectfully placed it on the table beside Tang Yin.

Tang Yin nodded, looked at the four youths and asked: "What are your names?"

"General Tang, my name is Li Wei."

"Liu Zhong wins."

"Chen Fangfang."

"Ai Jia."

When they registered, Tang Yin suddenly realized that the young man named Ai Jia was talking to him in a soft voice. He looked carefully, this young man had delicate skin and thick eyebrows, phoenix eyes, although she had a heroic look, but if one looked carefully, one would be able to tell that she was different from a man.

He asked: "Ai Jia, you... Was it a woman? "

Ai Jia hesitated, nodded, and said softly: "Yes, General."

Tang Yin slowly frowned.

Although Haotian Empire were open-minded and did not discriminate against women, women in the army, especially in the lower levels, were much more inconvenient. And from Tang Yin's perspective, he felt that the army was not suitable for women, he also did not think that women could endure the hardships of the army, much less go on the battlefield and kill the enemy.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?!" Tang Yin was dissatisfied in his heart, and his tone also became cold. When selecting people, all fifty of them wore the same set of Feng Country armor, so it was impossible to tell who was male and who was female.

"At that time, General Tang also did not ask." Ai Jia said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner.

Tang Yin raised his eyebrows and glanced at her. After pondering for a moment, he said: "Go back to the North of City Battalion, I don't need you here."

"Do you not need me, or do the General Tang look down on women?"

"What?" Tang Yin squinted his eyes. This little girl was really daring, he actually dared to speak to him like that.

Ai Jia said in a serious tone: "General Tang has a unique way of choosing people. I originally thought that General Tang was different from the others, but now it seems that I was mistaken." With that said, she stood up and gestured to leave.

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