The so-called war between the two armies requires preparation. The Tianyuan army has not completely crossed the Pan River yet. Tang Yin has made the plan to attack Zhang and Chongqing first.

These two days, the Tianyuan army dismissed all the captured Peng army that could be dismissed and executed them stubbornly. Then Tang Yin sent several troops to recover the villages and towns around Zhang and Chongqing. First, isolate Zhang and Chongqing completely. Two days later, the plain army, together with the army's grain and grass baggage, crossed Panshui as scheduled. Tang Yin no longer delayed and commanded the army to advance to Zhangyu.

Because of the lessons learned before, the army of the yuan army was careful, and the eye liner responsible for prying was sent to the army twenty miles away. Along the way, the Tianyuan army walked without haste or delay. There was no accident. Three days later, it successfully arrived in Zhangyu city.

Gaochuan county is full of mountains, except Zhangyu City, which is located in a great plain. Looking at it, it is flat. If the big county city is located on the plain, it is also very conspicuous. You can see the outline of Zhangyu city from a long distance.

Tang Yin has recovered ten times from his injury. He rode on his horse and was accompanied by his generals. He walked to a small soil bag with relatively high terrain and looked up at Zhang and Chongqing. The city wall of Zhangyu is not high. It is about two feet and five meters, and it can be close to eight meters. For non frontier fortress cities, such a wall specification is also good. Looking into the city, you can see the high-rise pavilions faintly. It can be seen that Zhangyu city is still very prosperous.

After watching for a while, Tang Yin asked, "do you know the number of enemy troops in the city now?"

Lotte and Aijia both came forward and said, "Sir, Zhangyu has been closed for several days, and our spies can't enter the city, so it's not clear how many enemy troops there are for the time being. However, through the troop deployment of surrounding villages and towns, it can be seen that the troop increase of Zhangyu Institute is close to 20000."

okay! This is almost the same as Xiao Xin's original estimate. Zhang and Chongqing have 20000 County soldiers themselves. With 20000 troops transferred from other villages and towns, the military strength has reached 40000. If we catch strong men in the city and join the army, the total military strength should be about 50000. According to the theorem of three times attacking the city (the military strength of the attacking party is three times that of the defending party), our 150000 army can only be said to be just enough.

Xiaoyin nodded to the place outside the stronghold of Qingyin, and said, "it's a good time to take a rest outside the stronghold of Qingyin in the morning!"

"Yes, my Lord!" Xiao MuQing and Ziying both arched their hands in response.

According to Tang Yin's order, Tianyuan army camped two miles away from Zhangyu, and Ziying was in charge of the camp. Ziying was born as a regular uniformed general. His basic military concept was much better than that of Xiao MuQing. His camping was also very learned.

Ziying camped around the city of Zhangyu and surrounded the enemy city of Guo. The 150000 troops want to surround such a large county and city, which is unrealistic and easy to be broken through by the enemy. Ziying's camp is virtual and real. On the surface, the camps are basically the same everywhere. In fact, the troops are mainly concentrated in several key points and echo each other. Once the other party attacks blindly, it is easy to be attacked by the joint force of Tianyuan army.

After Ziying tied up the camp, it was dark. Tang Yin personally inspected it. He was very satisfied with Ziying's performance, praised it without stingy, and went back to the big account of the Chinese army.

Let's talk about Zhangyu city on the other side.

At present, there are a lot of troops in Zhangyu, even more than Tang Yin imagined. There are 60000 or 70000 people from top to bottom. However, not many of these troops can really be used, only the 20000 County troops, and the other 20000 are reserves recruited from local governments. The so-called reserves are actually veterans who have already retired from the army, aged 40 or 50, Some people even need crutches to walk, not to mention fighting. The remaining twenty or thirty thousand people are all strong men, but these strong men are temporarily gathered from the people in Zhangyu City, that is, they have not been to the battlefield and have no fighting skills. To put it bluntly, they are just twenty or thirty thousand meat shields.

The only thing that can reassure people about the current situation of Zhangyu is the complete urban defense and sufficient food and grass, which has also become the greatest confidence of Zhong Tian, Zhan unparalleled, Zhan invincible, Xiao Shang and others to resist the Tianyuan army.

That night, Zhong Tian, Zhan Wushuang and others gathered in the county capital. Although there were many people gathered in the hall, it was silent, the atmosphere was gloomy and depressing.

The Tianyuan army has reached the city, surrounded the city and fortified the stronghold, which is only the beginning. There is a steady stream of Tianyuan army reinforcements behind. No one can be optimistic if they want to resist the Tianyuan army with a large number of troops and great morale only by virtue of the isolated city of Zhangyu.

"Your majesty!" As he spoke, one of Xiao Shang's generals came out. He was a tall, burly man in a silver helmet and armor. He was in his early thirties, white faced and black bearded. He was handsome, valiant and majestic.

Yo! Zhong Tian didn't pay attention to the ministries under Xiao Shang. At this time, he couldn't help but brighten his eyes when he saw this general. He secretly said that he was so energetic! He looked at Xiao Shang suspiciously and asked, "brother Shang, this is..."

"Oh! Your majesty, these are the subordinates of my younger brother, whose name is Hao Zhao." Then Xiao Shang looked sideways at the general, frowned and asked, "Hao Zhao, what can I do for you?"

"My Lord, the last general thinks that our army should sneak into the enemy camp tonight."

oh Hearing this, Zhong Tian, Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi all cast their eyes on Hao Zhao's face.

Xiao shangze frowned secretly. What's wrong with Hao Zhao? Why did he say he was going out of the city to attack the enemy? I can't even hide now. How can I go out of the city to fight?! His face sank and he scolded, "don't talk nonsense, get back!"

"My Lord, the Tianyuan army came all the way and set up a camp of this size outside our city. Its officers and men must be very tired. If they attack the camp at night and take it by surprise, they will be able to take the enemy by surprise and win a great victory." Hao Zhao said positively.

Xiao Shang is unwilling to go to war in his heart and can't listen to anything. When Hao Zhao finishes speaking, his face is even colder. He shouted: "is war a child's play? It's not as simple as what you said. Don't get back soon..."

Before he finished, Zhong Tian waved his hand and interrupted him. Youyou said, "I think what these generals said is reasonable." Then he looked at Zhan Wushuang and asked, "what do you think, general Wushuang?"

Zhan Wushuang thought for a moment and said, "Tang Yin is very cunning, and there are a lot of capable people and good generals around him. I'm afraid the Tianyuan army will not prevent our army from sneaking attacks at night!"

Hao Zhao stared, Said to Xiao Shang: "Sir, at the end of the enemy's encampment, we will also observe carefully. The enemy's barracks are empty and solid. It seems that there are many soldiers. In fact, the interior is empty, and there are hidden opportunities in the seemingly weak places. On the surface, the middle army account of the enemy's camp seems to be heavily guarded, but in fact, the main force of the Tianyuan army is not here. Sir, you only need to give me 3000 men and horses, and I will sneak into the enemy's middle army account at night, Will be able to retrieve Tang Yin's head. "

Xiao Shang looked at Hao Zhao who volunteered. Instead of being happy, his hatred was itching. He sneaked into the enemy's middle army account and took Tang Yin's head. In fact, it would not be so easy. If Tang Yin was so easy to kill, Zhan matchless, Zhan matchless and even Zhong Tian, how could he fall into this field now?


Xiao Shang suddenly patted on the table, his eyes flamed, glared at Hao Zhao, and shouted, "Hao Zhao, stop talking nonsense. If you dare to confuse my army again, I will punish you severely! Go back!"

Hao zhaoben also wanted to continue to speak. At this time, a young golden armour general stepped out, grabbed Hao Zhao's wrist and forcibly pulled him back to the queue. At the same time, he whispered, "brother Hao, your excellency is dissatisfied with your words, so don't say it again."

"But... But if we miss this great opportunity, our army will have no hope of winning!" Hao Zhao shook his head and sighed.

The young soldier in gold armor took a deep look at Hao Zhao and youyou said, "do your best and listen to the destiny! There are many things that we can't control."

"Alas!" Hao Zhao heaved a long sigh, deliberately raised his voice and said, "if we don't fight now, I'm afraid our army won't even have a chance to fight in the future."

Xiao Shang snorted angrily. Without looking at Hao Zhao, he pretended not to hear. As far as Xiao Shang is concerned, he is quite open-minded, and his surname is very gentle. No matter what his ability is, he can tolerate those generals who disagree with him.

In fact, Zhan Wushuang is also considering whether Hao Zhao's plan is feasible. It is undeniable that he is right. The Tianyuan army came all the way and set down the camp without stopping. It is certain that they are tired up and down. Tonight is indeed a good opportunity to carry out a sneak attack, but can you think of it? Can Tang Yin and his generals think of it? If people take precautions against this, make preparations in advance and make a hasty sneak attack, wouldn't it be like a sheep into a tiger's mouth and increase casualties?

After repeated consideration, Zhan Wushuang felt that the risk of sneaking attack at night was too great. It was not as safe as guarding the city. Moreover, at a time of crisis, they could no longer afford any loss. Finally, Zhan Wushuang still didn't make a statement and rejected Hao Zhao's proposal in a silent manner.

This night, the Tianyuan army did not attack the city, nor did it make a disturbance to test the surname. Zhang and Chongqing were even more disciplined, and the two sides spent the night in peace.

The next morning, just after daybreak, drums were heard everywhere in the camp of the Tianyuan army, and the call of soldiers was heard. For a short time, a 20000 strong wind army array poured out from the South Camp and stabilized its position a mile away from Zhangyu. Then, the former Sergeant took a point to the left and right, walked out of the camp with an expert at one end and a step on the back, The man stood in front of the wind army with a huge hammer in his hand, looked at the head of Zhangyu city and shouted: "listen, the rebels in the city, I'm the Tianyuan army and the tiger. Who dares to go out of the city and fight with me?"

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