Tang Yin's arm is like a pair of iron tongs. It is getting tighter and tighter. Jiang Fan's strength is getting smaller and smaller. Gradually, his body is no longer under the command of his brain and slowly stops struggling.

Just when he thought he was going to die under Tang Yin's elbow, Tang Yin suddenly loosened his arm and whispered in his ear, "Jiang Fan, you lost!" As he spoke, he stood up from the ground, looked down at Jiang Fan, who was breathing heavily, and youyou asked, "do you want to compete again?" For the arrogant spiritual cultivator like Jiang Fan, losing is a very difficult word to say, but now he has to admit that he has indeed lost and is convinced. He sat on the ground, gasped for a while, stood up slowly, scattered his spirit armor and said, "I admit defeat!" Tang Yin smiled. He liked Jiang Fan's simple surname. He took a deep look at him. Tang Yin raised his arm and shouted to his own team, "take Jiang Fan down!" With his words, more than a dozen bodyguards came out of the Tianyuan army camp. When they arrived near Jiang Fan, people looked at each other and were afraid to come forward. Although Jiang fan is not Tang Yin's opponent, after all, he is still an extremely terrible dark spiritual cultivator. People are worried that if he moves forward easily, he will be poisoned by the other party.

Seeing this, Tang Yin frowned and asked, "what are you waiting for?" Hearing Tang Yin's urging, the guards did not dare to stand still any longer. People turned their hearts and bravely walked to Jiang Fan. Some of them took out the sanlingdan and handed it to Jiang Fan's mouth with trembling palms. Without waiting for him to put it in, Jiang Fan took the initiative to open his mouth, put his probe into his mouth, and then swallowed it.

Watching him take the elixir, the bodyguards breathed a sigh. People took out the rope, pulled their shoulders, folded their backs and tied Jiang Fan up. The bodyguards also admire Jiang Fan, who is willing to gamble and lose. He is not as rude as the enemy general. His actions are polite. Even if he is tied up, he is not beaten or scolded.

At this time, Tang Yin's eyes had looked to the Peng army who was breaking through to the East in the distance, waved his hand at will and said, "take it down!" "Yes, my Lord!" The bodyguards answered one after another, brought Jiang Fan back to his camp and took strict care of him.

Xiao MuQing went to Tang Yin's side, looked up at him, and then looked at the Peng army who broke through along Tang Yin's line of sight. At the same time, he asked softly, "just now, your excellency can kill Jiang Fan. Why should you show mercy?" After a while, Tang Yin took back her eyes, turned to Xiao MuQing, smiled and said, "this man, I want it." At present, Tang Yin's subordinates want to have counselors, handsome talents, and strong generals, but there is a lack of an outstanding dark spiritual cultivator general. Jiang fan is undoubtedly the best candidate. In fact, as early as shangguanyuan let Jiang Fan fight, Tang Yin had a love for talents. This time Jiang Fan attacked and was trapped, how could he miss this opportunity? The reason why he wanted to bet with Jiang Fan was to hold Jiang Fan down with words, lest he show his shadow drift and run away.

"I'm afraid it's not easy for adults to take him under their command." Xiao MuQing frowned and shook her head.

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin chuckled and said, "I've never got what I want." Xiao MuQing was stunned. He looked at Tang Yin with his eyes full. He closed his mouth and didn't say any more.

Let's talk about Zhan Wudi and Hao Zhao. They led thousands of disabled soldiers to break through the siege to the East, but not far away, they heard a whistle in front. Then, the torch lit up, a large area of red, and countless wind troops appeared in the dark and closed their way.

"Zhan Wudi, Hao Zhao, don't run away, this road is impassable!" There was a thunderous cry in the wind army camp. A big man came out of the crowd. He was two meters tall, as strong as an ox and as tall as a mountain. He had a huge hammer in his hand. Even if two or three adults worked hard to lift it together, it seemed as light as nothing in his hand.

"War Tiger!" Zhan Wudi and Hao Zhaotong screamed. Both of them had fought with Zhan Hu and knew his bravery and power. At this time, their hearts were half cold when they saw Zhan Hu blocking the way. They subconsciously stopped their steps and stopped in place for three seconds. Hao Zhao bit his teeth and shouted, "general Zhan, let's fight with the enemy, rush!" Now there is no good way to fight invincible and break through. If you stay, you will die. If you rush hard, there may be a glimmer of vitality. Thinking of this, he bowed his head heavily and said, "this war is life or death, all by destiny, rush!" With these words, he took his knife and ran to Zhan Hu.

Zhan Hu is wounded and not suitable for fighting. Moreover, he is not a reckless person. He will not give the other party a chance of close combat. Zhan Hu stood in front of his own camp with a hammer and didn't move. He just preached: "shoot an arrow! Shoot all the enemy troops! " The 20000 plain soldiers behind him heard the speech, twisted their bows and arrows, aimed at the oncoming Peng army and launched a volley.

It's a pity that Zhan Wudi and Hao Zhao couldn't show their abilities. Even if the camp of the original army in Pingping could get close, they were forcibly retreated by arrows like raindrops. The spirit armor on the two people couldn't tell how many cracks there were. Originally, they were only injured by arrows on their shoulders and arms. After a charge, they were shot several times by arrows. Although the spirit armor resisted a lot of strength, But the arrow is still nailed into the flesh.

As for the Peng troops under their command, more than half of them have been damaged, and there are only about 2000 people who can still stand.

Seeing the tragic situation of the other party, Zhan Hu sighed and shouted, "brothers of Peng Jun, don't be stubborn. If you fight hard, you will all be dead. As long as you can disarm and surrender now, I guarantee you won't die!" If the two sides were evenly matched, no one would listen to Zhan Hu's words, but at this moment, the power of his words was too great. Peng Jun, who was already desperate, had rekindled hope in his heart. The dark night in front of him seemed to show the dawn. People looked at each other and slowly put down the weapons in their hands.

With these soldiers as backers, it is as powerful as heaven to rush out. If these soldiers surrender again, there is no possibility of rushing out of the enemy camp! Hao Zhao's eyes turned red at this time and shouted at the Peng army on the left and right: "anyone who dares to surrender will be executed by military law. Do you hear me Peng Bing heard his cry, but no one listened to his command. Bang, I don't know who first threw his weapons to the ground, which seemed to ignite a fuse, triggering a series of chain reactions. Peng soldiers threw away their weapons one after another, threw their helmets to the ground, and then sat down with Hula.

"Get up! Get up and fight for me!" Hao Zhao reached out to lift one of the Peng soldiers around him, but he could lift one or two, but he couldn't lift all of them. As soon as he released his hand, the soldier who was mentioned sat back softly.

"Damn it!" Hao Zhao cursed, cut the soldier in two with a wheel knife, and then shouted to the soldiers around him, "this is the end of the capitulators..." this night, Sergeant Peng had seen too many deaths, too many brothers fell down around him, Hao Zhao killed one person, and people's numb expression didn't change at all, There was no fear even in the soldier's eyes.

At this time, let alone Hao Zhao, even if the gods come down to earth, they will take these soldiers who have no fighting spirit. There is no way.

Hao Zhao was unwilling and wanted to continue chopping. Zhan invincible stepped forward, grabbed his wrist, shook his head and said, "don't waste your strength, general Hao, let's break through to the West!" I knew clearly in my heart that there would be an enemy ambush in the ten * * in the west, but the * * to survive still made Zhan invincible have to try.

Hao Zhao calmed down when he heard the speech. He gasped for breath, nodded and replied, "OK, general Zhan, I'll listen to you!" Zhan Wudi and Hao Zhao are two men. Now they have no soldiers available. They have come to the end of the mountain and water. They break through to the west, which is also a single throw.

Unfortunately, there is also a dead end in the west, where there are 20000 plain troops under the command of Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao.

Looking at the huge crowd of enemy troops in front of him, Zhan Wudi and Hao Zhao both took a breath, and the last glimmer of hope in their heart was also announced to be dashed.

finished! It seems that I really can't rush out of the siege today! Zhan Wudi and Hao Zhao both felt weak in the face of a great disaster. They were surrounded by the inner and outer layers of the 100000 plain army in all directions. They were impenetrable and difficult to fly.

"Hao Wuren, when will you wait?" I don't know when the ambush at the Yuanmen has been pressed near Zhan and Hao. Tang Yin, who is covered with spirit armor and holding a long sickle, stands in front of the team. His eyes twinkle with green light that makes people hair in his heart and stare at them.

"Ha ha... Ha ha..." Zhan Wudi first chuckled and then laughed wildly on his back. After a while, he stopped laughing, stared at Tang Yin with bloodshot eyes and roared, "Tang Yin, villain! I tell you, today we are invincible and can be defeated here, but the military prestige of our Ning army will never be compromised here. There are no surrenders in our Ning army! Come on, Tang Yin, dare you come out and fight me? " "Ha ha!" Tang Yin smiled, not only didn't fight, but also scattered his spiritual armor, shook his head and said, "even if you have the courage of thousands of people, you're just a man who doesn't know the current affairs. It's just a man. Isn't it worth asking me to fight?" After saying that, ignoring Zhan Wudi's reaction, he turned his eyes to Hao Zhao and asked, "Hao Zhao, I asked you for the last time, do you want to go with Zhan Wudi or join our army?" "This..." Hao Zhao hesitated and didn't answer immediately, but at the moment of his hesitation, Tang Yin raised his arm and shouted, "ready to shoot an arrow!"

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