Zhang and Yu officials didn't know where Zhong Tian and Xiao Shang were hiding. Even if Feng Jun tortured them, they couldn't answer. Until the early morning of the next day, Feng Jun had almost searched Zhangyu city from beginning to end, but there was no harvest. He didn't find the whereabouts of Zhong Tian and Xiao Shang at all.

When the news came back to Tang Yin, the latter was furious and ordered Xiao MuQing and Ziying to continue to do their best to check. If there was no result at night, they didn't have to come back. Xiao MuQing and Ziying secretly grin. No matter what difficulties and dangers they encounter on the battlefield, they can come up with ways to overcome them, but they are really not low in their hearts about this search like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Xiao MuQing did not blindly order to continue the comprehensive search, but let the soldiers of the whole army rest temporarily. He himself found Lotte and asked his opinions. Lotte is much better than him in tracking down and spying on this aspect. Xiao MuQing also knows this. After hearing Xiao MuQing's intention, Lotte frowned. Although Tang Yin didn't order him to find Zhong Tian, Lotte sent most of Tianyan's spies to inquire and secretly investigate Zhong Tian's whereabouts. However, like Xiao MuQing and Ziying, Lotte didn't find any clues.

He said faintly: "the residents in Zhangyu city are as many as 50000 or 60000, with a population of hundreds of thousands. With so many houses, there may be many secret roads and secret rooms to hide. In addition, most of our soldiers have not seen Zhong Tian himself. If he changes into the clothes of the people, he may not be able to recognize him even standing in front of him. Therefore, let the soldiers below search, It has little effect. " Yeah! Lotte makes sense! After listening to Lotte's analysis, Xiao MuQing took a breath secretly. He asked suspiciously, "so... General Le, in your opinion?" Lotte thought for a moment, and then said, "Zhangyu city must be under full martial law. No matter in the dark or during the day, the residents in the city are not allowed to go out. Then, the area in the city is divided into several blocks, and General Xiao personally leads the soldiers to look for them door to door. After checking one, block one to ensure that Zhong Tian is outside the scope of the check. In this way, After all, you can dig out the clock sky. " Xiao MuQing nodded while listening, pondered for a moment, and said with a bitter smile: "general Le's idea is good, but it also consumes time. My Lord makes me find Zhong Tian before nightfall..." Lotte sighed and said helplessly: "in terms of the current situation, it's impossible at all. In my opinion, Zhong Tian either disguised himself as a common man or hid in a very hidden place. It takes a lot of time to find him. " "Yes!" Xiao MuQing answered and pondered for a while. He thanked Lotte deeply. Without further delay, he turned and left. Don't be happy, he found Ziying again and said his way to Ziying again. Ziying smiled at the speech and said, "that's a good idea!" Xiao MuQing smiled bitterly and said, "good is good, but the search time will also be very long, which will inevitably miss the time limit specified by the adult." Ziying smiled and said, "this is easy! We can first divide the whole city into several blocks according to general Le's method, and then send several people and horses to check separately. " "Wrong!" Xiao MuQing shook his head and said, "most of our soldiers have never seen Zhong Tian. What if he changes his clothes and looks like a common man?" "Ha ha!" Ziying smiled and said, "few of General Xiao's subordinates have seen Zhong Tian, but my subordinates have all seen Zhong Tian, and they have seen him more than once or twice. They will lead the team and look for him separately. There will be no leakage." Ah! Xiao MuQing nodded suddenly and patted his forehead twice. How could he forget this? Ziying, together with his generals and corps leaders, is Zhong Tian's subordinate. Naturally, he is very familiar with Zhong Tian. Even if he turns gray, he can recognize him! He laughed up and said, "OK! In the opinion of general Ziying! " At this time, Ziying waved to get the map of Zhangyu and took out his pen. While discussing with Xiao MuQing, Ziying drew a line on it and divided the Zhangyu city into twelve sections bounded by several main roads. He and Xiao MuQing checked six sections respectively. In addition, he lent three of his generals to Xiao MuQing and asked them to help the plain army search in return, Xiao MuQing divided the plain army into 20000 and lent it to Ziying to make up for the lack of strength of Tianying soldiers.

After discussion, the two sent their servants to the city and told the people of Zhangyu that the Fengjun army had begun to completely seal the city. No matter who it was, it was strictly forbidden to go out, and those who violated the order would be killed without amnesty. Under the command of the two of them, hundreds of soldiers rode fast horses into the urban area, shuttled back and forth in the main and secondary roads, kept shouting and shouted the order to seal the city to the people in the city.

At this time, it was already bright. In the cry of sergeant Feng, it was not long. The people could not be seen in the streets and alleys in the city. No matter the main road, secondary road, alley and alley, they were empty and no trace of people. Only occasionally, we could see a team of sergeant Feng passing in a hurry.

Next, the plain army and the sky Eagle army began to enter the urban area in an all-round way. On Xiao MuQing's side, he first asked people to surround the three areas he wanted to search, and then divided his soldiers into three teams. He himself and two deputy army heads led the team respectively. In addition, three generals borrowed from Ziying were also assigned to three teams to search separately.

The area Xiao MuQing wants to search is not very large, but there are thousands of residents in it. It is not so easy to search it all from beginning to end. He sighed secretly. The generals with hard scalp and son Tassels and their own followers began to search Zhong Tian door by door.

The general he took with him is he Peng. He has been working under Ziying's account since he joined the army. He can be regarded as Ziying's heart and abdomen general. Xiao MuQing inquired while searching and asked what he pengzhong Tian looked like. Not to mention the soldiers under the plain army, even Xiao MuQing himself has never seen Zhong Tian.

He Peng didn't know how to describe it. He grinned and said, "Zhong Tian has a white face and a black beard. He doesn't look fat, but he's not thin. He is of medium build!" After hearing this, Xiao MuQing's eyebrows almost twisted into a pimple. People like him grabbed a large number of them, but they actually didn't say anything. However, he Peng is not to blame. Zhong Tian's appearance has no characteristics. It's not ugly, but it's not good-looking. It's just an ordinary appearance. If it's different from ordinary people, it's also the temperament of nobility and the maintenance of respect and excellence, but it's difficult to describe it in words.

Seeing that Xiao MuQing was very dissatisfied with his reply, he Peng thought for a moment and said, "Zhong Tian is very timid. Even when he didn't usurp the throne, he always goes out in front of and behind the cluster, and there are countless bodyguards around him. I think... Now the situation is so critical, there must be close bodyguards around Zhong Tian. Even if he doesn't bring too many people to hide his trace, But they must be Lingwu masters! " The speaker had no intention, but the listener had a heart, and silently listened to he Peng's words. Xiao MuQing suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind and said in secret that he was right! Zhong Tian is famous for his timidity. When his side completely captured Zhangyu, he must be surrounded by bodyguards, and he must be a clever and profound bodyguard.

Thinking of this, Xiao MuQing immediately stopped his steps and called the herald on his side to ask him to go to the other two teams to release the art of insight when searching to see if there were spiritual practitioners. Then he arranged for his followers to follow him in turn to release their insight.

Insight is the most basic auxiliary skill of Lingwu in the Department of light. It doesn't consume much aura, but ordinary spiritual practitioners can't afford to release it for a long time.

Xiao MuQing and Ziying went out in person and led the plain army and the eagle army. They searched hard all morning, but there was no harvest. In the afternoon, Tang Yin couldn't sit still in the camp. He went into the city to find Xiao MuQing and search for Zhong Tian with him.

Tang Yin's arrival did not bring good luck to Xiao MuQing. As the evening approached, Zhong Tian's whereabouts were still not found. At this time, Xiao MuQing took out the map and looked carefully. At the beginning, his negotiation with Ziying was to act separately. He felt that he could search the whole Zhangyu city in almost one day, but in practice, he knew that it was far from that simple. A day passed quickly, and he didn't even check an area.

It was getting darker and darker. The soldiers of the wind army had lit torches one after another and searched until late at night. Zhong Tian didn't find them. The soldiers below couldn't stand it. They hadn't closed their eyes for two days and one night. They were running around fighting and didn't even eat a good meal. At this time, they were tired and looked listless, as if they could sleep standing.

Now Tang Yin can finally realize the difficulties encountered by Xiao MuQing and Ziying. It is not that they are not dedicated or incompetent, but that it is really too difficult to find a few people in the whole city. He turned to look at Xiao MuQing, who was also tired. If he listened carefully, Xiao MuQing's stomach was still beating drums from time to time.

Tang Yin casually asked, "Xiao MuQing, have you had lunch?" Xiao MuQing was stunned at first, and then hurriedly replied, "no, sir." "Yes!" Tang Yin nodded, walked out of the alley, stood on the main road and looked around. He saw a small restaurant not far away. He waved to Xiao MuQing in the back and said, "I didn't have dinner either. Take your generals and let's have something to eat together. Also, stop the search and let the soldiers have a rest first!" "Yes, my Lord!" After hearing this, Xiao MuQing hissed and ordered the soldiers to stay and rest. In addition, he told his men to go back to the camp immediately and organize people to send all the meals prepared in the camp to the city to fill the soldiers. Man is iron and rice is steel. No matter how arduous the task is, it is important to have a full meal first, otherwise the soldiers have no strength to work.

After all the explanations were made, Xiao MuQing followed Tang Yin and walked to the restaurant in front. When he came near, Xiao MuQing looked up and his heart was half cold. Because the Fengjun had ordered the closure of the city, the people in the city were not allowed to go out, the small restaurant did not open, and the doors and windows were closed.

"My Lord, I think we'd better go back to the camp to eat!" Xiao MuQing said with a bitter smile.

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