Ziying's words are very skillful, that is, to put forward her own opinions without giving people the feeling of dominating.

Tang Yin nodded slowly after listening, and youyou said, "what general Ziying said is also reasonable." After thinking for a while, Tang Yin felt that Ziying's inaction was feasible. He took a deep breath and said, "well, between general Ziying and general Ziying, we won't point out Gu Feng for the time being to see what he wants to do!" "See you, my Lord!" Ziying answered quickly.

After Ziying's reminder, Tang Yin has already determined that Gufeng's surrender is false and there must be other schemes in secret. In the afternoon, he came to Xiao MuQing and Ziying to discuss the countermeasures together.

In fact, Xiao MuQing also noticed that there was something wrong with Gu Feng, but he didn't think of anything wrong for a while. Now after listening to Tang Yin and Ziying, they suddenly nodded and finally realized the problem.

Tang Yin asked, "General Xiao, tell me, Zhang and Chongqing deliberately sent an ancient Feng. What's the intention?" Xiao MuQing didn't dare to speculate. He shook his head and said, "this... The last general can't see it for the time being, but adults should send someone to keep an eye on Gu Feng to prevent him from secretly passing on our army's information to Zhang and Chongqing." Tang Yin had thought of this, and he said, "I've told you that I've had a happy day." Xiao MuQing smiled and praised, "Your Excellency is wise! In fact, adults don't have to worry too much. Gu Feng alone can't make any trouble in our military camp. As general Ziying said, adults just need to wait and see what happens. No matter how cunning Gu Feng is, there will be a time when he will show his Fox's tail. " "Yes!" Seeing that Xiao MuQing's statement is basically the same as Ziying's, Tang Yin's tight nerves are somewhat relaxed.

There was nothing to say that day. Tang Yin didn't find Gu Feng, and Gu Feng didn't take the initiative to find him. The next morning, when Tang Yin raised the bill and discussed in the morning, Gu Feng came uninvited, because everyone knew that Gu Feng had taken refuge in his own side and didn't feel too surprised about his arrival. Of course, no one stopped him.

As usual, Tang Yin "what a cunning Peng army!" Tang Yin was really impressed by Peng Jun at this time.

Ziying sighed, "this plan is by no means what Peng Jun can think of. It must be an unparalleled idea." Tang Yin nodded and youyou said, "if this person doesn't get rid of it, it's really the trouble of my strong wind!"

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